is there anything the shills could even try to say at this point?
Other urls found in this thread:
"The False Song of Globalism" needs to be a title for a book.
Globalists BTFO
I just started the fucking thread don't go le >(1) memeing already
Admittedly I've been feeling discouraged from the Trump campaign over the last few weeks. But his foreign policy talk was really great. I felt that spark again.
He started off his speech with some rushed pro-Israel fluff and then spent the rest of it reiterating that our allies better start being good to us - zero tolerance for abuse. Good stuff.
When he slammed "globalism" you could almost feel the collective "oy vey" gasped around the world.
Well I guess they could immediately start with their epic ironic shitposting to derail every Trump thread before it begins.
Why are you shitposting this hard, Jew?
It gets responses and quickens the thread to >10 posts
What said
This is basically the entire draw to Trump's campaign. People are sick of the multiculti Obongo shit.
This is why conservativehas become a meaningless moniker in the 2016 election. You're either a globalist or not.
Holy fuck the kikes must be extremely buttblasted by the Don doing this to slide and shill this hard
The shilling is real.
It's either a bot or a retarded user being a retard.
Holy fucking dickballs, are there some butt blasted kike shills on this thread or what?
I think this one is schizophrenic
Dan Gabriel is getting paid overtime right now
It's that or it's a bot. They should be reported and their posts filtered whatever the case.
But anyways, El Trumpo is the man, tbh lads.
you know what would be tragic? if they weaponized tay against us.
This man is for real.
Just filter the kike and move on.
I've filtered and reported them and you should too. Just a faggot, that's all.
Why must you hurt me this way?
Most likely a bot,
sage because he of the temporary thread derail
Webm of him saying "the false song of globalism"?
Direct link to speech
holy fuck this thread is getting shitposted hard
Just a few hundred more posts until you can afford that new phone you wanted, champ.
This has got to be a joke. Why are people replying to this?
Trump is basically naming the Jew at this point.
Interestingly enough it is only one shill.
Under a Trump presidency we could see the disintegration of the European Union and freedom for Europe.
Truly Trump will make not only America Great Again but also Europe will be Great Again.
Meanwhile in the Cruz campaign they are desperately trying to maintain relevancy by nominating the insane war hawk Fiorina.
If ever there was any doubt about Trumps Nationalism, it has all but been removed now.
thats some serious shitposting
It's refreshing to hear a potential president blowing the fuck out for globalism for once. I mean, we always knew Trump was a Nationalist but this speech left zero ambiguity.
It also explains his "support" for Israel. He is basically the same as hitler at this point. Get em out but let them have their own country, let us have ours.
(I know im bumping my own post but)
this is the only ^^REAL^^ song America needs
Troll the hell out of this kike. He's practicing serious damage control trying to save neo-cohenism.
A lot better IMO.
YOU have great taste
now all we need to get someone to make a video using the audio
Fucking Beautiful.
Put this man in the White House as soon as possible.
shill please
at least pretend not to be a faggot
On it, any suggestions?
The quickest way to troll this kike is to ask him if he supports open borders for Israel.
id say use Trump at rallies
maybe include him hanging with Vets
basicly try and make it as pro trump as possible
post your work here as you go using webm's if possible
America has a ton of amazing patriotic songs and artwork spanning from the 18th century to the modern era.
because this board is full of autists unable to tell the difference
You do have one, it is just based on ours with your own flavour. Any European over here who says otherwise is either doing it for the bantz, or is butthurt about becoming a man and facing this shit we have today.
I don't do D&C and take "bantz" seriously if it impedes unity…
fukking saved
Of course, The United States is a nation with an European character. A bastion of civilization on a savage continent.
you misspelled flavor so I fixed it for you :^)
Tip Top Kek!
Who is this retard?
You can't tell from that picture?
Reminds me of this little gem from Glenn Cuck
This is correct.
If Jews can put Israel first then Americans can put America first. This is the logic of universalization.
Trump is actually embodying western values.
He's a fucking cartoon neo-con kike. He's an embodiment of it.
lol reported.
How I do love thee
I wish I was a female so I could have his children…
"How do I love thee?"
I bet its a long time since a presidential candidate has uttered statements such as:
"…I will no longer surrender this country or its people to false song of globalism. The nation state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony…"
Can't believe it but he's actually for real isnt he! Good work Ameribros!
How do I love thee!!!!
I watched the live stream and I'm still grinning like an idiot. How did it come to this, how did it so suddenly change?
These a words that will be echoed long after the Trump dynasty.
LOL What is this shill >>5830948 even saying?
He also hinted several times that he would get together with Allies in the EU to address the dangers of muslim immigration.
There's a good chance Europe becomes great again under a Trump presidency.
i didn't know he had a hearing aid
That's an ear-piece you dumb ass.
what a great day
no that us clearly a hearing aid
trust me, i've seen many in my time
By the way, next time you see that anti-Trump guy say Trump said he would send 30,000 troops in Syria to destroy ISIS, you can reply with this link:
DIEHL: And could I ask you about ISIS, speaking of making commitments, because you talked recently about possibly sending 20 or 30,000 troops and—
TRUMP: No I didn’t, oh no no no, okay, I know what you’re saying. There was a question asked to me. I said that the military, the generals have said that 20- to 30,000. They said, would you send troops? I didn’t say send 20,000. I said, well the generals are saying you’d need because they , what would it take to wipe out ISIS, I said pretty much exactly this, I said the generals, the military is saying you would need 20- to 30,000 troops, but I didn’t say that I would send them.
DIEHL: If they said that, would you go along with that and send the troops?
TRUMP: I find it hard to go along with—I mention that as an example because it’s so much. That’s why I brought that up. But a couple of people have said the same thing as you, where they said did I say that and I said that that’s a number that I heard would be needed. I would find it very, very hard to send that many troops to take care of it. I would say this, I would put tremendous pressure on other countries that are over there to use their troops and I’d give them tremendous air supporters and support , because we have to get rid of ISIS, okay, just so — we have to get rid of ISIS. I would get other countries to become very much involved.
Why not tell NATO members to either close their borders or risk losing US military protection?
Because onigger is a literal faggot Muslim who would never do something like that. It's Israels will that the US "protects" these nations
The post-speech (((neo-con))) Twitter asshurt is fucking glorious
>Trump doesn't even know where these places are! Heh, I can name all of Israel's neighbours, can you?
Because more Muslims in Europe = more terrorist attacks = more justification for NATO to remain in Europe (Because while Russia's militaristic actions regarding Ukraine are a major concern for our European allies, NATO must now support European countries in their war against terrorist organisations…)
That delusional ultra-kike Podhoretz got BTFO today.
That's not a bad idea.
Put monetary pressure on Europe to start deporting the hordes they've let infest their countries, all the while you're arresting and prosecuting the fuck out of anyone who in any way encourages or helps illegals to come to or stay in the U.S. (Trump could start doing this his very first day in office). This would force the hordes on both sides of the water to self-deport, end the current attempt at white genocide, frustrate the Jew, and do it all without one shot fired (except for the occasional police shooting of some illegal invader that wants to argue the point).
Trump could be the savior of the white race all over the globe, and the hammer of the Jews.
Here's the video
"How do I love thee?"
How do I love thee?
It's beautiful, isn't it?
Because nation-building has gone so well in the past…
The economy is much MUCH worse than the media lets on. The media is pravda tier at this point.
It's hard to believe that a mere few months ago people used to take these fags seriously
Sometimes we forget he is a 69 year old grandfather. Trump just looks so young.
I'm much younger than him, and I don't have half the energy he does.
I really wish I did, too.
wow what a racist
It's glorious.
Exact same shit in the comments sections of articles covering the speech. These kikes are beginning to realize they have a big problem that isn't going to go away.
how do I love thee?
Wow, I'm actually pretty triggered right now.
Kikes have no shame
But nobody in the establishment wanted Trump to understand that.
White Americans don't want to become a minority in their own country, when they understand that powerless whites will be cucked to death.
War is coming, boys. Can't have the US derail the globalist agenda. Prepare for an economic collapse or something similar, as well as possibly some false flag attacks.
The only reason it even happened was because of the US involvement in the middle east.
Literally USA's mess.
Best birthday present ever!
Our mess? It was your World Wars that created Israel.
Europe isn't one country.
stop the d/c faggots you aren't going to derail
Post YFW Teflon Don gets his clothes from Hugo Boss
What's your point? WWI and WWII were European wars.
His face reminds me of this
I support Trump, faggot.
lol kill yourself
But you’re one idiot
Almost an hour ago, in Holla Forums's US election thread, someone asked for opinion's on Trump's speech.
No replies so far. I'll check in another hour.
you have to go back
then don't engage blatant d/c shills
Me too. I admire his energy. He is what we should all strive for, even if we probably won't attain it.
