Operation Sandy Beach Thread 1

Sandcuck no longer has even a tiny chance at the Democratic nomination since New York. /r/SandersForPresident and /r/politcs are currently imploding. His followers are like lost sheep right now with many are splitting off to Shillary and Trump subs. Hillary is buying shills to make sure that they go to her side, we cannot let this happen. Trump needs these people for the general election. Support Emperor by making sure that as many as possible go to Trump.

Pick one of the following:

1. False flag
Pretend to be a Hillary Supporter and troll the cucks. Tell them that socialism is dumb, they deserve to work for college, they're just lazy and entitled, etc. Refer to them as Berniebros and tell them they're sexist whenever possible. This has the added benefit of inoculating them against future SJWisms. Do not mention Trump. Make them hate Hillary supporters. Do not use chan or Trump memes.

2. Anti-Hillery Cuck
Pretend to be a long time Sanders supporter and talk about how Hillary is evil. Make her out to literally be Satan herself. Talking points may include Bill's rapes, Hillary's Wall St. speeches, her corruption, etc. Do not use chan or Trump memes. Call out all pro-Hillary posters as a part of the "Correct the Record" pac shills. That is Hillary's jidf.

3. Lesser evil subverter
This one is probably the most important, but also takes the most careful wording. Make posts convincing sandcucks that it's really in their best interest to vote for Trump. Let them know about the policies that these cucks might like. These include Trump's promise to get money out of politics, Trump's promise to reform corrupt primary elections, Trump's removal of state borders for healthcare providers, etc. Talk about how if Hillary wins then that's 8 years of business as usual, but Trump will be out and 4. Paint Trump and sandcuck as as anti-establishment whenever possible. Tell them that the chance to vote for an anti-establishment person is once in a lifetime. Look at Trump's most recent speeches for more talking points targeted to them. You people know what shilling is. Do it right. Don't go 1488 on them just as shills here don't talk about >muh feels. Use their language and fit in. This isn't the time to try and shift the Overton Window with hitler memes, you're already fighting it by getting Trump votes.

All roles should be doing this. Downvote all posts that argue for the democratic party coming together. Downvote all pro-hillary posts. Upvote anti-hillary posts. Upvote your fellow user's shill posts.

Emperor needs us and right now is the one of the most important moments of the election. Do not allow shillary to steal this opportunity from us. Trump cannot buy shills himself. With the blessings of kek we will put this man in the White House.

Reddit used to be based enough to support Ron Paul, newfag. We're taking over again with /r/The_Donald. Stop being a nigger and help Emperor.

Other urls found in this thread:






maaa niggas!



Trump has opposed the numerous Jewish international trade deals that have been coming out in recent years. I'm sure Bernie voters would approve if they even know about them.



Good post. The talking points I posted could definitely be improved. Details about Hillary's older scandals is something I'm not really familiar with.


I'm going to post some tips for getting your shit seen whether the mouth breathers agree with you or not. Currently writing them up now.

It's too early. Bernie has a good chance to win a couple more states and in the end he's going to endorse Clinton, he said it himself >>5733336 because according to him a Donald Trump presidency would be an unmitigated disaster.

After he has endorsed Clinton then it'll be worth the effort.

Sanders and Trump are the only candidates who oppose the TPP.

This needs to be done

Two main objectives:

1) I'm not sure what the split is but a portion of sanders supporters will never vote for hillary we need to convince these retards using ops methods to convince them voting for trump is the only way to stop hillarys evil feminism

2) the portion that would vote for hillary to try to thwart Trump need to be so demoralized that they move to canada and renounce their citizenship. Make infographs detailing how to go about applying for canadian asylum and renouncing their citizenship.

He may win a few more but he will never win the nom. Ever.

He is just there go get far lefties to vote for Clinton.

I disagree. Once the cuck endorses Clinton it will be much harder for us to turn the cucks against her or towards Trump. That's why we have to do this now

I know that but that's why I say it's too early to try to warm up Bernie fans to Donald Trump. It's not the right moment.

The real disillusion is going to be when Sanders endorses Clinton and licks her asscrack in public. That's when a lot of Bernie fans will become ex-Bernie fans.

Do you really think he's going to do that ?

Look nigger, Shillary bots are already on the move turning these cucks into Clinton voters. We need to capitalize on the Anti-Hillary feelings berncucks have after being cheated in NY. As based Yuri said, go with the flow, control the opposition. Do not fight it head on. That's what we're doing

That's what he told Charlie Rose >>5733336 (it starts at 3:35) he's going to endorse Clinton in the end if he doesn't win (and he won't win).

He's a serious spineless fag.

Let me know if there's anything you guys don't understand in that dank OC pic

We need to attack Clinton in general not promote Trump but whatever we do we need to be more active on Twitter and Faceberg and in the comments on Yahoo, Disqus, etc., as much as I hate these places they're the places with the most traffic.



(and you're going to see all those cuckservatives who are greased by the Koch brothers' money start saying something similar, i.e. Clinton is bad of course but Donald Trump could be just as bad!):

It's 'Possible' Hillary Clinton Could Be Better President than GOP Pick, Charles Koch Says


"It's a nightmare scenario for Republicans, but conservative billionaire Charles Koch says "it's possible" Hillary Clinton could make a better president than the remaining candidates in the GOP primary.

Koch, one of the most influential and controversial forces in Republican politics, said in an exclusive interview with ABC News to air Sunday on "This Week" that he believed Bill Clinton was a better president "in some ways" than George W. Bush.

"In other ways, I mean [Clinton] wasn't an exemplar. But as far as the growth of government, the increase in spending," Koch said. "It was 2.5 times [more] under Bush than it was under Clinton."

