Other urls found in this thread:


No thanks.

FIrst as fuck.


Just fucking naturally.

What, where you a second or two faster?

They should implement some kind of post timers to this website.



I am very hydrated right now, I'm practically a puddle.


Why jim? that's a lame name, also I have a friend named that, I don't want to call myself my friends name, it's weird.


I can't remember who exactly it was who startedcalling me script kiddy in the pony threads, then eventually script kitty and finally skitty, but if it was you… I will find you. and I will do things.

Guess who's back?
It isn't JFK



hitler would make europe good again


You don't get Twiligh'ts face Trixie.

I'm in the process.
I'm like waiting for my ma to help me out.

John Fitsgerald Kennedy?

I will definitely take credit for Skitty.
I remember being very pleased when I came up with it.

You already know the address.
I'll be waiting.

i think you are

You asked that last time.

You're not even trying

I'm going to be on PS so I won't be posting frequently

Not with the real Celestia…

A knight can dream…

Dear Lord.

[break line]

Hmm.. That sounds too FBI-ish, I want an internet name.


I'm not trying as hard as I should.
I need some fucking motivation.
I mean, I have plenty, but I'm a pussy.


No, John, you are the Skittys.


Scripty McKityFace


I guess you may be right, it's too far down the road to turn around now, might as well stick with it.


You guys.

You know she'd look so cute with a chubby tummy.

That's the spirit.

Just beat the shit out of a hooker. It worked for me


I have found pornography.

report this to the authorities

Cover your mouth.

Post it.

I will not resort to such a drastic measure!
I am son of Edward Haggins and even though he was a nigger I will not be.

Also I have never had any contact with the nigger.



Who would that be?


u're mom

So you're saying you're half nigger?

Quarter nigger.

Of course.


She would be the last person I would show. I'll just forward it to a friend.

Is this peer pressure? I'm a good child!




Well there's always plushies

We need to see it.

Honestly, who in the year 2016 hasn't seen that picture yet?


I'll probably just get a bad dragon horse vagoo.

Do I use the spoiler tag? I'm not at my computer.



Don't bother.

Believe it or not, reposting is something we do here


..I feel as if something should be said..
wait a moment.



Well you're talking to one of the most socially anxious in your group.




Sup, lucky 7 dubs.



Are you reporting me? I can't go back!





To clear up any confusion you may have had I was speaking matter-of-factly. I don't really know you so it wasn't intentionally against your social anxiousness





To clear up any confusion, I am very self medicated.


Got a lot done, slept great last night.

How are you?

You don't fucking say.


Just torrented and watched Idiocracy. How is everypony?

Hey Raptor, how's your hammer hanging?

You mean drugs?



Its just weed… and alcohol… and whatever herbal supplement my friend gave me last night.

That shit tasted strong.

What is Idiocracy?

I'm fine not much to report

fickle french fiddler!

such a great movie.
How're you Rubles?

How're you?

Just weed, alcoholic brews and other herbs.

That's a really awesome movie. What did you think?

Just dicking around


Idiocracy was a neat movie.

10/10 wouldn't mind living there.






I just figured I would tell you whats up with me.

You don't have to tell me how you've been doing although I would be interested to hear it,



See you.


sleep well

we the best!!

No Discord you can't go! You still owe me thirty memes at least!

You need to post twice the Celestia to make up for the hole left by Discord


Who you dickin~ ?

How are you Skittles :P

skittle snorting snigger

something about treyvon martin

Just uni and work.
also aced my lessons today in my flight course.

YOU post twice the Celestia, you didn't even include an image!


Oh my god.
What is flight course all about?
Because right off the bat that sounds crazily amazing.

So, you know how in general, smart people breed less? Idiocracy takes this to its logical extreme. Dumb people breed out smart people, and the world is full of retards 500 years down the line. Meanwhile someone from modern times ends up here after being put in a medically induced coma for 500 years, along with a prostitute, and he ends up having to solve their problems. Among these are the fact that they were watering their crops with what effectively boiled down to gatorade.

I'm alright, just browsing some stuff, you?

Maybe if you're patient you can find out~~~~

Honestly, and sincerely.
I thought it was because smart people used the backdoor A.K.A. the butthole.

AWw, come on!
Tell me!

*deletes celestia folder*

I'm still building her folder

Here's one on the house

Looks like we have a neigh sayer

thank u

That would be among the reasons. Basically, smart people are less likely to choose to have kids, and more likely to use birth control, condoms, or just engage in homosexuality compared to people with a more… animalistic brain.

I do not want kids.
So tally me into the smart side?
Pretty please?

Just lessons to gain my pilots license, nothing special :P


But what you're saying is you're going to be flying up in the air?

Or not.

You're right.

As much as I hate to admit it.

I would plant my seed in anything, I can't help it.

