I don't care what the music is against; whites, blacks, latinos, kikes, asians etc…
Just post it.
bonus points if it's against niggers or kikes.
I don't care what the music is against; whites, blacks, latinos, kikes, asians etc…
Just post it.
bonus points if it's against niggers or kikes.
I grow tired of all the losers telling themselves they are "superior" just for being alive.
It's like the school bully. Picking on the weak because he knows that he's worthless.
All good music is against degeneracy op.
Define "good" music.
How can music be "against" something?
You social justice cunts never say this to "omg black pride xDDD" faggots, why would that be?
Here's a racist song.
ethnic cleansing is the shit
You don't know who I am or what I say.
But you state that I'm in a group and you claim that I never say something.
It's a fantasy.
You live in a fantasy because you can't handle the real world.
You're just like a jihadist, believing in his 72 virgins and his simple Muslim fantasy where Mohammed was a real person.
I will tell you one thing about myself.
I am ashamed to be in the same species with people who are scared of the real world.
I hate SJWs just as much as I hate Nazis.
Because niggernazis don't post here.
Pro Mexican
Anti Nìgger
most spics I have met have been anti-nigger. Spics can be pretty based tbh
Spics are only anti-nigger because they're competition