I have a soft spot for whiny Europeans. It comes from interacting with them for years on the internet…
I have the exact same one
Trump also indicated that he has read the book Clinton Cash:
I really hope he calls her out for the globalist whore that she is during one of the presidential debates.
You keep it on direct life support, fggt. It's all you for decades but now you try to saddle Europe for what UK did offhandedly, what then could've been a flop.
Then why did US butt in? Oh right, "world wars". I bet a tard like you would expect that sort of confllict to play out in Ohio or wherever your back porch view is.
Even Trump agrees with me.
Yet another victimhood nigger neglecting responsibility and blaming others. Modern Europe is truly horrid.
Shills on fucking suicide watch
Trump now Trump forever
Praise Kek and all repeating digits
Shills completely BTFO
Trump for God Emperor of Mankind
Trump for Last President of the United States™
Trump for permanent leader
Shills absolutely 100% done
Trump 2016, check em boys
You are just trying to divide.
Oh shut the fuck up, you kike shill.
well, that was fast.
This made my day and month.
God, this man is great.
where is the webm I missed it in the speech
No I'm not, I just don't have tolerance for victimhood rats.
Leave kike.
Quickest reply ever…
Cloud 9 fam.
Western Civilization is based off of the dynamic between Plato and Aristotle; which usually manifest as objective/subjective, reason/sense certainty.
In all likelihood much of the Torah was written much later than usually account for and was based on a bastardized interpretation of Plato.
Kikes gotta kike.
meme it
Everything kikes have they've stolen.
There is nothing built on Jewish creativity but Christianity, and that was clearly a mistake for Europeans to adopt.
Newt Gingrich loved the speech, National ReJew are losing their shit.
This is what the people have wanted for years now, it's going to be a YUUUGE success in the polls.
Hod do I love thee?
When he said "Nation State" I Trumpgasmed
So who is this bald butterball?
Why is HIS twitter account supposed to be worth a shit?
I have no idea who this guy is, and have no idea why I should care.
because of you the US is going to go full globalist now.
Good job. you just had to fuck that post up.
those digits
he's just some zionist kike neo-cohen an user found commenting on Trump's speech
Oh well. I mean, not that I condone violence, but…
How do I love thee?
Just plug his name into kikepedia and it will all become clear.
Something to also realize is that deportation of illegals isn't just deportation of illegals. It also means that anchor babies are gone and stay gone. Obviously the ones over 18 will probably stay, but those under 18 who go back most likely will be too young to get proper identification to allow for an easy return when they turn 18.
In my state alone you need two pieces of ID just to get a photo ID card and three pieces to get a driver's license. Something like 85% of anchor babies will be underage when Trump takes office- the overwhelming majority are not going to come back, especially if the Republicans decide to be real men and require even more ID to prove people entering from outside the US are actual citizens.
When the illegals and anchor babies are gone, they're gone. It will finally be done and America will be white again.
Why not the north/pol/ alliance of wihte people?
Also a great quote from his speech:
"How do I love thee?"
First the God-Emperor holocausts the opposition & sweeps all states in yesterday's primaries, then he comes out in a serious & very presidential speech and openly opposes globalism and declares support for the U.S. nation-state in very clear, no uncertain words.
My god, I feel so goddam good today, better than I've felt in decades.
I guess this is what hope feels like.
Let me make amends.
How do I love thee?
I'm also feeling inspired, user.
The ((globalists)) are being discovered..
I haven't been thrilled by Trump like this since he redpilled the USA on General Pershing and suggesting shooting mudslimes with bullets soaked in the blood of swine.
I love this man so much.
Trying to tell me it's a bot?
Keep in mind that there's plenty of material in this video that we can use to make propaganda videos.
Take for example how Trump wants to build a better relationship with Russia, whereas Hillary has on many occasions called Putin a maniac.
Very clear.
Just those statements from trump will trigger many, I cant wait to hear what the global elites will have to say.
How do I love thee?
Between the sweep yesterday and this? I'm starting to get just a little too excited.
I myself am global elite, reached it after 700 hours of playtime and i have to tell you, this game is a massive waste of time, it's a total dice roll every match every shot. Valve is incompetent.
If nothing else this alone would make me vote for trump.
Careful, you'll a-spoil your pantaloons…
Ive been pretending to be a yid and spamming everywhere that him calling out internationalists was a dog whistle for jews and that I am scared for jewry in america.
I think if its shilled enough we can get the kikes to project very hard.
Just tweeted to this Podberg fellow. Can't see my own tweet.
I am not into Twitter, it seems like a clusterfuck to me.
Fucking hell, it's like most of them took a shit on their keyboard and pressed submit. These retards don't even know their own nation's history. Fucking shameful.
If I wadnt so smug right now the kvetching would make me vomit.
I cant wait til trump weighs in on citizens united. that's going to be one ofhis biggest power plays. Cap this.
I'm actually getting scared of him ending up in a (((car accident))) or getting shot by a (((muslim))) or some other type of coincidence
Will Trump dismantle globalist organizations in the US for 'top secret national security reasons :DDDDD'
Hey Holla Forums
Holy fuck these neo-cohens and their goy sympathizers are fucking retarded
How long until Trump declares all government workers can no longer have dual citizenships?
aka Israeli citizenship
He has the best security money can buy. PLUS a secret service detail and they all love him and thus are dedicated to protecting him. He is in safe hands.
How do I love thee?
Not long. Hes already statedthat needs to change.
Can we start memeing Hillary as the globalist candidate and Trump as the nationalist candidate?
This is why he is our God-Emperor, and Hillary Clinton is his favorite son, Horus. We all know how that ended.
shillary is the scheming fuck eldar who ended up giving birth to slaanesh
So here's the winning strategy to get Cruz out of the race.
We could start the hashtag #Hillary4globalism.
that explains the volume of his voice
That is not a fucking hearing aid it is an ear piece like the secret service wear and people on TV wear to hear the program director.
Anyone else giddy right now? I'm giddy as a fucking schoolgirl to hear him say this.
You want to get really mad?
Check this shit out. The audacity of this fucking yid.
Gotta agree.
Trump is a confirmed nationalist, not just a patriot a NATIONALIST.
Patriots & Nationalists are the same thing.
Are you abn?
(I am)
I suppose nationalism is the politicised version of patriotism. Obama calls himself a patriot, it's just a buzzword that gets you elected.
I really like this guy, hits the head on the nail every time.
Not even the best secret service can protect you from a bullet shot from 2 miles away, also a (((terrorist))) pretending to be a Trump supporter could get real close to him in a rally
He is messing up with too many powerful people, the only reason he is still alive is that they fear creating a martyr
He must be very careful, it's true.
But great leaders can't lead in hiding, and Trump is not the type to cower from danger.
All I can say is, woe to the idiot that would dare try such a thing. His death will not be swift or easy, if Trump's supporters get to him, and his family, regardless of how innocent, will all die.
the rat is already out. Trump has it locked up. He isn't taking a ratty liar onto his team. Rato, carly, Lubio, and guac man burned their bridges to standing with President Trump. That ship has sailed.
The pawn who kills Trump will suffer consequences indeed, but (((they))) will not
Sorry for being pessimist here, but I have been disappointed too many times before, a Trump presidency is the kind of thing that feel too good to become reality for me.
go the fuck ahead. we'll hunt you down, we'll make you suffer
you know what it feels like to have gallons of rubber cement shoved up a certain orifice? not nice. it'll happen and it'll continue until you talk
you have watched too many movies and really don't know anything about this do you?
whoops wrong thread
We'll find them.
And they are just as vulnerable as Trump, or anyone else.
Face it…the only reason any of us are still alive is that nobody has decided to kill us yet.
Killing is simple and easy, nobody is ever really protected.
That user wasn't threatening to assassinate Trump, he was arguing assassination would be easy.
No need to be a hothead.
jokes on you, i'm being stone cold calm
These kikes are in a complete meltdown.
Lindbergh did nothing wrong.
I respect Trump's decision and would never criticize a person from abstaining from any of them, but there's just something about having a couple pints with some friends.
What? I hope this is true.
Trump is god for saying this. The god emperor. Rat fuck thieves hate him. This one weird trick.
you probably know what it feels like you big gay bastard
"I like water" the phrase was adopted by Trump, was a beverage choice by Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler, and Hitler wasn't a very nice man
They keep going.
you want gay? believe me, i'll give you more gay than you can ever handle
Gosh, next you'll tell me Trump only drives Ford
Was getting cock part of your plan?
Brit here.
Stop in fighting.
We're in this together. Anglo culture fighting back against (((the deceivers))).
They must be retarded, there's no way they'll convince normalfags of this idiocy.
but getting cock'd might be part of yours
Read the whole thing, it's bretty gud.
