wincest thread anyone? Pic related tara tainton queen of wincest/taboo vids. Post hot relatives you want to bang or have banged.
Wincest thread anyone? Pic related tara tainton queen of wincest/taboo vids...
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is 2D okay?
preferably aunts, step relatives and such but w.e floats your boat.
some good Tara tainton, get it before it gets taken down.
that isn't wincest
anybody got any real pictures of relatives?
Not really a wincest but I had 2 experiences with my Aunt that I wish i could go back in time and capitalize on
I truly didnt hear her door open and the room was very dark cept for the tv. I know she should have heard porn playing. Maybe even saw it. To go to the kitchen you have to pass the main room which i was in meaning she more than likely heard porn, walked and saw me beating off, not sure how long, then got some water and when the door closed is when i freaked out and knew she was there
my aunt used to playfully touch my dong while i was growing up, she would grab a handfull when then laugh. One time i anticipated it and was rock hard and she kept her hand on it longer then usual. Wish i would have capitalized on it. Pic of my aunt.
Not much with this one but I think here I royally messed up. For info my family calls me (example) Little Greg because we have an older Greg in the family and we all call him Big Greg
HEY GET UP!! Its almost noon! Are you going to sleep all day??
Hmm. I guess maybe we shouldnt be calling you "Little Greg" anymore. Get up and go take a shower, kay? And do whatever you need to do. We're going shopping. Im making breakfast so hurry up
Took me until we were eating breakfast to realize what she said and get that she saw my dick. In the middle of our breakfast conversation i just started choking and got real silent the rest of the meal
She was looking at me strange after that. Think she thought I was so weird lol
Anyway, after that we went shopping and i remember
bone her!!
I remember we were being playful and bickering during the register wait
When we pulled up the old lady cashier said we looked like such a young and happy couple
I got really shy and didnt say anything but my Aunt said something like
Yup! Always gotta bring my big strong man with me to carry them groceries! Hahaha
Then she hugged me real close and i remember her head on my chest and breasts against me. Felt wonderful
I just quietly got all the groceries like a strong man and walked out to the car
I was so red she teased me all the way home
Aawwwww whats wrong? Dont like it when people say we are a couple? She didnt know. I was just playing. It was all in good fun anyway. Dont be so shy…….. Okay i wont tease you any more………"Baby"……..Hahahahahahha
I just sunk in my chair and was full red until we got home
Looking back i should have tried to fuck her
i remember i got to see my aunt naked once she was changing and left the door open slightly and was walking around her room fully nude. Her big tits and smooth brown skin are still seared into my mind!!
She is fucking gorgeous. Lucky boy
Closest to a naked woman I saw (am virgin) was seeing my own Mom naked when I was maybe 12
She dragged me to a beach with her friends (im a nerd and hate going outside) and when we were leaving she took me with her in the changing room and got naked. Took her swimming clothes off and dried off and put regular clothes on. Took maybe 1 minute to do all that but it was also seared into my brain. Her big full breasts and how white and big her vagina was. Not much hair and really big lips. Id seen breasts on TV and pictures a lot. But seeing a vagina up close was very shocking for me
She gave me the clothes to put in the backpack i was carrying and we went to her friends car to drive back home. I remember keeping the backpack in front of me at all times so nobody would notice my small boner
I mean thats the only girl and only vagina ive ever seen honestly. Im really hoping soon I will get a gf. Im really excited and anxious for when a girl will get undressed for me for my first time. I cant wait
Well that's just depressing
My mom has seen me naked a few times when I was older than 10 but its been all for medical reasons. Like when I needed help after surgery or i fell in the shower and hurt my back and she helped me out
But growing up and especially in my teen years I was deathly afraid of getting caught jerking off by my mom. I would lock my door because i like to sleep naked but many times i forgot. And many times my mom would barge in and kick my blanket off and literally flip my mattress to get me out of bed
She never did it when i fapped or was naked but there were so many close calls. Im glad i dont have to worry about that anymore
(But my Aunt also took the blanket off. And my Grandma used to also do that to us. Must be a mother thing to do)
picture of her when she was younger, sometimes i feel like i could have fucked her cause she was pretty slutty. thats her at 18 she had already had two kids two different fathers. And one time when i snuck into her room and sniffed around her panty drawer and found a huge dildo leading me to believe she probably was also a size queen cause she also had some porn videos about guys with huge dicks/interracial. She always had different men in and out of her life.