Democrats have long vilified brothers Charles and David Koch and their multi-million dollar political network, but both maintain they haven't yet spent a dollar for or against any candidates in the 2016 presidential primary.

In his interview, Koch said that is a result of his disgust with the rhetoric in the Republican primary, and he even suggested Clinton could be a better choice for the country than the remaining crop of GOP candidates. "

It takes some *very careful* shillwork to promote Trump in the general. I was able to have some success with it. The key is to argue that Trump is really what's best for the progressive movement and to make yourself fit in with the cucks. Do not attempt this before you're familiar with their memes, the way they talk, the arguments they respond to etc. We can't let them know that it's really us shilling for Trump.

You're right about attacking Clinton. That's really important as well. I found attacking Clinton and false flaggng to be the most fun actually. It's basically just trolling.

great find, now meme it

Bump. This thread could also use some more antihillary dirt

I thought he mathematically did?

The democrat primary is rigged. DNC is pulling all kinds of shit to make sure Shillary is the nominee (see the NY controversies). Sandcuck would have to beat the DNC's tricks, win 75% of the remaining delegates in proportional states, and convinces the super delegates not to fuck him. 0% chance.

No he isn't. Hes an opportunistic jew. All this weak spineless shit was a fuckin ploy to get emasculated white boys to throw all their money at him

He is using these idiots to have a free ride year long vacation he even visited rome on their dime now he cant legally use that money for personal stuff…. but I wonder how many close friends and family members are receiving highly inflated campaign paychecks.

a picture of Charles Koch + "Hillary Clinton might be the best candidate out there" + a small picture of Hillary in the corner with a smirk ?

Charles Koch: Hillary Clinton might be the best candidate out there


Sounds good fam. You make the oc and I'll shill it

Well no fucking shit, but there's a difference between Boinee still mathematically having a chance or not.

If he still technically has a chance then WOLOLO'ing and/or disenfranchising his supporters won't be as easy.

We need to shill them now because the moment he drops out he will endorse Hillary. If they don't already despise her then they'll follow the cuck.

m8 they're already salty af, we're just adding fuel to the flames

I mean it won't be as easy if they can just say "hurr durr Colonel Sanders still has a mathematical path to the nomination so I'm not listening to you debbie downers la la la"

These are leftists. Denial is their forté. Be prepared.

That's why shilling for Trump is really difficult even when they believe you're one of them. You can shill against HIllary, or even for Jill stein no problem, they love that shit and it still helps Trump. I've never gotten so many upvotes shilling against the enemy before.

I won't have time tonight. If anyone wants to do the picture I suggested just do it don't wait for me.

Going to add that even though shilling for Trump is still difficult at this point, it's still doable and worth the payout. Shilling against Hillary is easy as pie. All three strategies from OP are necessary to convert these cucks over to Trump when the time comes. Now when Shillary hate has reached new heights among berncucks is the time to begin our efforts.


Clinton is the corporations' candidate >>5779288 (private prisons)

She and Jeb! have the same corporate sponsors:

Hillary Clinton’s Mega-Donors Are Also Funding Jeb Bush


Here’s Why These Donors Gave to Both Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush


I agree with you on this. When he drops is when we need to hit them like we are an obama cabinet member in a venezualian underaged whore house.

But until that time we should be disenfranchising them all the same. After all… of all the voters in this race they are the ones who have the least to actually be enfranchised about.

We need to have them at the stage of suicidal despondency by the time he actually drops. Then… then we can bring them into the light.

Idk about you guys but I didn't find the red pill until I was at my absolute lowest… at the point where you either eat a bullet or get furious.

perfectly stated user

>tfw lost Holla Forums folder and no suitable reaction image

As Secretary of state in 2011, Hillary was head of the State Department when that department forced NGOs and the UN to not send food to Somalia during a famine, leading to 260 000 deaths from starvation, mostly of women and children.
Use this as ammo for subversion method # 2.
I've posted this on Holla Forums twice before, but people seem to ignore it.
I think it makes Hillary responsible for starving to death 260 000 3rd worlders.
Surely this will tug at the heart strings of cucks and make them at least not vote for her in the general election.

you could add

4) Let it burn.

With caution and actual knowledge pretend to be a true socialist and a revolutionary. That Trump election is the catalyst necessary for a real socialist uprising, that voting for Hilary ensure statu quo, the rich get richer, the poor poorer, the establishment stays established, it's the incarnation of immobility.

Voting for Trump necessarily create change, even if "bad" changes, change create instability and through that instability may come a true revolution.

(Note that while you will be RPing, real marxist-leninist and maoist, not trotskist and gramzist which are most of the current breed in the US, would REALLY make that argument, there can't be revolution without some form of excess on top).

Do these normies seriously have trouble paying attention past >50 posts/comments? What the fug.

IIRC, Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump are the only candidates who oppose the TPP. TPP is huge among lefties.

I just made this, post it to them so they feel like shit.

Don't forget to refer to her as "Mrs. Bill Clinton".

Oh man, I don't know if I have the time or stomach for this… but I'm pretty sure it would be more helpful than working on memes in /trumpgen/.

I'm going to think this thread over. Considering how good The Donald is doing in the primary polls we obviously need to pivot to Hillary.

I think it's important to remember that although we may think of Bernie as the extreme leftist, many many of his supporters are Moderate Democrats, and these are the people who we can and will swing to Trumpism.

I don't understand how reddit works period.
That entire forum just feels tedious to use and I always get banned pretty quickly.
I'll wear my MAGA hat and cheer you guys on in spirit.

