So, somebody inform me, is the Punchline is Machismo creator an actual butch lesbian bitch...

So, somebody inform me, is the Punchline is Machismo creator an actual butch lesbian bitch, or a dude who tried to pretend to be a woman, but gave up?
I remember trying to ask this question ~2 years ago on halfchan, and my thread got deleted with no answer

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Actual butch lesbian. Although she seemed pretty nice from what I remember.

she is, actually.
Probably the single nicest, least megalomaniacal webcomic artist out there save for Ronnie

I enjoy her work. All I noticed is she likes wrestling a lot.

Also, she keeps drawing the comic despite having cancer, broken arm, torn ligaments and nerve damage.

I think she used to draw homo porn and just generally nude dudes
Maybe they were just pin-ups actually, my memory is foggy



thanks for the invitation, but go on without me, I'll join in another time

This woman deserves more recognition than she gets.. The stick-figure drawing cunt from Extra credits got hundreds of thousands for arm surgery after a minor injury and then quit.

Alison Theus? She got like 10k from that Indiegogo, the rest was pocketed by James Portnow (i.e. the "I hear what I hear" faggot). I've actually met Alison, she's a nice girl who doesn't really like where Extra Credits went (she outright refused to do the episode supporting microtransactions, and quit because she was lead to believe that the series was going to be informative about game design, rather than a propaganda machine).

Most of her story's are really wordy but nonetheless there are always some gems

She always portrayed herself as sort of a gun loving conservative in her episodes when given the chance.

A webcomic called "The Punchline is Machismo" (for fucks sake), written by a Lesbian, is actually pretty based?
That's like, I dunno, a well-off gay British guy, with dyed hair, who is always giving speeches at universities getting a top position at Breitbart.

I was talking about the first artist of Extra Credits.

The writer of this webcomic is just a nice lesbian lady that likes wrestling.

Well, "punchline is machismo" is the alt name. The more used name for the webcomic is "Manly guys doing Manly things"

Well, you won't convince me this time of hating someone on the internet, Holla Forums!

I like her!

Holy fuck was Allison Theus way too talented for extra credits

Admittedly Squirrel Girl and Hellcat's art is well suited to the writing. If the art was good people might accidentally pay money for that shit.

On top of that, the comic is her side project. She queezes out pages in addition to workibg for animation companies.

Okay, you guys do know not every nonconventionally masculine lady is a lesbian, right

squirrel girl's team getting shit canned when?

Actually, I don't think she is a lesbian, she does seem to like buff dudes

you'd be surprised

back in my old days as a deviantart drawfag (i was a dumb fuck teenager) one of the people i talked with the most was a total fag who drew big tittied magical girls all the damned time

Fuck me, I laughed too hard.

You mean to tell me there was actually a choice? I'd pick Manly Guys any day over White Korra.

But guys aren't we supposed to be the big evil sexist villain? What are you doing guys

That's like, I dunno, a well-off gay British guy, with dyed hair, who is always giving speeches at universities getting a top position at Breitbart.

You mean milo, the dude from the triggering?


Give the reasons why.

I think Holla Forums values quality more then SJW politics. I myself visit a SJW site all the time because their taste for quality board games is MILES better then their rival anti SJW site even if they are not obnoxious.

When did Ronnie become an SJW? I just remember him making one comic talking about white people that was kind of obnoxious.

I bought a print from this chick at a con once!
Didn't know it was the same person

Don't dress like a dyke and you won't get called a dyke


Too bad he's a coalburning kike though

He isn't.
That comic you're talking about probably pissed the user off even though it didn't really have a point behind it.
Overall Ronnie just makes comics about being a fat shutin NEET with no faggot ID politics in sight.

Yes, yes they did. They got three judges to decide a winner. It was between punchlineismachismo and white korra, but they went with the less popular pick under the mistaken belief that it'd be about game journalism instead of being a pretentious guy's blog.

Fucking what? Really?

I know you've nothing more than your word, but it's refreshing to hear all the same.

'It' being the typical present day Extra Credits bullshit.

Ah, I see. He never seemed like the type to go SJW, so I didn't think so.


