
Its he a strawman or a zealot, or actually just wrong but well intentioned?

He's an ad.

Just a dudebro who wanted to crush pussy

result of matt/trey not having the balls to share the truth.

You mean the reptilian jews?

should have been a fat landwhale with dyed hair

I think he was a frat white bro for irony purposes.

Its true, he could be considered for ironic purposes.

And all in all, he did make a bunch of beta males shit their pants. And they kept him around for more jokes.

But truth is i would say the most disappointing thing about the season was the targets where safe. Everybody makes fun of trigglypuff, of aids skrillex, and the similar kind.

But people let the crafty ones by without a problem because they bypass their defenses. And south park didn't realy address the core flaws in logic of SJW.

Overall the season had more punch then usual south park fare, but it did pussy out at the end of giving a satisfying and strong ending.

Unless the core flaws in logic of SJW are addressed, SJW will come back 10 years from now as some other brand and this whole thing will begin again.

Like the point was "Well they are doing this just because they want to get laid!"

Well yeah some are, and some are doing it for attention, but I know as an ex-convert that many truly believe in what they where told. That you have to save the world, and only by sacrificing any free thought can you save the world.

Like if South Park Attacked BLM for being a bunch of destructive shits, then the show would be cancelled, would never get work ever again, but they would truly be remembered for having balls of titanium.

If this was original South Park, it would be a fat landwhale with dyed hair who screams a lot, and then gets eaten by hamsters

There is no way to stop an eventual resurgence, it's just the nature of things. There is only two stages of political conquest, winning and losing. If you've won (like the SJW have) then you are losing.

he's a pc, and he just got adblock

Im not so much a defeatist. I agree that history repeats itself.

There is the worst, the best, and the average. And whats important is raising the average. The fact that is has fallen or gone up is proof it can be raised.

Like SJWs may come back in 10 years, but if enough people understand critical thought, and don't surrender to nihilism it can be shortened. Sort of like the Foundation.

SJWs have not won, they are being shot down, what Im worried about is the damage they did whilst on the bombing run. Outside of Holla Forums I don't want race wars, I don't want gender wars. And SJWS have made the relations poisoned as fuck. And even though they are leaving the door, the damage has still been done. If we can fix those relations, then we can move on, and the next batch of SJWs can focus on inter-alien relations or some shit.

Consorting with Xenos… ? not on my watch

But back on the topic, you're right, what SJW have done will take a good amount of time to un-fuck, from the mediums that they have tainted to all the social aspects they fucked up
Vidya, comics, cartoons, movies, journalism, college, etc.
These wounds will not heal that easily, it will take a lot of work to un-fuck our shit up

How did Nihilism got this spread up in the first place ?

Lazyasses that take "Nihilism" as an excuse to do shit, usually Nihilism comes with real depression.
As for myself I want to become an anti-nihilist.

Curses! The inane Guardians of man! My plans have been foiled again!

Variety of reasons. Im just gonna ramble off one of mine. Im a man of science. The only reason Live and converse with you right now is because of science so im no luddite. But science is also all forms of scary.

"Your not special, your existence is futile, choice is a lie, life is a lie, love is chemicals."

That shit be scary, and with how religious became associated with banning things (For logical-ish reasons), the comfortable crutch of "No matter what you do your special as long as your good" got lost.

Humans are fundamentally religious in the sense that everybody hopes for a better future. Those that are decided on something are more then hedonism. No man truly wants to be a cog in the machine. And without hope you just kinda die. Its comforting to know that humans can have everything that should make a regular animal happy and still kill themselves because they want more in life.

Japan, and so many countries (Like the scandenavian ones) that could be described as utopian in terms of life expectancy and shit all just stop breeding when they feel they have no purpose and no intensity. People need a drive.

Even decided Atheists (And thuse have their own anti-religious crusade to keep working towards) breed more then the undecided "Eh" people.

And so many schools tell us of how humans, suck, everything is hate, and everything is worse then it is. Everybody needs to calm down, shut the fuck up, examine their problems, and then fix them.

Things are bad, but never as bad as we think they are. There is always hope.

And by that I mean that the association is logical, not the banning.

Again, thats why I'm anti-nihilist.

I'm not 12, is south park still popular among children?

A defeatist? Nah, I'm pretty enthusiastic with how things are going.

I enjoy this struggle against the tyrants and cheaters and the demands for freedom and all that. In the end though you will end up creating the next SJWs out of your own failings. I will watch them topple you again, and then inevitably become corrupt to be taken down later. I will probably die of old age before I get to see that though.

This is all transitory, and that's the way it should be.

Well thats defeatist in the sense that there is the belief that nothing can change/ get better. Very entropic and nihilistic and the sort of stuff I was talking about.

It does change and it does get better though. I don't think you should give up or accept defeat, because things are just starting to get good.

I know that eventually though, once in power, your peers will come to some kind of realization that the liberty they fight for now was just a tool for some greater and more narrow (selfish) focus. They have, from what I can tell, already come to this conclusion in large numbers, but they are at least not in power yet.

Once that happens though, their job will have been completed and it will be time for them to be replaced. This isn't a bad thing, the cycle will then save us from their tyranny, just as it is saving us from SJWs now.

Right, I get that. Im not denying that whatever happens now, eventually will be used in some form of decline. Tyranny, laziness, whatever else.

But my idea is to ensure that the good parts last longer, and the bad parts last shorter. To change the cycle itself.

For him to be a strawman, his views and beliefs would have to be a mockery of what SJWs and moral authoritarians actually believe.. the problem is that he's actually a pretty flattering portrait of an SJW.