Oh my! muh legs, tonight a quick burst of fun.


Not that I have planted my seed yet..

In an aeroplane.

How much is it costing you to get?

Was planning on getting it but looks like it costs too much in Aus.

That's' really cool, but what are you going to be flying them for?

Recreation, a job?

Either way it's pretty crazy.
I have a fear of heights.

~300 an hour

but I've already got the background training so it'll only take me a couple hours.

to get a commercial license it's about 150 hours, and for instructor its another 50ish after that.
in total you're looking hopefully at no more than 250 hours to have a full license.

I'm passing out, bye

Night Night Solaire

What background training do you already have?

And what are you planning on doing with your license?

It's official.

Australia is a fantasy MMORPG.

I just have no idea, that seems like a lot of time for a license.

BAsically everything.
I just never took the test to go solo.
I'll get the GFPT which allows me to fly freely within the training areas, next step after that at ~ 50 hours is the PPL (private license)
then the CPL(commercial license)
Then instructor rating
I dunno honestly.
I'm going to go all the way through to instructor rating, but I'm not sure what I wanna do.
I dunno if I can fly commercially or not.
Maybe for an airline overseas would be good.

I can get references rfom all sorts of people I know so that will help hopefully.

Plenty of dumb people do not want kids either. That said, it is notable that among academics and rich folks, there is a general trend towards wanting less kids.

Maybe you are destined to become rich? probably not.

It's reasonable when you consider what aircraft are, the issue is the jobs you get with a pilots license pay absolutely shitall and the hours cost a fuckton to acquire.

Probably not, but I have a beautiful voice, face and I am trying to become bilingual for some reason I cannot remember…
Fucking germans.

English pleasE?

Depends on the job.

If you fly the airlines they pay pretty decently.
Captains can get in bigger airlines something close to a mill a year.
I'm not saying you get a captaincy quickly, but it's something worth mentioning

Have you started yet?

I've been changing that song from before a little, the beginning and end vocaroo.com/i/s00AQCoz18qF

you think it was better before or now? there's some parts that are fucked tho



Some of the pedo's are spamming the site with all these retarded sketchy links in retaliation to Jim having removed them from Holla Forums.

Geez get a life

You haven't become desensitized?

Nah, I find them just as annoying as I did when spammers would spam shady links in our threads back on 4chans Holla Forums.

Do you have the origididge so I can compare them?

Marshmallow breast.

have a flutters

Just got done with this. What do you think, should I white out the eyes?

Cool, just smooth out the edges and it looks like you'll be done.

Lol for all I fucking know.


So when are you going to start flying?

You should fly to my place, I have a road large enough to land a 747 behind my house.

u r the 1 being dicked :^)



P.S. fixed the M (hopefully)

It would be ??/1/10

I think.

Year, day, month.

Hey, you replied to everyone but me?

I replied to just Skitty…
I don't really plan on smoothing out the edges



In my next one:
"I'm looking for Shining Armor"


Up to you :P

2 or 3 weeks I should have my solo license.

not sure how long after that I'll have my private license.


Why you no answer my question :(

What was your question?

in the vocaroo version, there's a minor note I think that is being used that just sounds a little off.

Who you dickin :P

I meant 10/1/96

The first of October of the year Nineteen, Ninety-Six.

Fuck it.
This is my life.



Oh yeah, my answer was that I was dicking around with this concept on PS, nothing in, like, IRL. What did you mean by origididge?

Dam son

you out of all the people

Oh, right. right.
Nice luna
origididge = original

I was trying to post it on another site that doesn't allow lewds.
so I posted it here to get aroundt hat :3
IT's something I saved for skye a long time ago.

Lol, uh…


That looks super uncomfortable tbh. I just imagine going against the grain of the scales and it's like a million paper cuts on your dick

But did you feel your crotch tingle as you watched it?

yeah i did it too
also what type of zoo site are you on right now :^)


Ponychans Holla Forumsread
I've been posting there since Holla Forums went down a couple weeks ago

If you were referring to the sensation of my crotch retreating back into my body for protection, then yes

I'm out.


glue tastes funny

for like 20 minutes at least.

This scared me.

Not quite but was it a good sensation?

Bye Haze

definitely not like horses

Don't get your hopes up.

They'd probably taste like apples

Damn, I see.
All I ask is, who post the Twi shit?


or grass


It isn't too far of a leap for someone to interpret that as you leaving


Well damn, don't ever count on it.

tfw noone knows who you are

Are you serious? I don't even understand what you're trying to say


Got steam?


Too much.


Yeah, but I can't friend anyone because I haven't spent any money on my account

What you are saying doesn't connect to anything. What does "Too much" mean? It doesn't answer my question. What do you mean by "don't ever count on it?" What did you think the response was going to be when you said "I'm out?" Did you believe someone would think anything besides that you were leaving?

