The exodus is actually happening, what?

The exodus is actually happening, what?

Just when everyone was like "Nah, Holla Forums is actually not so bad 😂", and now we're actually going through with it? Alright, well, anyone still here, you're welcome to come to Finalchan.

Hop on m8

Other urls found in this thread:


To prevent le autism meltdowns I just want to warn you that FC isn't like most other chans in the sense that they decided to split Holla Forums into two.

Most similar to 8/b/ and therefor a more suitable home for most of us is:


It's basically 8/b/, any kind of discussion and shitposting allowed, and unlike this pile of shit, there's no meme ban. /sp/ stands for shitpost, I don't think i need to explain it anymore.


This is the mature half of Holla Forums. Serious, good discussion and quality threads can be found here, and shitposting of any kind and most memery isn't allowed on /r/. (Stands for random)

isn't finalchan an sjw-infested Holla Forums sewer?

join the finalchan irc guys, it's all comfy. it's comfier than current and we're like 10 people. So no bully

No. Who started this fucking meme?



Finalchan is literally worse than 4chan and Holla Forums

Nigga that's a 360

I heard that they're working on HTTPS, and the community and staff is far better than both of those chans though

The creator of Finalchan is on the IRC and I talked to him about it, get in here niggers



He just said "no". not much more to discuss there.

also even if it will have https implemented eventually, what does it have that 90% of other caricature forums don't? we need something better than a cheap version of 4chan

and the fact is if finalchan does somehow get popular, the admin will eventually sell out his users. it always happens

it's not a meme, it's an observation of the place
it's really an Holla Forums shithole
the one that was spammed by Holla Forums during their recent exodus spam


I haven't seen a single bit of Holla Forums or anything remotely SJWish, are you sure you're not on CHEESE, FOR EVERYONE!


CHEESE, FOR EVERYONE! f r e e chchc


The reason I say this place is dead because for one, the board has actually grinded to a complete stop. Rest in peace, 8/b/.


do da engli gud user

Although it's a slow piece of shit at times… I'm with you. Just press ctrl+shift+r and you can refresh pages quickly (the refresh button isn't effective). Also, that will refresh your own posts instantly. You'll have no problem with it if you use it.