What really killed this site?
Newfags keep saying it was Infinity Next/Jim, but Holla Forums hasn't lost many people since then. Somewhere before that, this site died, but when?
What really killed this site?
Newfags keep saying it was Infinity Next/Jim, but Holla Forums hasn't lost many people since then. Somewhere before that, this site died, but when?
Nothing killed it d&c faggot
second exodus.
only the most insufferable Holla Forumsfaggots decided this chan was "created for the sole purpose of Holla Forums" and they created a hugbox where any dissenting opinion is banned.
then they leaked out onto every other board and shat the whole place up.
turns out people actually don't enjoy every thread devolving into JOOS NIGGERS MUDSLIMES
I am wholly and utterly CONVINCED that the Mormons had something to do with it.
you only validate my argument
8ch is live and well :DDDDDDDD
An anti sage to your faggotry.
Holla Forums is not dead, no matter how hard goons delude themselves into thinking it is, it's still alive.
Mind you, it isn't a good quality of life, but again, still not dead.
it aint dying
just becoming more work-safe
this will increase the users
making it stronger
could the board owner delete the Holla Forums and the /zoo/ and the /suicde/ boards please
It's not dead but PPH isn't what it use to be.
Holla Forums is a lot slower than it was when I got here.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing tho.
I't seems like it was a chain of events that slowed things down.
There was that acid fag,nirvanagate,Josh and shit I'm sure I'm forgetting that added up to just the 8 of us still here shitposting.
Probably Cat's Cradle. Everything they claimed has come true so far, it's almost if they are behind it.
Holla Forumsprobably has the highest degree of mental illness amongst it's user base
could be Holla Forums but most likely a troll
I prefer ccalling them troll to Holla Forums or goon
Honestly, nobody says nigger to offend anyone on Holla Forums, are you that stupid?
This place died after the Cat's Cradle died
wtf is Cat's Cradle
Lack of users
infighting caused by lefty and right Holla Forums, with a little help from Holla Forums of course.
Cat's cradle was either some fag unveiling his master plan or was on to something.
I don't know if the site is compromised or not, but that would also be a contributing factor
mods with too much power to ban
on every board
Holla Forums
They are responsibly for everything that's wrong with all the chans of the internet since their inception. They are basically the jews of chans. Blame SA for being there first.
How about a good ol fashioned counter raid?
It's like we forgot we could even do that, I mean we're Holla Forums for Christ's sake.
This. Raids really bring the Hell out in Holla Forums. It seems like nobody on here except a few golden eggs like raids anymore, either that or want instant lulz with little work.
I came here because of 4chins rule 4, because I was constantly banned, but at least on 4chan people would be down to raid tons of shit.
organize it and be the spark we need
We need to bring back the sacred /i/ back to life first. Its got very few people. I suggest when ever there is a raid on Holla Forums we advertise.
Also, separated from the paragraph above I'd like to point out my opinion on how to "fix" Holla Forums. In it's simplest form, we just need new fish. Not cancer that walked over here from halfchan. Never exposed to a chan or any stupid fucking maymays. If they are new, they will act what's around them. For example.If a newbie goes to 4chan, they will post cancer and cancer only, because most of every thread in that shithole is cancer and probably a roll thread.If they come here, they will act at least semi like us.
Sounds like you're Gobbels reincarnated.
every month we get these same threads and responses.
As someone who visited smaller boards, it was definitely the massive technical problems.
wow user. thats some fierce sage-fu you got there m8. i bet user cringed when he saw what you posted there
new /i/ BO seems like kind of a normie.
i've been watching that board since i came to this site. if people actually start using the board and if he can actually get a decent mod team together to deal with the crush every board gets from the spammers and trolls then maybe he can shape it up. i say we leave raids here on Holla Forums where they belong. we are the final boss of the internets. it was never anonymous. WE FUCKING CREATED ANONYMOUS.
it was the posting errors before infinity next
no it was ur mum
Lack of OC (Original Content) on this site.
It used to be funny and original, but then it turned into constant drama and everybody that was smart left the site. I like shitposting blue cats so that people feel like their "quality" site is going down the drain due to people like me.
This is very accurate. Cats Cradle was in May last year and it was one of the last months before the genetic goblin would show his true nature for the first time
I am sorry to inform you that intl was right about pretty much everything on Holla Forums. They were the only ones who saw it coming.
they regard spam as free speech and they dont give a shit about it. You are wasting your time.
dubs Barth2032 em
We may never know.