I can!
What's your steam?

At this point I wonder why you got so excited about me leaving.

Check the email box

1. You didn't answer any of my questions
2. I wasn't "excited" about you leaving. Saying goodbye is just a common courtesy that I practice with everyone on this Holla Forumsread


invites out.

Well look what the pony dragged in.

This post doesn't exist.

yo raptor how're you doing?

I'm alright, yourself?

fine just smoking that nigger shit

Once I get Steam to load I'll accept Warning:my profile is very pathetic

But you're not a nigger!

Man I don't care, steams not something to be proud or ashamed of, it's just for games.
I also use it to keep in contact with peoples.

im a spearchucker

Raptor, you the real MVP

If you are horribly burned in a fire, you can take drugs to relieve the pain. If you shatter your spine, you can take drugs to relieve the pain. If you are addicted to drugs and your life has turned to utter and total shit, you can take drugs to relieve the pain.
And that's how the trap works.
Imagine if the only cure for burn pain was fire. Imagine if the cure for back pain was whacking yourself in the spine with a hammer. The drug addict is caught in an analogous situation. The only fast, reliable remedy for the psychological pain of drug addiction is drugs. There are other cures (a notable one is not doing drugs), but they are all slower and less reliable.
Somehow, the lure of feeling better now overrides the hope of feeling better later. This is the basic mechanism of addiction. The behavior of an addict is perfectly logical in the short term and perfectly illogical in the long term.

A what?

Nah, I'm just some guy :3


We are all just some guy to some other guy

Yeah, but fuck that guy.

wasn't he killed by a jellyfish?

He sounded like an asshole anyways. I have to hit the hay now, goodnight

Good night Newfriend ♥

You're thinking of Steve Erwin, Crocodile hunter. It was a manta ray

never watched either of them anyway.

ugh i need to watch more movies.


unfortunately not :(

Night mate, have a good one.

G'day Reece, how're you?

good morning

just feeling a lil dazed, set my alarm to go off at 8:30am so I've only had like 3-4 hours sleep

how's you?


Why so little?

Honestly i dont really care for cartoon livestock.

to each his own but why are you here then?


this is a pretty neat wall paper

going to bed. just popped in to see who was still up


HAve a good one

been sleeping funny again, been moving some stuff around in the house and now everything looks different… my body/sleep doesn't like change so that probably triggered something off

maybe I'm slightly autistic, who knows


You need to try and form a pattern.

what was the profile pic for scotch?
dr waffles is not a very original name

Kek, don't joke~

can you have a nap today at lunch?

I only got 2 results. I added both

I try to… I'm just very weird when it comes to sleep

how's you? how's the evil serpent you keep next to your bed?

I just tried to go outside through the front corridor of my house, as I reached to unlatch the large iron gate at the front of my home, a behemoth wasp was right on the lever and started flying right for me before I slapped it into a refrigerator out of the air and ran back into my room.

Creatures from hell.


gotta keep trying~
Shes good, i wont touch her today, shes eaten twice in three days, which means shes liable to poop all over me if i get her out.


Come to straya if you wish to meet real hell spawn

something like that

…. thanks

not really in a tired mood, just groggy and yucky. It'll clear up soon


Dont be mean skitty.

No thanx

does she like to be petted? how do you show obvious affection to something without fur

Well they dont show affection as such.
The main way I know she knows me, is if i put her in someone elses arms, she'll instinctively try and crawl back onto me if I'm close enough to do so.
Obviously this is just a matter of her recognising my scent and acknowledging me as a safe space to be around, but it shows 'trust' from a creature that doesnt have the higher thinking capabilities to actually understand trust.

I'll bring some parasytes with me when I come to 'murrika to share with you :3


I thought snakes were pretty smart

Haha, their brains are like the size of peas!
And theyre reptiles, so they dont have high thought capabilities, they only act on instinct, theyre literally not sart enough to have emotions beyond 'scared', 'aggressive' and 'passive'

I have spent a lifetime exploring the cosmos, but somehow I always find myself returning for Uranus.

You should be careful spending too much time there, its a gas giant~

I got a boner from looking at the pictures.

Have snek, can confirm they are not the brightest. But they do come snuggle if they are familiar with you.


don't click

I did state this previously~

gib better pic of entire snek

to be fair, bird brains are only a few inches and they're like little geniuses

But theyre also not reptiles.
And that birds brain is probably larger than my snakes.
Despite my snake being like 6 times the size.

hang on, i think my mobile which has good pics on is dead…
Heres a picture of not my snake, but same morph

i want your snek, not a snek. If i wanted to look at some other snek, i'd just walk over to the terrarium and look at my own


It's not the size of the brain, but the size of it in relation to body mass.
birds have a higher than average brain to body for the most part.
it's why Humans are so intelligent, our brain to body index is the highest on the planet, by LONG shot.

