You are all a bunch of faggots
Prove me wrong
Protip: you might be able to
You are all a bunch of faggots
Prove me wrong
Protip: you might be able to
Our goddess Kennedî Cötarelo will come back from 4chan and tell you to fuck off
Maybe she should stay there…
I found a picture of you user
I cannot for you are probably right.
Surely there must be some redeeming features about yourself user (inb4 dick too big, might kill someone)
I don't have to prove you anything
b-but mah thread premise…..
Wron'g becuase I'm not a bunch of faggots, I'm just one faggot.
You need to get that framed user
Nicole is grill and therefore can not be gay man.
You're a guy, just admit it. No one will ever believe you are a girl until you do tits/vagina + timestamp.
fucking faggot
HAHAHA believe what you like bb dole. if i ever actually posted a pic here then all you boys would be to scared to ever talk to me again. Holla Forums would become nothing but spaghetti.
I found a picture of Nicole…she super hot!
i wonder if I'll get banned for this?
Totally not a faggot.
I like old fashioned straight porn.
"OP IS A FAGGOT blah blah blah…"
She sounds like she's in pain, wtf.
of course she's in pain, she's currently dying of AIDS and domestic violence
those pesky infectious nigger dicks