21st Century NatSoc

21st Century NatSoc

Name something more productive than rearing aryan children.

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Fantastic idea. Well it isn’t his idea but reissuing this policy is a fantastic idea.

At the moment I can’t see any Governments being strong enough to do it the way it would have to be done.

It is a solution to the EUROPEAN birthrate problem. It would have to be for Europeans only and Europe has a lot of non-Europeans who are legally citizens.

Hungary would be the most likely candidate at this point, and they're not even really European, though quite brilliant in many fields.

That will just lead to single mothers. It will also lead to single mothers suing for discrimination of some sort if they try and limit it to only married women. And finally, the job will continue to be shamed save for cultures that aren't shaming such women in the first place, unless you again outright discriminate which would lead to problems under the law yet again.


We will know that they will end up paying the shitskins even more to have children than they already do.


You're all being way too negative and short-sighted. The first step in Nationalism obviously has to be to disenfranchise and deport the immigrants.

But then what?

We need a full policy plan if we're going to attract normies. When your whole platform is about pulling weeds out of the ground the normies couldn't care less. We need to be able to describe what we will plant in their place and what fruits they will reap.

We already do pays better then what most of the country is making too.


If you ever want to the normies to join you, you're going to have to burn down most of the country's farms and cut most of the cable lines.

It's a fucking terrible idea you dipshit. Jesus fuck


killing Jews and niggers

Define what is a mother? Is a illegal migrant invading mother qualify for this 'mother' occupation? Is this idea a backdoor for white-genocide?

Jesus fucking christ. This is why I will never support a woman with my hard earned work. That's the definition of a fucking NEET. Men cook and clean better, make better friendships, and prostitutes are cheaper if you just want sex. Women provide NOTHING that is not done better by men or provided better and cheaper without marriage besides being breeding cows. I can't wait for artificial wombs to make cunts obsolete.


OP, while this sounds like a good idea on the surface, the reality is it'll encourage R-type selection.


It's a shit idea. Taxing men more so strong independent wymyn can shit out some future slaves only makes things worse.

Remove feminism and globalism to unfuck the work market and suddenly a family can live with just one salary again.

Fantastic idea, until you realize in reality it translates into paying niggers and Arabs to have 8 kids each, and kills the economy. If something like this were implemented, it would be for the sake of increasing the non-white population, not the white population, and European nations will never have politicians that work on their behalf. Never. The way it is now is the way it'll always be (and for the most part it's the way it's always been in Europe–the people work against their best interests for the best interests of their political elite). Why? Because no one is doing anything to change it. So any attempt at raising birthrates will only affect the non-white populations. Whites will be too busy working to pay the taxes. Most young white women think kids are disgusting and annoying and want nothing to do with them these days. I've rarely ever heard a white woman say she wants kids. They want to watch TV, go out and have fun, and pretend they're 14 for the rest of her lives.

Not clicking your link, shill.


So men should work the jobs and pay the taxes that pay their wives? There would be no profit in this except for single mothers. The money would literally just be the same money the husband is giving to the government.

As stupid as it sounds it wouldn't be the dumbest social welfare program Europe is doing. I mean right now they're already funding their own demise with foreigners who are always going to take more than they put into the system.

Might as well try and raise the rates before it all goes to shit. Then again without constraints on Muslims this would be catastrophic.

You fuckers know the Jews create free money at all the time but suddenly it would be impossible for NatSocs to do it at all to benefit their own people? Fucking sad, Hitler is laffin.

April is autism awareness month.

What is it like being autistic?

Good point. Should this be implemented in a way that peaks the interests of white women, it would only aid in kicking more fathers out of the home and making women more dependent on their beloved government, which has all but taken the place of men in most adult women's lives these days as it is. So we'd end up with a more depraved, effeminate, and weak society. Unless, that is, a restriction were that it must be a two parent household, which obviously wouldn't be the case. This would be about encouraging single motherhood.

yeah, subsidizing whores sounds like a great idea

you guys are fucking retarded

So should the government force me to work and pay for a parasite to live with me?

The way I see it, we need to stop catering every aspect of society toward benefiting women. Then, and only then, can society become somewhat normalized. As for birthrates, can someone show me a graph of under 30 birthrates now compared to 1916?

it isn't "free money" you goddamn mongoloid

it's *OUR* money.

explain to me how the fuck it makes sense for us to STEAL OUR OWN MONEY to pay for things when we could just PAY FOR IT OURSELVES

Yeah exactly and why do they do it? To ruin your nations currency's value so they can buy everything up for pennies on the dollar after the crash. Is this your first day on Holla Forums?