That's basically another form of #3, but yeah the way you wrote it sounds great. Go shill it fam

Then shutup and keep that shit to yourself nigger

Didn't She have a similar lead to Obongo in '08 and he ended up swinging the super delegates to win the nom?

smh so cruel…

Whether the poster is just retarded or if it's an actual shill we don't need complacency & defeatism posting here. I'm leaning towards shill

They like to pretend the superdelegates will come over to their side if they take the pledged delegate lead. They think they're only down by a few percent lol.

The staff here locking and pinning threads is them telling you to your face that you're too stupid to know what's important and what's not. Not only that, but they are essentially poking your eyes to blind you, in the case of locking, or prying your eyes open to force you see in the case of pinning.

Pretty damn jewish if you ask me.
Be offended at least…or if you have a brain, realize this place is a censorship shithole that's meant to be a hamster wheel for you political thinking.

top kek

This thread really seems to have pissed off the shills

So there's a couple pinned threads. Ones I agree with by the way. I'm not going to cry about it.

Yessir, lets do this shit.

retards, shills, bots, they are all the same, what does it matter if you can distinguish between the three?
What they all have in common is a lack of intelligence. They can only affirm YES or NO, but can not explain.


The staff here locking and pinning threads is them telling you to your face that you're too stupid to know what's important and what's not. Not only that, but they are essentially poking your eyes to blind you, in the case of locking, or prying your eyes open to force you see in the case of pinning.

top kek

You are very autistic.

Nobody is forcing you to open threads, nigger.

Oy vey. United we stand. One nation under Kek.

saged, and filtered

OP forgot to bring up Libya at all. NOT the Benghazi thing - the overthrowing Gaddafi part. Bring up Iraq too. And Serbia. Peg Hillary as the warmonger, the one that the Neocons and Zionists like. Draw attention to Trump's strong anti-Iraq War statements, his beatdowns on neocons like Lindsey Graham and John McCain, etc.



Holy fucking judaism

No, it was not REDDIT, you fucking kike
It was the PEOPLE who happened to be using it at the time.

Reddit is a censorship shithole worse than this place.

Is this board literally the property of D. Trump? Who falls for this kind of shilling?

There is no way I'm replying to shills.

Look at this thread. This is how you talk to a Sanders leftie into Trump.

This is THE model to follow. Study & replicate it.


Look at this thread. This is how you talk to a Sanders leftie into Trump.

This is THE model to follow. Study & replicate it.



stop calling him emperor you look like a fag

not to the children its meant to appeal to


The staff here locking and pinning threads is them telling you to your face that you're too stupid to know what's important and what's not. Not only that, but they are essentially poking your eyes to blind you, in the case of locking, or prying your eyes open to force you see in the case of pinning.

Pretty damn jewish if you ask me.

Be offended at least…or if you have a brain, realize this place is a censorship shithole that's meant to be a hamster wheel for you political thinking.

done like an ex-Commie pro

other helpful hint. Bring up the Sanders VOX interview where he tells people open borders is a Koch brothers scam. Can be used to tell Bernie bros Hillary is for open borders. Also to tell Bernie bros that Hillary is more libtard then him.

Hmm we'd better not sticky or anchor threads so your sliding can work better then.

I like observing the shill though. He says something meaningless that's meant to confuse us. It's hilarious when you see through it though :)

What if the ancients really did have advanced technology but they were so dedicated to the memes that they reverted back to stone pictures just to fuck with us?

Good shit user

"Kuk (also spelled as Kek and Keku) is the deification of the primordial concept of darkness in ancient Egyptian religion. In the Ogdoad cosmogony, his name meant darkness. As a concept, Kuk was viewed as androgynous, his female form being known as Kauket (also spelled as Keket), which is simply the female form of the word Kuk.[1]

Like all four dualistic concepts in the Ogdoad, Kuk's male form was depicted as a frog, or as a frog-headed man, and the female form as a snake, or a snake-headed woman. As a symbol of darkness, Kuk also represented obscurity and the unknown, and thus chaos. Also, Kuk was seen as that which occurred before light, thus was known as the bringer-in of light. The other members of the Ogdoad are Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amaunet, Huh and Hauhet."

look how many people read or even skim whole threads here. Hence the annoying situation where someone has an answer to a Big Question mid-thread and at the end people are still asking said question. Drives me nuts.

W-well, then, why are you here? To set us free?

or just convince them to go third party for any socialist

if you read their threads in reddit theyre pissed that the money bernie got is going for nothing. If we convince them that bernie and his supporters can start a "revolution" by voting third party then the democratic party gets split

Pretend to be a Hillary supporter and tease Bernie cucks about how he will betray them all by endorsing her.

Top kek when done IRL

many liberals already dislike trump so telling them to vote for him right off the bat will be bad

attack hillary and slowly introduce trump but try to do it without shoving him in their face.
also because they have a soft spot for bernie do not attack anything about bernie, just leave him out of the convo if needed

wait wait wait wait wait

Has anyone here stopped to justify to themselves….

Does the election make any difference to anything? If so HOW?

It matters because when Trump gets elected every kike like you will have a bullet in their brain

Well, I was just gonna goof off but this sounds like fun and a good idea, let's get cracking.

Good point. I guess I'm not voting for Trump anymore.

You're overthinking this. We don't need to run some super-duper sekret false flag operation.

We just need to remind BernieBros that if comrade Sanders actually believed in his "political revolution" then he would run as a third party candidate against Clinton.

Sanders has been running his entire campaign on the promise of fighting the establishment. His supporters have literally donated their entire life savings to fight against Clinton getting the Democratic nomination. If Sanders ends up pledging his support to Shillary after he loses, it's going to be the ultimate betrayal. It's going to REALLY upset a lot of people. Bernie's supporters may be cucks, but I think a lot of them are at least smart enough to recognize when they're being stabbed in the back.

