Let's get a nice webbum slash em pee four thread going
Webm/MP4 Thread: MAGA Edition
much obliged
what's this conductor shit from, keep hearing this meme everywhere
thanks, I did see the video but I need background information on that. Should've clarified
Fucking beat me to it….
you know, never mind my retard post, google is just a click a way, just.. forget it.
Might not believe it but I'm typically the guy that starts these types of Webm/MP4 threads. I'm happy to see at least 2 Webm threads on here today.
Maybe Holla Forums isn't dead after all, maybe the mods got their shit together and deleted all these faggoty pedo, shitposting threads.
This is coming from a guy who typically went on Holla Forums at least once a week and saw nothing but pure shitposting and autism.
I usually don't create threads, but I felt like Holla Forums needed a little pick-me-up to get people posting again. Been on here over two years now, and I'm not going to watch it die lying down.
I've been on here since early 2015. Id consider myself and oldfag by chan standards.
an* fucking typos
Late 2014 for me. I don't consider myself an oldfag in any sense of the word. I come here just to lurk and post for fun after a long day.
I wanna duck so bad.
This one is fresh off the press.
i remember when this was fresh oc.
and who could forget the 8KB Chan phase?
==I WANNA DUCK TOO user== ;__;
Contributing dank MGS content.
Dank MGS is my middle name, user.
also, there's a better version of that one.
this one's old as hell
It's really sad to see MGSV not being at it's full potential. If Kojima had more time and Konami wasn't full of cucks, we'd have an even better game.
Chapter one seems like a finished game, but once you start to head off to chapter 2 the cut content from the game ==REALLY== starts to show. Come to think of it there's just so much cut content from 5 it's hard to think it got out the door, it's still one of my all time favorite games.
p.s, for example anyone ever wondered to themselfs after they beat the standard version of the game "Where the hell did Liquid go with that metal gear?" Yeah ik the explanation to Liquid's plans were shown in the limited edition version of the game, but still, it just shows how much potential MGSV could have been story wise besides being cut content and mostly filler.
trumpfags thinking this is actually something to be proud of. the biggest politicians in the country say he's gonna be a disaster but he still keeps winning pre-election shits. this isn't a sign of trump being a good politician. this just shows how stupid americans are as a nation. congrats. i don't give a fuck who gets elected as long as 'Merica keeps his dick inside its pants, not inside every other place on earth
Sounds like your little designated shitting corner needs some laser guided democracy.
you pussy. It's not even a link.
Please someone have a webmp4 of that fat lard jerking it on stream, it needs to be in this. Or just his name so I can find it on youtube I don't watch streamers.
How do you not know who DSP is?
Why? Did he do something important before releasing himself in front of the internet?
He forgot the camera was on when he was prepping for his stream.
i'm the only one posting it looks like.
it's like a fucking soap opera scene.
But the news said only black people got shot!?
I got quads once today, so I'm content.
I might have saved half of all of those
thank you for the dump, :^)
He probably would have gotten it if they used pounds…
why would you trust what the biggest politicians say about someone they clearly don't like?
they are after all politicians
to lazy too webm
You don't deserve to post on a chan, you are the reason everything is shit.
It'd have been funny if he'd been hit by another car while he was ranting,
herr derr people that don't agree with me all stupid amirite guys heerrrr deerr
I can't watch this again there's too much cringe.
What kind of idiot picks a fist fight with a bat-wielding opponent?
Could do with someone like that in every train, if people knew there was a hammer happy Judge Dredd on every line there'd be a lot less cunts.
lol was the guy cosplaying or something?
That's fucking hilarious. They'd probably just have shot him on sight if he was black.
Sauce on song anyone?
lol wtf how autistic was that guy?
That's the worst thing a cop can ever do nowadays. He will be called disgusting pig racist even if the nig was a criminal (like Michael Brown).
how do you get a pet racoon
Thankfully it's still their policy all the same, there's *some* sanity left in America as long as that holds.
What do you exactly mean by that?
what's the name of that sweet tune playing?
western subways are shit and in china you get the shit beaten out of you for eating some seeds on them… 1-0 China
Haven't seen that in a long time.
You got my get you fucking nigger!
Pill yourself
People are wondering why Trump's focusing on Bill, but he's doing that because Bill is the only one out him and Hillary that most people still respect. If you focus on Bill, you can bring Hillary down with him.
"it's just a prank, bro"
What's the song?
you took a long time to ask for the sauce.
Just got in this thread
fine. I'll spoon feed you. *grumble* *grumble*
Thanks bub
Source on the webm?
I lost it when Holla Forums turned into that church shooter.
bamp 4 moar Holla Forums
Why does my bit calculator lie? It shows 6mb in total but when it compress the file goes above 10mb and keep going. What i am doing wrong?
this makes me want to die.
Then you should fucking love Trump because he's an isolationist more than any other candidate, but you don't because you're a retarded salty Eurofag. Reminder it was the liberals who had a hard-on for us getting involved in WWII, and from there the Cold War was a nice little ass-fuck we had no choice about.
Fuck off Eurofags, you're utter cancer.
what is this from
we fought, and killed the wrong enemy. 14/88. Hail Victory.
Shit, forgot to contribute.
Sauce on the anime?
oh god not that video
"you can't eat seeds because these are the rules we live by and we must never question them"
Oh China…
This is good
I understand the feels m8
Now that all the flashy funposting around GG has stopped, Holla Forums has recoiled and shriveled in a lack of OC. We await further targets…
Also, all the Jim drama hasn't helped much
stay strong user, we shall overcome.
posting red skeletons
they gon' need some milk
Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga
Barth2032 em
My wife is Korean, although only a little bit shocked someone beat the shit out of him with a hammer, she said that young man is not good, and will never be something in society anyway - basically defending the hammer man.
Let's make Baskin' Robin great again
Interstate 60
2005 you newfags
What song is this?
/r/equesting original song pl0x
it's a japanese woman picking up a large piece of meat at the grocery store
nothing special unless you're not american i suppose (hint hint genetically modified food etc)
fucking nigger lovers
Here you go
Original song name?
Dont worry about those trumpcucks. Trump is not gonna win anyways. All he does is make looser feel good about themselves and they have to post that shit everywhere. just ignore the attention seeking faggots
Youtube sauce?
Interesting. I'm guessing these are all movies, the one with the woman with tape on her mouth in the preview is The Poughkeepsie Tapes, and the one with the rocking chair is The Begotten I believe. The ugly vampire is Nosferatu. Anyone know the sources of the rest of the clips, or where this came from? It's nice. I'm specifically interested in the one with the eye removal.