Alright, there's something we need to discuss at the moment, because we're at a pivotal point in it.
I'm sure you've seen that image describing the process in which men's hobbies are co-opted, right? I'll give a shortened version in case you've forgotten:
-Men create something. A game, a club, a community, whatever. In the beginning it is great.
-It is pointless to have it alone, so they invite a small group of friends.
-Isolated women who usually have personality disorders notice a group entirely of men and try to get in as they figure they'll have uncontested male attention there.
-Their weak, beta male orbiters follow, and through agreeing with whatever they say gradually impose their will and shape the community to the whim of the new "queen".
-The original creators gradually leave disliking the new changes and are forced to start over somewhere else.
-The community is now the same as any other and slowly dies devoid of the creativity that brought it into existence.
Now, that's not to say women are evil, this is just nature. As all men secretly desire to have a harem of many women, all women secretly desire to see men fighting over her.
That's the thing, they've tried to make it happen numerous times. So far the high population of wizards and retarded failtrolls have repeatedly chased them off, but they try harder each time.
First there was GamerGate, which brought with it a flood of attention-seeking females hoping to prove they weren't like those feminist cunts. Probably the most notable example is shoe0nhead. Now in fairness, many of them were actually pretty cool and had honest intentions, but then again virtually every single woman in this image disappeared from Holla Forums when GG died.
Then there was Ashley J. She admitted in videos to shilling herself and creating the board about herself. Because much of her content was designed to appeal to Holla Forums she was eventually chased off the internet by angry negroes, though it's also possible that a break up with Sam Hyde (who according to one source, would force her to suck him off with a belt around her neck) sent her into seclusion.
After her there was the Our Third Life girls who had a very similar persona to Ashley, but their entire brand of "comedy" was ironic shitposting akin to twitch titty flashers like brittney venti, miramasu, kaceytron, etc. Also while the girl was cute in a little sister kind of way she was more of an average girl and thus while she's still around it's been harder for her to gain a following.
Then there was Spider-Chan briefly, and for a while we had Eliza but she moved on to Masterchan as they proved to be stupider and easier to manipulate.
So who's the current green-eyed brunette whore who likely has narcissistic personality disorder trying to subvert the community?
Who's threads are we seeing spammed all over to both Holla Forums and Holla Forums after her videos were banned to the point of annoying both communities?
Who was previously outed both as being an online camwhore and of coming up with this whole persona as an attempt to shill to Holla Forums and Holla Forums?