And Trump will be the only non-establishment candidate available to them when that happens.

If Bernie actually does run as an independent, it will split the democratic vote and practically guarantee that him and Clinton both lose.

I personally don't believe he'll ever do that though. I'm almost certain that he's going to end up supporting Hillary when he finally bows out of the race. He has practically said as much already.

We should just politely point out his hypocrisy when he fucks his followers over and remind them that Trump is the best chance they'll ever get at breaking up the political establishment.

Yep, its a S/B/R (shill/bot/retard)

you fucking goyim got played once again. the least pro-israel candidate is literally a kike. this is fucking hilarious.

yeah…..filter your water and head on over to the infowars store. im fucking done. hedonism until shtf. should be any month now.



The biggest thing we have to do is pretend to be Bernouts, then start saying that if it happens to be Hillary (though if we work hard it won't be! (through that in there to look sincere obviously)), even Trump is better. At worst, it will be 4 years of acceleration then we'll get a true progressive.

Something like that.


Getting them over to our side is easy, because you just have to point out that the only way Sanders or someone like him would ever get in is if TRUMP ripped apart the system that kept him out despite his support, which has been his plan all along.

That mixed with Trump himself saying certain things should be left to a state-level decision (meaning lefties can just go to a leftie state and continue being a degenerate) means they've less to lose with Trump than Killary.

Remember, truth is the best propaganda. They legitimately SHOULD vote for Trump, he's their best option.

lmao who did this???

red fag dit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/4g9z5n/do_not_give_up_after_tuesday_no_matter_what/

post was edited after reaching front page

That's actually heart breaking. I've never heard about this before.
Hillary really is a monster if you consider this and how she ruined Libya.
I bet she had a hand in Syria's chaos as well.

If you're wondering why the site is going up and down every once in a while, I'd say the massive spam bot on Holla Forums right now is part of it.

Codemonkey said he's putting us on new hardware in a few hours.

Isn't this an old Op? Oh well I guess it's a reminder for everyone.

I believe the most important part about this is ensuring what we expected, that your typical bernout would vote for Trump to spite Shillary when the kike loses.

And for everyone else who somehow believes this is unethical or whatever, the kike are already trying to ensure that the bernouts play good goyim and vote for Shillary so that those votes do not go for Trump.

Trolling with the truth against the corrupt is the most pure form of trolling to ever have existed.

This goes back to Egyptian scrawls on Pyramid bricks saying "Imhotep sucks"

lmao, m8

That is the ultimate cuck move TBH. He should endorse Trump and they can form some sort of Socialist-Nationalist 3rd party if Trump gets cheated of his nomination too.

my post history is real shitty so ive been playing it extremely subtle.

once they catch me its over, there's already some faggot going around on the sanders board looking at post history. must be one of those sa goons or a bern tard lurking.

I'm sure a bern tard would die if he read one of our threads. fucking scum

Can't you just make a new account?

Some of us here are goons, too

PROTIP: Be active for a couple hours on some random normie board, reply positively to shit and make yourself look like a cuck for a few pages of your own comments before attempting to corral libs. They don't read very far into your comments if the first page passes at a glance. The lardasses who troll comment histories decide to dig, or not, by the first 20 or so posts in your recents, they have a lot of people to read through to find their boogeymen.

NS ≠ marxist socialism + civic nationalism, kill yourself.


Hillary wouldn't be spending a fortune on professional internet trolls if Bernie was actually finished.

Bernie people are soooo fucking bad a math hahahahah

But I don't have a reddit account

Why the fuck is this sticked?

Are….are the mods redditors?
Oh god no

Don't forget to refer to Chelsea Clinton as "Chelsea Hubbell", after her real father :^)

I saw a certain type of message eliciting a superior response sometime earlier on /r/politics, something to the tune of

"If we can't elect Bernie to fix this system, I'll be damned if I elected another person to spread the corruption. Better to elect Trump to tear the whole god damn system apart, at least then we can start from the ground up."


I've been doing the pro-Hillary shilling for a while, and I looked for some of the most annoying thing the real Hillary shills did to keep things realistic while turning up the dial. Besides sexist, it's good to tell Bernie supporters how they are children or babies having a populist tantrum. Talk to them like they are shit, that they owe Hillary their vote, and that they need to start getting in line.

Another good angle is to talk up her support of the trade deals as if these are a great thing. And her support of our wonderful ally Israel. And that even establishment conservatives like the Koch brothers are seeing her as the responsible choice.

I do sometimes mention Trump, accusing Bernie supporters of being just as sexist as Trump supporters. This way the accusation of sexism just starts to lose meaning.

the bernie board has a thread calling out people with 24 day old accounts, calling them shills.

a day old account will get flagged, so i think the new accounts should use discreet tactics so as not to raise suspicion.

either way, once those replies are there, espeically at the right time and place, they're still getting looked at by normies. not trying to dissuade anyone, but just saying these bernouts are, at some level, aware.


I payed my 10bux in 2003, idgaf

You can't use new accounts to push into the throng. That's pretty common knowledge.

I may be in the minority here, but I always have 5 or 6 accounts on major websites that I use to troll.

Here's a good democrat anti-hillary video


this site contained a shit load on the Clinton's, the page isn't loading for me, maybe Hillary had it taken down.

is it working for anyone else?

Don't underestimate the honest approach either as demonstrated here:

Authenticity can be a hard sell if they're used to seeing trolls and/or shills. A lot will be on their guard for it and sense if someone's trying to concern troll or manipulate them.

Approach with honesty and goodwill and focus on common interests and long-term results of the election. Anti-interventionist foreign policy (point out Hillary is the more neocon and Zionist of the two, don't talk about Benghazi though), working-class interests on jobs and trade, overthrowing the corrupt establishment of both parties in Washington.