He has a stable job. He has friends. He's physically capable. He can actually get shit done.

The weirdest thing about him is that he's a dudebro from a frat of dudebro SJWs. Not exactly stereotypes that match, considering the average SJWs is a liberal arts scruffy numale faggot or a screeching hamplanet.

It was comparing SJWs to bullies, because that's what they are.

Frat guys are stereotyped as dumbasses who don't know what they're talking about and only serve self interest. Literally what SJWs are.

You don't really want to make "good" periods in the cycle longer then, but shorter.

That means as soon as someone gains control, there is another rebellion waiting for them immediately after they step into power. So essentially we have to have the sides flip more frequently, which reduces the amount of time they are exposed to the corrupting influence of power.

I don't mean the cycle of those in power. I mean the cycle of cultural decline and rise.

Exactly, but one persons decline is anothers rise. What is good for you is not good for everybody. And power can be anything, official or unofficial.

The point is, if you don't like tyranny you have to make a sacrifice to the enemy. Your peers will not do that because they value their culture over liberty, and so they must be replaced when the time comes.

In the end, I'm fine with this. Right now you are fighting for your cultural views to become dominant and in a secondary sense you are also fighting against suppression of speech by the SJW tyrants that want to end your culture via censorship. I don't really care about which culture dominates particularly, but you do fight for my freedom of speech in the process, so you are useful to me.

Eventually though your peers will have real power and start to change, liberty will no longer be a priority to them, they will turn to censorship to transform our culture, and then we will part ways temporarily.

Well I don't very much have many "peers". Not much anywhere. You talk as if Im a majority, or am waving flags in the street, and your that cool rebel in the trenchcoat and shades saying "Whatever kid, you will understand when your older" then dash into the night like the badass you are. Like nobody else understands that shit gets corrupted over time, and that life is a cycle. Or that freedom is awesome?

If its a culture of liberty (Or even ultimate anarchy), is then that a good culture? Or wait, thats also a bunch of subjective gobblegook?

I hear you talk, but all I can see is a hedgehog.

He has good intentions and genuinely wants to make the world a better place, but he's a fucking idiot.

fat tumblrita whores

It's not subjective, you're just not looking at the bigger picture.
This cycle of good and bad cultures is allowed because of liberty.
You want to put an end to the cycle, so that there is only a good culture.
But to end the cycle is to take away the ability of people to alter their way of life.
The only way to realistically do this is through censorship and tyranny.

A lot of people on fullchan used to be social-signaling liberals like myself , but you were a full-blown intersectional SJW? I would be interested to know what brought you out of it.

Not that guy, nor did I even know what the fuck "intersectionality" was, but around 1999 - 2002 I called myself an "anarchist", though was really an SJW.
I was brought out of it primarily by being leaving full-time education and being hurled into the real world, where people don't hand you shit for nothing. Coupled with growing the fuck up and gettin' laid.
SJW's usually only manage one of the three.

I'm pretty sure PC Principal is a depiction of what an SJW would be if they were actually intimidating.

No, but those do exist. Only SJWs that get shit done are either frat bros, upper class douches who's only skill is social networking, autistic betas that achieve something first and then get converted, or women why cry and complain that they are victims and need help.

Hamplantets don't do shit.

It sounds like a SJW can be someone from any walk of life that has these beliefs.

Pretty much. The stances and standards of the average social justice warrior can be matched up with the right wing Christian Fundies. Same bullshit, just a different shield to hide it.

Before it was, "Think of the children and moral integrity!" Now it's, "think of the minorities and the feels!"

SJW light. But you don't GET anything out of SJWism. Unless your a con artist.

You just get a bunch of insane guilt dumped in your lap (As well as bent/ false facts), told you suck, and then told o fix it. BTW empowering yourself in any format outside of SJWism is evil, so only empower yourself as a SJW. You evil evil white male.

Its like a socially mobile version of a cult that requires no leader.

>A lot of people on fullchan used to be social-signaling liberals like myself

I did too.

Are we all just projecting our insecurities about our former selves onto a (mostly) make-believe "SJW Menace" that hardly affects anything at all?

Kluweless isn't a jock. He's scrawny, sickly and completely unathletic. The only reason he made it as a punter (the easiest position in Football) is he had enough important friends.

Even during his (now long dead) football career he was awful at actually playing the game. He could barely kick the ball twenty yards. The thing about being a punter is if you're good at it nobody will notice, but if you're bad at it you'll ruin your team's entire early game.

He had no business playing professional sports and the other players hated him because he acted like he was the fucking Doctor House of football despite sucking so much.

No, user.

I have gazed into the face of evil, and it is not a mere rubber mask.

There were many unsolicited opinions about Israel.

he's on the right side of history. ;^)

The funny thing about Kluwe was that he was always a fucking loser. The faggot quit his NFL career (because he sucked) and spent all his time playing WoW ("LOL I'M SUCH A NERD") and then when he needed money again, he signed on with clickbait tabloids to write shitty editorial puff pieces.

He's a well-intentioned zealot hypocrite in a show that lacks depth beyond being a shallow satire, therefore a strawman just like everyone else in the show.

They went with "dudebro" to show that the repressed rage and intolerance of social justice was equal to/worse than any seething adrenaline pumped frat guy.

Pretty much. PC Principal basically does everything that they would do if they had the power.

Crazy fat women in their 20s have always been screeching about crazy shit for attention, nowadays it's just social justice instead of Wicca or whatever. No one sane pays attention to them and rightly so.

It's the people that pander to them hoping to get money and credit from the vague masses of women and minorities that cause all the problems. (And of course, they'll always listen to a wealthy white woman over an actual minority)