Cn just released some new pilots

Cn just released some new pilots
Just look at this shit

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my kids will only ever see anime and maybe earthworm jim

Problem Solverz was made ironically to be the ugliest cartoon ever, and these legitimate attempts aren't even a world away from that.

This one isn't too bad actually, less sorandom and more BritSitcom


Apple and onion Is definitely the lesser of two evils here
Plus genes voice actor is the burger

Disgusting. Why couldn't CN just die after CN Real?

This tbh fam. But the Earthworm Jim cartoon has not aged very well. Instead show them some classic CN shit like Dexter's Lab and let them play the first two Earthworm Jim games.


we shouldn't be forced to choose between two evils


I will never stop recommending Exosquad

These are pilots we aren't getting a vote here
Apple and onion is better then the other one
das it meng

That's a big nope there.
Is a lobotomy now required for entry into CalArts?

I would get them to love the golden age of animation.

well they'd probably be retarded as you so good choice

this makes me want to die

You have good taste you piece of shit.


I dont even know what was what I have saw. That pilot was out of place.

What did I just watch? I think they were attempting humour but forgot to be funny.

I want a waterproof slushy robot now.
That was a brilliant critique of capitalism.

I'm starting to prefer Nick over CN

British Pickle and Peanut

Regular Show with girls

What's that gif from? I remember it being from Newgrounds, I think.


Thanks bby

I can understand the similarities in visuals, after all they're probably both using the same tools and stick to similar techniques instead of making any attempts at innovation, but why is every recent CN cartoon sticking to this two friends being weirdos premise instead of trying out something new?! Were they so influenced by Regular Show and other cartoons with two whack friends doing whack shit they decided this is best and most full of potential concept? Don't they realize a whole load of cartoons with similar premises are kinda running dry on ideas already so they're bound to repeat the same stuff with all these similarities.

Please tell me there will come a new generation of animators who can see trough bullshit and won't fall for the same delusions of lolrandumb being entertaining and willing to experiment in both storytelling and art, and will liberate us from this mediocrity.

The person who made the bottom's butte short worked on regular show.

What's gonna happen is there's gonna be a new show that will kill the calarts style crap. Unfortunatley, this new show will then be aped by a bunch of other shows like how adventure time and regular show are aped now and we will all be complaining about how shit everything is now that everyone is copying the new show instead of being creative.

Yes but we'll still have a brief moment to rejoice some originality before we get overwhelmed with mediocrity again.
No wonder it's complete shit. The main character is the best thing about the show, and only as autist porn-fodder.

That is some of the worst shit I've ever fucking seen.

That honestly looks like it was made in Go Animate.
Lots of VA talent though.

Both are abominations to the very concept of animation and even share the same main characters.
Both look like something ADHD would publish.

Even if they're as retarded as him they won't be as retarded as modern cartoon audiences.

That's a very common children's cartoon trope though, especially if they're ambiguous nonhumans

wut? user, are you being ironically retarded or something ?

my test

Cn confirmed for socialist weasels

Calarts faggots never grew out of the stage where their parents give them asspats for their shitty drawings before posting them on the refrigerator.
Except now their parents are replaced with retard executives, and television has unfortunately become the refrigerator.

This. A lot of these types of shows were made based on periods of upbringing. Essentially these creators are misfits that never do much except for thinking odd, and it reflects in the work.

Over a decade ago, a friend and I had a premise for a cartoon about a robot built to be a superhero but became a slacker that hangs with a nerd crew. That is essentially the same kind of shit on TV now, and would only add to the pile.

This. So much this.

I think that's been pretty damn obvious since that AT episode.

Which one ?
The genderfluid lamp ?

So THATS what the style reminded me of! Fucking hell, it seriously does!

He tried to warn us… but we didn't listen…

Whatever this is make it stop.


At least Sam Marin tried something different here

The person who made this needs to be gassed

Oh man I always wanted to see this.
It was nothing like I expected and I'm slightly disappointed but that was still really nice.