It's delicious


Oh, it's a horse meat restaurant site..

Some people are going around linking weird sites on Holla Forums right now for some reason, I thought it was one of those.

That's a pretty nice snek. Mine is brighter and more fat. Also, get a better camera m8 :o

my phone camera is fucked
Shes fatter now, just gotten off a 2 month fast, so shes eaten twice this week.

Ball pythons are great. You have yours let loose around the house, or keep her locked up when you're not keeping an eye on her?

Yeah man, it's really good. If you visit grab a bite

if you and the prophet Mohammad were teleported to equestria and you saw Mohammad was going to rape derpy hooves, what are you going to do?

Considering he's just a weaselly seedy looking pedophile, just stab him once and watch him glub to death on the floor like the pathetic excuse of a creature he is :3

Locked in a tank
1: I'm UK and it'd be too cold here yo let her loose
2: I don't want snake shit everywhere hidden in dark corners

Kill the fucker
Expect celestia to knight me.
Demand luna do it instead.

Oh, Skye, it's you! Your name didnt show up before. It's me, Wezdor :P

Also, sneks only shit once after a few days since they ate.

O hai wez!
Yeah, laptop is set to python tripcode, mobile is set to skye~


How would you mlp fans feel about eating horse meat, i.e. a horseburger, colt steak?

I want one of those.

After they poop, you can let them roam around and they won't poop anywhere else. Mine is potty trained to grassy surfaces anyway.

And if your snek bites, you might have a really feisty one :o

Shes never bitten me before, but she has made a couple of attempts, mainly at feeding time as i was inserting the rat, and a couple just after i got her when she was still a hatchling.
Id love a scaleless, but for now id settle for buying a second butter, and breeding them for a blue eyed lucy…

If the multiverse theory is true, that means there are a possibly infinite amount of universes, unimaginably detailed specs of dust in an ocean of similar universes which may compose a larger system of things we have no ability to understand. Maybe out universe is just one sub atomic particle in the structural composition of a behemoth creature going about its own life right now, the history of our solar system, our galactic neighborhood and beyond is to the creature an incomprehensibly short, meaningless amount of time. Could you imagine being this unfortunate creature we are living inside when humanity somehow jumps "The Great Filter" to saturate the entire universe with our presence and God like technology that allowed us to conquer other universes around us, spreading through him like a viral infection, leaving automated installations in our wake, our superior technology ravaging through galaxies depleting unheard of intelligent civilizations of resources and life, unable to compete with what we have created they could only watch as our automated ships cloud the sky like a locust swarm continuing until we completely took over the host in what would be a fraction of a second, the creature would never realize what happened and why it has died.

Mind you, not trolling. Genuine question.

Ehhh, don't do that. Feeding the snake by putting a mouse into her pen while she is inside. She will associate your hand with food and be prone to biting you.

Either have the mouse inside first and then put the snake in, or feed here somewhere else entirely.

I love horse burgers, they taste delicious. Just because i totally would a a sapient horse, doesn't mean they're not delicious in their current state.

I use feeding tongues.
But shes still lashed out and hit the glass a couple times.
Its fine, like i said, only happened a couple of times over a couple of years, and she hasnt actually got me yet :P


You draw those? I can't draw for shit.

Draw a snek like one of your French girls, Skye

Helloes! How are you doing?

nope, rose drew em, a person who doesnt come here any more.
I cant into drawing.

good night

Good on you fam. I also like baers but wouldn't mind a baer burger

What kind of a response is "good night" to someone saying hello? Unless Hooroo means something else?

it means bye, hes a weird australian.

How does that work? I don't see any sense in it :o



But i'm not roasting you :o

Even then, there has to be some logic to it


Oh shit, it's an actual thing. What

yeah, the logic is 'its australian and weird'

Narrated AbuBarzah:

AbdusSalam ibn AbuHazim AbuTalut said: I saw AbuBarzah who came to visit Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad. Then a man named Muslim who was there in the company mentioned it to me.

When Ubaydullah saw him, he said: This Muhammad of yours is a dwarf and fat. The old man (i.e. AbuBarzah) understood it.

Here skye, have some snek

Super shiny snake!
Wait, is she a butter as well?

Bronies against islam, I'm down with that. 14/88 equestrian war now

butter? I'm not sure. i'd have to go check the papers

Did you buy a sneke without knowing what colour it is?!?!

Narrated ‘Abdur-Rahman: "I asked Masruq, ‘Who informed the Prophet about the Jinns at the night when they heard the Qur'an?’ He said, ‘Your father ‘Abdullah informed me that a tree informed the Prophet about them.’"
Sahih Bukhari 5:58:199

My brother bought it, i'm just taking care of it.

