SJW's get called out after booing and attempting to hinder upon his free speech.
The Triggering!
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what a fuckin white male. [bump]
#wow #sobrave
there is nothing brave about saying what 90% of Americans believe. Nobody takes college fags seriously, especially not anyone who matters.
Milo, Crowder, and Sommers are all stupid jews getting attention and patreonbux by scraping up bottom-of-the-barrel children and bandying them about as fools.
It takes no skill, intelligence, or bravery to do this, and I still don't understand why people watch these attentionwhores for anything other than entertainment.
None of them have even a basic understanding of the forces at work against them, but they all are so confident in themselves and their viewpoint that they really are even worse for us than the SJWs. At least the SJWs are outwardly and visibly in opposition to our goals. These degenerates are sucking the wind out of our sails by giving a nice cookiecutter safe, round-edged alternative to Holla Forumsish values.
kek, pretty gud tbh fam
People used to think of college students as people wanting to push for 'good' things. Now they're just seen as authoritarian assholes.
Its two (not sure about Crowder) kikes attending an event where they will discuss the fact that feminism is wrong but the (((force))) behind feminism/SJWism will never be mentioned. Jews may attack an ideology once presented to the goyim, but they will never touch the nature of the ideology-subversion.
What an irony. On the other hand Crowder does blow that crowd the fuck out- but fast and hard strikes against the amygdala should come from logic rather than raw insults. You can call a cuck, a cuck all you like but it will mean nothing if that individual interprets cuckoldry as virtue signaling. Its not enough to simply break a few illusions, one must have pathway to reconcile cognitive dissonance, and who would trust the words of one who just insulted them?
I guess its just funnier when Sam Hyde does the same thing like a total autist, the complete lack of humor in the eyes of those he presents too with the sharpness of facts.
You sure speak like an expert, but let me guess, you just laugh awkwardly and say "sure mate!" when you're told to FEEL THE BERN, COMRADE, or some other such pussy behavior
E-celeb circlejerk.
Why Holla Forums concentrate more attacks on occasional allies then factual enemies?
Are you watching this shit?
This goes straight to my liberals in distress folder.
Thank you glorious faggot.
oh my god, she's like a cartoon character
@2.45 protein shake
Why didn't they throw out the hecklers? This is annoying to watch. "Please, allow our guests to talk." ad nauseam. Beta male presenter.
mad cow webm..bahahahahahahahahahahahahha
holy fuckballs that's funny
Seriously nigger? this board is pathetic.
Not even cuckchan is this cucked.
It's two Jews and one anti-Trump cuckservative, sorry if we're not thrilled to see this shit shilled here.
wait, I can under stand pics 2 & 3
but is the 1st pic deathly obese bitch with an amputated arm?
is that wat I'm looking at?
That's her elbow. Her hand is resting on her waist
I've seen lots of pics like in
but even with you telling me what that picture is, my mind is still rejecting your explanation
I'm not saying you're lying, but are there any other pics of that cow?
I seriously can wrap my mind around the fact that there is a forearm/hand in there
there should be some evidence right?
like some distortion or the bicep or something?
am I crazy?
well, I guess the bicep is just 10lbs of fat, so how would I know?
been surfing the innertubes a lot of years and seen some shit and if that bitch does have a left arm, my mind is boggled
I need to get /fit/
working an office job has destroyed me
oy vey did you know about the six million
Umm? Youre the cuck though. Milo and Sommers are two anti-white Jews, and Crowder is an anti-Trump, anti-nationalism cuckservative.
So yeah what a faggy trio.
What is that song if you don't mind my asking.
its the clockwork orange intro i think.
google that and you should find it.
you can't compare sam hyde with cuckservative morons like milo and crowder, both of them are vetted by the neo-cohen establishment so they get the pass to act like arrogant douches. they lack the structured individual personality of hyde, who obviously came about his beliefs through a long personal intellectual journey, like most of us here (except newfags who just came for the election)
stop posting these stupid images, this meme is fucking doge tier now thanks to you fucking newfags
Hell is forever!
What the fuck is he thinking? This is why you brown shirt your events.
You can let them back in for Q&A if you want but don't let them set the agenda before that you faggots.
because they're not occasional allies no matter how much they paint themselves to be. Pretending that they're friendly is asking to get a knife in the back
They're useful idiots at the most. Two Jews - one a fag, one a feminist bitch - and a FOX contributor.
What is it saying?
Nevermind. I figured it out. "Keep your hate speech out of this campus."
Sounds more like "Burgers, donuts, funions, crackers! Burgers, donuts, funions, crackers!" though.
Aw fuck
Oh shut the fuck up
these guys are Shapiro tier
Raise your game, lads.
We're not buying you altRight meme CIA cunts. Make America Great Again and abandon the UN/Israel/White-Genocide or be suicided
Regardless of who's side they're on, stand up comedy will always be shit.