The more socialist a country, the lower the birthrate of those who are needed to actually keep the country running. Those lower on the evolutionary rung won't be affected.

I mean, you're free to try it. I'm free to laugh at you when it doesn't work. When it does nothing to change the culture of that given society or when it becomes perverted by ideologically different groups looking out for themselves.

This. You should give men more benefits for things women do, not the other way around. If the government paid men for keeping their bitch in line, then it would be more reasonable.

Hey Bozo, it's not called 'National Individualism', that's libertarianism.

The Nation's future and society's health comes before you.

They do it for power, we could do it for power, not a hard concept to understand.

It would be trivially simple to scrap the majority of welfare programs and pay mothers. Society would actually be more free, we could have more markets. Funding could be done numerous ways. From printing the money, to floating bonds on children's future tax earnings, to taxation - doesn't really matter it would all be skimming from society to pay for an adequate future generation and continuation of the race.

Are any of you actually against that?

No. Your idea is bad.

You are just incentivizing people to shit out kids.

fuck off

Go start your Autist Empire on an island and never bother anyone ever again.

Women don't need any more welfare than they already have. This is a welfare program.

I stand by the notion that birthrates aren't a problem, so long as the population is homogeneous. Population density will fluctuate with the rising and lowering standard of living. There's only a problem if governments are allowed to import millions of non-whites, as then group competition takes place, and whites can't win that, as whites are the ones with the burden of maintaining the economy and nation, which, in a time of ever worsening economies, leads temporarily to lower birthrates, as people can't take upon themselves the financial burden of a child. Remove the group competition, and birthrates aren't an issue. Europe doesn't even have the industry to support an ever increasing population. Europe would be healthier with a smaller, or stagnant population. That is, unless Europe expanded into Western Asian and Africa, which I don't see happening. Colonialism is dead. I doubt it'll ever happen again unless everything collapses. The notion that populations need to increase indefinitely is ridiculous and stupid. We don't have the room, the industry, or the need for more humans. We should strive to have a smaller, rich, well fed, and well cared for population. Not a huge, poor, unhappy population, crammed into cities like New Yorkers during the industrial revolution. We just need borders and strict immigration laws. That's it. Birthrates are irrelevant. They'll naturalize at a level that best suits the economy and provides the population with the highest standard of living, at which point birthrates will go up, the standard of living will go down, birthrates will go down etc.

Incentivizing r-type reproductive strategies leads to civilizational decline. Removing disincentives to starting families is a good start, by implementing paid maternity leave for example, but handing over a permanent salary to any woman with kids incentivizes DeShawnda to have 10+ babies and live by siphoning the taxpayer. Indirect incentives such as temporary maternity leave, massive tax deduction, free education, or guaranteed jobs with training for new fathers is a better idea. K selection is invariably superior to r type scum, and policy has to promote K type as much as possible. Right now the economic burden on K types from rapefugees and r type welfare parasites who bother to be productive delays motherhood by too many years and reduces birth rates, not to mention the massive disincentivization from the kike-feminist-legal-industrial complex i.e. divorce court. Reforming family and divorce law to BTFO kikes and feminists and indirect incentives such as maternity leave, 50+ percent reduction in taxes for families, and public schools that are actually competent are the best route for promoting birthrates, as much as kikes like to claim low European birthrates are "mass suicide" or "low fertility", birthrates of K type whites are artificially suppressed by policies that punish fathers and productive citizens in favor of immigrants, whores, and parasites.

Found the Jew.

Also, isn't getting more control over reproduction for the government what communism would do?

MGTOW pls go


makes sense

dumb angry fucks like you, that can only shout buzzwords when they're displeased are the reason the right fails

that would be a great way to dissuade every women in your country from marrying, do you retards not think

This isn't "control", it is incentivization, people would be free to reproduce or not, if anything the economic suppression of K type families in Europe and America is the real attempt at control, and it is working to devastating effect. Communism is the ultimate r-type ideology and would want to suppress k-types as much as humanly possible, even through outright murder or slavery as we have seen in the Soviet Union. There are similarly eugenic solutions that do not infringe on liberty, like offering $100,000 to anyone with a serious genetic disease to be sterilized as hotwheels has proposed when he was interviewed. Promoting Strong families and good genes can absolutely be promoted without infringing on freedoms, while promoting r type strategies inherently means parasitizing K type producers and limiting their freedoms, I stand by my assertion that indirect incentivization instead of direct payment is the best policy for natsocs and direct transfer payments as OP proposed would be disastrous.