Fair enough!
Snakey wakeys r a qt 3.14

that's the most I've seen of your face ever


woops replied to the completely wrong post

How about that weather eh…?


any reason you're gone full dox mode now? I will find you

It's hot and sunny, what about it?

Come find me reecey~

Uh, nothing?
Just yknow, a nice conversation opener.
It is nice though!


you can't just censor your eyes again, we ALL know what you look like now!

These edited pictures are old. That one i showed you was relatively new, and on my mobile.
I cant just unedite the ones with the snake

you're still a newfag, skye is a habitual camwhore


why censor the nipples?

humor value

there are literally no reasons not to

I am a nipple enthusiast.


;-; RIP

o right… so how long is she now? long enough to wrap her body around your neck and choke you to death? do you measure her?


gimme a sec ill show you how long she is

are you going to wrap it around your erect benis ??

I am 6ft.
Use that as a benchmark.

i luv tulstan too!



that your most recent pic of her? she looks like she could be maybe 3ft on the dot

that is from literally a week ago.
Shes a lil longer than 3 ft i think, but i havent had a tapemeasure out :P

guess you could see if she stretches from your toes to your bellybutton

that's like half of your height

shes eaten twice this week, shes liable to poop in the next day or two, so youll excuse me for not laying her down on top of me, shes pooped twice on me before, and snake poop isnt fun

I wish the mods here would be more interesting.

You people should be glad I'm not a mod and capable of using CSS on this board, I would niggatize this board in a heart beat, report button would say "snitch", post IDs would gravitate away from the courser so it'd be harder to quote people, stupid thread would be upside down if you went inside them and random youtube music played embeded in the background, there would be a snow effect occasionally, or spurdos floating on the screen, I would harass trap threads with floating vaginas, normi porn threads with futa cock and just give the board ridiculous themes occasionally


Suck my dick!

Heya Cannon!

That weather though, how about it.


No, your advises degraded in quality rapidly so I won't be taking them anymore!


Canon, drink the next time you are thirsty!

It's been raining frequently here as well, I wish a hurricane struck.

thats horrible

It's raining cats and dogs.

cats and doges?



hey bloo

good morning scootafriends!


Well that's better I suppose!

How's u btw?

yay Skitty!


im cool thanks, but bored as fuck

how's you?

just wakin up and about to have breakfast. you?

yay! its Canon! howsu?

im good, about to have some leftover pork cop for breakfast. what about you?


I'm okay thanks. just borededed… my life isn't as pampered as yours.

youtube perhaps?


i ama ctually, and napping


napping is fun! sounds like a perfectly python thing to do

not much going on today eh?

Doin good, having some coffee after lunch, all is well

how bout u?

same here, just about to enjoy my breakfast!

standard snake activity tbh

sleep, order some stuff online…

much snek. wow

looks like BDSM furries to me

Have a good one then!

what sorta stuff?

Hi Reece!

cards mainly~!


did som1 say furry bondage?

thats my plan! breakfast is yum!



is tru.
literally everyone who goes to furthreads are like that

I-I'm not like that… and I'm part-furry



that your snozwrangler?


that your dingey-dongle?

Gods reece, I showed you my face, and now you're desperate to know what my cock looks like?
Ruby will get jealous you know~

post tiny sissy bit pics


just thought it was yours since you just randomly posted it.


As if I'd be that lewd~
Want to see my dick reece~?

if you want to show me it… sure

Webdings is a language I speak fluently.

not posting my dick on Holla Forums, pervert

Crazy shit.

talking about yourself again twili?

i didn't wanna see it anyway… it's probably so tiny it's inches are in the minuses

heya Twili

How terribly rude and probably inaccurate!

then post it and uhh prove me wrong

I cant put my cock on Holla Forums!
Itd be inappropriate!

its the only way

The thread is amazingly indulging. I started lurking weeks ago and finally I have become familiar with some of the posters, I never talk to them directly and they have never talked to me either yet I feel as though I know them all so well, I am the silent observer.

Each night I pop in to see what the ponies are talking about and it just fills me with glee to see them talking about their usual activities and subjects.

However, cloudflare connection errors seem to be frequent and as a result I sometimes can not keep up with some of the posters usual blogging. I pass that time by slitting my wrists every hour until the connection errors expire which really helps pass the time I cannot be here watching you.


heres mine. now you dont have to feel bad when you post yours

Thanks blew, but no.
Im a classy lady~

hello friend!

sad pony face

nice! I assumed you'd be circumcised because you're American and all that

foxes are cute

Sorry blew!

thanks. Naw my family arent jew or jewcucked. aryan master race!

awww well thats oki


foxes a cute


Morning, faggots!

I wouldn't call myself a shit.


I didn't actually plan on sleeping last night.