Im jerking off to your aunt by the way
Did you ever kiss her? I bet her lips were so soft. A lot of the females in my family for some reason kiss the smaller boys. Kisses usually stop at age 7-9
I bet she had a nice big firm butt
yeah her ass was nice and shapely, big but not too big. She used to mess around with me by grabbing my junk through my jeans everynow and again playfully. The day i saw her naked i blew probably the biggest load in my life.
this porn star is pretty similar to how her body looked even down to the skintone. I was in my early teens and got to see this goddess body walking around nude. She was built for fucking and she knew it.
dam she fine
Making my cock throb cuz im pretending im a little kid again and get to see her naked if she was my Aunt
she was pretty pettite too like 5'2 which made her tits look even bigger when she was naked.
A few years ago my sister was asking me about some good dildos etc. Talked about some that a few exes had at some point and liked. A few days later helped her look around for some at a good price. She finally gets it in the mail and is showing to to me, telling me where she puts it etc. A few days later we are watching a movie in her bed and she pulls it out and starts asking me if i like it etc.
Tells me she hasn't tried it yet, we should give it a name, blah blah "Hey user isn't it beautiful?" It's one of those glass ones with a pretty design. She kisses it a few times at the head and says some silly thinks about it being her new pet. I just laugh and smile, per usual, since we are just like that. Continue watching movie for a while. Eventually start watching another one. 20 or 30 minutes into it Something strange begins.
After a little while She starts moving around a little under the covers and fidgeting little by little. I think nothing of it. I keep watching the movie and noticing her itching her thigh every once 40 or so seconds. It didn't take long for her "itching" to become more intense. She would do whatever it was she was doing and then stop and wait probably to see if I noticed or not. I realized that she wasn't itching anything when i could clearly feel her pushing intensely against her body. She would push something up against her really slowly but hard and I could feel her whole body fight against whatever motion she was doing in order to keep still.
This continued for at least 5 minutes. I just sat still and pretended like I didn't notice anything. At the time I couldn't believe she was putting her new glass dildo inside her while I laid right next to her watching a movie. Honestly I wasn't sure what she was doing, but the very moment i suspected that she might be testing her dildo out right next to me my mind went all over the place. I kept telling myself to not say anything and figure out for sure what she was doing. "Just don't do a thing to interrupt it." I just had to make sure I knew if she was doing it or not.
Over the next 20 to 30 minutes she would keep pushing it inside her. Occasionally she would pick up the pace pressing it in hard and fast. Stopping herself often and wondering if I noticed or not. I would sit there silent staring at the tv and hoping she continued. Sure enough she would press it deep inside her again slowly trying not to make it too noticeable, but quickly picking up the pace and pressure of thrusting inside her pussy. I could feel her body jiggle against me every time she thrusted it in deep and hard. I stayed quite intent on listening to hear if she would moan or make the tiniest noises or deep breaths of pleasure. I lied there under her covers my warm skin against hers restraining myself to my utmost from grabbing my hard cock. She kept it up for a while picking up the pace occasionally. Eventually she stopped and took a deep breath.
