Green Arrow is now an SJW in REBIRTH GREEN ARROW

Cancer. Pure fucking cancer.

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I just can't even care anymore.

This is going to lead to some great unintentional comedy as they desperately try to 'reclaim' the term 'Social Justice Warrior'

So he's literally an SJW in name only?

I don't read green arrow, but I heard he was always very social justicey.

May….maybe is a literal social justice warrior?
Children and women are in fact the main target for human trafficking.
Although the hobos being kidnapped kinda ruins that theory.

Not really. He holds vaguely Communist views - which is understandable because he's basically a modern day Robin Hood.

But he actually does stuff other than bitch and complain which precludes him from resembling an SJW in any sense.

Wasn't Green Arrow always described as a bleeding heart liberal?

So, Ben Percy's answer to fighting the corrupt establishment isn't using your BILLIONS to make the world a better place, but to throw it all away and fight muggers.

Yep. This is totally a SJW Green Arrow. What a retard. I bet Percy hasn't even read Robin Hood.

Being a liberal fighting against the rich (He's basically Robin Hood) is different than being an SJW.

No surprise SJWs would cry to reclaim the name of Social Justice Warrior by plastering it on whatever they can get their hands on. It's like when feminists try to claim that everybody is a feminist if they don't want to decapitate women and that makes them sending death threats over someone's shirt okay. And doubly no surprise it's with Green Arrow, who's claim to fame has been the television show now that it has a young girl tumblr audience that jerks off to Steven Armell's ab pictures.

And, despite, this lesson being provided in the pudding multiple times, comic makers don't get that SJWs don't buy comics. Green Arrow fans (fans who actually buy Green Arrow comic books), are going to be put off by this. It'll get a few thousand reblogs on tumblr, and some goony beardmen will post it up on their twitter as a badge of honor while subsequently saying that SJWs don't actually exist. 3 days later, everyone will stop caring and DC will go back to swirling in the toilet bowl with the rest of modern comics.

It's sad how out of touch the comic industry has become. From selling comics to people interested in fantastical adventures to people as an escapism. To trying to create a real world problem that doesn't exist.

Does this mean he's going to become a betanoder neckbeard who gets leads on "criminals" from SRS, spends more time tweeting rants and delivering seminars about fighting crime trough checking privilege than doing anything?

I'm not sure you can capture the zeitgeist from the headlines in a world where absolutely all of the press with no exceptions is an absolutely useless mess of biases and clickbait. You might aswell capture the zeitgeist trough memes and limited edition sweets and snacks. it's meaningless.

I don't know, by becoming another man, but with different biases and "doing the right thing" just like those other rich fucks, but with different ideals and priorities? Yeah I'm sure you won't fuck up anyone's life shifting expenses and policies around.

In any case I can't wait for this to get storytimed so I can laugh at authors fucking up massively and abandoning the idea again.

The irony about these people who try to 'reclaim' the term 'Social Justice Warrior' is that they're completely ignorant of the fact that 'Social Justice Warrior' is a term SJWs invented for themselves. It got turned into a pejorative because it was a perfect way to describe their own ridiculousness and impotency.

If it's any consolation, the fact that DC is starting to use the term "Social Justice Warrior" is a good sign that the fad is almost over.

So he supports Hitler?

jesus christ like that ever stopped sjws

…Waiitaminute, I know what this means. Green Arrow is going to be fighting people who are supposed to be Trump, and showing the injustice of shooting young black teens who are unarmed, while kicking people through a window because they decided not to bake a cake for a gay couple. Fuck life.

Well, I'll say this for it. At least it looks better illustrated than Marvel's comics based on the same theme

Unless the next panel is Oli on twitter trying to get #findthe17 trending in the middle of getting a green-highlighted side cut while wearing an "unfortunately white" T-shirt, I don't think Ben knows what SJW means.
At best he thinks it means someone like MLK Jr. which is inadvertently intolerant.

I can totally see a comic series where a superhero fights villains based on all of those things and how it could be a fun book that conveys what they're trying to say. As I return to reality, it feels like a fucking fishhook gutting my soul as I know there is absolutely no way they could ever accomplish it.

That is my current status as a comic fan.

So Green Arrow will become superhero version of L&O:SVU? I can't wait for the GamerGate/tumblr vs harassment issue.

Are they going to make Batman give up his shit too?
Fuck everything

Tell me about Gandhi why does he wear a lion cloth?