But I busted ass on my friends farm Friday I think that attributed to me being fatigued

your boyfriend keeps asking about my cock


i was just curious because you posted A cock that I thought might be yours shush

Its okay, noone minds that you finally saw sense and started lusting after a superior specimen.

leghumps u

wow you're working now, thats a good sign! im proud of you, Twili!

He's a bit closer to a friend with benefits, to be honest. And yeah, he's a curious little faggot.

Ohayou gozaimasu!

Manly cards???

How's u?

yay Hazey!

Hiya Ruby!

ohh, right, i forgot that youre not capable of human emotions past the need to breed.

mtg, fgt

Rubyyyyyyyyyyy Python wont show us his peener! Ban him or something

Well I just give my friend and his dad a hand whenever he asks.

It's not an everyday thing but I do this every now and then.

I think I found a rare rock when picking them up in my friends field.

It just feels good helping, I would never call it work.

you do know im skye right?

oh… okay

how's you tho?

literally just jumped into the bath, making myself all prrrty and clean for the start of the week… what you upto

thats really nice of you. Maybe you should go into that field too, see if theres a farm hiring. Post pics of your rock. Naked.

No, cuz you changed your name

yay baths!

… despite all my images with 'natsoc' in the filename
and the spitfire pics?
And the other pics from my folder

Farming is tough.
Maybe I should, I like a challenge.

One day I wanna own my own farm so I can walk around in nothing but a cowboy hat and boots while I do all my farm duties.

the snek and spitfire was pretty indicative, but to be fair you were less of a dick than usual and that threw me off.

ive been playing nice recently!

How true!

Oh not much, just chillin atm, there was municipal elections today here in my city, so I voted for the guy who did some real good things for the city as he promised to continue his plan to improve the city

Also I start my summer semester tomorrow so that should be something


I am capable of human emotions, I just don't see Reece as someone I want an entangling relationship with. Doesn't mean I don't care for the guy. Just means I'm not going to go fly a fucking plane out to Ireland for him like you did for Nat, nor am I going to bitch if he flirts around a little.

I thought we talked about this before on Discord. In fact, I have the conversation right in front of me. You explicitly stated that you'd prefer a FWB over a bf, due to the difficulty of managing relationships.

And I'm pretty alright. Just woke up less than an hour ago, kinda half watching an AGDQ speedrun.

heyyy yooo don't bring our private discords into this

but no, don't worry FWB is okay with me just now. you want kids anyway right? butts can't get pregnant and birth… it'd be gross if they could


oops meant to reply to

I only brought up our discord chats because you seemed to be contradicting yourself. In any case, yes, it would be pretty gross if babies could come from butts. Although I have heard that artificial wombs may become a thing somewhere down the line. that'd be kinda cool…

But anyways, how are you? Did you get enough sleep?


i got up just after 8am today, so felt pretty groggy for a while. yesterday, someone I know a little just randomly gave me a bunch of MLP stickers since she knew that I watch the show, so now I have a Fluttershy sticking to my laptop!

but yeah I'm okay thanks, stll in the bath actually

I wish I had pony stickers for my laptop! All I've got is this one sticker from the EFF stating that I do not consent to the search of this device.

is that for when/if airport security decide to check your laptop?

you could just download the desktop ponies thing

oo hey I have that!

it's more for average police who actually have to follow the constitution.

its a fun! ponies scamperin across your monitor doing little fun pony things!

October 22nd huh?
I'll be there.

its an event that is not to be missed

I just lone my truck to a friend and watched them drive off and never realized how gangster my truck looks when it's moving around. Lowered, limo tints, 24's on low pros and candy paint makes it look kind of ominous.

Yeah, skitty, you gangsta as fuck. We are all jealous of your swag and street cred

skitty confirmed for taco-nig

fuck. woke up from nap

If I had enough money I would put hydraulics on my Lincoln continental mark III.


wow that is uber gay, bravo

had it on mobile, but it drained power faster than a whore on my cock


you should harrass people on second life again


How about that weather though eh?


Starting to get to the point where I have to leave my window open.

what the fuck is going in in that picture

To keep the smell out?

Meh, doing it alone got boring.

I had someone to go with me on adventures some time ago, not anymore.

poor fluttershy.
And darn, your misadventures in autismland (outside of this thread….) were amusing

No one who has parents who have experienced communism is pro-Bernie. The socialism that sounds good on paper is dogshit in real life. It destroys lives, families, personal rights and economies.

The cognitive dissonance and willful naivete of socialists can be astonishing. Facts don't even matter to them.

the nights are really hot here, pretty glad that i have a fan now

I thought everyone knew socialism was bad?
Like, the NATZIS were the 'national socialist' party.
Socialism is literally Hitler…

No they arent reece.
We live in a stupidly cold place where nothing happens but rain, snow, and occasional breaks in the cloud for one perfect afternoon with a bbq, that still ends up with a slight shower of rain halfway through, right as dad puts the sausages on the barbie, so the cobs are soaked and wet before theyre cooked.

they have been for me… maybe it's your heart and soul that's cod


this assumes that laissez faire capitalism is working. it is demonstrably not.