I never understood what Holla Forums sees in that Milo degenerate.
Rule 63 Popeye?
I'd shoot myself looong before that would ever happen
Did they run out of crayons?
It's Gamergate. Milo (who previously showed publicy he's not into vidya) was a minority (queer, Jewish) who was in the position to not just say something against the carictures used for GG's supporters (namely of evil men keeping out women ala Law & Order) but to also spread it through media. Being queer and Jewish, he couldn't have just been dismissed as a privilged straight White man so his enemies had to at least pretend to engage him.
top fucking kek
There's another thing that some people don't seem to talk about.
CHS. Moderate feminist and in the Jewish community.
She is a very good indicator that things look a lot less grim than the media sometimes make it seem. The kikes need feminism as another proxy to attack western men and women, but the goy took the bait and ran with it so far, they are so apparent in their batshit insanity that they run the risk of losing their public support, and as a result of that, their potency.
The kikes know that, and shit like CHS is them trying to reign in the feminists a bit.
They wouldn't do that, if there was nothing to worry. Normalfags are seeing the insanity. Things are not as bad as they seem.
fight me IRL faget
Someone please tell me they have the video
Trigglypuff origins
ultimate mass?
She went around the interwebs once already about a year ago
stfu you twat these are the only memes that still fill the void in my soul
practical question everyone:
When the day of the rope is on should we get sturdier materials for fat fucks like these or will we just starve them till they fit the same rope as everyone else so they can end their life with a last sybmol for equality?
That image is ooold. At least from 9/30/2014
It's jewkikes and useful idiots, and some well-meaning anons that don't realize how hard they've fashed and how alienating it is to normalfags. Red pills shouldn't be suppositories.
These kinds of videos are useful. Charismatic people tearing apart the left is always a good thing. Of course they're moderate cucks, but normalfags see them as ultra right wing, and when they see videos like this it makes them relate this kind of humorous savagery to the right.
The first step towards full fash is a sense of humor and a disdain for PC thought-policing. People like Crowder and Milo have their place, as do people like Aidsskrillex and the Numa nu-whale.
or just make them run a couple hundred yards at gunpoint until their hearts explode
or just make them run a couple hundred yards at gunpoint until their hearts explode
weird question but if you take a fatty and don't give them food can they literally survive on their own fat? will they die of starvation while still fat or whittle down their lard until they are skinny?
if you give them water and vitamins, they will be fine
the irony is, they are themselves empty calories, so without the vitamins it's bad news.
I thought the exact same thing when i saw those flailing meat slabs lol
Milo is almost irrelevant to politics.
Trolling feminists, debunking the gender pay gap, arguing with e-celebs, and reporting on gamergate doesn't offer much.
can someone explain all of this to a non-burger?
if responding to a image with text is the only thing that gives you meaning, you might as well be a .exe file you fucking faget
no just shoot them
Yeah, but it's still good that people are attacking these college fags to their face. It's not the ideal college presenter I would like though, vid related.
As a 23 year old user who just got back from a 7 hour "totally not a date" hangout that happened to have icecream, walk on a beach at sunset collecting seashells, and buying her books, I recommend you compliment ladies you like. If one is receptive enough, advance a step.
I think I've become addicted to making her blush. Corny compliments work, especially when sincere.
It's Beethoven's Ninth on Synthesizer. He starts screaming about it in the full scene. I can't find the full scene, but here's the original music:
Not sure if it's just me but the Crowder guy was always cringy as fuck.
On the other hand, so are lefties. Maybe that's what it takes for them, who knows.
To be fair, I think he's working towards the end of making right-wing stuff "cool". This can't be discounted.
her facebook and okcupid profile have been found by the way
thanks for the advice user
I got to that level once too but then it was obvious I was going to end up in the friend zone
there is a fine line between boyfriend and subhuman these days and one has to be cautious
This so called "friend zone" is absolute bullshit.
if you have any testosterone and aren't an ultra beta cuck, you can very easily turn a friendship into a fuck buddy gig.
start by bringing up kind of suggestive subjects in common discussions. if you do it properly, she'll start asking questions about your sexlife.
once you get to that point, you know she wants to fuck.
all there is to do is to convince her that it's her decision, because for some reason that's a big deal for women.
This, when the blame lies on them they have some sort of inner responsibility to allow it again. Knock on the gate, gate opens, advance, repeat.
I know you've already been spoonfed, but it's still my obligation to call you a goddamn plebeian.
PJW weighs in
I've seen this guy multiple times.
is he worth subscribing to?
I do. Worth a laugh *shrug*
the friend zone has existed for a long fucking time you moron, anyone who isn't a valueless degenerate loser who wants more to life than empty sex isn't going to waste time getting some scatterbrained woman to cuck her boyfriend and therefore become a broken worthless piece of trash just so I can get some leg. its funny how the immediate reaction to any sense of insecurity is to act stereotypically like the jews want you to.
