The status of human should be taken away from women. They should be lower than animals

The status of human should be taken away from women. They should be lower than animals.

Other urls found in this thread:

The question is if I purchase one as a sandwich maker for work, can I claim the tax back?

that girl on the floor though. holy shit.
idgaf how retarded they can be, don't even care that without ever having worked herself, one day some gril will steal half my house and half my income for life, before moving to her next host. but… that girl on the floor. it's worth it. they're the single most desirable thing in the known universe. they are unstoppable.

You should get a subsidy for the purchase of equipment of lesser quality

humans r animals
putting anything "below" animals is as meaningful as putting "green" over "2". Different kingdoms r not distinguished based on quality

But I doubt there will be a warranty for 'temperamental functioning' as that seems to be one of the design flaws…


If it does not fit your needs. that it should convert to meat and buy a new one.

It doesn't have to be that way, if given the chance girls would beg to be ultra submissive pets for guys like Brad Pitt without any of that bullshit you described. The hard part is become a guy like Brad Pitt.

tl;dr all will come to him who is alpha

Fuckin a



I like where this thread is going. My own folder of female human livestock was lost in an HD crash.

Top me off, lads?

Aren't we all objects?

Men are objects too. Women look at us as providers.

But that's entirely ok right?

This is the reflex nature of feminism.

Feminism is the ultimate cancer in our society.

OUCH! that edge!
careful with that!

Found the redditor white knight straight from halfchan /r9k/


The term woman is a human construct… it is not a naturally-existing norm.

you have to go back

Its probably a fetish thing m8. Its not like this girl take this thinking everywhere.

Spoilers: Tumblr is one of the greatest platforms for collecting debauched fetish porn.

I think submission is hot but i draw the line at actual pain, that just disgusting for me. That shit with the tied tits is just so unattractive.

I'm not really into pain either, but I love dehumanization, and I can absolutely dig her being trussed up and held in place to be milked as nothing more than a material asset to be exploited. That it's painful just underlines the irrelevance of her own comfort against her practical use being extracted from her worthless self.


Anita, just fucking stop trying already.


bdsm gives me balance. There's nothing more therapeutic than having a sub/slave strung up in your room, absolutely helpless, and fucking them up for a couple hours and then snuggling and walking among the normal world knowing what you are and what you do.

You guys would love the /r/maledomempire subreddit, then.

Woman = womb man = "Man with womb"

("Man" in the collective sense, as in, the species of "man".)

Picture of OP.


Not lower than animals, no, but they should probably become someone's property before adulthood.

Almost women are sluts and whores, anybody that denies this in this day and age knows it's true but doesn't like people pointing it out.

Oh, and I saw this thread on 4chan's Holla Forums. Hello again, OP.

Almost ALL* women. Fucking god damnit. This keyboard needs to be thrown out.

Good luck with that OP. Better not get in the way of sexbots.

fuck off

Don't be as bad as feminist please.