Child porn suspect jailed indefinitely for refusing to decrypt hard drives
Child porn suspect jailed indefinitely for refusing to decrypt hard drives
Would suck if he simply forgot his password.
I sometimes mount external hard drives with a random key from /dev/urandom for temporary storage. The key is lost on shutdown.
So they can hold me indefinitely if they don't believe I know the password?
Was gay porn?
I thought you Americans had something like a 5th amendment, but I guess not.
Think of the children. If we can save even one child by giving up our rights, isn't it worth it?
They have him in solitary confinement too.
As tragic as the story is, 7 months is still better than getting years or decades
Still not sure what kind of fucking message they're sending here, if anything they're just encouraging people to use encryption, stupid fucks...
The methods they use to get probable cause from freenet is flawed too. If you have freenet installed, they can get a search warrant for your IP, even if you haven't downloaded anything illegal.
He is jailed indefinitely, they don't plan on ever releasing him until he gives out the password or it's appealed and ruled unconstitutional.
He gusses.
Sorry, I was just reading the URL without clicking shit
and this is absolutely unconstitutional, it completely goes against the 5th amendment
Why is it always cops?
I have old encrypted hard drives that I don't remember the password too.
Better zero those out.
Why do they even bother with freenet? It only has like 6,000 users.
other P2P networks like torrents, gnutella, gigatribe, ares, and emule have millions of unique IPs sharing known CP every year.
It's so funny when cops try to convict one of their own but they know the law so well they don't get convicted.
This is only in situations like this when it's an obvious power grab, not a free pass to kill innocent people.
fucking mods, stop the bots
so it's illegal to have a bad memory now?
I hope that's fucking sarcasm. Because if it isn't, you need to eat a fucking gun. RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW.
He was a Sergeant in the Philly PD. One of the most corrupt PDs in the US. The sniff test on this smells like the PD is trying a new way of silencing "snitches".
There is no 5th amendment in the U.S. anymore. Failure to give up the password for an encrypted device upon a judges orders is considered contempt of court and you can be jailed indefinitely.
cops jailing cops?
go on go on
tell them not to give up
murka stronk
Wait, so correct me if I'm wrong.
If I were to download lets say truecrypt or some other encryption software, and create an encrypted file. Which I then play around with, delete (put in the recycle bin) and then forget all about.
If I were to get arrested for any reason that involves them snooping through my files, and they go through my hard drive and find the old encrypted file that isn't actually deleted but in the recycle bin.
If I cannot give them the password for the file because it's literally "2j3bkQ@##jbk*#&*$^^23br2l3k4JBJ4bjbb2lk3jlk3j2rnkljfb@&*@#&^^$" because I just hammered the keyboard during the creation, I will be jailed for an unlimited amount of time until I can come up with the password that is impossible for me to remember (or for them to bruteforce)?
If this is true then the U.S has officially gone below North Korea in terms of legal rights for citizens.
This right here. That's fucking frightening.
proof that pedophiles are mentally ill and jump to violence at an instant
the sound of neckbeard pedophile guilty of cyberraping millions of children by looking at them
All this person needs to do is file an appeal about the unconstitutionality of the demands. If for some reason it gets denied on appeal who the fuck would deny a motion to dismiss on such flimsy evidence as encryption = crime? then he's up shit creek without a paddle.
Oh you poor, sweet user.
Good, this piece of shit can stay there for life - which wont' be very long. Even criminals and psychopaths don't like childfuckers.
More like this guy wasn't playing ball with their corrupt schemes and now they're using CP laws once again as their go-to hammer to shut him up with.
Downloading the wrong Holla Forums thread != actually raping children.
Retards like you are the fucking worst.
Holy sheet.
If he can wait it out he might be able to fight it.
Isn't Freenet supposed to be anonymous? How did they find him?
It just means that they couldn't see what he was doing on Freenet, but they could still see that he was using it. That and the encrypted drives were reason enough for them to detain him. That's American freedom for you.
With publicly known freenet links, they can keep a list of all the splitfiles and track requests for them.
The problem is figuring out if the peer is the true originator or just relaying it.
See this
Isn't this the same problem for i2p as well?
You could discourage a lot of users if they decided to cherry pick users in the "train" which individual could be just ferrying info to another w/o knowing the contents. Hell ,scare tactics had proven to work against Tor users.
Good catch. Anyone want to go and confirm the stock image is a direct repost from the site being shilled?
Couldn't you fill a drive with random data then specify a start and end point to a logical volume and use dm-crypt? There would be no way for them to tell if there is encrypted data on the drive. Just hide your shit better nigger, stupid law bypassed.
Freenet in opennet mode is insecure. They warn against using it.
But even in opennet, it still takes a lot of time and resources to deanon peers.
If someone modified freenet to work with i2p, opennet could be made much more anonymous.
Why would you use i2p+freenet when i2p + Tahoe-LAFS already exists?
If you blab to the cops that there's illegal shit on your computer or they have some other way of proving it beyond a reasonable doubt, they can force you to cough up the key because it's a "foregone conclusion" that there's illegal shit on it.
If there's reasonable doubt and the police can only suspect there's something illegal on it, you cannot be forced to decrypt it and you have the full protection of the 5th Amendment. Well, unless you have a shitty lawyer and the cops have it out for you like they do this guy.
The EFF did a whole writeup about it.