The only reservation I have about government pay for motherhood is that it will cause blacks to be an even heavier burden than they currently are.

To fix this problem, also offer a payout to people for being sterilized. Blacks will take the easier money every fucking time.

Inflation is just a form of tax. Just now the Jews create the inflation and get the tax revenue, all I'm saying is to change those who control and benefit.

Inflation will be limited by the population cap set and the wage given to mothers. Eventually it's inflationary effect will disappear as you stabilize the population.

I swear some of you are so whipped by the Jews you can't even see outside of the lens they created for you.

This isn't MGTOW.

This is actually a great idea. Yes nogs will abuse this, who cares when white's are matching their birth rate? While successfully raising the children.

White families used to be big, 7 kids wasn't rare. All raised well to a benefit of society.

You're criticizing the means which will bring about an excellent ends.

Kill yourself.

nope he's right,

you are a jew. you're just angry because you had the torch light shined in your cockroach eyes.

as a tax payer I believe that this is an acceptable premise. to get back to where we need to be the paramaters of a stable married life would have to be part of it. and a minimum married time before child birth also. if you don't meet these criteria so sad too bad.

we want people of quality and the only way to break this PC bs of oh that's discriminatory is to fight it with facts not fucking feels.

in before (1).

I love this idea.

It gives wives more autonomy in terms of financial things they need for the kids. Kids need food? Don't have to ask me for money immediately - just run out and get it. Obviously, if their kids suffer, they should get 'fired' and not get a check. But I know many women who want to have kids and 'can't' because it is 'too expensive.'

No bonus for single women unless the father is deceased or there is very obviously proved signs of abuse to instigate the divorce.

USA people: we're already paying sheboons for single kids out of wedlock, this really wouldn't be much different if it was written properly. It would definitely convince more white women to stay at home.

This is commiethink not natoc and all the tards ITT pushing for it don't seem to understand the natsoc model.

The way to get the rates flowing again is to create an economic and societal environment that makes having children affordable and beneficial. Not by means of gibs but by fostering attitudes of the family unit, social and racial hegemony etc. and creating the economic environment where people are able to feed more mouths, afford land and the likes.

You are already seeing the results of the opposite whereby responsible whites are not having children because they are unable to afford the additional mouth to feed where you have niggers pumping out kids like pigs and getting those sweet gummint bux. Whites are observably more responsible and adept at forethought so they take this shit into account (generally).

The economic factors are a far greater contributor than I think most people give credit.

People will have children when they see it as beneficial for ones self and ones country and don't have (((financial pressure))) weighing them down.

It was not a suggestion. It's what was implemented in National Socialist Germany, making it a literal NatSoc policy.

Explain to me how this system would work, or what other obligatory reforms you'd implement to balance it out. Present a percentage of the population that would receive this welfare, too.

Do you hear yourself?

fuck off nigger

Explain to me how we went from serfs to homeowners? How we went from public transport to everyone owning a car? From a few thousand going to college to hundreds of thousands? Massive, inflationary credit (money) issuance.

But according to you none of those things could EVER happen without completely destroying society.

There are plenty of ways to limit the inflation, if you hadn't noticed the Jews have been controlling inflation for at least the last 100 years in America and it's still the most powerful country on earth.

are you living in you moms basement, do you not see how this isn't implementable in western society right now.
before anything like this could happen we would need a culture shift over several generations. even if this were to happen odds are women wont just give up their privileges and rights, and people like you saying this over the top shit is costing the far right a big audience.

why are you mentioning facts over feels when you're not mentioning any.
Also how dumb and predisposed do you have to be to truly think i'm a jew. you live in a society where most people are very much pro equal rights for both gender, on top of that when did jews started getting offended about getting called jew. do they suddenly not consider themselves gods superior chosen race anymore.

go work in the mines or some shitty factory and keep your mouth shut you dumb fucking inbred

Give your wife a fucking allowance then or access to a shared account. Fuck getting the State involved.

natsoc germany did not last long enough to see how that worked out.
This was also back when women didn't work the same jobs as men, and generally weren't emancipated
women already tended to have a lot of children in those days, so this law wouldn't affect their life plans that much, however this would be different now
1944 isn't the definitive guide of natsoc they did many things wrong, else they would still be here today
currently it is already unappealing for young couples to get married financially. adding a loan on top of that would simply drive down marriage numbers

Raising a kid isn't a job that parents get paid for, it's a responsibility of every citizen.