That was that. No nothing else happened. She knew I knew.
how would Holla Forums fuck my aunt?
keep em coming!
why would it get taken down?
dmca or w.e it is her people usually troll the interwebs deleting her videos from free porn sights
anyone else
When I was around 11-12yo my mom had me look after my 4yo cousin for like 30 minutes while she and my Aunt went to buy food. I was curious to see what a girl looked like and figured this would be my only chance so I waited a few minutes then picked her up from watching tv and laid her on the bed in another room. I took her shorts and underwear completely off and looked at her vagina all over and tried to move her vagina so I could see inside. Before I knew it I heard the door open and knew I was fucked. Picked up her underwear from the floor and just laid it across her vagina. When my Mom and Aunt walked in my cousin was lifting her hips and putting the underwear back on. They told me what I was doing and I said she needed to go pee so I was just helping her. They asked her and she said she didnt need to go then they told me to leave the room. Felt like forever before my Mom came back and I saw the other two leaving. She said they decided they were going to keep what happened a secret and told my cousin to not tell anyone I took her underwear off. My punishment was I wasnt allowed to be with any females in my family that were younger than me alone at all. And since then my Aunt has never trusted me and always had a sort of hatred towards me.
After many years I talked to my cousin about it. I thought she was being mean to me or distancing herself from me so told her if she didnt like me anymore because of what happened in the past. She said she remembers her mom always telling her to stay away from me and to never be alone with me because I did something "bad" to her but she actually doesnt remember any of it and said she forgave me a long time ago. She just wasnt talking to me as much because she was in high school and just didnt want to talk to me and only wanted to be with her friends. I was very relieved but at the same time a bit annoyed that getting caught ruined my chances with her for so many years where it basically ruined our relationship
I had a secret relationship with my cousin. She would send me nude pics. We had plans on having sex with each other, but it couldn't be done. Now she's married.
Anyways I had posted 5 nude pics of her on 4chan, but I no longer have those pics on my hard drive. But I know someone had posted them on his Tumblr.
You lucky fuck
First i would get real grabby and aggressive. Then i would rim her ass for a bit. Then have her ride me until i came inside
when i was six and mom was 25, she divorced dad and took me with her to a really small apartment that only had one room and one bed, it was all she could afford
so we would both sleep in that little bed and she was topless, it was so wonderful
she was really sad and hugged me close all the time, i could see and feel her tits every night when she hugged me and cried
hot water was expensive so she would have me shower with her to save money, i tried not looking at her naked body because my little child cock would harden
i'm sure she noticed but she pretended not to
interesting…go on
i know!!!! i wish i just had the balls to whip it out and grab her big ass caramel tits!!! No doubt she was DTF she was always getting dicked down by random dudes so why not let her nephew get a turn.
Its official. We are the new cuckchan. Nice knowing you guys I'm going to go kill myself.
Kinda reminds me of how I would sneak up on my aunt or cousin when they were sleeping. I was just a kid. So I would sneak up, make sure I touched slowly to make sure they couldn't wake up instantly. Started removing clothes and then sucking on their tits. I would do this with babysitters too.
i didn't have to do no sneaking at all though
i was so confused at having moms naked gigantic tits in my face when we were in bed or having her naked pussy in my face when we were in the shower
i certainly did not complain, it was incredibly enjoyable in one way, but also confusing, as i was inititally scared she would yell at me
You should of made a move. I would of. Otherwise you would always be wondering what if.
Sorry, I have no incest, you american pig
Also, I recommend General Mao's chicken, not advertisting tbh, I really do recommend it
one of the best times was in the summer when all the Famicomily would gather and head to the beach, my aunt would always wear some amazing bathing suits and bikinis and even when she wore one pieces her body was on point. She no doubt turned heads walking on the boardwalk with her petite frame in shape body and big milkbags and shapely ass. I would walk behind her and watch her ass cheeks jiggle with every step or wear sunglasses and just sit and stare at her tits while she was tanning.
now i feel that way too, but it was impossible to think like that as a child
i can only be happy that my mom was as relaxed and understanding as she was, being naked in front of me like that, not saying anything when i was obviously fondling her tits in bed while she was crying and hugging me, not saying anything when my genitals turned into the smallest but hardest flagpole on the face of the earth as she was briefly touching my cock in the shower in order to take care of my personal hygiene
It's been official for a while, man. The wheelieman is gone, dead and fed to pigs. The .onion site is gone, the commitment to The First Amendment is gone.
