Regret after watching hentai

Can you help me? I'm in some sort of inner conflict I think.
I just watched the first episode of Taimanin Asagi and feel so terrible now. What happened to Asagi is horrible and evil. It made me very confused and sad. I don't know what to think or do now.

I've always had this problem with rape hentai :s

Asagi is a retired ninja who gets abused and raped along with her sister and boyfriend by her former archenemy.

It's feels so terrible and wrong when you think about it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Get over it, normie. If you can't get off to rape, gore, blood, rape, torture, rape, or rape, you don't belong here.

I do get off to it. I think that's part of the conflict. Otherwise I could just say "it's wrong and insane" and move on like normal people probably do. I don't know.

Then that's half the fun.

That whole thing is Rape Fantasy: The Hentai, you must have known that going in there


You mean I like it because I feel bad about it?

Girls can't be raped penis in vagina is like thumb in your mouth. You can fuck girl as agressive as you want but you will never hurt her. Try to rape girl as hot ripped stud and as a fat neckbeard. In 99% cases they will report you to police if you are fat ugly fuck.

hm seems like i can't upload most of the stuff

So it's more of an inconvenience than actual damage?
That thought makes it easier, but the emotional abuse part is what I also liked about it. I watched ep2 now and it only gets worse.

No idea whether I'll ever figure it out or make sense of this.


Maybe I'm just childish for getting worked up over a cartoon.

Feeling sympathy for a person fictional or not is completely normal.
Ignore the edge lords user

Thank you Satan, I think I understand myself better now.

Thats most people here retard, most people arent gonna get off to weird ass shit.

Anything you percieve as real is real. Nothing exists but your perception.

What is inherently wrong about rape? You are aware that at points, it can be justified?


Only the intent and format matter. There is no such thing as morality, only that what we preside to be morality.

My problem with it is that it can emotionally hurt the other person.

The emotional suffering of Asagi is what made me so sad.

Your empathizing with her, you understand that this will leave a negative effect on her as a human being and thus you feel sad.

This person is just a sociopath.

just sadist, I`m not without the feelings.


I don't know why you're samefagging this entire thread with a tripcode, you may think it's ironic shitposting, but it's really just autistic shitposting. The way you wrote many of these replies -to yourself- is uncomfortably retarded.

That said, I was initially going to reply to this thread that the OP post kind of upset me as reading your name, you're most likely a dude, but I've had this basic conversation with so many girls bringing it up as a way to initiate sex.

Uncle, pls.

post more

As long as you stick to porn to satisfy your desires then your fine by me.

Sorry, most of the files are too big.
Here's where I found them:

I'm off to sleep. Have a good night!