She was brought on to EC because she was employed by Portnow at his first studio (one that ate through money because Portnow wanted to make a massively multiplayer phone game with immersive stories and microtransactions), and from what I gathered she did it out of courtesy because she was on friendly terms with Portnow and the idea was intriguing, especially since she was freelancing her art at the time whilst actively looking for a job. Honestly, if she HADN'T gotten a job when she did, she probably would have quit anyway because of how shitty the series was going (not to mention the fact that the excess money for her surgery SHOULD have gone to her, but Portnow was a fucking kike about it and burned bridges with both her and the Escapist over it).

Well, I guess none of these are the case anymore, since she just had a tumor-removal surgery a few days ago (hence the neck stitches from the OP picture) and about two monts ago she had a motorcycle accidient which broke her drawing arm, (impermanently) damaged some nerves and tore several ligaments.
To quote:


Never since the team consists of some Tumblrite they picked up out of nowhere and she probably got in in the first place due to nepotism, comic still hasn't been canceled yet despite numbers being near-nonexistent, even after the comic was renumbered/rebooted/whatever.

It's only called coalburning if you are a girl. When you are a guy (even if you like black cocks) it's jungle fever.

She's pretty cool. I'm also really enjoying the newfag losing his mind ITT over us not hating some chick for no reason.

Right, forgot that

We need threads like this more often to bait shills so mods can ban them.

I'm only sad that I barely started following this comic and lady about a year ago. She always seems like a delight and her comics have usually managed to avoid hitting the 'preach' zone that others just can't seem to get out of.

Of course, because the Universe hates cool people, things seem to go wrong with her lately and that genuinely rustles my jimmies.

Don't post like a faggot and you won't get called a faggot.

You have to go back.

She's pretty butch, but as far as i know he's married and even has a kid, right?

Her comic is alright but lately she's been focusing too much on making women look like badasses and then there was that whole thing with the protagonist going "yeah i used to sleep with dudes" and he used to have a relationship with one of the guys in the main squad or something like that.

She's starting to shove these things inside the comic that don't really add anything to it and aren't really funny.

This comic exists as a parody of machismo in games and media with buff dudes doing dumb shit, it's a very simple joke, it doesn't need to be overcomplicated like she's doing to make some sort of statement.

Even Satan is sick of their shit.

Have the latest one by a guest artist named Lorraine Schleter. I got a pretty good laugh out of it.

I'm sorry you're easily triggered.

I was looking forward to a panel where Maria came down without his mustache and looking exactly like Enzo. A bit disappointed.

isn't it oil drilling now?

That kinda implies topping.

Funny how the SJW panderers are always white guys who never miss a chance to exploit actual women and minorities while trying to kiss up to wealthy white Gender Studies majors


We are going to need a glossary for this shit

Fuck off triggered dykes

Don't fags have cute names for nigger lovers? Like chocolate queen or something?

Damn, she really is ugly
Fucking butch as shit, I never knew
Comic is okay though

This is how an ideologue's mind works. You must be able to separate the work's quality from the author's politics to enjoy it and not project your biases on everything you read, watch or play. A bad piece of media will be bad irregardless of author's politics, and a good piece can introduce a new perspective, even one you disagree with, in a way that won't ruin the overall quality.

I think she's cute in her own butch way

It's called a portfolio


I've never seen Ronnie slip political shit in his comics though

Ronnie putting political stupidity into Whomp would be a first for him, all his comics are pretty politically neutral last I checked.

He once made a joke that used the phrase "white people," I think that's when all the Holla Forumsacks got uber-triggered.

Don't forget Katie although her stuff doesn't pop up as much as it used to.

Had no idea about all of this. I always figured she just jumped ship as soon as a better gig came around, but working with those two faggots numale twats and their kool-aid spewing nonsense would drive anyone away.

Wish she'd been more vocal about her leaving, because it probably would have cut EC down at the knees and significantly reduced their influence.

I don't care or know shit, but gotta hand some respect

Oh god, that shit.
The moment Kukuruyo made the Hugos ballot was the moment Sad Puppies / Rabid Puppies / whatever it's called lost any claim to legitimacy.

Doesn't show in her work, so Idgaf.