I say if any citizen of a country doesn't raise at least one offspring to have a stable job for five consecutive years by age 50, they lose all retirement and medicaid privileges.

It's also the responsibility of every citizen to care for their own health and retirement but for some reason you hand that over to the state.

I like your idea though.

this means women will have to stop working or be confined to lower education jobs, therefore it's not feasible in the foreseeable future. or people like me, children of two phd's will not be born in favor of pursuing careers, thus dumbing down the population

Not only are you not the guy I asked, you don't even have the basic decency to explain how it would not fail. Not even that, you also seem to imply a welfare system is the same as loans and investment. You're not gonna convince anyone present that way, and you know it.

So it'd still be a NatSoc policy because it was practiced in the one NatSoc country.

Or maybe you think that real National Socialism has never been tried, comrade?

Liszt for example. GOAT composer.

Yeah government issued bonds are nothing like loans and investment…

The burden is on you to prove that it would fail guy. I've provided examples which actually happened and according to your theory would have resulted in the destruction of our society. If you still believe in your model in spite of enormous anomalies then maybe, just maybe, your model isn't 100% correct. Consider it.

Nail on the head, that's exactly what I meant.

Are you serious? Women stayed at home for 99.999999999999999999999999999999% of history, this has only started changing in the 1970s and isn't close to complete.

so only policies tried in the one true natsoc country are natsoc policies. Meaning all other policies that fit a natsoc idealogy need another label?

Are you implying the marriage license loan isn't a NatSoc policy?

I clearly stated "in the foreseeable future"
no they didn't. More then 90% of human history was lived in a hunter gatherer society where there was no home and women fulfilled the gatherer function

currently the idea behind retirement is that the money used is kept from your salary in the form of taxes. you'd have to change the way that works first.
also you would be forcing people who didn't want children, or dont make good spouses to go out and have shitty marriages with poorly raised children.
you'd also be ignoring the fact that more men are born then women so there probably would be some people unjustly fucked by such a policy.

nice job not even attempting to refute any other argument made. youre basically saying "it's possible and i feel it should be this way so it should be a law"
i swear the pol stereotype of angry single basement dwellers is true sometimes

no and i never did. this whole comment chain started with some guy implying op's policy isn't actually natsoc. and i commented on his comment explaining why i felt the original policy wouldn't work today.
you gotta scroll up sometimes

Retirement gibs and medicaid should not exist in the first place. It's welfare gibs bullshit to pay for old people being fucking worthless. I and any intelligent man already works and saves money to support himself after retirement on his own resources, under the true assumption that "retirement and medicaid" gibs won't give a single tax dollar to your pocket. Welfare and taxation to support old people should be abolished completely. Save and spend smartly or go homeless when you retire.

This thread showcases a perfect example why burgers/lolberturdians is the disease that hinder our cause.
Kinda sad to see what happens to people when they live in a jewish system.

It's not about that. It's about the carrot on a stick.

When women can be treated and owned as slaves, I will get a white wife and have children.

Promoting just any women to procreate is not a good idea, even if they are white and not single mothers. High IQ women who can make better money doing skilled work will opt out of children almost completely if mothering simply became a low-paying job. Thus, like most government policies these days, an overall dysgenic effect will be the result.

The fundamental problem with this solution is it is still trying to work within the frame of sex equality. There is nothing wrong with men being in control of the family's finances and women being shut out of jobs that require the time and focus that preclude having children.

