There is absolutely nothing gay about liking traps.
Prove me wrong.
There is absolutely nothing gay about liking traps.
Prove me wrong.
Well.. shit. I can't argue that.
If it has tits it's not a trap, it's just a shemale.
Also, shemales are paradoxically less attractive than traps. Prove me wrong.
That just proves you're a gay person.
Still straighter than OP.
It's like you never even tried to woo a woman and just went directly to gay butt sex because you're such a faggot.
Prove me wrong.
i-i cant
A trap without tits is just a convincing transvestite.
Both transvestites and transexuals can be traps, provided you were expecting a female.
Any other definition is just forced fetish distinction.
"Liking traps" is just saying you like very feminine dudes with a dose of self-delusion, as you're already aware that they have penises before "being trapped."
As a male being attracted to femininity isn't gay.
But you wouldn't be attracted to "traps" specifically, if you weren't also attracted to the fact they are male, which is definitively gay.
All of this is inconsequential. Do what you like, just don't be an ashamed, hypocritical jackwagon about it.
Huh? I'm not trying to pretend it isn't gay, I just came here to shitpost. I think OP's an idiot too. Of coure it's gay to want to fuck a dude.
I grabbed them off tumblr. It's where all the faggots post pictures of themselves.
wew, forgot to post my gay shit
That's fine, sorry for the lack of distinction, but only the meaning of trap bit was directed towards you and it's obvious your use is more out of social familiarity than insistence, so it was unnecessary.
holy fuck stop with all the names and hair splitting
just tick your dick in whatever hole you want
fuck you people drive me crazy
It's football, I'm pretty sure you need two teams
Am I gay if I like cats?
holy shit linetrap is getting fat
Things are given names and are definable.
Nothing is innately ambiguous, get used to it.
jesus was transgender but i don't want sand on my dick, does that make me gay?
got married, what did you expect?
I hope you're joking.
It´s called doublethink. It´s when you do mental gymnastics to convince yourself that two opposite things are both true or false, such as OP believing he can like dicks and still be straight. It´s disappointingly common. Don´t try to argue with them, you can´t. Just close the thread and filter it.
So do you only see girls who have their clit removed? Because it's literally a baby penis.
Are those recent pictures? She was getting fat–even fatter than in those pics, actually–but that was several years ago. She got larger breast implants and got much thinner otherwise last time I saw her stuff a few months ago.
I just checked Bailey's site and apparently those pics are from this month.
Brutal. She must have quit doing coke then.