I can see why user.
Shame CN wasn't behind the more Ren and Stimpy style that the creator wanted for the pilot, would've helped flesh out it's personality.

He tried to warn us but we didn't listen.

It feels like my eyes were raped.



The best anime is shittier than the worst cartoons.

I want JoJo fags to leave, Adventure Time is still better than that JoJo garbage.

Fuck anime.

And yet people think that it's just CalArts making everything look like Family Guy.

How much do you want to bet it's because everyone commented how he just proved the original video right?

by and large I hate chinese cartoons and mongolian cave drawings but jojo is fucking fabulous you mong

Western cartoons have become 90% clarrts sjw shit, anime is mostly shit too but they produce so much of it that the rule of averages is in their favor.

Playing the weebs advocate here, anime isn't dealing with the SJW shit we're dealing with.

Indeed, we need to make cartoons great again.


As much as I like Harry, his depiction of 2010's cartoons is a bit off, this is exemplified with the way he drew his hand. Pic related is more akin to the style of cartoons in this generation.


Well, he showed P&F as an example, and that's not really #GrinningPotatoWithNoodleArms

capped for being the most potent allegory explaining modern animation I've ever seen on Holla Forums

Hahaha are you the obnoxious faggot on /jojo/? Why wont you go back to 4chan already?

I looked up P&F air date, and it came out in 2007. It finished in 2015, sure, but I wouldn't put it beside the actual grinning potatoes.

I agree that the addition of P&F changed things like the more detailed hand and hair, but it really doesn't belong there.

It looks like pure shit.
I'd fuck that pink slut 8 days a week though

she chubby tho

meant to quote

But the ass is fat

and also a fucking goat or llama or whatever

There are probably hundreds of different ideas pitched to CN annually, with unique characters and styles that set them apart. But the penny-pinching execs only want whatever brought them success in the past, which means more Regular Shows and noodle arms.

Good ideas are out there, and the chances you'll ever see one produced are slim.

She's good a nice bottom's butte

It's mainly just leg wool

This is the worst cartoon I have seen in my entire life.

What the hell was this? This must be some experimental animation shit, not a commercial cartoon.

I watched this recently, I never watched it as a kid, but it was really a stark reminder of how pussyfied things have become in cartoons.

War, politics, assassination plots, scantily clad belly dancer holograms, thats just the first episode.

This is all CalArts as fuck and it repulses me.

it's actually exactly opposite, they're dealing with sjw shit unlike numale cartoon/comic producers who just bend over

I thought they were just dealing with over-saturation of moe, adaptations of god-awful Light novels and just plain common shit taste among Jap audiences

Maybe you're referring to western releases of animu and mango being tainted by SJW ?

why i am even replying to you, it's pretty obvious you haven't watched any good anime except meme ones

Op here
I was fliping through the cn schedule trying to catch If I missed an episode of mike tyson mysteries
and I saw apple and onion On the fucking schedule
No word on the other one but fingers fucking crossed

And as for you
We may very well have to pick the lesser of two evils

I sure hope that's bait.


the fuck

is there a frog who walks sideways holding a plastic knife?

It's sad these are CN's ideas of shows with female leads

into the gas chamber it goes

why did i watch the entire thing
that trash is horrible
should I get help?



Are you guys ready for more wacky random noodle arms with our protagonist who happens to be socially awkward complete with references to modern technology and an ambiguously brown character with neon colored hair coupled with 'ironic' voice acting?

What's that–you've said you've seen that show 8 times now? Welllll tooooo bad

Fucking youtube

The ribbon on her head looks like she has a tumor.

why is every "joke" in modern cartoons a nonsequitur?

"i don't care"
"fine whatever"

"character is the length of a bunch of random crap"

"lets touch our hair together"

"enjoy these gummy worms. it's food! its food."

"this microphone is connected to nothing!"

"good ideas are returned to the real world where they have piiiiiizzaaaaa"

there's a melodica cat. fucking kill me.