The lesson here is: Don't keep illegal shit/evidence on your computer, even if it's encrypted.
Wait, so they were able to decrypt his main desktop computer and found no evidence? Unless he wiped and reinstalled, they should have found something if he is guilty.
It might actually be cops getting revenge on a former cop.
It was on 2 external drives user.
In principle I want to agree with you, but we're thinking about "illegal" in this context to mean horrible shit like cp.
What about when governments start trying to ban encryption?
Oh well, throw out all your encryption?
What are you, gay?
Well yea, obviously, but my point is that philosophy stops working when governments start going after encryption tools and FOSS.
To be honest, you probably shouldn't download porn of any kind unless all the actors/actresses are confirmed to be over 18.
How are you supposed to know whether on not some camwhore is 17 and on the FBI database of exploited children or whatever it is they use
This is some Berenstain bizzaro world shit.
Good lesson.
I don't like CP, but the threat that outlawing it poses to privacy is awful. Banning CP is far worse than downloading it could ever be.
they will find the zeroed out drives and charge you with anticipatory obstruction of justice (yes, it's a real thing)
video on this US law
Inb4 cryptolocker victims all get suspected of charlie paul and arrested for not having the encryption key
How about a lulz 4 life virus?
The virus downloads & uploads CP from your IP then encrypts your drive, the police come and you get life in prison. All for the lulz.
encryption is here to stay, they'll just buy 0days and hack everyone.
guilty until proven otherwise? sounds legit
Y'all lazy bastards.
why look at porn when you can just have sex?
Yeah why didn't this pussy just fuck a child and get it over with? These weak-ass fake pedos will burn on the day of the rope.
isn't the suspect a cop? or ex cop?
nope, this is the land of the fee, home of the slave, united states of safety
not a bad strategy
from a photograph that was probably taken in the 70's... person probably doesn't even know they were being photographed or have moved on with their life, anything to encroach on our rights.
wtf thats so corrupt
and i guess you have $20k under your mattress and i want in
the occupation of a "cop" is one of unreasnoable power, people who want such power of the lives of other humans beings end up being serial killers, sociopaths, and child molester...
i have some harvest parts from my works old computers that are encrypted, who knew just possessing those could land you in a dungeon and life in other people's hands
and punishable by ruining your life now
yup, all they gotta do is look at you and think "i bet he has illegal material in there"
lol SJW
who said he molested a kid? or even has child porn? sauce?
that would make the most sense, lotta cops who don't get with the program get fucked in so many ways, their pets mysteriously getting killed squad cars parked in front of their home all day, threatening phone calls "your wife is wearing X and son is wearing X *hangs up*" a common practice, why you see know one step up with morally in those criminal organizations
Well, there's his fucking problem. Using proprietary software should be a crime.
the lesson here is:
use rubberhose encryption
There's your problem
Almost all of my porn is furry porn with giant tits and ass, and sometimes 6, 8 or 10 tits.
It probably breaks some kind of law, but it sure as fuck cannot be confused with a real life depiction of anything.
It's called rubber hose cryptanalysis. Encrypting with rubber hoses sounds silly.
having sex with a real woman and getting off porn will pretty much guarantee meme fetishes like that will be unlearned
Are you speaking from experience?
Or are you just talking out of you ass? :^)
What if you have your boot and keys on separete thumb drives and tell them you cant access the device because you lost the key to decrypt the drive with your keys on it?
Or just throwing the key on an encrypted thumb drive and saying you don't know the pass
They search your house and then declare you in contempt of court because an officer's best guess is that you would have lost it at home.
Plausibly deniable physical storage would be the answer. The defendant would need an obvious place where they'd store an SD card or other storage device. Post-search, the defendant can claim the location and physical description of the storage and claim it was there before the search.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, as I only read the synapses of the piece posted by OP, but the person in question never did that. To the best of my knowledge they are inferring guilt because of encryption and the use of Freenet.
They also haven't proven anything beyond a reasonable doubt. It's all conjecture and inference with no clear proof that this guy downloaded anything or for that matter did anything outside of the law. Their initial search of the laptop turned up nothing.
His sister said she watched child porn with him at his house.
Then the police pays the ransom.. :)
That was my point. I wasn't accusing him of doing so but I guess I didn't make that clear. He definitely should've been able to walk but I think the case itself is the least of his worries.
Nice false flag
Then again
Serves him right for being a fucking macfag
appeal for this case
kek after he stopped paying his sisters living expensives, she went and told police she found CP.
Looks like the probable cause for the inital search warrant was "this IP is using freenet"
Sounds pretty damn trumped up.
Isn't she guilty of trying to cover it up, or something like that?
It looks like several months after the search & seizure, his sister found pictures of her daughter on his phone and rightfully turned on him.
I think foregone conclusion is the right call.
how did his sister find the pictures I thought the phone was seized
does the video reveal who is recording?
Also, you can't grandfather like this. The cops went on a fishing expedition and all evidence should be thrown out.
His iphone 5 was seized in the inital raid. Months later, he showed pictures from his iPhone 6 to his family. His sister saw clothed photos of her daughter and contacted the police.
Why would someone show their sister child porn?
This is citing another case, but this guy thought he had good OPSEC
How could he think that when using his real name at all of them and using one account. Let me guess that youtube account has some PII on it?
This, pretty much.
Accomplice to crime? Nrly, not under these conditions