Some quotes:
Apparently anyone who was against wars of aggression during the rise of the NatSocs is a "nazi sympathizer"
The Jew is speaking out of his ass. Under that logic, Walt Disney, Gerald Ford, JFK, and Sinclair Lewis would also be "nazi sympathizers"
He said drinking once in awhile is okay but drinking too often is BAD.
I'll be damned. Based. As. Fuck.
From Lindbergh's autobiography:
"I was deeply concerned that the potentially gigantic power of America, guided by uninformed and impractical idealism, might crusade into Europe to destroy Hitler without realizing that Hitler's destruction would lay Europe open to the rape, loot and barbarism of Soviet Russia's forces, causing possibly the fatal wounding of western civilization"
Lindbergh knew what Patton would come to understand: America fought on the wrong side of World War I and World War II.
Yes, because we all know that it's America's God-given duty to play Daddy Warbucks to the rest of the world, even if it the bill for it all is trillions of dollars worth of debt
Seems he wasn't national socialist himself but did sympathize with them over a great many things.
Goddamn. He saw what was going on too.
how about this instead. all the cucks who want these policies sign a list, get drafted, and we send them to build up these countries with their own resources
Read my post again hothead
I fucking love Trump, I'm just realistic
I wish my country had someone like him running for president
We're with you, Britbro.
These kikes really don't know when to stop.
that's such a good line, who can't get behind that?
I can practically hear the worldwide cries of "Oy vey!!!"
It's so simple, and yet so effective. I love it.
They're freaking out, Trump is ruining almost 100 years worth of lying and scheming.
It's sheer panic.
It's the sort of complacency you can get into when you've never really had any meaningful challenge
(((Jeffrey Goldberg)))
They're going all out, but they still haven't figured out that they're just making him stronger. Even the most plebian normies can see "America First" is just that, putting America first. These kikes are starting to come off as the tinfoilers who look for triangles in episodes of The Simpsons.
How do I love thee!!!!
These people are like actual fucking Holla Forums caricatures of the globalist jew jesus christ
The "oy vey ebil nazziiis" conditioning is wearing off. These comparisons are going to backfire hard. Average joe silent majority guy isn't as dumb as they think, and it's the liberal statist that's ruining his life not long dead Germans they only see in grainy black and white on the same TV who's lies they're getting sick of.
Omitted - of course - in all this is the fact that World War 2 ended with the Soviet Union occupying half of Europe.
Yeah, tell us more about how Nazi Germany needed to be defeated to defend FREEDOM and RIGHTS, but as for the Soviet Union? Oy vey you dumb goyim, America can't be everywhere at once, we have to practise realpolitik with them :^)
Was about to say. This is surreal.
"We can have peace and security only so long as we band together to preserve that most priceless possession, our inheritance of European blood, only so long as we guard ourselves against attack by foreign armies and dilution by foreign races"
-Charles Lindbergh, 1939
Ah, so that's where that quote comes from.
(((Clinton allies)))
If Trump is elected can I as a Britbong move over to make America Great again? Will you accept an anglo brother?
If you have a rifle capable of making a shot like that, you won't be hard to track down.
Are we sure he is not actually the second coming of Christ?
How do I love thee?
Yes. Lord knows America needs more White immigrantrs.
(((Political Juice)))
Except there wasn't any threat to "American interests" from Nazi Germany, you old kike hag. Even if Nazi Germany managed to defeat the Soviet Union and held all of Europe, invading the mainland US was beyond Nazi Germany logistical capabilities.
The threat of nuclear annihilation via the Soviet Union that FDR spent so much time sucking the cock of trumped any threat that Nazi Germany posed to the US
My hope is Trump is going to set off a domino effect. Everyone is watching the united states hoping that Trump will turn the tide. Once he does in the UK, France, Canada, etc others will get the bright idea "they did it so can we". It's going to be a struggle.
Thank you my American cousin.
We share so much together that the divide and conquer narrative can fuck off.
Our shared language, History, fighting alongside each other in so many wars.
We are stronger together, and I'd be honoured to be a part of the Greatest nation on Earth.
That's because we were never characterizing…we were being entirely accurate.
unseren Kampf für unsere Zukunft
Oh fuck America needs a president like this
How do I love thee?
How I do love thee?
And their arrogance shows no signs of letting up either.
I feel you bro. Once great Britain is now no more. It has been given over to the hoards. At least here in the states we still have a chance. Great Cuckstain has no chance left.
Take refuge and help MAGA
You come over, I'll let you shoot my guns and I'll let you try some REAL BBQ.
These kikes have completely lost their minds.
So let me get this straight… They're getting salty because Trump plans to keep America out of WWII?
Fucking sweaty merchants.
I can't wait for these idiots to - inevitably - try to justify the last ~20 or so years of American foreign policy
gotta save those kikes user
For fuck's sake can't they come up with anything better than "literally hitler"? Mind you, it plays in our favour, since it makes the whole accusation meaningless, but it's getting cringy.
Thanks, it's sad to admit it, but it's the truth. England is too far gone, we have a muslim loving government, London is a foreign city within England, you'd be hard pressed to find a white English speaker in London. The entire country is a mess.
Trips of BBQ shooting.
That sounds comfy as fuck user, something I'd never be able to do here in the UK.
Jews actually believe their own propaganda about Hitler.
War was the only reason any of them were ever killed in WW2.
we were already in II
I heard that ((( SRS ))) on reddit calls the_donald the_adolf.
How do I love thee?
In what world does it mean that you love your country=hurr racism?
Possibly the least surprising sentence I've ever read.
How do I love thee?
Have these people ever set foot outside of their think tanks? This is grade school level sophistry.
And if you're one of the 10 people in the world that can reliably make a shot like that, they already know your fucking address.
This filthy mudslime is whining about Trump again.
I've come under the realization that once upon a time, there were people in the background fighting against jewish interests in the US. And the fact we never heard of them again means they silently departed from the history books and were taken down ruthlessly.
America was founded by Masons*
breddy sure he's a designated user
Even a kid with an average hunting rifle can kill you at almost a mile.
Someone with a .50 BMG should have no problem at 2 miles.
l'm trying to register for Trump's rally in CA, but it keeps giving me this ReCAPTCHA bullshit even though there's nothing on the page to enter it. Anyone else have this issue as well and find a way to fix it?
How do i love thee?
He who controls the past (history books), controls the future, he who controls the future, controls the present.
Try turning off your adblocker.
you need more training with funz
Somebody respond
That worked, thanks user. l tried disabling pop-up blocker but that didn't work. Didn't think of adblocker, though.
Did you think the Jew stuff we talk about here was a joke? Did Milo really trick you into belieing that were "ironic racists"?
b-but muh Trump is a jew puppet…
aka the essence of leftist reasoning
Holla Forums is always right!
When I first came to Holla Forums years ago I thought a shekel was a made up currency and not the currency of Israel.
Is this… is this hope I'm feeling? It's been so long I've forgotten. I can almost see it now, a better world on the horizon.
Yeah, no. That's ~$4500 of glass on top of ~$5000 of rifle.
Nah, I like it here.
Same here.
You're not imagining it user, we can all see it too…
He should connect with his german heritage and make a german foreign legion for german expats. No turks allowed
I was talking to a Scottish friend over teamspeak yesterday and I heard you poor bastards in the UK have to get a license for a fucking AIR rifle
I will not judge you for coming over here fast as possible, fixing a mess like that takes an effort that is well beyond a single man
but why user, we're white too and served alongside Nazi's
Patriotism = MUH IDEALS (read: nothing substantive makes you a part of the nation, and you jerk yourself off over the dream of America
Nationalism = MUH PEOPLE (read: a collectivist movement based in substantive reality where you can actually identify who belongs to a country)
Not worth the money, then.
A S&W 1500 in 30-06 with a Leupold 4X scope could make that shot easily (with a decent hunter on the trigger).
H O W D O I L O V E T H E E ? ?
"How do I love thee?"
If people didn't think the ZOG plot was real before, they better realize it now.
1000 yards isn't close to 2 miles you retard
God, I love Kevin MacDonald. If anybody on Holla Forums right now hasn't read Culture of Critique, you need to immediately.
no gunz detected
2 miles = 3520 yards
The(ir) noses are turned
How do I love thee?
Your the Mexicans of Germany you have to go back subhuman
And an assassin would be using a .50 BMG, you chowderhead.
Is this like one of those things where a dude wishes for world peace and he's suddenly the only person on earth?
(((They))) keep telling us to wait for Hitler.
Are we done waiting?
Simply glorious. He is our American Hitler. I will gladly serve.
Yeah well do it in Turkey.
We were talking about 1376 yards, keep up.
If people don't think Hillary is a neocon yet, I don't know what will convince them.