Bring up the fact that no one has done more to turn conservative voters against Fox News, the Iraq War, and the neocons than Donald Trump.

And hint they'll have a better shot at electing their own populist candidate next time around, i.e. Hillary losing to Trump would massively discredit the Dem. establishment and empower another outsider.

And reassure them that Trump's overplaying a lot of his rhetoric just to win the primaries with conservatives, and that Congress will be able to block him, so that he won't be able to do anything truly crazy. Mention in fact that it's more likely that Hillary or the other Republicans would do something crazy like getting us into a war with Russia over Assad.

Not everyone will be receptive; devoted SJWs will tend to block on sight. But a LOT of Bernie supporters are non-SJW leftists who will hear you out and have a rational discussion if you're respectful and they don't get the sense you're trying to dupe them.

And, if you have people under Trump accounts engaging respectfully with them and trying to work out a win-win situation between us and them like I described, you'll start eroding views they held about Trump people all being ignorant, racists, trolls, assholes, etc.

Then if there are some Shillary black ops going on, they'll get that contrast between the respect we've shown them and the contempt Hillary's people heaped upon them.

This I find, talking to them as an honest Trump fan rather than a 'lesser evil subverter,' works more often. If you're hazy about your motives at all, they'll get suspicious. Show your intentions clearly and you'll get more trust.

And avoid these topics if you can but use these answers to escape any trap questions

1) Border/Wall/Deportations

Bring up the Sanders interview where he said mass illegal immigration is a Koch Brothers ploy to suppress wages. Say that that's probably his honest thoughts on it because it was before he had to start trying to pander to voters.

Explain that Trump's rhetoric was exaggerated for the primary and that he'll end up being more moderate (the Art of the Deal - ask for a lot extra so you can bargain them down to exactly what you want). And that he'll still have to deal with Congress on it.

Finally, bring up that the long-term solution is that America needs to help Mexico reform and become a better country so people can prosper there and not have to migrate and be exploited as cheap labor.

2) Muslims

Again go to the exaggerating for the primaries aspect, how it's asking for a lot extra to bargain down to what you want - that what we really want is for Muslims from active war zone countries like Iraq and Syria to be properly vetted.

Then go to Trump's non-interventionist foreign policy and how he's much less likely to start any extra wars in the Middle East, like by trying to overthrow Assad or start something with Russia.

If they don't believe you, explain how much of a risk Trump took with conservative voters by denouncing the Iraq War, saying he'd be neutral on Israel/Palestine, saying he'd get along with Putin and let China handle North Korea, etc. Establish that it's a clear pattern and that none of these things could have helped him win the primaries - so why would he go out of his way to lie about them and lose votes?

jews dindu nuffin


Came so close to naming the Jew at 8:01

For some reason this hypocritical cynical manipulation makes me way more angry than zionism or pluralism alone.

I can respect a consistent worldview but these fucking rats don't have a shred of constancy or conscience in them.

We need other links than Breitbart and Freebeacon but this is a good topic:

Gold Mine: Hillary Clinton’s Brother Granted Super-Rare Mining Permit from Haiti After State Dept. Sent Country Billions


Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a self-described mining company that in 2012 received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government—the first issued in over 50 years.

Hillary Clinton’s Brother Defends Haiti Gold Mine Deal: ‘I Raise Money for a Lot of People’


In interviews with The Washington Post, both Rodham and the chief executive of Delaware-based VCS Mining said they were introduced at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative — an offshoot of the Clinton Foundation that critics have long alleged invites a blurring of its charitable mission with the business interests of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their corporate donors.

Clinton Foundation HQ Protested For ‘Missing Money’ In Haiti Recovery


The Clinton Foundation is facing protests due to its mismanagement of resources for the post-earthquake recovery efforts of Haiti. Five years after a disastrous earthquake ripped through the small island nation, disturbing reports of a lack of progress in the country’s recovery have angered many Haitian Americans.

The country is still in ruin. Only 900 homes have been built in the last five years even though over $10 billion was donated from the international community to help rebuild Haiti. The Clinton Foundation, which led fundraising efforts for the recovery, has been the focus of many protests.

longer article:

Hillary Clinton and Haiti


The volunteering amateurism of the Clintons was so far gone that Bill publicly declared in a speech in Port-au-Prince that he would make Haiti the first fully Wi-Fi-connected country on the planet.

For the desired policy changes to work within a diplomatic framework, the veneer of “democracy” needed to be maintained. Ergo, Clinton and Mills played a heavy role in Haiti’s contested 2010 elections.

I was present at a December 2010 meeting where the so-called “Core Group” of (initially the U.S., Canada, and France, but Brazil got a spot because of its role in the UN mission) plotted a coup against Haitian President René Préval, until then-Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive unexpectedly showed up. I intervened, citing the 2001 Inter-American Democratic Charter.

Promoting 'accelerationism' among Bernie fans? I like it. I wonder if the 'accelerationists' clowns on this board are for real.

Sanders isn't dropping out before the Convention:

Sanders: 'We're in this race to California'


Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said he plans to continue campaigning up to California's June 7 primary. "We are in this race. We are not writing our obituary. We're in this race to California, and we're proud of the campaign we ran," he said on NBC's "Meet The Press" in an interview Sunday. Sanders said his campaign still has a "narrow path to victory," and he said he plans to continue fighting and hopes to win.

a Sanders fan at Counterpunch list the four possible paths that could lead Sanders to be the nominee:


Path #1:
Clinton’s health fails in a very big and very public way. She’s had multiple public fainting spells since 2005, including one resulting in a broken elbow in 2009. In 2012, she suffered a concussion and was hospitalized with cerebral venous thrombosis, a life-threatening blood clot condition. Her campaign health statement acknowledges these problems and throws in hypothyroidism to boot, although characterizing the 67-year-old as enjoying “excellent” health.