Comics became escapism for there creators and not the readers anymore

What ever happen to star city? Did DC just drop starling city all together and just call it Seattle which it was?

Game on Green Arrow.

Ollie was everything a SJW is when he's at his best, including the faults.

Since the 70's that was his personality, a kooky bleeding heart liberal who was also a filthy hypocrite that would attack his own like Roy Harper and formulate hair brained schemes like dressing up as a native American ghost to fight crime on top of his regular costume. He wasn't a guy you wanted to emulate because he made stupid mistakes due to ideology. His only redeeming feature is that because he didn't trust "the man" he was less trusting of crazy executives and rich people who really were in it to fuck over the little guy.

Oliver Queen is the archtypal SJW. He's rude, self important, and a hypocrite first class. But those were the flaws that made him human.

He could just go to blow some black dudes on an alley any time of the day, why make a comic about it?

I would say GA is a hero who isn't actually about "fun". He's very much a character who trades in miserable ripped from the headlines stories when he's not fighting some other evil Archer of the week. He's the guy dealing with the homeless and the drug epidemics and corruption and all the other shit liberals love to throw around as outrage. Which has been his thing since the 70's. Which is clearly what they're going for by finally giving him back his gotee and having him hang out with Black Canary again.

This isn't some purple haired blogger taking over your favorite wacky fun hero. It's a character returning to the exact form that the new 52 ruined. Which is something I'm actually excited about. Because if there's one hero that could pull this off its green arrow.

Only if they're cramming in "social justice warrior" as just a buzzword to attract the kiddies and actually have him do those important serious things and not just cry at a Trump analogue for 13 pages.

Wasn't Green Arrow always a liberal foghorn since his inception?

A new GA villian proposal.

The Triggerer. A black man who uses guns to commit crimes, in many places at once all over the city, near simultaneously. Can Ollie fight a man who is lower on the privilege scale than he is? Can Ollie learn the secret of how he commits so many crimes in different parts of the city at the same time?

In reality in turns out The Triggerer is just Ollie viewing any black guy with a gun as a single villain instead of multiple black thugs committing crime independently. As well as being viewed by Ollie through the standard SJW viewpoint of "only two sides" or "black and white" morality thing.

This sounds amazing. Why can't comics go back to doing things like this?

Ideally, it's just clickbait meant to attract attention. I imagine the real concern lies in whether or not DC is still determined to incorporate elements from the TV show into the comic.

This sounds so phony and so corporate I'm half convinced the editor is ghost-writing this because he thinks this is what the kids want these days.


I wish I could be as optimistic as you, but given DCs recent track record it's probably not gonna happen. Green arrow will probably be made into an infallible hero.

Males are kidnapped as sex slave 2:1 over females user, stop parroting the feminist-pandering, kike-run news blogs, they've stopped denying their bias and dishonestly for two years now.

Of course an editor is ghost-writing it. This is DC we're talking about after all.

Well, not really writing it per say, but rather demanding so many last minute rewrites and changes that they might as well be writing it.

But he also tried to actually help people. Which, again, precludes him from being any archetypal SJW

The fact that the writer and/or editor is butthurt enough about the term 'Social Justice Warrior' to try and 'take it back' should tell you that the book will probably be much, much more of the latter.

See and

He was also conceived as a Batman clone so the idea of him as a bleeding heart liberal is fairly recent.

Friendly reminder Black Canary has been retooled to attract a SJW clientele and is now in a grrrl power rock band.

So he's Batman now?

Do people still read this version of Black Canary?

Did they ever?

Black Canary 1 $2.99 DC 40,786
Black Canary 2 $2.99 DC 27,512

Black Canary 6 $2.99 DC 21,666
Black Canary 7 $2.99 DC 15,758
Black Canary 8 $2.99 DC 14,461
Black Canary 9 $2.99 DC 13,566

The people who write comics these days don't add in SJW shit because they're going "oh hey, I think this is what sells these days", they do it because they themselves are SJWs. "I'm going to add in SJW stuff because thats what I like, either comic readers like it or they don't, and if they don't then they're just shitlords so I'll do it anyways even if it means burning the industry down".

wasnt cancellation numbers at 15,000?

yes but he was more occupy wall street hippie liberal, not trigger warning dyed hair landwhlae liberal.

What in the actual fuck is this, holy hell someone needs to be fired for this abomination

I don't get it? Marvel gave DC a giant opening. What happen to capitalism encouraging competition?

This isn't your average, ordinary failure.

This is advanced failure.