Why am I not surprised? Oh yeah, because I've been browsing Holla Forums for 5 years.
this was mfw. It's probably the most unsurprising thing I've ever heard
The conversation was always about 2 miles, you fucking retard.
Post the other ones plz, user
How do I love thee?
No it couldn't. 1500s often shoot about 1 MOA out of the box but you need about .5 MOA at minimum for an ethical shot at that range (assuming, of course, that you're using tuned hand loads) as well as at least a 12x scope for anyone without extensive training and/or a prodigal amount of skill. And it also bears mentioning that at those ranges .30-06 isn't nearly enough to make a clean kill on an animal that large; 1400 yards is well into belted magnum territory.
Stop spending time on Arfcom and gunboards; the whole "muh nation of snipers" idea is bullshit.
u rly gotta gotta become a tru oper8or
Every time I think he cannot possibly get any better, he does.
What was this hands-on-face meme called? Can anybody tell me? I never fucking figured it out.
It's entirely possible they went underground. A small group of like minded individuals in positions of power who survived by knowing that the fight at the time was lost. That in order to save their country they had to play the long game.
As the country began to go to shit, there were many rich and powerful men who saw the writing on the wall. The attempted "Business plot" that involved Smedley Butler in 1934 was likely the last overt action made by these, the true heirs of America. Some people seem to think it was the globalist side that planned it, because many of the people behind it "never faced charges"or were revealed. They didn't face charges because the kikes and traitors in power didn't want the American people to know that many of their leaders and icons thought the Government were traitors. They were punished behind the scenes , I'm sure.
I just googled "hands on face memes" on google, first result.
maybe you'll get lucky and someone will post a pic with _ doxxx in the name
but it's not this day
you fuck, it only refreshed as I hit post
the shame of this post
Never really thought of it as "Feels good," since that belongs to Pepe, but it makes more sense than anything else.
Anyways, I love the people constantly picking at the speech like "Where's the facts and plans?"
Did Obama fill you up on tons of facts and exact plans before he did them?
So what's the difference?
They aren't laughing anymore
pleb pls.
There are so many factors at play here for a successful kill shot at 1 mile away. That's the reason why the amount of marksmen who can pull that off are astronomically small.
top pleb
in the end, jews will always win.
/poltards passion is for naught.
Am I dead or am I dreaming?
or is this real life?
What is that bear show called now guys? What universe is this?
Fuck, you're right. How could I forget perhaps the most important factors.
So why did the jews complain that Europe and the rest of the West colonized and annexed the entire planet, bringing their values to savages?
Why else do you think (((they))) kidnapped and killed his kid?
Top Kek.
Don't throw stones in glass houses
Y'all niggas forgot the Coriolis effect (rotation of the earth) too.
I'm down.
Good thing I started to /k/ollect last year.
Full scale civil war if (((they))) kill Trump.
Isn't globalism good for the US and world though as it deters wars because most countries have American soldiers in and do not want to start shit in-case it pisses the US off? Also, this basically creates an Empire for the US, I understand the cost but doesn't that outweigh the pros?
We're forgetting altitude too.
No you fool.
Globalism is 'literally communism on a global scale.
Who the fuck do you think is going to be in the central world government overseeing it all?
Benevolent white men?
look at what happened to yockey
That is the biggest factor out of everything mentioned so far.
Globalism brings everything to the lowest common denominator. If one party doesn't play by the same rules it will benefit at the cost of the trade partner. See: China and the U.S. Yes U.S. gets cheap goods, but it slowly loses the ability to pay for them as it loses jobs. It's like the effect the industrial revolution had, but with fewer jobs opening in response.
I'd rather live in a world with constant small wars than one where I payed to not have them fight. Small wars do not use nukes, big empires likely would.
Besides, the American empire is ending soon anyways. 250 year limit, three thousand years unbroken, all empires of man have a life expectancy.
Probably what kept Based President Andrew Jackson alive
The American REPUBLIC is ending. The time of the American Empire is just starting. Trump is our Augustus. Buckle your seat belt, the next 250 years are going to be awesome.
"How do I love thee?"
Wrong. Horus is Ivanka, the Traitor From Within.
If the people trying to control the world with their Globalist narrative were as all-powerful and skilled at playing the Daes Dae'mar as some of the more out-there skeptics believed they were, then they wouldn't be losing control the way they are, and there wouldn't be nearly as many of us.
Kikes are good at short-term planning. They don't do long-term planning. They're even self-aware of this, but that still doesn't help them fight it. The entire Jewish fairy tale of the golem that went out of control is a parable invented by a Rabbi to try and teach Jews to stop fucking with shit that has the potential to backfire on them. The parable is at least three thousand years old, and in thirty centuries, they still can't help themselves. They consistently make the exact same mistakes over and over again.
Jews are compulsive gambling addicts. They will always give in to the urge to push the envelope instead of playing it safe, and they will always ultimately go bust in the end because of it, with no one to blame but themselves.
If Jews and Globalism in general was as Illuminati as some people make it out to be, how did Trump rope-a-dope them with as basic a trick as "say something controversial, get free coverage"? That trick working the first time, maybe one could see, but he did this over a dozen times, getting the exact same results each time. Hell, he's still doing it now.
If they were capable of postponing short term gains (like views and ticket sales, for instance) for long term profit, this wouldn't be happening. They would have just No Platformed Trump after his first speech, and that would have been the end of it.
Their greed will end up getting the best of their common sense every single time. The last Jew on Earth would sell the hordes the rope they'll use to hang him with.
That's what the Globalists are really scared of. Believe it or not, we're actually much better at playing the spider in the web than they are. The last thing they want is to be forced off of their thrones due to age or regime change, and for this generation of hardened Nationalists to inherit. We don't stand to ruin their plans in a short-term way. We stand to undo the mistakes of the last five hundred years, and found an Empire of allied Nation States that endures for another thousand or more.
whether globalism rise or fall, jews will have their share of candies and cakes.
M8, they flat-out accused both of them of being Nazi sympathizers."Walt the closet neo-nazi" was practically a Hollywood mantra, not too long ago.
They shit on him because he refused to sell to them. Walt was a white Christian man with White Christian Values, and he was more successful than any of the kike institutions and corporations by miles and miles. It infuriated them beyond reason. When he refused to sell to them or let them acquire his company, they did everything they could to smear and ruin him.
There is a reason Disney today is owned by an entirely Jewish board of directors and chairmen, while Walt's own son was blackballed out of his father's company and had the entire brand stolen out from under him with legal shenanigans.
They had to wait for him to die before they could take it, and they stole it right out of the hands of his son. That's why Disney is a globalist multicultural mouthpiece, now.
Goy Vey, Shut it down!
A great man
pic related
Yeesh.. So that's what, 8 different variables? You'd need to be a math god and be graced with an incredibly steady hand, sharp eye and impeccable breathing control to make a 2 mile long shot.
Should I buy a hardcover?
Absolutely. I regret not doing that myself, and might do it given the second chance. The few hardcovers I own are a signed copy of Trump's Crippled America, Patrick Buchanan's Suicide of a Superpower, and Evola's Ride the Tiger. And the Bible. Inb4 some fag criticizes me for owning both Evola and Christian literature. I can read into conflicting views, ya know.
Would you look at that, looking up his Wikipedia article is how he was raised a Jew
*shows that
What does your Evola look like?
I don't really know what kind of explanation you want. It looks like a good book, and reads like one too :^) ?
Stupid goyim! How can you put your own country first, don't you support israel?
My hardcover copy of Ride the Tiger is gray with a black spine, with silver lettering on the spine, 3/4" thick.
FUCK there's a rally that close to me tomorrow?! I am so fucking disappointed that I can't go. Maybe I could skip out and go.
If 6 million Jews actually died in the Holocaust, neither would he.
Holy fuck. I feel like my whole life has been a lie.
Hitler also had large rallies, just like Trump! Can't you goyim see that Trump is literally Hitler? Don't forget about the 6 billion!!
How do I love thee?
How do I love thee, let me count the ways…..
+ The Wall
+ His Honesty
+ His example of family unity
+ His willingness to gut the system that made him a billionaire so that everyone can get a fair shake.
I can see these showing up as Trump quotes on image macros in 2100-Holla Forums.
How do I love thee?
oy vey it's anuddah shoah
Did you think we were fucking joking? Did that faggot Milo actually have you believing we were "ironic racists" who were just poking old fogeys with sticks for the fun of it? Nigger the Jews run the goddamn world. This is the real counter-revolution, not that bolshevik pinko psyop you call the left.
Not all God Fearing men believe in God, user.
Bullshit. It is scientifically proven a Jew can't go a day without invoking some sort of major asshurt about Hitler, the Holocaust or some business deal going south.
how horrible
maybe he should go to Israel!