Holla Forums, what are you doing?
What's a Holla Forums?
Thanks brother. Reminds me of why I am glued to Holla Forums. There was nothing wrong with it, but it's such a watered down version of what has been said here for years. At least the pendulum is finally swinging for normies.
Longer version stat you nigger!!!
We don't want to be degenerates like you, Chad.
Why is it that so many of these people drift towards OKC?
uber fats get a special rope hung over the grand canyon, so when it snaps they fall to their death in a hilarious manner.
Well said user.
You act like a "fuck buddy gig" is something to be celebrated. You need to lurk more before you start praising social degeneracy as strength.
This. Why is it that four moderates got the bill? Because they're controlled opposition, if we're going to join in this game of chess we have to be thinking two moves ahead.
I hope this bitch livestreams her suicide.
Daily reminder to Milo about how the faggots need to return the word gay back to the children.
Sommers and Crowder are anti-Trump. Milo penned an article stating that we are only joking when we post something anti semitic. These people are not your friends. They are trying to coopt you.
Did you think we got to rule this ourself?
Everybody will try cuck us into serving their side, so the more sides we can get that try to co-opt us, the bigger the audience we get.
Except a Holla Forums type wasn't even represented there. We will be painted as crazies exactly how they did in all the 'alt right explained' guides written.
We are being no platformed by people that claim to represent us, and that's a problem.
Not everything is about Trump, user.
You might be right, but what about an anti-Trump Cruz shill makes you want to invite them into your camp? Do you not think that maybe, just maybe, this person either doesn't get it or doesn't have our goals in mind? Saying that Crowder or Milo is our mouthpiece is laughable.
Why, because they says things about silly feminists? Give me one reason these people aren't controlled op like Alex Jones
And that is new?
Have some trust that this is very hard to do, as there are no real leaders or organizations to coopt, but a mass of anons with a shared hatred of cucks.
You can't coopt this movement without fighting for us to some degree in the mainstream media, and thus indirectly teach our memes to the rest of the population.
True. I do find him amusing though, he can serve some use. Just never ever trust an oy vey.
When you (or your Holla Forums-approved spokesperson) go on campus and confront these people I'll respect your opinion. Otherwise Milo & co. get respect for being boots on the ground
I don't think the MSM dare mention white genocide, as they know it's a meme pro-whites push.
Even older. Dante Alighieri got friend zoned 700 years ago but some faggots insist that the phenomena isn't real.
why do you think we're watching it? are you implying anyone here takes anything seriously?
Milo supports reparations for African americans… You ae all cucks.
He also started a white male college fund
Shoah sage for offtopic
How about Milo shilling some for Nature based kindergartens, so the children in burger and bongland can have a gay time as well?
Honestly kids these days don't do enough of this shit
Well done, m8. Needed to be said.
But it is kind of fun to watch Trigglypuff lose her shit.
where do you think you are
I agree with the rest of your post, but this is where you're wrong - until people stop thinking of college as an automatic rite of passage that they feel they *have* to go through, colleges will keep taking in soft open minds, and churning out neo-bolsheviks to send off to work in positions of power and influence. The whole point isn't to create people that can be taken seriously at face value, but to get these people to push their ideas while working in hollywood, tv, government, lobbying/interest groups, the arts, social media, education etc.
Someone sent her the ironic Garfield pic; she shares it unironically
"alt right" is a stupid term to begin with, nobody except Co-opting faggots or unpaid intern shills identify themselves as "alt-right" on this board because the term has been pozzed to hell by Milo, Sommers, Sinead, and similar clowns and never had a clear meaning to begin with. The silver lining is that MSM, cuckservatives, and marxists are going to be chasing an "alt right" red herring that Milo, Kikebart, etc. has made extremely prominent in their minds, the so called "alt right" faggots will serve as useful idiots and decoys for attacks and attempts at subversion from the left. I don't consider them a problem tbh, unless you are a PR faggot there is no problem with them "misrepresenting" Holla Forumsish ideas, if anything that is a good thing since it is a useful misdirection towards useful idiots instead of them trying to do any damage to real nationalists. They are fairly adept at salt mining also, Milo is a faggot jew but he is an occasionally funny faggot jew that has value at least as entertainment and as a useful idiot, hostility and saltiness towards them is unwarranted as long as they are recognized as such IMO.
But that is not the only reason.
When your kid is outside all day no matter the weather, you get back a child that want fulfill it's need for intellectual stimulation with mum and dad in the evening.
Only the rich people in Scandinavia had enough money to clothe their children for all sorts of weather, so the parents could get some quiet moments, where as in the rest of the world, status was to have big enough house, so the children did not have to be outside if the sun did not shine.
