Pros 1. Your wife is happier. The average Black western man has a dick between 4-5 inches in size. This will be ok for the first year of marriage but eventually your wife begins to experience less pleasure as she gets used to this and desires. An 9 inch stud can please her better under these circumstances 2. A sexually satisfied wife is a happy wife and she will nag you much less or not at all in your marriage. 3. If you ensure that she cheats on you with a White man, she will never cheat on you with men of any other race. This is a good thing because a White man will steal your wife from you moots.
fact is, black girls are happy with a 6 inch dick.
The problem with this white on black porn. They try to compete with the freakish black porn. And white guys start to think black girls wont' go for them if their dicks aren't 8 inches big.
BS. i have rocked 3 black girls in the span of 4 months, (i made one go cross eyed) and my dick is only 6 inches.
The latest gf she's addicted to me, and i have her wrapped around my finger.
John Smith
and when i mean cross eyed, not permanently and only during sex.
Camden Peterson
this girl is very hot, I would date this
Leo Bailey
I would date this one too
Adrian Parker
Caleb Sanders
there are pros and cons
gotta put up with black girsl spending a fuck ton on their hair. Cause its'not straight naturally and for some reason they hate their natural hair. so it's constant extensions.
they smell a bit more funky than white girls
pros are, pussys are tighter, WAYYYY tighter. the one im dating now, pussy was so tight, i would lose my mind and didnt' care if i was blowing load after load in her.
But i would trick her and say the morning after pill was a sleeping pill (she coudlnt' sleep)
don't want no kids
Caleb Clark
I know user, my threads title and description is a parody of the other interracial thread.
Henry Watson
I just wanted to assure any guy thinking about fucking a black girl.
go for it. DIck size don't matter.
but if your gonna fuck a black girl, get the cutest hottest you can. If your going to go interracial, you gotta have a hot one. otherwise, people are going to be even more judgy than they already are.
Christopher Gray
oh ya, the bonus to dating black girls. White girls instantly think you have a huge dick.
white girls will flirt with you like crazy.
Julian Howard
I like asians too tbh.
Nicholas Garcia
Juan Thomas
my ex wife of 15 years was asian. 8)
i have done them all
Nolan Green
You sound like you are living the life.
Zachary Thompson
im from canaduh, live in the caribbean for the last 10 years. Traveled the globe, in that time. Been around the world 8 times.
I have fucked more girls than I can count.
Seen a fuck ton of places and ate great food and learned 4 languages. and i Still haven't been to south america or africa or central europe (I think im doing africa this year)
life is short, i dont' let anything hold me back.
Caleb Taylor
Well i'm a poor fag so whatever trip I go on will need to be on foot, but some day I will go somewhere.
and fuck all their bitches.
Jace Peterson
sad thing about life. The youth get the energy and beauty, but not the money
older you get the more money you make, but you lose some energy and beauty.
Unless your born a rich fag. Then you have everything.
Jason Allen
Brandon Reyes
whats up with this fascination with blacks n sex? traps etc all sorts of weird shit n here.
Wyatt Hernandez
For fun user, are you a normalfag?
Landon Wright
Logan Reed
Ayden Morales
Carter Gray
bump for triggernigger
Julian Sullivan
Luis Bailey
It's nice to be reminded of all of the paid shills that lurk here.