Reece reece reece reece reece.
I have a warm, loving soul. Full of care, emotions, and feelings.
But The United Kingdom is a cold, unforgiving mother, and dont we all inherit some of our parents flaws?

fascism was a right wing reaction to the progressive movements of socialism and trade unionism. The national socialist party is socialist the way the democratic and republican parties are democratic or republican>>5783316



I think you're well aware how many ponyfags in this community are diehard socialists, aren't you? They don't seem to be around though.

are you a furry too?

Uh, bloo and…?

Oh God, we've got a lie one!

*dives into their bunker*

What on earth gave you the impression that im a furry?


Bullshit we arent. I'll always be here to defend Marxism Leninism and to shitpost.

Blew, iza and some other anons I have no idea who it is.

bunker as in your right wing hugbox full of horded gold and glen beck dvds?

So noone important
and also iza

lel, I wish, minus the glen beck dvd's

Its hilarious how people think hording gold will help them after the well deserved collapse of American society. Hoard toilet paper instead, at least that;ll be useful. Or, for someone of the mexican persuasion, I guess taco shells or soemthin

gold will still be useful.
Even a thousand years ago wars were fought over gold.
The material will always hold value, humans inherently want to own shiny things.

just coz.

THese people have no shame

No, but i dont mind looking at furry porn on occasion.
Furry traps can be as appealing as normal ones sometimes.

clean water will be useful. canned food will be useful. bullets, antibiotics, and matches.

gold, not so much.

So rude.

I'm pretty sure if the dollar lost a lot of value, gold would still be very valuable in trade, it is another currency anyway. I have literally paid with silver for things before, people will always want shiny stuff.

I never said that other things will be worthless.
But if you think gold will be worthless post apocalypse, youre deluding yourself.

I have a ton of dried canned food in my house, about 8 months worth in case I ever need it.

Furry scum.

peaches better than cream

Off to hang with a friend for several hours. See ya mates!

Have fun crying alone in the corner until a socially acceptable amount of time has passed!

b-but I'll probably be sleeping by then

youd better be!

What about Jam?

Jam is pretty sweet.

I like Jam

Nice. Also, why am I listening to this nerd talk about furries.

Good, good.

fuck knows
i turned it off it was dull as shit
apparently later on it says theyre mainly gays, and mostly dont play sport though.
So fucking lol at that obvious sterotype truth

Too bad they're all lesbians tho



Christ, youre still soldiering on?
Brave man.
But yeah, TOTALLY not anything to do with the porn


40% of people are fucking liars who tipped their fedoras at the lady interviewing them

I'll trade you some gold for it.

heh well I spose we'll see

i just like the porn for the most part tbh, tails are cute though

I am fine with furry porn.

everyone likes it for the porn though

No fucking shit.
Foot fetishists behave the same way.
And they have less conventions.

Someone convince me buying a hundred of these is a bad idea

One hour in, looks like the end of the presentation.
Just Q&A left.

You should buy a ton of those.

Oh god.
it can only get worse from here…

you are a bad friend

You're right. It's gotten much more boring.
I miss the graphs.

why is the animal smiling seductively
get it neutered like a responsible owner



Are you skye?

Who are you?



Snake thinks he is crowbar


Its wez!

… like people who claim otherkin status?
Or like, centaurs?

I am being trolled right now, right

And yes, the snake did pry that wood from the closet. Again.

what was the question?

bad sneke

I was reading the wiki article on Therians.
The question that caused me to look for that was from a Therian, asking for more representation in the presentation.
And I'm pretty sure that right before this he said something about believing in vampires and werewolves.

Kudos to you for watching it all the way through…
i didnt make it past 5 minutes…
Just the intro was sickening

I feel very informed.
If only this knowledge was of any use.

dont forget, its canadian data too, so its even less relevant!

An hour and a half down the drain.


Skye, i'll give you 500GBP for your whole MTG collection

Decidedly foal.


may as well kill yourself and restart for an optimum run?


i thought you died.
Why didnt you die?


I did die.
I have come back as something so much worse than before

you couldnt possibly be worse

How much is your whole collection worth? Mine's around 7k

well then I pity your naiveté

No idea off the top of my head.
Not that much though.
I have a fairly pimped out kaalia deck and 4 expeditions i think?

