I'll allow pedo if its 2D.
I'll allow pedo if its 2D
There is no such thing as 2D pedo.
Boku no pico
You mean you won't ban people over drawings? Wow how fucking generous mod of the year award goes to anyone not on this shit site.
Take it to masterchan, your bitching never has, and will never do, anything.
That's not me newfag. Learn to identify fake mods vs real mods.
You should be more embarrassed that I actually took a parody of you seriously.
Says more about the ridiculous shit going on here than anything else.
What if I told you that I was parodying myself ironically?
What if I told you ironic shitposting is still shitposting?
Then I would have to say you're on the right board.
Are we even allowed to post non-sexualized pictures/videos of children?
And do you even know what CP stands for?
No you idiot this is 4chan now
btw. this video was completely safe. the target audience are parents and their children.
We should merge with 4chan.
I banned you but im happy to let Dysomnia explain our policy, as i think it needs clarification.
Can you clarify that? Posting children is not allowed? I don't see a rule for that.
They decide on a whim whats not allowed based on their feelies at the time
Thats what happens when you start banning based on feels instead of law.
Literal potato
We aren't pedos, we're lolicons, and I don't give a shit what that word means in Japan. Over here it means someone that jerks it to DRAWINGS.
No, they are not.
If you jerk it to drawings of children you are a pedo
not what you potato
regardless of whatever this thread is about i just wanted to drop by and say i hate the current mod team
fuck you mods
Think that if you want, but it doesn't make you as bad as someone who jerks it to CP.
Vote #SPIN2016
what would you want out of a new mod team?
Fuck off pedo
Eh sure.
First and foremost I think it's Jim that wants to keep them off the site, however I have not been told explicitly what the issue is so far.
Nonetheless, I have my own reasons.
I'm hoping that once you guys are gone the CP spam links will stop, however that isn't my only reason for getting rid of you guys.
Here it is: Pedos are okay, I don't mind them as people, however, as a group I think they are extremely detrimental to any community.
Not only is the general userbase extremely autistic, which isn't a problem itself, its that they constantly break rules and are always trying to push and push the boundaries of what is allowed to be posted, reaching more and more towards something illegal until they finally get what they want. Not only that, but they are like a magnet for things that the the Holla Forums community probably dislikes as a whole. Things such as Feds lurking, tripfag circlejerks, repetition, and of course, bot spam.
I don't know what's stopping you pedo spergs from posting on >>>/younglove/. It works perfectly fine and I can't ban you there.
I don't see why you need to constantly flood Holla Forums with your repetitious content.
They're probably attracted to children because they are children themselves.
Call me a moralfag, but you guys are as bad as Jews.
so much for freeze peach lmao
talk about slippery slope
I don't care about pedos just rulecuck my shit up I want Holla Forums to die
This take the acceleration pill
Would this be okay? Or is the potential presence of a little girl already considered CP?
Post more cute shit.
literally fuck this gay chan.
fapping to kids isn't as pathetic as fapping to the tiny amount of imagined power you think you have over us.
please do kys.
True brudders soon Holla Forums will be destroyed by the very people who govern it, we must support rulecuckery in order to cause a large scale pedo exodus from 8gag
stop making useless meta threads, stop making stickies, stop fucking around with the css, to name a few
8ch is 4ch and both are 2ch, all are owned by jim you fag mods lick his ass he doesn't give a fuck about you, have fun doing his work
hi there /int*/
they do it for free I heard.
Nice trips
nice scapegoat tbh fam
you're being too obvious brudder :-DD
all you're doing is digging yourself deeper
It's to late for them to stop it
Freech is shit we gotta destroy Holla Forums so that we can take refuge here full zionsim
i hope the ponies see this
soon they will be gone according to this
i also hopes the cripple sees this so he can see what his chan has become
this image literally raped 66600000000000 babys
He doesn't give a shit about this place anymore, the money went to his head just like moot.
He himself said he went from being a code monkey slaving away at all hours to just sitting naked playing gta while being waited on.
ok well guess ill just take your word for it :^)
jesus christ
they actually bump locked the bikini and trap threads
wtf has this place become?
it makes me sad. I've been acquainted with copypaste for a few years..before anyone knew he was a cripple.
he was just an oldfag like the rest of us.
I totally understand if Holla Forums was just a hobby he has lost interest in but if that is the case why did he make so much noise about First Amendment?
why did he criticize 4chan so much for things this place has now become?
Trap threads are one of the only things they aren't removing, thats why its like 4chan.
what the hell are you talking about
every thread is created equally
i miss nugger
This is what heh pilled people actually believe.
I hope you all realize that this is actually not a "fight for freedom", but just a little game to kill some time until librechan is up?
Sorry if I made a too serious impression. It was just too fun though. :D
So don't take this epic edgy trawling to seriously please :^)
this "dead baby" ban reason was still gold though, sheesh I was not ready for that. :D
those two threads are made by goons trying to make this place look so shitty that users will leave
and it was working before the mods started getting rid of that cancer.
i guess we have to get rid of other cancer threads too huh? ::DDDD
we really need to clean up Holla Forums from all the cancer :::DDd
thanks for proving my point goon.
This we must ban veryone
.net? Last time I went on there SSL was missing.
pls :^)
sorry for posting cp of a hand. :)
this is like a trophy tbh :^)
mods answer
u done goofed m8
it's boring when no one gets autistic about all this anymore ._.
autistic about what?
eh, it doesn't matter. :p
Yes. Real mods ban everything they don't like!
I'd probably rather rate brother who posted his sisters pics tbh.
well im off today so faggot mods can have break too.
But I will be back with another set of completely 500% legal pics.
no faggot
Look at what you have done.
I got her all to myself tomorrow
shit I need to get some sleep
Burka loli are the final solution. These mods get too horny at loli calves and forearms. Prolly too much hormones, but it's not there fault.
Federals aren't too fond of lolicons either, plus what about all those disgusting gore threads, or Holla Forums's politics.
I'd like to be on that couch.
reported for cp!