Iraqi Baathist ideology was founded on the ideas laid out by Rashid Ali al-Kailani (pic related meeting with the Fuhrer) and defined its ideals as national socailist. Syria under Hafez Al-Assad and Egypt under Nasser were also largely national socialist but Iraq took it to a further degree which only continued under Saddam, he even made an Iraqi book based on Mein Kampf called "Three Whom God Should Not Have Created: Persians, Jews, and Flies" required reading, Arab nationalism based on the ideas of Michel Aflaq in general also rejects the Marxist aspect of socialism. Most people tend to ignore that Iraq had a national socialist government dating back to WW2 when Iraq was part of the Axis but lost to the allies and later overthrew that government in favor Baathism and Saddam who was an Arab nationalist and made Iraq a national socialist state again. Iraq did very well both wartime and during peace economically under national socialism and persevered through 8 years of brutal war with Iran only to emerge in 1989 with a GDP stronger than that of Saudi Arabia both nationally and per capita along with a military that no other middle eastern state could challenge, not to mention over a decade of being embargoed and becoming entirely self sufficient.


socialism does not benefit us.
we need to break the conditioning of our people, become more tribalistic, and pursue power.

This is nationalism which is not mutually exclusive from socialism, nationalist socialism is based on the concept of building a greater nation based on ethnic or cultural identity

killing jews

Paying women a living wage to be mothers would probably crash the fucking economy with no survivors. Good idea otherwise.

That doesn't make any sense. If you run your printing press non stop you are going to devalue your nations currency there is no way around it . Every leader in Africa thought the same thing as you, "I can just print as much money as I want now that were finally free from whitey, weez trillionaires now"

This would work only in at least 90% homogeneus and healthy nation in a country with strong industry and production capabilities. And guess what, there's no such European country left.

Would there be any restrictions on the payout for being sterilized? Is it just a flat cash amount given to you, and anyone can do it? I would definitely volunteer for it in that case.

Natsoc is retarded, just be a Fascist.

Nah, just ensure these women have husbands with jobs that can provide for families and the problem is solved, so killing the welfare state and stopping government from giving free money to people is the best first step.

Exactly. This is what happened to niggers in the United States. They were never great, but back in the 50s and earlier, they still had a real family structure with both parents. For a few decades, blacks even had a slightly higher marriage rate than whites.

Isn't the solution to then put a qualifier that you have to be married and live in the same house?

dysgenic cuckoldry. do not want.

At first it seemed a bit suspicious, but then I realized that that money would have to come from somewhere, and that means my hard earned tax money. Jesus christ.


Guess I'll have to fuck some whore for a fuck trophy so the government doesn't starve me then.
Great idea, user.

Now this is shitposting

No, you should just take care of your own health and financial security. The government should not give welfare to old people for retirement or medicaid at all. It's just one more gibs for useless people to live without working. If you save and spent smartly, you can build up your own retirement fund and support yourself if/when you wish to stop working.

you can't make this shit up

Not with the taxes and low wages we have today.

I'm just preaching to the quire here.

This is a dogshit idea. Replacing the only real and good family structure of mother+father+children with big daddy government taking care of the children with the money of every man, who is now a even bigger slave than before. Since now you're taxing every man as if he was raising a child, it guarantees that barely any man, sans those that are working overtime all the time, will actually have children of their own. This leads to Single Mothers, which leads to rootless dogshit children, easy manipulated by the state, with no heritage, no proper role models, and, best observed in the case of niggers, huge swaths of faggot, criminal and retarded people making the same thing on and on.

So to simplify: if it makes it harder to form and actual family (F+M+C) it is EVIL and ANTI-WHITE.

Those are problems that need to be addressed just as much as welfare (which shouldn't exist at all). Taxes are over 10 times higher than they were a hundred years ago, and that money isn't doing anything resourceful.

I wonder how this would work in America
No lone nigress raising 8 retarded hood monkeys
Giving your nigger baby whiskey to stop it crying will not get you Mombux
Nig nogs living in shacks do not get mombux if their kids are sleeping on the floor

What else?

Now, if only I could find a woman who wants to fuck me.

Fixed that for you.

Here's your solution

If this becme real I'd become a tranny, find some random girl willing to sell me a baby and then spend the rest of my life sitting at home playing with kids, because fuck real work

Hungary already has a program similar to this. Not quite as bold as providing mothers a salary, more like hitler's 1930's family loan plan

I've been brainstorming something like this for America. I believe there is a reasonable solution and involves restricting access by reasonable means. The aim is to help the middle classes, not the lower classes because the lower already receives tons of help

1) You offer a family growth loan program. Say, $125,000. The money can only be used towards a down payment on a house, a college fund for the kids, tuition for private school enrollment, and other strictly defined programs that can benefit a family.