Path #2:
Clinton is indicted in, or otherwise dragged down over, the “Servergate” affair, in which she appears to have illegally mishandled classified information while Secretary of State.

Path #3:
Clinton comes to big legal or political grief over apparent connections between large donations to her family’s foundation on one hand and her actions as Secretary of State on the other. For example, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia donated $10 million to the Clinton Foundation and Boeing donated $900,000. Later, Secretary Clinton cleared a $29 billion arms deal involving the two parties. You can see how that kind of thing looks. There may be some “there” there.

Path #4:
The texts of Clinton’s Wall Street speeches, for which she received millions of dollars in honoraria, are leaked. Clinton’s refusal to release those texts tells us that their release would be politically damaging. Everything comes to light sooner or later. If it’s sooner — that is, before July — we may find out how just how damaging.

I've actually talked to jews who will express this exact idea.

Jew: "I'm pro isreael."

Me: "That's great but then how do you support multiculturalism for other countries?"

Jew: "It's good for Jews."

And somehow if you go look at the ADL's website harboring the idea that "Jews care more about their own people than others" is "anti-semetic." Jew bullshit is the most infuriatingly two-faced I've ever dealt with.

>Bring up the Sanders VOX interview where he tells people open borders is a Koch brothers scam. Can be used to tell Bernie bros Hillary is for open borders. Also to tell Bernie bros that Hillary is more libtard then him.


Made one version real quick. Everything for the God Emperor of Mankind

Here you go fam, spread that shit

That fucking bitch.
Any other websites with dirt on the Clintons you know about user?
Here's my contribution:
The Clinton Bodycount -

This is a test.
Also, have a bump.

FTFY. No need to shit up a thread with a question we've had and solved several times over (and which is too often asked by obvious shills).

Dude just wait for Hitler lmao

I've been trolling plebbit for a while. Initially I was pretending to be a retarded Berncuck who was fully on Bernie's side. Now that the tides are turning, I've purged the account of political stuff and am switching to supporting Hillary. Ever since that "Correct the Record" report, though, literally whenever you say anything negative about Bernie or positive about Hillary, you're accused of being a paid shill. What's even better, the mods disallow people accusing other users of being shills, so those posts are always removed.

Honestly I think in total this is good for our side.The Berners know they're being targeted with paid Hillary shills. We can act ourselves as complete over the top HillShills, and if any Berners accuse us, they get banned by mods. It builds up the perfect grudge toward Hillary.

For anyone who remembers, I'm the user who called out the Holocaust "victim" on his white privilege during the AMA a few weeks ago, kek.


This site and other forums are a good start. I'm already trolling DU.


There is a certain logic to this. Trump is exciting so we'll get large turnouts. If we can demoralize democrats, so they think Trump just isn't the devil, and Hillary is a demon, then Trump will win on turnout.

There is also some great logic to this. It's a HUGE betrayal for Bernie to endorse Clinton. HOWEVER, this might work on the psychotic redditors, but I don't think they're much of the electorate! So your point may not matter. Most people are NOT invested in Bernie.

These are all parts of the equation, and I can't dismiss OP's post.

Quality advice here.

I've been reading through posts on /r/HillaryClinton recently and I've become pretty convinced that most of the active users on the sub are false flag trolls. There's just something slightly off about the way the people communicate and I can't quite put my finger on it. The users act all SJW but it doesn't read like the comments in ShitRedditSays, and it doesn't read like the typical liberal doublethink. I'm pretty sure the sub is like 75% satire.

Good work anons.

Have a bump.

For Trump or berniebots?

Which one of you did this?

Hillary supporters accused of taking down Bernie FB pages in porn attack


Multiple Facebook pages supporting Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders were abruptly removed from the social media network late last night following a cyberattack. The pro-Sanders pages — which include Bernie or Bust, Bernie Believers and Bernie Sanders is my HERO — were collectively followed by over a quarter-million supporters of the Vermont senator, and many had been operating continuously since Sanders launched his campaign last year.

The attack began around 9 p.m. EDT and lasted until just after midnight, when most of the pages recovered their accounts. According to eyewitness reports, the pages were flooded with pornographic images in what appeared to be coordinated fashion and then flagged for obscene content, prompting Facebook to remove them.

"We had what looked like a kiddie porn posted in one of our groups today,” said Sanders supporter Erica Libenow, according to Heavy.com. "I reported that one. Seriously made me want to vomit.” A Facebook spokesman confirmed to The Hill that a number of pro-Sanders groups as well as other pages "were inaccessible for a brief period" due to the company's automated policies being "applied incorrectly."

"We corrected the problem within hours and are working to improve our tools," the spokesman said. At least one Facebook user linked to the pro-Hillary Clinton group Bros 4 Hillary was reported to have participated in the attacks.

The Bros 4 Hillary team disavowed the user in a statement posted Tuesday morning, which condemned any "harmful or offensive rhetoric or harassing behavior targeting supporters of any other candidate in the race.”

Several websites and online forums and website attempted to draw a connection between the attacks and Clinton ally David Brock’s social media initiative, Barrier Breakers 2016, after noting that the former Bros 4 Hillary member had recently “liked” the initiative on Facebook. In a statement to The Hill, Correct the Record denied any involvement in the attacks.

"Correct the Record's Barrier Breakers 2016 had nothing to do with this," said Elizabeth Shappell, the group's communications director. "Currently, Barrier Breakers is exclusively engaged in positive messaging supporting Hillary Clinton."

Bros 4 Hillary

ROFL Are these people for real?