I'm sure someone could show him "direct" anti-semitism.
Maybe if your people weren't responsible for the shitty state of america today this wouldn't be happening. Reap what you sow and all that.
Must of had relatives that survived over 6.66 million gas chambers
And Hitler liked to keep the audience waiting to build the anticipation before his speeches, just like Trump.
Well played.
Maybe he should move back to Israel where they approve of Israeli nationalism.
How do I love thee?
Mine too.
Came with a paper "removable" (I dont know how to call it) "extra" cover like pic related.
Whoa whoa whoa, wait a damn minute here. When the hell did Lindbergh become a bad guy anyway? I always thought he was well respected for his aviation and an American hero. His plane has been on postage stamps multiple times. I never heard anything bad about him before today, but suddenly he's an "evil nazi".
Did… did the jews just make Lindbergh a bad guy today? Did we just watch them reprogram the matrix?
I think the word you're looking for it "dust cover".
Everyone who wasn't a Jew during WWII was the bad guy, goy.
Seriously though, (((people))) have been making jabs about Lindbergh and making implications that he was a nazi sympathizer for a long time now.
The overwhelming majority of the US were "Nazi sympathizers" until the Jewish media decided to start ramping up after they declared war on Germany for kicking their banking cartel out.
Of course they see the contradiction, but they say it anyway.
Hitler was right about them, more and more, I realize he was right about a lot of things
OC here
Jabs are one thing, but this is the mainstream media asserting it as common fact that everyone knows and agrees on. This is how they change history, and they get away with it all the time.
How do i love thee?
Let me smell the ways.
Well, I guess I have something to get. I keep seeing him and that book talked about, might as well see what it's about.
Dunno if this has been posted or not, its the speech in question. The Emperor comes out around the 6:30 mark
Get culture of critique too
The Neocohens and other such cuckservatives are shitting on her pretty hard. Of course they're wrong but facts don't stop their hatred of Trump.
This shitskins idea of foreign policy is sunk loss fallacy
Shills can't downplay this one.
How do I love thee?
It's all true. Amazing how they are even trying to put a positive light on the Cuckoo, of all species.
Those trips confirm Kek's presence.
Download it if you'd like to user.
How do I love thee?
This was clearly a prepared speech, but he's not using a teleprompter. You can tell because of the adlibs when there's a pause. He knows it because he wrote it. And he means it.
Thanks, user.
Today is a good day boys
This. Even if you hated him, Hitler was a counter to the USSR and Communism. Without the 2 front war, he probably could have bested the USSR and killed communism in its infancy.
Ron Paul was our olive branch to the existing establishment.
Now Trump is our response.
How do I love thee?
those guys look pretty /alt/-right
No, no they do not.
Yeah, they've been completely absent from Holla Forums today.
beautiful photograph, user.
This is like saying a fungal infection that's depleting you of energy and resources isn't parasitic to a human because it may actually stave off certain bacterial infections.
Yeah they're definitely trying to justify it so you cannot use science against their genocidal policies.
Alex Jones must be going nuts
How do I love thee?
How do I love thee?
his fucking nose. christ. if your nose is the size of a basketball, have the decency to wear glasses that don't make it look even bigger.
Already happened.
The ironic thing about Ride the Tiger is that it is the only thing Evola was completely wrong about.
To hell with riding the tiger.
Skin the son of a bitch and mount it's head on your wall, or die trying.
The Wolves of Vinland are proof that the Pagan LARPers who frequent here, or at least the vocal ones that fling shit, are utter hypocrites.
He's kosher if he lives.
"Israel, our great friend, and one, true democracy in the Middle East."
"…Israel…a force for justice and peace…"
"Iran must never be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon."
Sounds like an America First policy to me, user.
Alex Jones has gotten more and more insane over there years. Remember when he did this in one of the best movies of all time?
How do I love thee?
It's a good momento mori, to be reminded of it. Nothing is entirely pure.
How do I love thee?
I feel co-opted.
Liberals are panicking. Huffingtonpost calls the speech 'frighteningly erratic'. They even site four instances of him 'contradicting himself'.
Gotta love the deceitful media.
It will be a struggle, but it will be much easier with trump getting america off of europe's back.
Please, OP. My sides are splitting.
Rejects globalism, made his fortune from globalism building towers round the world and using foreign labor. Talks about Americas role in bringing peace and freedom to the world.
USA is and always has been a globalist and conquering BUSINESS. You think Hawaii and Alaska and soon Puerto Rico got claimed by someone staying at home in Kansas and fucking his wife?
You think the thousands of military bases all over the planet just popped there magically?
How do i Love thee?
How do I love thee?
Engaging in business enterprises in oreign lands isn't globalism. Mercantilistic colonialism by nationalistic western empires of the 17th through early 20th centuries wasn't globalism.
The shills finally came
The Cold War is over m8, the Russians don't want to restart the Warsaw Pact and as much as the Kim dynasty loved/loves to saber-rattle I don't think Kim Jong-Un wants to throw out a nation that's basically his sandbox on the minimal chance he can unify the peninsula by war.
Globalization =/= Globalism
Finally, I will work with our allies to reinvigorate Western values and institutions. Instead of trying to spread “universal values” that not everyone shares, we should understand that strengthening and promoting Western civilization and its accomplishments will do more to inspire positive reforms around the world than military interventions.
Finally, I will work with our allies to reinvigorate Western values and institutions. Instead of trying to spread “universal values” that not everyone shares, we should understand that strengthening and promoting Western civilization and its accomplishments will do more to inspire positive reforms around the world than military interventions.
Surprised you guys didn't know how badass Charles Lindbergh was, I thought it was common knowledge in our circles.
"Lindbergh became a prominent member of the “America First” Committee, a group of business leaders and others who believed that the Roosevelt administration was maneuvering to bring the nation into World War II on the side of England. Lindbergh gave a controversial speech in Des Moines, Iowa, in which he identified American Jews as one of three pro-war groups. He had said: "Their (the Jews') greatest danger lies in large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government. We cannot blame them for looking out for what they believe to be their interests, but we also must look out for ours."
"Lindbergh’s life parallels that of Henry Ford in several respects. Besides the Michigan connection, both were men of immense mechanical ability who contributed to the transportation industry. Both built their own machines. Both were widely admired in their time. They were personal friends. Ford and Lindbergh worked together on activities of the “America First” Committee. Lindbergh later worked as a consultant to the Ford Motor Company in Detroit during the early war years when Ford was gearing up to produce military aircraft. Lindbergh, like Ford, became a magnet for accusations of anti-Semitism."
"In Lindbergh’s case, the accusations are supported by several trips which the famed aviator made to Germany in the 1930s. Lindbergh never met Hitler, but he did meet Herman Goering and others involved in German aviation. Lindbergh also received a medal from the German government which he refused to return when asked to do so by Jewish groups. Lindbergh and his wife wrote books which cast the Nazi government in a favorable light. And, of course, Charles Lindbergh was a prominent member of the “America First” Committee that sought to prevent the U.S. Government from entering World War II on the side of England and against Germany.
It may be that the trouble began in conflict between journalists or newsreel photographers and Lindbergh, a celebrity who wanted his privacy. Lindbergh believed that the newsreel photographers were primarily Jewish. He wrote that on his honeymoon “some motion-picture photographers came in a speedboat and demanded that we come on deck and have our pictures taken. We made no reply so for over six hours they circled … in the speedboat, just fast enough for the waves to keep our boat rocking unpleasantly side to side, while they shouted at us loudly.
Later, when Lindbergh’s political views became known, the newsreel photographers, in Lindbergh’s opinion, edited statements to make him seem ridiculous. “To speak for the newsreels on a political subject is dangerous,” he wrote, “because one has no control over the way they cut the picture or the setting in which they place it .. By speaking for the newsreels, I take the chance that they will cut my talk badly and sandwich it in between scenes of homeless refugees and bombed cathedrals.” Lindbergh continued: “I can never quite get over the times their men tried to sneak up behind us with a microphone hidden under their coats.
Lindbergh’s big mistake politically, as previously noted, was to accuse American Jews of being one of the three groups pushing for American entry into World War II, the other two being the Roosevelt administration and the British government. Former President Hoover told Lindbergh that mentioning the Jews in this way was a “mistake” even if the statement was true. The Des Moines audience cheered loudly when Lindbergh made his statement. However, the New York Times carried “bitter attacks on my speech from Jewish and other organizations and from the White House.
General Wood (the group’s leader) has decided to hold a meeting of the America First National Committee in Chicago (to discuss the Lindbergh controversy). I must, of course, attend. I felt I had worded my Des Moines address carefully and moderately. It seems that almost anything can be discussed today in America except the Jewish problem. The very mention of the word ‘Jew’ is cause for a storm, Personally, I feel that the only hope for a moderate solution lies in an open and frank discussion.
