In celebration of 8ch's death, I bring to you an
Ask question, get dumb answer edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are you such a fag?
Why you say that normie?
This is now a trump thread
Aren't we all fags, doesn't that make us the same
Why don't you guys come to 16chan?
Fuck off moot
Why don't you try 4chan, Nigger?
Instill want to fuck smiley miley
Why can't I expand the pic?
Me to.
Do you like traps? Also, the only thing that's dead is 8chans Holla Forums most other boards are relatively unaffected by cries for exodus.
This is literally the best thread on 8ch atm tbh fam
You mean on Holla Forums right? There are many quality threads on Holla Forums you just need to find them.
I love traps. Mostly 3dpd traps
Once a b tard, always a b tard. Other boards are for normies.
I like traps too..
Can this be a trap Thread now?
I don't want my ip leaked
It kind of depends on what you consider "normal". I think it varies from person to person tbh. /cow/ is a great example of something that I'd consider not normal. As they love seeing people suffer.
Sure, why not.
Do you guys remember when Jim fin b& have the IP spectrum for a day?
Too kek..
Damn that seems like so long ago now.
what is tor?
what is a proxy?
are you a fuckin normie or something?
This is what I don't like about 2d
It's a cartoon drawing.
Now find a portrait of a person drawing, and you have my attention.
I just can't think anything other then bronys and mlp when it comes to cartoon anime what ever it's called atm shit.
You do realize it's saved here in plain text that any global admin/volunteer can see/log, right?
I love traps no matter if they're 3d or 2d or not. It really doesn't matter to me.
I give it a month and all tor ip's are b& for CP lol
Wow. I guess I'm just butthurt by the thought of bronys fapping to cute pony's..
Isn't that really a grill?
With **no* small boobs?
Anyone ever fucked a trap?
oh, i agree. tor is not safe by any means, but that doesnt mean i would browse Holla Forums or 16chan with a bare ip. fuck that shit, i dont wanna get v&
I banged a couple of them one year.
I recommend it, if you don't mind being gay.
FBI only cares about pedos that upload OC.. I bet they don't even care about the Pedo shit that used to get posted here.
Are you a Pedo?
Why don't you think tor is safe?
Did you let them bang you?
No, I went onto it as a top only, and they both were really cool about it. I sucked dick tho, I tried to feel throat, it's harder then it looks lol
Fucking auto correct!
I hate proof reading shit!
Nah its just thick panties. Trust me on this one.
no, im not. but if you believe thats all they care about you are naive.
better to be safe than sorry anyways.
because there has always been controversy about tors security, it can only get worse over time.
plus what has been going on in the UK
Is that a shop?
She's hot as fuck bro
I read an article recently that the FBI has a tool they can see Mac id's now. That tor is useless for illegal shit, it's just to bypass bans and iso firewalls now.
I've spotted the pleb.
I'm sure your right about illegal stuff, but I doubt most of your users that are just using it to just be non have anything to worry about.
B..but they're so cute!!!
link? thats actually pretty interesting.
so are we living in 1984?
Thats true, i think it comes from a more philosophical place for most people. from a dislike for authority, etc.
Ever talked to slugboi on chaterbate?
I used to watch the cry shows, bit forgot about her..
Nah, I wish he hasn't been posting lewds lately.
I remember when chaterbate banned this tranny lmao..>>5828602
Cheers bro
tbh I use a VPN here. I don't trust 8ch not to track and leak all my post history lol
We need to get you a tripcode..
in the name field, be like me, come on, dooo it
I like this kind of 2d of kaceytron
And this kind of 3dpd
I have been wanting to get a VPN, is there one you would recommend?
I have no experience with VPNs
You want me to suck your dick too, mate?
Moar traps
I like how all the other "normal" tripfag threads didn't have as much concentrated cancer seen in this thread.
On my PC, I run xubuntu with open vpn. It's only one IP, so I've careful not to get b&..
Look up vpnbook if you are a Windows user.
On Android I recommend supervpn..
All of these are free. They all prob track everything I do, and log my real IP, but I only use them to post on chans.
It's because I'm op..
And Sage
Actually all the trips itt are me..
Try them.. There is nothing wrong with same fagging tbh.
It's just me and you itt
Nice trips
Running debian with i3, i will look into open vpn. thanks.
and me faggot
It was sarcasm, but anyways
Nice dubs
All three people you replyed to is me.
Anyways it's fun to set up on Linux, I followed the Ubuntu open vpn tutorial.. Google it
This is my new trip
This thread gave me cancer
I thought so but i wasnt sure
Dont you mean startpage it?
I will, cheers
why be a tripfag anyways?
I was just trying to see if anyone was still here.
It has become an household term that I still use. Google it..
I don't like the sound of startpage it..
Either way it means do a web search, which is alien to say now a days
I wish she was a trap
Im still here, but this site is dead as fuck
Yeah you cant really say Startpage it.
anything is better than google though
I still Google everythy and use crome with no fucks given..
This thread needs more traps
is she going bald?
eww, even if all it means is google gets one less user, ill stick to customizable firefox. about:config is a godsend for older devices
I have been trying to mount my phone on my laptop so i can dump, but its being a fucking fag
Heh I hope not, jordyn Jones is known for always having 10/10 hair
I have a dedicated cable for that. All the cables I use for charge dong work for sync anymore
I must depart. Thread will be kill in a min
Well that feature is broke. Nevermind
It usually works, but i did just do a reinstall so idfk what happened
Im just gonna ssh them, fuck it