Low IQ children of low IQ parents need to train academic stuff in the kindergarten, while the resource rich white folks that like to read, color or something else intellectually stimulation, since that does not involve running around to let the child use up it's energy.
It was the Scandinavian city dwelling economic elite that started it, because their children did not behave as they should, compared to the children of family members that lived places that encouraged free range play.
…Anyone else think his voice is uncomfortably shrill?
Especially for a big guy like that.
Is there actually a video or clip of Maur getting shit on by Michael Scheuer?
Because if so, I'd love to see it.
i love the one who tries to be clever with his "your chairs are soaked in muslim blood hurr." comment.
You just know he got extrememly giddy the moment he made the connection "Their chairs are red, blood is red. I'm gonna say their chairs are soaked in blood. Lol people will think I'm so fucking smart and I bet they'll be totally blown away by my wit."
and they just dismiss him and he quietly skulks off lmao.
Michael Scheuer is married to the Jewish CIA "torture queen" Alfreda Frances Bikowsky.
Michael Scheuer's entire act is a CIA psy-op.
I answered my own question. Here it is if anyone else wants it.
It doesn't matter if it's a psyop or not. Milo and Sommers are controlled opposition as well, and RIR, Black Pigeon Speaks, and all the associated radio and vloggers are astroturfed as well, but they can still be used to redpill people and start them on the path to not believing the main story.
And Scheuer is a hell of a lot worse a psyop than they are, assuming he even is one. Milo talks all the time. He's constantly subverting. Scheuer, by contrast, has limited exposure, and nearly all of it is him agreeing with us. If he is controlled, seems more aimed towards us, not normal people, since he doesn't have nearly the exposure needed to lure people in with fragments of truth and then send them down the wrong path with a pack of half-truths and lies of omission.
As long as you aren't stupid enough to send him a letter asking when the plan to start the DotR is, you'll be fine. There's certainly no reason to not circulate him and give him more exposure.
And that's assuming he's a psyop at all. That which is asserted without evidence, ect, ect.
I chuckled
Not so cream of the crop anymore now, mr. savage
Thank the Lord, a voice of reason straight up. I would add to the mix that these people on stage actually make a living from circuses like this. Also I love how these people every single time have to 'subtly' bring in some pro-Israel propaganda into their act, they cannot ever seem to resist. And Milo, he must have a literal army of shills on Holla Forums ,he is the worst sort of gay, everything seems to come back to sodomy with him.
I did find some entertainment value in the event, but to think those people on the stage are our allies is beyond deluded. Even if they 'BTFO' actual mentally ill/retarded people. Wow, big achievement.
Wow. That was legitimately fucking disgusting and terrifying
George Milo is a fucking eceleb, a Greek and a faggot.
I like him too but I worked in media too long to ever trust him.
Holy fuck it's Rule 63 Kasich
Obama has a 38% approval rating and is widely considered a mistake
how do you actually look at a fucking ms paint garfield scribble rambling about resentment and think it's a great idea to share it on normiebook
that video literally brought tears to my eyes
there's hope, lads
That brown girl's reaction perfectly matches mine.
You can hear the fat slapping into itself as she flails about.
Is he? I figured he was a cuckservative, but I didn't realize he was anti-Trump or anti-nationalism. That's disappointing, I just found out about him. Guess you've saved me some time now since I don't need to watch any more of his shit to find out on my own.
Then you can pay your own damn health bills. Fucking hypocritical obamacare hambeasts.
Da j0000p4aning!
Wrong. They're winning the culture war almost effortlessly because faggots like you won't stand up to them and call them out on their shit. The entire media cowers at their demands, their universities cower to their demands, their local municipalities give in to them and are hostile towards their opposition for the very simple fact that they are the strong horse and their opposition is largely composed of weak horse PR cucks who try to take the morale high ground and never actually force them to back down. People rally around the strong horse not the weak horse, even if they disagree. A clear double standard exists for them, even in the minds of normies, because nobody has sent clear signals of push back against them.
Disagreeing or agreeing with them is irrelevant. Why you would waste time complaining about one of the 1 out of 100 times that somebody against them finally took a stand, won, and helped normalize the idea of fighting back against them shows me just how big your nose probably is.
March them to a cliff 200 miles away and then get a couple of linebackers to push them over the edge.
[X] cracking the zeitgeist
[X] disempowering the left
[ ] informing them that the allies killed the 373,000 prisoners.
pretty good.
everyone is subject to d&c.
it's only effective if the wedge is driven through mutual interests, thus setting those who have some mutual interests against eachother.
if those four on the right are set against eachother, the left wins.
(reviews of the school hamplanet attends)
What the fuck is this numb cunt even saying? It's like her tongue weighs ten pounds and she can't lift it properly.
I hope there's an oven big enough for this whale.
sage AltRight threads
basically this is only possible in tight knit high trust homogenous societies.
"Sleep tight porker"