Why couldn't you save her?
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This works better with the little girl from Shutter Island… "Why didn't you save us?"
Why didn't you save them?
Because they were Jews?
The normies got them first.
i'm so sad i could never hold around her and tell her everything would be ok
Apparently this was her steam profile according to her vk.
Can someone translate the usernames?
she looks like an anarchist
Nigga it's cold in Russia. But you are right, anarchists do look like that.
I'd still fuck her ass
Anyone care to give some background on what happened ?
So this is what Putin faps to.
And so do I.
It saddens me that you think that's a logical resolution to suicidal thinking, especially for an attractive girl who would have no trouble finding someone to hold them.
A simple smile on the street can brighten up your day. This girl needed comfort and someone to talk her out of these toxic thoughts, unfortunately nobody got to her in time.
Some chick faked her death to get likes on her VK or some shit and which one of you fucks was hanging around on 2ch? Come out come out wherever you are.
She didn't fake anything, you're literally making shit up on the spot.
She was confirmed dead by the Russian media and several other sources.
Check out these fags white knighting for a dead chick.
What a bad feel.
Anyone know what this shit says?
What, bitches, making memes about me?
T.N.N. 14/88
T.N.N.N. 14/88
istok is gay
burik is gay
T.N.N. 14/88
this is sad. she off topic'd herself.
rip sweety
literally one of us
Wish she had lived to see an end to the night with us.
Why'd she an hero exactly?
penis too big - might kill someone
I feel like theres a lot of blood missing.
Im calling BS
It was all in her dick & froze there…
anyone know what the currrent one is?
Because you are right. It's very fishy. The cut is way too clean. Granted it's form a giant fast train, but there should be more blunt damage on her upper body.
Also her body and her head should have more distance between them. The head would had been a couple feet down track(direction of train was going) The air pressure from a train among other factors would had insured this.
There is no blood cuz of all the crushed arteries. Sadly this story is true there is a big suicide culture in Russia.
w2c tan jacket?
w2c jack?
What's the story here? Google takes me to some russian site which with google translate can be kind of read, clicking on links in the article takes me to (censored versions of) these pics
and others I don't have uncensored pls post
is this the same girl or just a story similar to pic related?
W2c jaket?
I didn't even notice the head position. Some guy on the 2ch thread said that she might have done this for attention.
You have to all be retards to believe she is dead.
First of all, the pics in and posts are a manequine, there would be A LOT of blood and gore if her neck was crushed by a train but in the pics you can hardly see a drop.
Secondly, if you know Russian and read the thread mentioned by it's confirmed that she faked her own death for various reasons.
The cut is NOT clean, as you can see in where the head is torn off.
The reason there is little blood is because the heart stops beating immediately after you die, and the train melts the skin like plastic, sealing off the blood flow.
If you've done enough research you would know that this incident was in the media, the train driver was interviewed and the girl was confirmed dead.
This girl and OP look nothing alike.
Seems like some 13 year old girl that was made really drunk by her 15 year old, taken to a party, and raped.
I guess shes just attention whoring,
The fuck man
Т.Н.Н. - Тян Не Нужны. Chans (not a channels, japanese honorifics what mean girl) are not necessary, chans are useless. This is russian meme what a very popular on russian 4chan (2ch.hk) and among normies on a russian FB (vk.com).
КУНЫ.НЕ.НУЖНЫ - kuns (guys) are not necessary, kuns are useless. It is version of previous meme.
Sorry my english.