It may also be that American Jews had it in for Lindbergh because he fit the profile of the north European or “Aryan” type that Nazi propagandists touted. His blue-eyed, blond-hair “good looks” were not the type of personal attractiveness that Jews favored under those circumstances. When Lindbergh stayed in the “Nordic room” in a Minneapolis hotel, Lindbergh noted in his diary that perhaps in Minnesota he could get away with this without attracting hostile comment."
""The more pessimistic view is presented in a novel by (((Philip Roth))), published in 2004. The title is “The Plot against America.” It was a Book-of-the-Month Selection. The stark image of a swastika imprinted on a postage stamp adorns the cover of the book. So, right off the bat, we know that Lindbergh was a Nazi and that he was engaged in some kind of “plot against America”. In other words, he was a traitor to his country.
What was this “plot against America” in Roth’s novel? According to its scenario, Charles Lindbergh ran for President in 1940 against Franklin D. Roosevelt and won. One of the first things he did as President was to negotiate a deal with the Nazis conceding to Germany the European continent if Hitler would leave America alone. Then, as President, Lindbergh concocted a scheme to make America’s Jewish population go away.
“An organized campaign of anti-Semitism swept the nation” during Lindbergh’s administration, says a review of Roth’s book, “and urban Jews were forced to relocate to small towns in the South and West for purposes of ‘assimilation’ … Jewish boys (like Roth) are sent off to work on Christian families’ farms in the innocent-sounding ‘Just Folks’ program. President Lindbergh takes his single-engine plane out for daily spins around Washington, D.C., and sometimes cross-country to surprise his adoring fans with impromptu cornfield pep talks.”
The real Lindbergh never ran for any political office. He was asked if he would run for U.S. Senate from Minnesota, but he declined saying that his talents did not lie in that field. The real Lindbergh was not a traitor to his country but someone who argued passionately for what he believed was his country’s interest and, when he lost that fight, gladly served his country in combat after the Roosevelt administration initially rejected his services. There was no relocation of Jews to rural areas in America. There were no concentration camps here for Jews. Instead, America put not only Japanese but Italians and Germans in concentration camps during World War II. Some of the German internees were not released until 1948 - three years after the war. So much for historical accuracy.
Questioned about this, Roth wrote an essay for the New York Times in which he stressed that his work was “fiction”. At the same time, his “fictional” work contained a lengthy postscript containing real-life references to support the thesis. In other words, Roth wants to have it both ways. The lies are, of course, fiction but with a grain of truth, Roth wants us to believe. Then the conspicuous swastika on the cover on a fictional novel about Charles A. Lindbergh is enough to convince many in today’s readers with limited critical skills that Lindbergh was, in fact, a Nazi. The line between news reporting (fact) and entertainment (fiction) is increasingly blurred. Philip Roth knows, as did Dr. Goebbels, that any proposition repeated enough times will eventually be believed. We’re in the era of branding.
Lindbergh's wife, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, had concerns about the reaction to the speech and how it would affect his reputation, wrongfully in her view. From her diary:
“ … I have the greatest faith in [Lindbergh] as a person — in his integrity, his courage, and his essential goodness, fairness, and kindness — his nobility really … How then explain my profound feeling of grief about what he is doing? If what he said is the truth (and I am inclined to think it is), why was it wrong to state it? He was naming the groups that were pro-war. No one minds his naming the British or the Administration. But to name "Jew" is un-American — even if it is done without hate or even criticism. Why?"
"President Franklin D. Roosevelt disliked Lindbergh's outspoken opposition to intervention and his administration's policies, such as the Lend-Lease Act, and said to Treasury Secretary (((Henry Morgenthau))) in May 1940, "if I should die tomorrow, I want you to know this, I am absolutely convinced Lindbergh is a Nazi."
"Lindbergh developed a long-term friendship with the automobile pioneer Henry Ford, who was well known for his anti-Semitic newspaper The Dearborn Independent. In a famous comment about Lindbergh to Detroit's former FBI field office special agent in charge in July 1940, Ford said: "When Charles comes out here, we only talk about the Jews."
Legit question, and I don't feel like making a new thread so I'll ask here.
Globalism - Globalism definition, the attitude or policy of placing the interests of the entire world above those of individual nations.
Can someone explain to me what exactly is wrong with all this?
From what I understand, this is the opposite of nationalism, and it's more in tandem with creating an ideological sense of global unity. Which, considering the challenges we're facing in the near future, esp environmental, this seems like a good idea to adopt.
In fact, one of the biggest problems the EU has is the strong sense of national identity people have, over the superior European identity.
Moreover, you can't blindly turn a blind eye to the misdeeds and destruction wrought on planet by corrupt muslims or wreckless Chinese. Imo, this seems to.put the responsibility on the whole people to mind what goes on with the planet.
Which, imo, is very different from the economically driven globalization, which only serves to exploit nations and give more power to corporations. In which, they are even able to go above the law of certain countries by exploiting nationalistic and legal differences in nations. Things like the TTP, TTIP, and NAFTA are all a result of Globalization, not Globalism.
Am I wrong in any of this?
Can someone explain to me what exactly is wrong with Globalism?
Kek'd so hard.
This is so retarded, I don't even know where to begin picking it apart.
Imperialism isn't globalism. Read a book you stupid kike
>>>Holla Forums is that way
this in spades
The dictionary definition of feminism is "the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. " but we all know this to be misleading and false.
The same is true of the dictionary definition for Globalism.
Globalism and Globalization are one in the same Both seek to create a hegemonic world culture and to have all economies tied to the same central banking system.
Globalism/Globalization works solely in the interests of exploiting nations as you say for the benefit of the few politicians and multinational corporate money. Protectionism has no place in a Globalist world.
What China does to the environment is not good for us, or anyone, and could be used as justification for war, sanctions, etc, in a nationalist society.
There is an argument to be made for state sovereignty and autonomy too. If it is in the worlds interests to place 25% of the Syrian population in Europe, should those states not have a say in the matter? Should the people not have a say?
Globalism leads to one world government and when in the history of man has a large centralized government ever been ideal?
idiots post shit like this in here and then I see it on ABC news headlines afterward… Kill yourself.
What fucking fantasy Jew world do you live in retard? Jews didn't exist before 300BC and Alexander the Great reshaped the world.
How do I love thee?
PBS reaction with a Globalist goy ambassador and Trump's guy. Goy says Clinton/Bush are right over last 30yrs
How do I love thee?
Thanks Jew…. We see you
Globalism is rootless cosmopolitan, internationalist cultural marxism.
'The interests of the entire world' = the interests of the kikes.
Esoteric beta faggotry. The book is garbage. Fuck riding the tiger, become the tiger and will yourself to power.
Is Tibet not our greatest ally?
Questionable but we will never know.
Globalism = jew = satan
Wait they're using Trumpster like it's a pejorative?
Can we meme Jesse Ventura for VP?
Jesse is a racecuck and he also thinks muslims dindu nuffin
Fucking PBS
satan indeed
Not really. He already said that he's in favor of the TTIP in principle, he just wants "better deals".
Also, remember that Barack Obama was "anti-war", before being elected, George Bush Junior despised nation-building before being elected, George Bush Sr. rejected new taxes before taking up residence in the white house. Bill Clinton promised tax cuts. Talk is cheap and there is no such thing as an honest politician.
No Christian shill faggot dis-info agent
Globalism = Jews = Pope
That's only in regards to what the kikes did.
I remember, I'm old enough to remember all the way back to Regan. And you're a lying kike. BushBama ran on pure Globalist rhetoric.
Trump has been caught lying hundreds of times. Remember the time when he opposed abortion? You have no idea what his agenda is.
Hahaha, so you've been lied to for more than 20 years, but you're still dumb enough to believe them. That's sad.
Which is why we'll never trust a word you kikes say.
What? Pay attention Jew, I know you have an Arab's IQ but come on. They spoke Globalism and followed through with it.
Because this is what they mean by globalism.
No he didn't.
That first meme is confusing as fuck. Is he saying that the Aristocracy will be EurasianNegro and Jewry?
"How do I love thee?
Yeah, but y'know he really means just the Jews.
End yourself, Shlomo.
Oh fuck it's real
What did he mean by this?
Halfway done with the vid, kinda running out of good footage to use.
Anyone got something good? Anything patriotic, really.
You're right about the previous presidents but we'll see what happens once Donald Trump is in the White House. There's a chance he will be different because he's not in the pocket of lobbyists. There's no other candidate worth voting for anyway.
He hates 'America First' because he wants 'Israel First' instead?
Oh and he hates nativism too. Did Ben Shapiro wrote this?
How do I love thee?
back to leftypol
Bernie is for D&Cing dumb democrats you silly.