Just relax your anus. Let it happen. You know you're here forever.
Is she still hot now?
that's her right there a couple of months ago
she's 37 in that picture
she did rise from the ashes dad left her in, completed her abandoned education and managed to get a respectable job
she still lives alone though, despite some boyfriends now and then i don't think she'll ever completely trust any man completely again
Usually it's the woman's fault. Are you implying your dad was the bad guy?
all i know about my dad is that he was never sober any of the times i saw him
he was a constant threat throughout my early childhood, and while moms decision to divorce him was generally a great relief, there were also the horrifying moments when dad would show up drunk as fuck at 4 am and scream and try to kick in the door of mine and moms little one room apartment
this gigantic nigger living upstairs would get pissed at the noise and come down and tell my dad to get the fuck out
dads new girlfriend would be pissed as fuck out in his car
noise everywhere
wherever my dad went, there was people insane with madness, making noise
mom always cared for me, tried to make me feel as safe as possible, made sure i was fed, had clothes, had toys, laughed
my dad cared about being drunk and controlling his enviroment
Make a move on her. Tell her how you feel about her.
do it!!!!
lets some more wincest going!
Did you know that Charlene Hart has a daughter who is fifteen years old this year?
This means that in only three years they can do lesbian incest scat porn together.
is… is that mud?
It's her very own brand of manure.
it's fucking iodine you fucking idiots
The way that you wrote this implies its level of interesting is bullshit fake. about you getting hard ons in the shower.
lol what
there would be something wrong with a kid not getting a hard-on from winding up in such intimate situations with a 25 year old woman
needs moar wincest
probably she was a slut like i said.
What? I don't understand what you mean by that.
she probably liked interracial porn because she thought black dicks were bigger, her dildo was pretty huge. Then again im assuming she just liked big dicks in general and was a size queen cause some of her porn videos were white guys with huge dicks.
When are you going to kill yourself you spamming motherfucker?
maor wincest!!!
is your mom hot?
please tell me about her
no i'm actually not attracted to any other Famicomily members except my aunt. Shes actually my half aunt and step sister to my mother and other Famicomily members. She was also the youngest so while my mother and other aunts and uncles were all having kids and already old she was a teenager. body wise everyone else is regular to kinda fat, My aunt on the other hand always had a full on porn star body big tits bubble butt and sexy face.
i feel so saddened that there is no real mother son incest porn to be found anywhere
there is real mother daughter, and at least one real father daughter
but mother son
I always jerk it to anything aunt related for obvious reasons, but ill stroke it to mother son if the milf is hot enough, ill just pretend its my aunt.
I wasn't sure if I was going to post this, but because of you I'll tell you about my experience.
Over the next few years I saw mom maybe a few times a year and only an hour or two each time. Dad never allowed me to be alone with her since she was unpredictable. Sometimes the visits would be a disaster with her freaking out at him or something completely irrelevant. As I got a bit older, almost 14 at this point, mom seemed like she was calming down. She had a nice job, spoke normal on the phone, wasn't nutty in any obvious way, she said she was taking medication and was dealing with her depression issues. She wanted to do a week long road trip with me to California and visit her sister/Famicomily/do 6flags for my birthday. Dad was reluctant at first but mom over the years developed a friendship with my stepmom and was able to convince him to let me go.
So at the time it was already weird since we were sharing a bed. She had a couch futon but she claimed it was very uncomfortable. Keep in mind I havent seen much of her in the last few years. I figured she was being overly affectionate and emotional so I just went along with it. She seemed nervous when we first got to bed, so I didn't want to make fuss on the first night.
She blew me, I came, and she never stopped sucking me off. This went on for a long period of time. She eventually got completely naked and 69'd me. Made me eat her pussy and ass. She made a big deal about her cesserion scar, told me that's where I came from and made me kiss and lick it.
