Downloaded it recently for the first time, not sure. Haven't really used it for anything. Is anyone familiar? Anyone know? I've no programming skill at all, so I have no way to check.
Pic unrelated.
Downloaded it recently for the first time, not sure. Haven't really used it for anything. Is anyone familiar? Anyone know? I've no programming skill at all, so I have no way to check.
Pic unrelated.
Depends what you mean by legit. If you want to use it to access things like The pirate bay or something its useful. But if you want to do really crazy stuff like download pizza or watch snuff I wouldn't bother. If you aren't willing to do it on the normieweb I wouldn't risk doing it on the onion web.
How empty is your life that you make unsubtle, shit threads like this?
Have you considered suicide?
Not what I meant at all. I have no interest in those things, and tbh if I did find anything like that I'd probably tip the FBI off. I'm just not comfortable with all these companies crawling up my ass to get consumer info.
well if you want to avoid stuff like that, download icecat and use that. Tor does not add any protection, because if you use it for daily browsing, your activity can still be analysed and dissected by anyone with enough cash and interest.
The only real way to avoid corporations is to drop the cellphone, delete all internet accounts, travel to a far away place - perhaps somewhere like Okinawa or Tibet, and never, ever, ever, use the web again.
Isn't Icecat just another Mozilla thing, though? I'd think they'd be subject to the same datamining.
Tor has some protection. Clearnet traffic still gets routed through exit nodes, and it comes with no script. It also has a few other extensions iirc. It's pretty nice.
No you wouldn't.
No, I would. I was molested as a child. That shit really gets to me.
I use it to post to imageboards. I trust it to protect my privacy. I am not a fool, right Holla Forums?
I do not recommend tipping off the FBI. You could end up bringing more problems upon yourself. "How did you find this, user?" If you do you'll probably be put on a list at least. If there is ongoing abuse I would try to tip off some authority, but if it's in the past, the damage has already been done.