Vincent Jewfield the operator of meme email website cock...

So the jew finally revealed himself.


Nice try Merkel

That's unrealistically optimistic.
It's far more likely it's somewhere around 0.01%.

Please return to 4/g/, it's where you belong.

does anyone know a good javascript blocker for FF that lets me whitelist too?

I find these two things incredibly ironic

Vince did literally nothing wrong.

He's a pretty good marketer. Also all webdevs that won't show plain text/anything at all without JS need to off themselves.

umatrix, noscript


please play video games with me I'm so lonely

click my referral code

winky face

also btw only 9 people have signed up so far and 0 have subscribed. Also it's only spacebux we're talking here

Just because Vincent is the number 1 4chan cyber terrorist in the past 5 years doesnt mean you have to be jealous OP

you can't make this shit up

what did I ever do to the Holla Forums owner? :( also this isn't a sticky I don't think this is the BO's doing

He's fucking recruiting for SA/Goons.
Plus he's only giving 1/5 of a plex in return instead of a traditional 50/50. Fucking rat.
Still going to use the thing but if I decide to resub I'll be doing it on my 20m SP pilot.

I don't see any evidence that it's the Holla Forums BO, unless that user knows something.

hey qt

what meant to say was:
umatrix, noscript is malware

No it's not. you obviously misread the article. In order for it to be bad, you'd first have to install a corrupted add-on. As long as you aren't using some shitty unsigned pr0ndowner extension or something, you're fine. And I say this as someone who prefers umatrix to noscript. However, the decision between the two should be made on personal preference, not retarded fear-mongering.

I don't see any proof that this is the real VC and not someone who "obtained" the contents of that disk the nazis stole from the server.

of course if he wants to prove it's really him he knows how to

he posts on here every once in a while

ay bb

at least I'm not a tripfag like you

What a nigger.


The tripcode is just the md5 of your GPG fingerprint :)


wow i thought cockli was dead and that i lost all my worthless mail

It did have one years ago but support was dropped.

The devs semi-officially support running via Wine. Kinda like what Blizzard did/does with WoW but even more.