The next morning i was sorta in shock about everything that happened. She asked me if i had any regret and I nonchalantly said of course not. The next few nights we basically stayed inside except when we had to get food water. (Plus to get out of roomservices way) we never went to sixflags, found out later her sister & Famicomily never lived in California. She made me call dad to let him know I was ok and safe, but wouldn't let me talk to him in private. I lost my virginity to my mom on the 3rd night.
I basically got my brains fucked by a sexual predator. I rember asking her to stop only once and she held a pillow over my head while she was ridding me. When she eventually stopped I was in a cold sweat and lost my breath. I remember the whole experience being frightening and extremely hot all the same time. The last night that we were there she asked if I was going to tell anyone and I said I wouldn't… And haven't until now.
The crazy thing is I never told anyone about this before. I started spending weekends with her and and sometimes she would pick me up from high school to spend time with her. First time ever smoked pot I was 15 at her house.
none of this happened you ridiculous man, but well done, you got me rock solid
I don't care if you don't believe me, I wouldn't either if I was you.
wew, bretty good
you get a big a for effort,
but this story is too extreme and has a too typical incest porn narrative to work for me
also, the fact you never really grew up with your mom ruins it for me, because it means you two never built up that intimate relationship that means that sexual feelings/contact is truly incesctuous
still, big a for effort, nicely constructed posts there
I won't post a picture but I'd fuck my sister so hard. We're both attractive and fit so we would make the cutest retarded babies
I don't even feel weird saying it anymore
Shes 20 im 19
Go for it
you're an idiot 😂
smh Famicom
Everyone please post images of your mothers, or your mothers used panties.
It wasn't fiction
posted pics of my sexy aunt, tryna get some more.
proud mom
father and mother and son like 2 swing
dad takes pix of mom and daughter
heres another pictures i was able to find
I already posted thus on /hebe/, but since it got nuked and time has passed, I'll update it a little and post it here.
My much younger (just turned 13) cousin keeps coming onto me whenever we're together.
I would be more than happy to reciprocate, but the only time we see each other is during the monthly get togethers that the whole Famicomily (~30 people, +/- guests) attends, and the only time we spend more than a few hours together is during the camping trip that the whole Famicomily takes once a year.
She purposefully spends more time with me than the other girls her age, always walks next to me when we go on hikes, tends to hang on my arm, and sits up straighter when she thinks I'm around. I make sure not to discourage her, but I'm 30, so there's only so much I can do to touch and encourage the lust of a tween while my Famicomily is in the same room as us.
The thing that confirmed my suspicion about her wanting me happened back in October, during the camping trip. We'd rented a pair of cabins by a lake, and split up based on my mom's side (18 people) and my dad's side (12 people) because one cabin was smaller than the other. This meant that my cousin was in the smaller 2 bedroom cabin with me, albeit in the girl's room.
The day we got there, everyone swam in the lake, did a barbeque, played games, and had a good time hanging out. When it got dark, we turned in and went to sleep. I got up to pee in the middle of the night because I'd been overzealous in drinking water to avoid a hangover.
The cabin only had one bathroom, and the bathroom had its own door to the outside, opposite the door that led to the hallway inside. After I relieved myself, I unlocked the outside door and stepped outside to look at the stars that I could sort of see through the window.
While I was looking up at the night sky at 1-ish in the morning, I was struck by inspiration and decided to jerk it while looking at the stars. I mean, why not? I'd never done that before and since we were going to be there another 5 days, I needed to take the chance to get my relief while I could. I pulled over one of the paded deck chairs, pulled down my pants, and started stroking while thinking about how she looked in her swimsuit earlier.
My cousin usually dominates my masturbatory fantasies, and I remember imagining fucking her up against a rock in the lake when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye in the darkness of the bathroom.