It seems like nobody cares about cancellation numbers nowadays. I think it's because the big two would rather have the character around and nobody buy anything than not have the character around and the PR disaster of some blogger asking where's all the female led books no one's buying. If people cared about cancellation numbers, 8 shit series would be being cancelled right now and there'd be 8 different threads of us jerking each other off.

My sister as a poster of it in her room.

Doesn't read comics though. She just goes to conventions and buys merch, and watches the shitty live-action adaptations like Jessica Jones.

DC (and Marvel) aren't led by smart people who can take advantage of an opening.

Female-lead books get shitcanned all the time and DC/Marvel just cuck themselves into accepting the PR nightmare afterwards.

The reason they're a lot looser with cancellation numbers now is because sales are much lower all across the board. Ergo, standards have taken a nosedive. I'd say "real" cancellation numbers are under 10k at this point.

It's likely the money they make from these low-selling comics is the only revenue they're actually seeing at this point.

To be fair, Green Arrow has always been an SJW if recall how he was in Green Lantern/ Green Arrow back in the 70s.

No, he's not an SJW in any sense. Stop repeating this.

Problem is that DC is being run by a bunch of incompetent morons. They're pretty much in reprints already, that shows you how bad things have gotten at DC.

Really? Can I have a citation from a credible source?



What a bunch of faggots, holy shit. What do they think the haters are going to do?
"Oh my god, I hate this series so fucking much, I'm gonna buy the comics and merch they sell, instead of outright stop reading or read it from one of the million free comic reading sites!"

Nah, that's not 'liberal foghorn'. It's sorta funny.

They want to capitalize into the controversy angle. They are somehow counting on the haters to make other crowd check on their shitty comic by making them rail on in the internet. There is no such thing as bad publicity or so they say.

A good story, consistent and flowing, keeps the readers hooked. Fiction can't thrive on tabloid conduct because it doesn't actually affect anyone in real life. The writers can try to one-up themselves on controversial topics for as long as they think it will leave an lasting impression, but it really won't take long for people to just start rolling their eyes at it and leaving those books for the shelves. The types that even do buy into that kind of schlock are as fickle as they come. Who do these guys think they're appealing to?

Yeah, but for how long?
They'll check it out, but the absolute shit content might not make them buy it more than a few times.

First it was Tony Stark turning into Iron Male Ally, now this.

Well, not that I care about Green Lantern really.

This is the problem with all supershits though. They waste their time beating up losers instead of actually fixing the world.

Well, people who actually want to fix the world are called villains.

Who is the girl on the right of panel 2?

A large part of Alex's character development in the 1980s Power Pack run was him learning he couldn't "save the world" just by beating up criminals: Addicts were still addicted and more criminals would step up to to profit off them and kill their competitors to increase their profit no matter how many people he beat up or drug dens he exploded. Now in the main Marvel universe he uses his gravity manipulation powers to help Reed Richards invent all sorts of useful shit because it's more likely to help the world than cracking skulls (that's the only future for Power Pack that wasn't terrible).

We had a children's series 4 decades ago understand that kind of stuff better than a modern series supposedly written for adults.

That's happening all across DC's line though. Convergence just fucked their shit up.

Do you have any idea how much I miss Batman actually doing crime prevention? That used to be a big part of his character.


are the other Rebirth comics any good?


aw come on, guy
Injustice and Suicide Squad are still fun

Injustice was okay up until Year 3.

He's been a hippie forever, and SJWs don't like the 60s-80s at all since that's when rebellion was 'cool'.

Feminists tend to fetishize the 1950s, or more specifically 50s housewives doing things like being lesbians or murdering their husbands.

We won't really know until June, but I wouldn't bet on it.

The best thing about living in the age of digital media is the opportunity to destroy rubberneck marketing.

I've noticed that both extremes of the political spectrum seem to be obsessed with the 1950s.

And horseshoe theory continues to have merit.

I only pray that Nightwing isn't garbage. Nu52 run wasn't that bad, but Grayson just made me want to hurt myself.

Please. Grayson is the prime fodder for female SJW schlick fantasies. If he's not at least turned bi and put into a relationship with Red Arrow for diversity* I'll be surprised.

*and by diversity, I mean for the sake hot bishi buttsex.

This user has a damn good point. An SJW wouldn't embrace a white leader no matter how benevolent and sympathetic they were to the same cause. Remember when they were saying just a few months back 'white allies need to leave'?

Hot damn.

SJWs absolutely hate white people, particularly white men. Which is ironic because the vast majority of them are white.