Let them lose even more that they already will under Hilldog to give Trump even more political capital.
And portraying them as commie and sjw extremists in the process.
I was funposting on twitter when this happened.
I'm fairly new to twitter and have no idea how these groups work and what they are
How do I love thee?
I'm all for nationalism, just not this way.
To figure out the formulas by yourself, sure, but they're already out there dude.
Kill yourself cuck.
You'll kill yourself with your way dumbass.
The only thing harder than fighting off sleep during this philosophy lecture was resisting the urge to just walk away. I learned nothing from this movie.
How do I love thee?
If you watch the whole speech though more than the first half is straight neocon goosestepping and the false narrative of the world and false history, so he's keeping to his desire to be unpredictable, as his first foot forward is in direct opposition to his put Americans first statement.
Does Trump know? His hand movements were of ((( and ))).
Is that how we do it on the streets, the secret hand movement? I'm gonna start doing that now.
The Tiger is not a man, the Tiger is the (currently degenerate) zeitgeist. You cannot become Tiger.
The power Evola was talking about was being internally stalwart and patient beyond your lifetime, instead of wasting energy railing against a system that will only destroy you if you attack it before it is weary.
If it is possible for you to become meaningfully powerful against the Tiger, this is still in line with Evolian thought; it indicates the Tiger has exhausted itself and can now be destroyed.
Anyway, let's not waste too much of your time that could otherwise be spent on listening to screamo and fantasizing about killing niggers.
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) chiefly US the policy of favouring the natives of a country over the immigrants
2. (Anthropology & Ethnology) anthropol the policy of protecting and reaffirming native tribal cultures in reaction to acculturation
1. the policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants.
2. the policy or practice of preserving or reviving an indigenous culture.
Well they're definitely a bunch of high energy altitude people, that's for sure.
Those sky burials kinda freak me out, though. Downside of having basically zero topsoil, I guess.
How do I love thee?
It's practical. It's not something people sit around and watch other than the guy making sure the vultures get to the body, and morbidly curious foreigners watching on TV.
They will know the price of their crimes soon.
was yesterday even real, guys? holy shit……
As an Australian, Christ, I wish for that so very fervently. Worse comes to worst for the rest of the world, I'm sure the US would be as fine a home as any, but Australia is my home.
How do I love thee?
And he will not under any circumstance be president by any means necessary. Trust us.
American and russian patriots will help you liberate yourself from the yoke of internationalists soon and possibly european patriots, depends on what the sequence of events is during the trump era
I think liberate canada -> UK -> eu peripherals -> France+Germany -> Restore rhodesia and colonial africa is a good first step
Holy shit man that really hit me where I live.
There's plenty more of us than it seems like at times. Never forget that.
Guy needs a valium but good video nonetheless.
Question, did trump really say he wanted the fed audited or was he just calling ted a hypocrite for not voting?
If I remember right he said it in one of his earlier rallies.
I have the feeling Shapiro is soon going to start defending Hillary Clinton by saying sure Clinton would be bad but but Trump would be even worse!
Needs more Trump
when they sing "what it cost" it should show US soldiers fighting dying in war
Could you give a download link or get its filesize down/webm it and post it here?
Tried, doesn't work. Sorry.
of course
jesus christ. i needed to watch that burning-alive vid. unforgettable. western values are NOT universal.
the absolute animal cruelty of these people.
What the fuck kind of rifle is effective from two fucking miles?
I've see that burning one before, god almighty smite them.
You got a welcome port here, but your nation needs you more than ever. Britain has to escape the EU, and deport a shit ton of Pakis.
The magical kind.
Zionists BTFO.
And water must be getting wet.
MSM should be referred to as Pravda when trolling lefties
this is beautiful
Lindbergh named the Jew publicly as trying to get the US into WW2 and was crucified for it.
First, fuck you. Secondly, what is this "European Identity" you speak of?
I've never met anyone, other than corrupt EU bureaucrats, who would describe himself as European instead of whatever his nationality is.
We are not the United States of Europe, no matter how much the powers that be want us to.
We have unique societies, traditions and cultures that shape who we are on a collective and individual level.
And all those things that make us unique are being relentlessly targeted by supranational institutions whose main goal is the centralization of power away from the nation state and the hands of the people.
That's the end goal of globalism. The erosion of individualism and defined identities.
He's right. If his entire family died in the potato famine, then his mother died in the potato famine, and he would need to have been born over 150 years ago.
From the quotes I have read of him. It doesn't seem like his book(s) are political sciencey. To best explain it. Is it true that his writing seems more like it is intended to be poetry to those who are already red pilled, instead of a thesis paper to try to prove a point to those who are neutral or disagree?
are you seriously this dumb?
The bullshit part of the holocaust claims is that they say "my parents died in the holocaust." when they themselves are less that the number of years it happened ago.
The problem is with the specific generational claim, and jointly the age of the generation at the time.
Within the very first few pages he addresses the text to those with an "aristocratic soul" for whom modernity has no appeal, so yes, it is intended to build on those already presumably converted by Nietzsche in a very specific Western Traditionalist manner.
He's worth a read, but there will be more context if you build a foundation in Nietzsche and perhaps Eastern Religions (he draws on concepts from Vedic traditions/Hinduism).
For a Holla Forums overview, watch vid related, and perhaps this video afterwards too:
So… I am right in saying he writes more like a poet, than like a Dr. of political philosophy?
What sort of distinction are you drawing between the philosopher and the poet here?
How do I love thee?
The philosopher tries to write in a way the ideas cannot be misinterpreted and that anyone who follows the logic or data presented will come to the same conclusion.
The poet has an expectation of the people who reads to come to a vague area of a conclusion, and those who read must take it as a whole, and cannot isolate individual parts to form a different conclusion.
Martin luther.html
"How do I love thee?"
What a time to be alive!
That means no family survived the potato famine. Either he is descended from someone who was alive during the potato famine and survived, in which case his entire family did not die in the potato famine, or he alone survived the potato famine, which requires him to be over 150 years old.
I don't really like those definitions, but I'll try to answer the question you're asking within that framework.
In his earlier texts, he specifically advocates for a return to Traditional modes of European society. He had some reservations about NatSoc for still being fundamentally modern, but was drawn to it regardless. He named the Jew as a corrosive element. He attempted to influence the Fascist movement in Italy.
In his later texts, such as Ride the Tiger, he started suggesting that a return to Traditionalism may be impossible, hence outlined strategies that would allow a traditionalist man to better himself and persevere in modernity without succumbing to it.
He is writing with a clear intention of what he wants or believes you should do. Back to the issue, the whole question of intent is messy and usually becomes more so with time, for example, what Leftist academia has done to Nietzsche. At the same time, poets aren't defined by vagaries; instead that's likely just an aspect of modern degeneracy in which everyone is an artist deliberately being as meaningless as possible so anyone can project meaning onto their work, part of the cultural atomization and enshrinement of personal ego endemic to this age.
What are you trying to understand with these questions? Whether or not you should bother with the texts?
Coming soon atomic bomb denial.
Whether it is something that after I read I can cite.
In an objective debate there is little use in quoting a line of poetry. But I can quote a line of Kant in which he sets out his logic for why there must be an objective morality. Or I could quote Machiavelli giving a real world example(a form of data) of why a certain policy is better for a princedom to act upon rather than not.
Basically, if I read the books, will I be better at convincing others of the ideas in them or do they have to experience the reading in order to gain anything from it?
Is this man trying to get shot? We don't deserve a hero like this.
Yes, you will be able to. Particularly relevant would be his exposition on the manifestation of Western nihilism among the youth in self-destructive surrealist acts, various diagnoses of the pathologies of Leftism, and useful prescriptions for dealing with them.
As I said before, the quickest way to figure out whether it's worth your time is to watch the Jonathan Bowden speech.
I am watching it. It is fine, but I am not asking about the content, but the writing style by which the content is explained.
Just the bolt (Defiance) in that rifle is over a thousand dollars you moron.
Is that the Photoshopped version?
Like clockwork. The minute he called out globalization I knew Alex was going to be touching himself tonight so hard.
they THEN must have a :
Requirements for a sniper to hit a target and 'get away'.
This is why suicide bombers are a thing. Less expensive, less training/skill required.
You, niglet posting BS; Go educate yourself, then go fuck yourself
These kikes really don't know when to stop.
You shouldn't even have to say this, it should be a given. It's like when politicians pledge to uphold the constitution. What else were you going to do?
the memes are real
he already has on his podcast
Why did Melania smile there at the end? spoopy
Just block the person adding you to their list, then you will no longer be in the list.