I want to see College Frat Boy 4 Hillary or Jocks 4 Hillary.

that's another good one:

(I know Vocativ is a shitty Israeli website but it's too funny)

Ku Klux Klan Claims $20K In Clinton Donations


"A prominent Ku Klux Klan leader says that the group has raised thousands of dollars for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and that the Klan is officially endorsing the Democratic frontrunner for president—a claim the Clinton campaign vigorously denies.

Shortly after setting a giant cross on fire with dozens of other members of various white nationalist groups in Georgia on Saturday, Will Quigg, a Grand Dragon in a California branch of the KKK, sat down with Vocativ—which was there for a larger reporting trip about the modern state of the hate group—to talk about the 2016 election. According to Quigg, “For the KKK, Clinton is our choice.”

“She is friends with the Klan,” Quigg said. “A lot of people don’t realize that. She’s friends with Senator Byrd. He’s been an Exulted Cyclops in the Klan. He’s been King Kleagle.” (King Kleagle is another KKK title for the leader of an entire “realm,” or state. Quigg is the King Kleagle for California.) Quigg was referring to the late U.S. senator Robert Byrd from West Virginia, who organized and served as the leader of a West Virginia Klan chapter in the 1940s. In 2005, Byrd publicly disavowed the Klan and called his involvement “wrong.” Upon the senator’s death in 2010, Hillary Clinton called Byrd a “friend and mentor.”

Quigg said that he and other Klan members have raised more than $20,000 for the Clinton campaign and donated it anonymously. "

Bros 4 Hillary

Clinton's Internet Supporters, Allegedly Using Pornography, Shut Down Bernie Sanders' Largest Facebook Groups in Coordinated Attack


"A Facebook post by “Casey Champagne”, whose secondary name on his profile was listed as “Casey Max Charbonneau” (pictured below with Hillary Clinton) [PIC RELATED] and whose Facebook likes included Correct The Record and Barrier Breakers 2016 (Brock’s recently launched online operation), confirmed that Clinton trolls were behind the attack when he bragged in the Facebook group “Bros 4 Hillary” that he managed to get one of the groups banned for “containing credible threat of violence”:"

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton


“We want Hillary Clinton to win,” Mr Quigg told The Telegraph. “She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. [But] once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colours are going to show.

Alright, I'll come clean - it was me.

I realized that one path to shill is pretty obvious → Just follow TRUMP's lead!

Trump wants Bernie to run independent.

SO act like a supporter who wants him to run independent! Keep the Berniebot movement together, fuck the establishment, etc etc.

The Guy Who Screwed America’s Economy Hearts Hillary Clinton


"Wall Street is buying Main Street one foreclosed home at a time. The houses—more than 200,000 of them—are then rented to folks who continue to struggle in the aftermath of a near financial collapse in 2008. And one of the leading figures in Wall Street’s scavenging of the wreckage created by Wall Street is also a big-time backer of Hillary Clinton.

His name is Donald Mullen, and he was once the global head of credit at Goldman Sachs. He was credited with devising the infamous “big short,” by which the firm bet bigger than big that the housing market would collapse even as it was urging customers to invest in it.

“Sounds like we will make some serious money,” he famously emailed colleagues in 2007, at early signs of the impending implosion. Mullen left Goldman Sachs in 2012 and made some more serious money by becoming one of a number of Wall Streeters who are acquiring and leasing thousands of foreclosed homes.

Mullen embarked on this new endeavor with Curt Schade, formerly a managing director at Bear Stearns, which failed at the start of the financial crisis. Mullen and Schade received a $400 million credit line from Deutsche Bank, which survived thanks to billions of dollars in direct and indirect financial support from the government.

The new firm came to be called Progress Residential. The name takes on an added resonance when you visit the website of the major pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA Action, to which Mullen contributed $100,000 in June. You are welcomed by a picture of a smiling, waving Hillary Clinton and a message: "

It's not that they stop paying attention, but posts are sorted with a weight based on age and net votes. Newer comments get buried under older/more visible posts and posts past the 5th or 6th level in a comment tree are autohidden unless you force expand that particular reply thread. It's fucking stupid.

Alright, now we need an official 'Clinton Cash' thread:

Donald Trump on Hillary Clinton: ‘I Think We’ll Whip Out’ Clinton Cash, ‘Very Pertinent’


In Clinton Cash, Schweizer investigates the Clintons’ paid speeches and foreign donations made to the Clinton Foundation, arguing that several of the donations came in from groups bidding for government contracts during Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State.

“I think we’ll whip out that book because that book will become very pertinent. I’m surprised it hasn’t been used by Sanders,” Trump added, saying Clinton Cash was well-written and factual.

Option 4:

The die-hard.

Tell them you'll never abandon Bernie and you're writing him in in the general election.

If you can't get them to vote Trump, at least nullify their vote by choosing a guy who will never win. This is pretty effective, since some of these faggots have spent their life savings on the Bernie campaign.

That Berniegirl with the problem glasses is setting off my Jewdar. Looks like a mix of Sarkeesian and Christine O'Donnell.

The video is still useful for transitioning bernouts.

There's 3,000 people here but nobody has a copy of Clinton Cash?

He wants to win California:

Bernie Sanders to lay off 'hundreds' of campaign workers


Sanders' communications director said a majority of those affected by the layoffs were field operatives who had worked in the five states that voted Tuesday. The spokesman said the layoffs were partially due to the fact that there are just 14 states remaining on the primary calendar, which means the campaign does not require as many field operatives on the payroll.

It is also an unmistakable signal the campaign does not believe those employees will be needed in a general election.

Sanders has maintained he intends to campaign "until the last vote is cast." The New York Times reported Wednesday that Sanders would focus his remaining resources on winning the last state on the calendar, California.

