Can you help me? I'm in some sort of inner conflict I think. I just watched the first episode of Taimanin Asagi and feel so terrible now. What happened to Asagi is horrible and evil. It made me very confused and sad. I don't know what to think or do now.
I've always had this problem with rape hentai :s
Asagi is a retired ninja who gets abused and raped along with her sister and boyfriend by her former archenemy.
It's feels so terrible and wrong when you think about it.
Get over it, normie. If you can't get off to rape, gore, blood, rape, torture, rape, or rape, you don't belong here.
Anthony Green
I do get off to it. I think that's part of the conflict. Otherwise I could just say "it's wrong and insane" and move on like normal people probably do. I don't know.
Ian Watson
Then that's half the fun.
Cameron Jenkins
That whole thing is Rape Fantasy: The Hentai, you must have known that going in there
Ayden Nguyen
Elijah Garcia
You mean I like it because I feel bad about it?
Jonathan Jenkins
Girls can't be raped penis in vagina is like thumb in your mouth. You can fuck girl as agressive as you want but you will never hurt her. Try to rape girl as hot ripped stud and as a fat neckbeard. In 99% cases they will report you to police if you are fat ugly fuck.