Imperialism =/= globalism
Free trade =/= globalism
Kikes pushing to dissolve and merge nation states into supernations and eventually world government (EUSSR, UN, IMF, etc.) = globalism
Nationalism is perfectly compatible with international trade, see pic related. And TPP, NAFTA, etc. are free trade in name only don't conflate actual free markets with so called "free trade" agreements, they do nothing but hand currency arbitrage, generous subsidies, exclusive market access, etc. on a silver platter to foreign countries and corporate welfare clients while doing everything to cripple american exports with excessive tariffs, regulatory double standards, etc. multinational trade deals rig the global economy in favor of elites and at the expense of any actual free market. Globalism is not a prerequisite for global trade, free international trade has existed and prospered for over a millenium historically even when nationalism was the norm in almost every country.
We don't personify animals here; our children are the only thing that is cute. There's a show called The Johnny Smith Bears which is about hunting though.
Where the hell was the video taken at? Man, to think these Leftists actually believe we're all the same. I can't believe whites were ever this depraved, at any points in history, no matter how primitive or ignorant. It has to be more than culture. This isn't military, this is regular citizens burning a woman alive. Sub-humans…
No disrespect to Trump's supporters, but the problem with recruiting a crazed gunman is that he's already done it and he's got a lot more of them.
the best part is only franklin was a mason
All white blood is precious, and very welcome here.
nationalism is bad goy!
We're accelerating faster and faster, and the faster we go the more visible the corruption under our world becomes until it's finally shaken out into the open.
I can't wait. Trump winning means we hit critical mass, assuming we haven't already.
Tax Foundation are shills, any source on independent analysis of Trumps tax plan?
I'm pretty sure Washington was as well. Even if they were Masons, though, I don't think at that time they were up to much of anything fishy like they somewhat are today. There's even a small quote from Washington where he was worried that the Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt could start having a bad influence.
America has a culture of consumerism and nationalist-esque pride. We also created Rock.
It was as if 6 million voices cried out in terror…and were suddenly silenced by a cloud of Zyclon.
Good thing Trump isn't a politician then.
I had no idea how good this statement sounded until I heard it from The Man himself.
everyone knows the Vatican has been subverted by (((outside forces))) since Vatican II
Even when our ancestors were burning witches they garroted them first because it was more humane. These people aren't just backward they're sadists.
stop with this idiotic attempt at a meme
How do I love thee?
Exactly what I've been explaining to the people around me who eat all the bullshit on the MSM.
that's the prettiest cat ever
How do I love thee?
Justin Raimondo comments:
"This is why the Republican Establishment hates Trump: it’s no accident that the same neocons who lied us into the Iraq war and profited personally and professionally from that disastrous adventure are now in the vanguard of the “Never Trump” brigade. As Heilbrunn points out:
“This is why perhaps his most significant statement was: ‘I will also look for talented experts with new approaches, and practical ideas, rather than surrounding myself with those who have perfect résumés but very little to brag about except responsibility for a long history of failed policies and continued losses at war.’ What Trump is talking about is dispensing with an entire wing of the GOP that has controlled the commanding heights of foreign policy over recent decades.”
This is my favorite part of Trump’s peroration. Here he is openly telling the neocons, who have inveigled themselves into every administration since the days of Ronald Reagan, that they will be kicked to the curb if and when he takes the White House. Which is why they are even now returning to the Democratic party, channeling the long departed spirit of “Scoop” Jackson – and good riddance to them. If ever a group of failed ideologues deserved their comeuppance it is this gang, which led the nation into the Middle East quagmire and steered the GOP to a series of humiliating defeats. "
How do I love thee?
"Western values are universal"? So why didn't the Islamic State disawov Shari'a?
wow that is some high level doublethink shit right there.
thank you for posting that
the jews must burn for getting us into ww2 and now their trying to do the same thing with ww3.
Compare the straight path from Alaska to Japan vs the vast distance via Hawaii and Midway - Why didn't we attack Japan via the Aleutian islands?
So many happenings with TRUMP it's hard to keep up.
Bloody hell, who are they trying to fool?
How do I love thee?
Set the comments to "Most Liked" and read the cancer.
Never forget
Assuing a 100 yard zero it would require you to aim 180 feet above your target noguns, and this is was a 220gr 0.67 BC bullet. ie: require 110 MOA of adjustment which no scope, especially some 4x leupold is going to have. This ignores windage. noguns plz go
forgot my pics, and it would take 3.8 seconds for the bullet to even get there
Thank you. Too many faggots are wasting their time on this esoteric crap when it is not even meant for them in the first place and even when wasting their time on this crap they're achieving nothing.
Even more redpill to be found from Lindbergh's wife writing in her diary:
"… I have the greatest faith in [Lindbergh] as a person — in his integrity, his courage, and his essential goodness, fairness, and kindness — his nobility really … How then explain my profound feeling of grief about what he is doing? If what he said is the truth (and I am inclined to think it is), why was it wrong to state it? He was naming the groups that were pro-war. No one minds his naming the British or the Administration. But to name "Jew" is un-American — even if it is done without hate or even criticism. Why? "
if you are white you are alright
if you are mixed HELL NO you can go into an oven
"How do I love thee?"
Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, you kike.
Just look at that kike's evil ugly face
also from George Will, the Queen of Cuckservatives:
George Will: Donald Trump's Republican Party is 'the party of white people'
It's a meme they've tried to push really hard in France.
Muh Judeo-christian values is pretty firmly implemented by the (((elites)))
"How do I love thee?"
How do I love thee?
So the guy that made so many horrible business decisions it would make your head spin, and made money from globalism, selling books like some ufo hack, and resorted to b celebrity sensationalist TV shows and wrestling is suddenly against globalism. Hey y'all, I made millions from globalism and foreign labor, but don't YOU do it because muh America. Pffff. Yeah right Donald. Go fool some other sucker you lying hypocrite politician.
Holocaust Or Holohoax? 21 Amazing Facts -
Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas -
The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves -
Irish Slaves -
Theodor Herzl´s Zionist Diaries: The Cause of World Wars I and II and Many False Flag Operations -
Jews caught operating White sex slavery ring in Israel - Zionists Want Multi Cultural Europe And Jewish Only Israel -
HOLOCAUST Handbooks -
Six Million Lies
More Six Millions
Auschwitz - Why the Gas Chambers are a Myth
The Biggest Lie by David Irving
Buchenwald - A Dumb, Dumb Portrayal of Evil
Zundel vs Zionist - Truth vs Lies
The Holocaust Debunked - Ernst Zundel
Holocaust Faker Explains Himself
The Holocaust Testimonies You Didn't Hear
Off Your Knees Germany (Ernst Zundel 1983-2003)
One-Third of the Holocaust
Spielberg's Hoax - The Last Days of the Big Lie
The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz
That comes later. This is a new Age. This is the Age of Legends beginning. Rand and the other ta'veren read stories about our fathers' age growing up, the age before the Age of Legends.
All of the old orders of the 20th century are falling away. The Cold War, the primacy of old media, the balance of parties and establishments in the US, everything. Catastrophic climate change threatens to expel us for millenia from a third of the planet and cause enough extinctions to allow the really weird shit from the Seanchan lands time to evolve. That's assuming they weren't created intentionally - I can see raken and to'raken evolving from some rich fucking LARPer in a thousand years demanding that someone make him real dragons to play with. ISIS is doing their level best to kick off their durka durka flavor of the apocalypse while Dominionist Christians like Ted Cruz, and (((certain other people))), egg the West on to retaliation. We're about due for a new geological Breaking of the World as well, between Mount Ranier, the San Andreas Fault Line, and Yellowstone. The Internet is wrapping the world together in the closest thing to a unified consciousness that the planet has ever had, and we're reaching for the stars as well, although if space travelers survived to Rand, Mat, and Perrin's day, they were leaving Earth alone as some sort of reservation like the post-nuclear medieval hellscape of Earth in the series finale of Babylon 5.
Trump is grabbing the Choedan Kal by the nuts while Melania (or Ivanka?) grabs it by the tits and they're reshaping the world by sheer force of will.
Dank meme
Fuck off, nigger
"So the guy that made so many horrible business decisions it would make your head spin, and made money from globalism, selling books like some ufo hack, and resorted to b celebrity sensationalist TV shows and wrestling is suddenly against globalism. Hey y'all, I made millions from globalism and foreign labor, but don't YOU do it because muh America. Pffff. Yeah right Donald. Go fool some other sucker you lying hypocrite politician."
What the fuck are you talking about? Tourism, hotels & golf courses =/= globalism. I think he became really rich during the 70s and the 80s and that wasn't the era of globalism. He was publicly against NAFTA when Bush & Clinton were all for it.
how do i love thee
Twitter this Trump tbh.
"How do I love thee?"
>"I will be America's greatest defender and most loyal champion; we will not apologize for becoming successful again. But instead will embrace the unique heritage that makes us who we are."