Its he a strawman or a zealot, or actually just wrong but well intentioned?
He's an ad.
Just a dudebro who wanted to crush pussy
result of matt/trey not having the balls to share the truth.
You mean the reptilian jews?
should have been a fat landwhale with dyed hair
I think he was a frat white bro for irony purposes.
Its true, he could be considered for ironic purposes.
And all in all, he did make a bunch of beta males shit their pants. And they kept him around for more jokes.
But truth is i would say the most disappointing thing about the season was the targets where safe. Everybody makes fun of trigglypuff, of aids skrillex, and the similar kind.
But people let the crafty ones by without a problem because they bypass their defenses. And south park didn't realy address the core flaws in logic of SJW.
Overall the season had more punch then usual south park fare, but it did pussy out at the end of giving a satisfying and strong ending.
Unless the core flaws in logic of SJW are addressed, SJW will come back 10 years from now as some other brand and this whole thing will begin again.
Like the point was "Well they are doing this just because they want to get laid!"
Well yeah some are, and some are doing it for attention, but I know as an ex-convert that many truly believe in what they where told. That you have to save the world, and only by sacrificing any free thought can you save the world.
Like if South Park Attacked BLM for being a bunch of destructive shits, then the show would be cancelled, would never get work ever again, but they would truly be remembered for having balls of titanium.
If this was original South Park, it would be a fat landwhale with dyed hair who screams a lot, and then gets eaten by hamsters