If he wins california and the other remaining westren states "where he does well" he would over take clinton

If Sanders loses it will be a cake walk by trump.

Hillary: Wall Street’s Golden Girl


"Hillary repeatedly refused to release transcripts of the speeches. So it’s up to at least another speech to offer a lateral clue. Here is Hillary talking to Goldman Sachs executives – including CEO Lloyd Blankfein – on September 2014, during the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in New York. Goldman Sachs, predictably, is a top CGI sponsor.

The Clinton machine-Goldman Sachs dangerous liaisons stretch back to the early go-go 1990s, when Bubba was not even in da (White) House. Most of the trail is a mater of public domain; Bob Rubin – then co-senior partner of Goldman Sachs – falling in love with Bill and becoming the economic advisor to his 1992 presidential campaign; Rubin engineering the deregulation frenzy that gave us toxic CDOs and apocalyptic derivatives; Goldman Sachs as a top financier of Hillary’s 2000 Senate campaign, only behind Citigroup; Bill bagging $650,000 for four speeches between December 2004 and June 2005 (once again; no transcripts); then bagging another $600,000 between 2006 and 2014.

In 2011 the Clinton Foundation moved to a new HQ in downtown Manhattan – conveniently, in a Goldman Sachs building. In the spring of 2014, top Clinton Foundation donors discussed a bright future together inside Goldman Sachs’s corporate HQ. Gary Gensler, formerly from Goldman Sachs and also former chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, is the Hillary Clinton campaign’s chief financial officer.

As extensively dissected, the record spells out Goldman Sachs as “the Clintons’ number one Wall Street contributor, based on speaking fees, charitable donations, and campaign contributions”, the three foundations of what Simon Head chose to brand, appropriately, the Clinton system.

So forget about the extensively documented dodgy practices of Goldman Sachs before, during and after the 2008 financial crisis. Forget about Goldman Sachs being ordered to pay a paltry $5 billion for its mortgage racket (Hillary: no comments.)

The record shows that for the Clinton system, Goldman Sachs is a sacred cow. Thus those lavish speeches, the glowing P.R., the revolving door always open. Not exactly poetic justice rules that the system (Clintonian and otherwise) as well as stalwart Goldman Sachs are Too Big To Fail. You don’t need to be Leibniz to know that’s the best of all possible worlds for the Goldman Golden Girl. "


It's Goons for Hillary user.

the Something Awful faggots aren't Bernie fans?

Susan Sarandon: I Fear Hillary's Record on War & Fracking More Than Trump's Wall



He's not giving up:

Sanders: 'The convention will be a contested contest'


Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Sunday said there will be a "contested contest." In a news conference from Washington, D.C., on Sunday, the Vermont senator urged superdelegates from states where he has won the majority of the vote to reconsider their support.

"It is virtually impossible for Secretary Clinton to reach the majority of convention delegates by June 14 with pledged delegates alone," he said. "She will need superdelegates to take her over the top. The convention will be a contested contest," he said.


"contested contest"

No kidding?




mini bump,

If Sanders become Clinton's VP it's going to be even easier to convince some of them to vote against Clinton.

A suggestion for false flagging as Hillary supporters… Just emulate Cruz supporters. They are the most annoying fucks on the planet. Zero arguments, just schoolyard namecalling and arrogant as shit. Cult like in their devotion. A completely backwards view of reality. Pic related. This will work Bernie supporters into a rage.



Can we get paid to promote shillary? It would be wonderful, get paid to false flag and annoy the fuck out of them, driving them to trump

top kek

It's called Correct the Record

I wonder how easy it would be

Who wants to try that?


Come on.

It looks like the Koch brothers are trying to push the Libertarian Party at the forefront to try to reduce the number of votes Trump will get:

Johnson Campaign Source Claims David Koch To Pledge Millions… UPDATE: Koch Rep Denies Pledge


Billionaire businessman and philanthropist David Koch has pledged “tens of millions of dollars” to help bankroll the campaign of Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, according to a source within Johnson’s campaign.

A Koch representative maintained that David is not “supporting or considering supporting any third party presidential candidate.”


BREAKING: Hillary Campaign Accused of Mass Cheating in Kentucky Primary– 4,000 Votes Scratched to Give Hillary Win


The Pike County Clerk’s office told local Kentucky station WKYT there were issues with one of their card readers which caused a delay in the numbers and as a result, the AP then erased Sanders’ votes, pushing Hillary to the lead by over 4,000 votes.

According to Real Clear Politics Clinton eventually received 212,550 votes in Kentucky to Bernie Sanders’ 210,626 votes for a difference of only 1,924 votes. The 4,000 vote discrepancy gave Clinton the Primary.

There were more than 76 reports of election fraud in 31 different counties called into Kentucky’s Attorney General hotline during the closely contested Democrat primary, according to Attorney General Andy Beshear. The Sanders campaign was expectedly outraged by the reports which were similar to what has occurred in other states – and many are pointing the finger at the Clinton campaign.

I've been thinking of this for the past few months but have no time to do that, surprised that we can't get a few NEETs

Bumping for lurking

Nice trips

I bring you the word of kek from

74621266 Praise Kek!
74621300 Blessed be his name
74621377 Trump is the true prophet
74621733 Kek needs to be properly fed repeating digits
74621777 Praise kek!

Yeah me too. Even if they require you to sign a non-disclosure agreement this is an anonymous board so I don't think anyone will be able to find out who you are.

You don't have to post screencaps of your work, just be vague enough not to be identified but detailed enough to explain what kind of online propaganda the Clinton campaign is doing.

wow oh no that can't be


Are we still doing this lads?

better keep this in