Please do not migrate to 16chan

You're not welcome there. You can still come, but it'll be text only

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classic jewsh

lol that faggot runs 16chan? How did I not know

Doesn't everyone hate him enough already?
If he wants a dead chan hes doing exactly what he should be doing.

Moat chans are dead m8. To give you an idea Holla Forums is the second most popular chan. Look around and see how few post it gets and realize its the SECOND most popular. Image the third or fourth. Aside from 4chan most chans don't get much traffic. Who knows maybe one day Holla Forums will get better.

Well telling possible migrators that its just as bad over here isn't exactly a smart move.
Holla Forums could end up the dead chan with 16chan being the replacement if he played his cards right, instead he just fucked himself.

Well telling possible migrators that its just as bad over on 16chan isn't exactly a smart move.
Holla Forums could end up the dead chan with 16chan being the replacement if he played his cards right, instead he just fucked himself.

on second thought if he promises to make posting not a giant pain in the testicles like here then I'll go
I doubt even that is a promise he can keep though.

the software and posting experience are the best part of 16chan

the community is just very small

I thought Josh was a pedo himself