Ebin maymay

Holla Forums sure has fallen since hotwheels turned into jew-wheels

Hotwheels has not been owner of Holla Forums for months m8

so… Jewels?

Where'll we go now?

You already know the answer: Nowhere.




sorry, no, mate








2007 - 2016 for me, lads. This really is the end.

I'll probably be gathering all of my shit into one backup, host the goodies on /sys, host it on a sftp server, and fucking leave.

I learned a lot, I filled up 6TB of hard drives with premium content, but these days are seriously gone.


That's sad

I don't know what else to fucking do.

If I had the money, I would host a fork of Holla Forums, but I just spent all of my savings on building a labratory for materials engineering. As it is, I'm working my old job 48 hours a week, and working on my small business every weekend. I don't have any friends so #chan has been where I've hung out.

If the site were dying in two years I would probably just buy the servers and host a chan with user stream support, but I don't have the fucking funds for that right now.
