Where is the party at?

Where did everyone go? Activitiy is way down here, especially from the actual Holla Forums community, but .pl and Endchan are super dead.

Where is everybody?

Am I not invited?

Other urls found in this thread:


314chan & 76chan are also dormant.

Maybe every one is done with imageboards? or the party really did move to a new board we dont know about?

bbq at the beach 2nite, faggots
red hot grills needing sauce
enjoy ur retardchan


please explain.

it's a long story called irl
like pussy, you'll never get it.

1chan.us is way way deader than .pl, Endchan, 314 or 76chan.

Freech and 16chan have insular and fairly sucky communities.

It's obviously some sort of code.

Thats why I asked for an explanation. Hoping to appeal to the side of him wanting to reveal this bbq place.