"i don't trust you" *holds up spear gun*

"i'm singing an expository song for no reason"

AT's breakout success was the worst thing that happened to them

Somebody stop him!

Ass-tier animation aside, this is actually okay.

i lost my shit honestly. This one's pretty good, but the animation is shit

Burn it.

It does. It probably is.

Their attention span is really short, so it must be hard for them to set up a joke and get a proper payoff or punchline afterwards.

Wow that's fast

The worst part is that it's a decent concept for a show ruined by its writing.

That second one has actual shit animation.

Some of the jokes weren't that bad, but the animation hurts to look at.

would surgically excise the tumor, followed by attempting to either nurse her back to health if she's got a fighting chance, or putting her down behind the shed if she's a goner

This should work

That was very shitty.

But this, isntead of the other shows, had a good thing. The girl design. She looked cute and fine.

r34 when?

Are you guys ready for more wacky random noodle arms with our protagonist who happens to be socially awkward and has an odd noun name, complete with random access nonsequiturs?

It feels like this and BtB both had the idea to stand out by putting in mixed media stuff

All these shorts are shit.

This at least have some nice concepts

This is the only short / pilot I was able to find that was okay. It's not a plotline about a socially awkward kid doing random things with their wacky friends, so of course, it hasn't been picked up yet. I'd actually watch this, if I could be completely honest.

I wish I were watching YouTube Poops of these instead

No credits?

Where cartoons go wrong today is that they make so little fucking sense that the audience gets bored and loses interest, there is no emotional connection to the plot or characters whatsoever, modern aninators have lost all fucking sense of subtly in writing and what's worse is they actually have subtly where it doesn't count, the animation itself, which looks constricted and robotic

God modern cartoons are all piles of shit

Absolutely 2016

Jesus Christ is this shit. It has tumblr designs, tumblr writing, no pacing, fuck. This was bad.

This, on the other hand, wasn't that bad. The art direction was God Awful, and while I'm not a fan of the writing style it's still passable. I wouldn't call this one shit. It's not spectacular, but it's passable.

Jesus please save us

Idea might have been good, and the animation is there, but the art direction and actual writing just sucks.

Better then the Apple one, I actually think this could work. The art direction, while not something I'm terribly fond of, is a breath of fresh air compared to what is currently popular. The writing could be stronger, and might if given enough time to shine.

This one is either a Tumblr wet dream, or a Deviantart fetish animation. I can't tell it apart. I did get a boner from the guy turning into a mom. Really it could pass for both though. Animation is fine, but fuck no to the writing.

I actually really liked this one, easily the best. Writing was good, voice acting was good, art direction is quite frankly great. It would be a shame if this didn't get picked up.

Also, can anyone tell who the VAs for the robots were? I know the voices, but I can't place them. Didn't the forklift robot also play the robot in the caveman episode of Spongebob?

I believe those are definitely Tom Kenny voices

Danger Planet is voiced by the dude who does Master Shake.

I'm getting a Robotomy vibe from this.

Me too.

Somehow it reminds me of video related.

Any drawfag capable here for the job?

Can I get non-region locked mirrors of this?

It had some non-shit animation sequences, but art style and humor is same wacky cookie cutter lolrandumb rubbish. Also it's bound to generate as many fetishes as Totally Spies.

Eh. Same here.

Can we, just, get some French artists in charge of animation for once?

That is some godawful cringe. It doesn't seem necessarily bad but socially oblivious cringe comedy physically hurts me to watch.

I think that's a good thing. When Apple started making fun of the popcorn, I felt genuinely uncomfortable. I'm surprised a cartoon made nowadays would go to that area. I hope it gets picked up over all the other horseshit in this thread, save for Danger Planet a'course.

More cartoons from the Gumball guys?

But that's not noodle arms or potato head. It's closer to that god-awful adaptation of Wayside School than anything else.


This is pure AIDS to my eyes.

Looks nice.
He was better as Gazpacho