Its ironic that Gandhi is a icon to the anti-colonial left progressive liberals (which ever word you use to describe them ;^) ) and yet he hated niggers with a passion

Mother Teresa also become a spiteful atheist in her last days as well

A lot of loyalty for a curry nigger

It really isn't, he was a staunch anti-britbong, which in the left's eyes it means he's an oppressed, anti-white social justice warrior, but in reality he just wanted a place for other curryniggers to live together happily without being subject to a country that despite all you've heard had pretty much re-civilised them. Except it bit him in the arse when the people of that region accidentally remembered all the years of political and racial in fighting and went back to their savage ways for a while. Everyone in the world, ESPECIALLY IN ASIA, hates the black. There's just some people that admit it and some that can't get enough of those sportsmen and dicks.
Wasn't she nuts?

Well Gandhi was kinda full on Holla Forums keke

and Mother Teresa was a piece of shit

I find the worst part of Mother Teresa is whole not giving pain relief to people with fucking cancer and telling them they are suffering like Jesus Christ

Horseshit. Reliable source or you're a liar

Yeah, great idea. One little slip, and if you thought the Bataclan incident was messy…

There's actually a pretty good reason why, He was jailed several times with the worst SA had to offer

Mother Teresa was generally full of shit.

Penn and Teller did a Bullshit on her, where they got Christopher Hitchens to speak.

I want a superhero comic about an ISIS militant superhero who kills leftists and degenerates in San Francisco, Salt Late City, and Seattle.

I'd rather see a superhero comic about a female hero, probably from San Francisco, Portland or maybe even Boston, who runs off to join ISIS because of feminism and gets her shit absolutely wrecked.

oy vey

Not that familiar with Green Arrow. Does he walk around like that all the time? With that ridiculous waxed goatee?



if he's such a big communist robin hood why doesn't he just give all his fucking money to the poor

In most iterations of Green Arrow he's a former millionaire, basically he lost all his money.

"The Triggerer" sounds goddamn hilarious, 5-star post buddy.

Isn't 2003 the year everything started tanking?
Is 3 our unlucky number?


does she even have a secret identity anymore?

I don't know, honestly. It looks like they're trying to make Black Canary all hip and cool, and apparently girls think secret identities are stupid because why turn down fame and fortune?

I don't think Black Canary's had a secret identity for a long time. She doesn't wear a mask and she actually dyed her hair blonde (as opposed to wearing a wig) as of the original Birds of Prey.

jesus christ

they haven't gone on twitter yet.

From which comic is the second pic from user?

Adrian Veidt in Watchmen right there.
His superheroics were a distraction to mask the wound in society than address the cause directly.

Holy shit, that's a great observation.

This is even more retarded than when Green Arrow bluepilled the Green Lantern in the 70s.


The only reason why they did a mother teresa and gandhi episode. Is because they know they won't get beheaded for it. But at least they admitted they are too afraid to offend Muslims. Even Bill Marher and Frank Miller had the balls to call Mohammed a pedophile. Fun fact Sarah sliverman is very pro Islam. She only anti-theist when it comes to Christianity and sometimes Buddhism cause real Buddhists are just as pro life as Christains. She even campaigning to bring more Muslims refugees.

Oh, sorry mister black man. Since when all black people is in danger to be killed by a galactic menace? and only black people, not the whole earth.

Yeah, I thought so.

i think we should generally avoid the piece of shit moore left on the comics world

You just need to have more balls. If Anti-islam black metal band exists in Saudi-Arabia, then worrying about some stupid attack here is just cowardly. The band members can get legally murdered in their country for performing. Here some lunatic might attempt to kill you but thats pretty much it.

This is why I love Trey and Matt, and South Park. They aren't afraid of anything.

The whole last season was anti-sjw. The whole damn thing. I could not believe it.

Never got why people think pen jillete is some kind of bad ass. I do give him credit for not being a Islamophile atheist like Stephen fry and the amazing atheist.

Because >le trashman maymay

This is such a fucking perfect descriptor of that specific brand of nu male. I can mentally picture dozens of shitty twitter accounts from these words alone.

It's like he isn't for real social justice, haha.

>tfw peronism ruined your country
>tfw at least in its inception it was more nationalistic, but it got ruined by hipsters and marxists/trotskyists

What's one guy supposed to do to fix the socioeconomic issues of the entire black race? It's not like there's just a single supervillain causing all the world's racism that he can kill. What a dick.