2) If you Earn more than $X you are disqualified from this program no wealthy people. I'd make X the top 1 or 2 tax brackets

3) Only couples who have been together for at least 2.5 years are eligible for this program. If you get divorced before the kids turn 18 you have to pay the loan back (extreme circumstances such as rape, violence in the household, etc will be considered on a case by case basis) this keeps young kids who divorce after a year from taking advantage

4) The husband must be working. no niggers

5) Felons are disqualified from this program no niggers or spics

6) At least one parent must have a college education or equivalent thereof equivalent would include those who take up trades, start their own businesses, etc. This is so only the most industrious people get to take advantage of the program

7) Each child the parents have forgives 25% of the family growth loan. Four children means no repayment of loans.

Alternatively, you offer a smaller loan amount and forgive up to $X in federally held student loans. X being whatever the average student loan debt is. because student loan debt is the single biggest factor in why so many people wait so late to start families now

Terrible idea. The ones that will be taking advantage of it are the worst dregs of society anyways. Just look at what it's doing to Burgerstan. Getting paid to pop out more children than you can financially support yourself? Suddenly you get sheboons across the country shitting out twenty loaves that the state now has to feed and support.

Making more "white" children doesn't fucking help when those "white" children are just as bad as the 3rd world shitstains you complain about. The shade of your complexion doesn't magically make you a decent human being.

You're fucking retarded. Never post again.

Jesus that is a funny .webm.

You are so correct. Without civic duty civilization cannot stand. Having children should so obviously be a part of that. The god damned kike marxists in this thread are up to their usual shenanigans- shilling for an obviously terrible policy.

If anything is to be incentived it should be the family unit, and subsidies are an immensely craven way to do that and is therefore doomed to failure.

>Not realizing that this is thread that is discussing how government should help encourage growing white families
>Not wanting to address the issues that plague this generation namely student loan debt
>Not realizing what I proposed would bar the majority of niggers, spics and other undesirables like you from participating in a family growth program

You won't find the Talmud on this board, Isaiah. Head back to your Synagogue now

That's not THE problem, It's a problem, yes. But it's only a symptom of the underlying problem. You can't fix it without addressing the underlying issue.

What is that underlying issue that has caused this massive student loan debt?
Easy; the massive maxist, jew, and marxist jew takeover of universities which has turned them from nation-enriching powerhouses of science and technology, to indoctrination centers.
Said indoctrination centres are no longer nation enriching, they are a drain, and so they could not remain self funding because they don't actually add value to anything anymore. (Yes I know good engineers and such can come out of them but that's massively outweighed by all the liberal artstards, the chicano, black, and women's studies graduates).

We can eliminate student debt if we eliminate the scum and dirt clinging to universities.

He's right

Until you move the Jew rats you're just LARPing. Nothing is ever going to work out as you hope as long as they are in control.

Easy solution:
Don't make it a default job, make it something you need to apply to and are able to be rejected.

Apply the following rules:
- Only for prople who are married 2+ years
(Cite child welfare as a reason)
- Payment is based on their last employment or the median income of their degree. Implement a hard maximum and a minimum increase above the welfare level to justify the bearaucracy.
This should weed out all the plebs and ensure that the child is raised in an intellectually stimulationg environment
-The motherhood contract will be terminated,if the child commity any criminal offence

You can't.

Which is why everything they do sabotages this.

Economics can be summed up in a single sentence: People respond to incentive.

Now do we want women to have more children? No, we want families to have more children. So we need to give incentive to families to have children. white families, no niggers pls
The easiest way to do this is by giving tax breaks to families with more children. What's the point of taxing a large family, then giving the money back to them later? Just cut their tax a certain amount the more children they have. Even the free marketers can agree with this one.

Remove Watermelon.


We already do that, and its given us nothing but shit like this

The only thing you can do to raise birthrates of desirable people is to drastically lower taxation so families can actually afford to have kids on a single income and remove the pension so people have an incentive to do so.

If you subsidize bad behavior then bad behavior is what your society will experience.

when you make childrearing a 'job' with government pay, that suddenly means you aren't the boss anymore, the government is.

i see you didn't take sally to her mandatory public school/diversity classes and get her her 50000 vaccinations, you'd better raise that child the way the government says to or else your government funds will be cut off and your child taken away!

And you better not name your son Adolf Hitler! Or else!

If you can get the fuck-throphy to start a career of his own, then fine.