At first, I panicked, thinking about all the innawoods shit I've read on /k/. I didn't move a muscle, but looked at the bathroom window as hard as I could without turning my head. I was sure that a skinwalker was about to open the door and kill me, when I saw that it was my cousin.
At first, I was relieved, since I was wrong about dying horribly, and I almost put away my dick to talk to her when it clicked. She wasn't making any noise, she was obviously trying to not be seen, and she was still looking after she got an eyefull of me with my dick in my hand. Hell, I'm pretty sure the only reason I saw her is because she had tried to get a closer look.
I decided right then and there to just keep stroking.
I'd gone flaccid from fear, but knowing that my sexy cousin was just a dozen feet away and probably touching herself was enough to make me diamonds in an instant. I took my time, and put off my orgasm as long as I could, but I think I only lasted a few minutes. Just thinking about her opening the door and asking to fuck was enough to set me off. It felt like I came a lot more than usual, and I just lay there for a while, giving her a chance to finish. Or leave, or work up the courage to come outside, or whatever she was going to do. After waiting for a bit, I cleaned up using my shirt as a rag. I looked at the bathroom, but there wasn't anyone at the window, so I walked back inside.
The moment I opened the door, I was hit with the musky smell of female arousal. That alone was enough to get me hard again, so I started jerked off to her scent before going back to my room and passing out.
We did all the usual stuff during the day, but she seemed to be even clingier than usual, so that night I figured I'd jerk off outside again and see if she would follow again. Maybe we could talk about our attraction to each other and mess around. Maybe even touch each other.
That night, as we were turning in, another Famicomily moved in to the vacant cabin next to ours, so there was no longer a nice private outside space to conduct secret masterbation.
I wracked my brain for ways to get the two of us alone without seeming suspicious, but no opportunities presented themselves. I got up at the same time as I did the night before, but the neighboring campers were up until dawn (something that persisted the rest of our trip) and I didn't want to just wait in the bathroom in case they saw me like I saw my cousin. To top it off, my uncle had to leave for some work related shit on day 3, so she didn't even get to stay the whole time.
She's gotten bolder since then. Last month, she went so far as to climb on my lap when I teased her about taking her chair. By climb, I mean she was facing me, groins touching, and her legs were hooked around my waist, straddling me. I can't say for sure, but I'd be willing to bet that she felt the erection that she gave me. It only lasted for a few seconds before I picked her up and gave her the seat to save appearances, but I managed to get a handful of that sweet, supple ass as I was lifting her, and made sure that I squeezed enough that she would know that it was intentional.
Month before last, the meetup was at her house. My aunt needed to do some shopping after we got there and I volunteered to go with her, as I am strong and she is not. My cousin asked to come too, since she insisted that she wanted a very particular kind of snack mix that she had seen, but couldn't remember what it's name was.
The three of us drove over, me in the front seat and her in the back because I couldn't think of a good reason to sit back with her. When we got to the store her mother told her to go find the snack mix and told me to go with her to keep her safe (kidnapping is a huge paranoia of hers) so the two of us went off without Famicomily around for the first time in forever. While she's trying to decide which mix she wanted, I was slightly behind her, taking a good eyeful of her gorgeous posterior. When she turned to talk to me, I let my gaze linger so that she would catch me and know I was looking, and she came right out and asked me if I was just looking at her butt.
I took the plunge and said "yea, it's a really nice looking butt". She blushed hard and it was the most adorable thing ever. She immediately turned back and grabbed the mix she wanted. I pushed a little and said that I look every chance I get. She started walking, and I had a moment of panic when I thought she was upset and I had somehow missread the whole thing when she dropped the bag. She slowly bent at the waist and picked it up, arching her back. When she finished standing up, she was red-faced again and said "like just now?". I said " oooh yea, that makes me want to do more than just look". Her mom caught up with us at that point, but when we said goodbyes later, she whispered to me that she likes my butt too.
She was sick for the last one, so it'll be about three weeks before I can add on to this.
i like where this is going