Retirement and Medicare works on the concept that the young people currently being taxed pay for the old people.

If you haven't produced a young person who pays taxes, you don't get Medicare or Retirement fund, end of.

not true

Killing nigger children.

Why aren't you supporting Planned Parenthood like the God Emperor?

worked fine for the nazis. what you mean is we need to make divorce and premarital sex horrible again., which wedo, and become ethnically homogenous, which we also do

national SOCIALISM works great - in an ethno–state. sweden was going great til they cucked for niggers.

natsoc is the way. a gun in every hand. one folk, one realm, one leader. hail victory.

In that case government should also bring back arranged marriages. Women's sexual liberation means that you're going to be subsidizing chads.


Remove welfare and stop taxing everyone for old people. If old people want to stop working before they die, it's their responsibility to provide for themselves.

you realize the nazis LITERALLY enacted a policy almost exactly like this, right?

Libertarian plz go.

Actually that isn't even libertarian, it's borderline anarchist.

It's the responsibility of every citizen to care for their own health and retirement, why do you want to hand that over to the government? Explain what makes sense of taxing the working class to pay for worthless boomers to sit on their ass in retirement.

Yeah. This is why I really can't get behind the whole "Socialism" aspect of Nationalist Socialism.

I'm all for cutting red tape, and an old fashioned Homogenous Paternal Autocracy, though. Everyone knows Dolfy was just pandering to the Socialist crowd with that crap, though, and probably would've cut it off, after he dealt with them, in private, had the "Allies" not have knocked at his door.

i think the problem with this is it again attacks masculinity. it seems like it would be a point of shame that i would need the government to help me financially in raising my own children.

instead of giving money i think it would be instead better to have massive tax breaks.


Socialism is a prequel to communism. It's cancerous in any form. Nationalism should be the only goal, not socialist shit.

It's a great idea, but like all gibs that are good, would only work against Whites unless borders are first reinstated. Negroids will benefit asymmetrically as they are more content to lay back in the sun, and you damn well know that our masters will ration availability to these programs on a dysgenic schedule that favors AIDS negresses first.

Oh, we've noticed alright.

Correct, an increasing population only increases demand and raises prices across the board. If prices are going up, birth rates need to go down, not up. Anyone who thinks white people need to match the birth rates of niggers is not thinking at all - they're promoting an r-strategy.

We don't need to raise our birthrates, we need to lower theirs!

Women will take care of the children that they choose not to abort regardless of pay. It's in their nature. If anybody should be paid, it's the male. Such incentive might keep him around to give the child positive male influence.

Single mothers are social cancer, and "paid by the government" means "paid by taxpayers".

fuck no. the last thing we need is more govt control over resource distribution. being a mother is definitely an important job and mothers should be paid by their bosses aka husbands, not the fucking state. making motherhood into a govt paid job only promotes single moms. if you want to save the nuclear family you need to make women financially dependent on men, not the state.

are you retarded?

Raising good and moral children regardless of race, to be quite honest.

White people's IQ points matter for NOTHING unless they put them to good use, as shown by the mess we're in.

This. State-as-daddy thinking is what fucked us in the first place.


Even worse


tie the money with requirements like marriage and that the mother can't be involved in the workforce

This 100 times over

Removing any and all diversity from the echelons of influential corperations by taking their jobs.

Make them look stupid in comparison, destroy the myth.

Amendment: Pay women who have University degrees is useful subjects to be mothers.

Only pay the intelligent (white, duh) people to breed who have proven track records in scientific and technological areas.

That's dumb, you don't want dumb hicks breeding dumb hicks.

Even if you rear 50 white children, half of them will grow up to be libtards and the other half will grow up to be cuckservatives
(((The Black Dad Pill)))


Purging mudskips/niggers/kikes/faggots/everything else not white, yellow.
(Chinks may be the jews of Asia, Korea the niggers, but I don't mind the japs)
We should let Japan deal with there yellow non official aryan garbage.

My gen pool is shallow, I am doing the rest of you a favor, be thankful I'm not a "muhdik" first kind of H'wite nigger.

People used to think of having children as a retirement plan. Why should parents get away with fucking over their own children and being assholes to them? So many parents don't do anything to help their kids get on their feet and be successful. It also makes adoption meaningful and people will try to adopt the best kids. If you are an asshole working people won't want to help you, old people having tons more money than people working is completely unnatural.