A U/B modern faeries deck with 2 foil bitterblossoms and 4 serum visions, FNM vers.
And then my trade folder, and personal collection of random stuffs.
Im padding out my shocks atm, i have 12? 16? that arent in decks, and id like to get a full set (seeing as i have all the 'new' fetches), and i have an almost full foil land set from BFZ, missing one swamp, one forest and one wastes. Fuck wastes are expensive

I have all foil fullarts, all expeditions… with some extra. I'm not proud of that one. All new fetches, all shocks, all zendikar rare lands and manlands. and a fuckton of sealed product. I may have a problem :(

Oh, i have a full set of the new manlands and pains too.
Picking up full sets of rare lands each set is just common sense yknow.
Having a full set of all expeditions though…
Who are you and how how do you have so much money, and can i sell my boyfriend insto sexuall slavery to you in exchange for some of that wealth

It's me, Wez. We've been talking all evening, you massive retarded british faggot.

You going to manchester bro?

Why the fuck would i go to Manchester?

Also, does the name work?

name works
Its the manchester GP this weekend bro, standard format.

I don't do tournaments, i'm a casual player. I just made bad life choices and may or may not have a problem. Heroin would probably be cheaper about this time.

Yeah, thats an awful lot of money youve 'invested' if you dont play competitively…



I mean, it's mostly lands… so its gonna hold value. But i'm still reconsidering my decision to put that much money into this hobby.

Heya Raptor, you were gone for excatly 9 hours. Welcome back.


say something to make me less bored

Lands is the smart investment sure, but gods wez.

Youre still awake!
You know its almost 2300 right?
Good boys should be going to bed

How're you?

Awesome :3

Ever considered doing an introductory flight lesson before?

You're not making me feel better about this whole thing :(

Would you rather me lie to you buddy?
You play noncompetitive magic, yet have oker £7k invested into it!
You should at least invest in a modern deck and come to tournaments occasionally, the most expensive part is normally the lands anyway, and you have those!


So, what've you been up to then? Well, other than sleeping, obviously. And explain the whole Hooroo thing!

But what good would tournaments do me? they're even more expensive! and i suck at competitive magic, i like fun, wacky decks.

Well, they typically only cost £40 to enter, plus hotel costs.
And itd mean you got to play against more people?
If youre happy with where you are and dont like competitive play, sure you do what you want.
But isnt it kinda a waste to have so much stuff, and not be using it?
Do you have dual lands…?

I'm buying duals soon-ish. If i don't stop this madness (heh, mechanics) before then. And i play magic a lot, just not competitive.

Changed name to proper one, also

Babseed and his crew must never see this

hmm… not sure where I could go for something like that, could be fun

but ammmm not tired

I see everything.

If i show you my dick will you go to bed?

tfw have cider, but be naked in bed and dont have a bottle opener, and cant go downstairs to fetch one because thatd mean finding clothes

Not much, got work this arvo but other than that nothing much else.
Hooroo just means goodbye / cya later etc.


Would you be comfortable telling me what city you live in?

Dude,use your butthole a s a bottle opener, didnt they teach you anything?

Arvo? is that afternoon? And how do you manage to get from "goodbye" to Hooroo, which sounds closer to "hello"?

Got the fucker open.
Its party time

arvo is afternoon yes :P

Because that's the sound a roo makes when you sneak up on it from behind 'hoo' it used to be hoo-a-roo

ayy lmao

Did you use your butthole?

I'm even more confused now. Change of topic?

i used to use an old military belt, but i misplaced the fucker

ayy l'miracle!


noop sorry

show me plz I'm dying of suspense n' shiiiet

Lol, sure thing.


not posting my dick on Holla Forums reece~

Ok, well, you can do it then!
but search in google local flight school or flight schools with your city name or something along those lines :3
introductory flights are usually cheap

he lives in Tipperary!

G'day all you mates and sheilas

Well that's a long way

Stop bein a gallah, charlie!


whats your email adress scotch?

You ever found whoever you were asking about in steam chat?

Skye, you're a camwhore, stop teasing Reese.

hi skye how u be?

Well, maybe, but it seems they wish not to reveal themselves so I stopped pursuing it.


not my dick!

Im good.
reece keeps asking to see my dick after i showed him my face though.
Im flattered but also creeped out

that sounds terrifying


This is how it must be.

guess there's no way of seeing your doodle then…. oh well


if only there were any other way

Righto. So, what part of Stralya you from, m8?

Let's face it, your face and your dick are the same thing

Did ya do it? didya?didya?didya?didya?didya?didya?didya?didya?didya?didya?

I know London to a brick that my shoes have gone walkabout

That's kinda forward…



well this is a delightful flavor of weird. thank you!

such is life, I suppose

never give up on your dreams, Reece!


I possess a $5 steam giftcard that when used will unrestrict your steam account.
Would you prefer me to email it, or just post it in bread and let you scrabble and attempt to be the first person to redeem it?

i know right?
For some reason, after posting a selfie, he suddenly has the homo hots for me and my very heterosexual body

well this is a delightful flavor of weird. thank you!

such is life, I suppose

it's literally impossible

nnnnot yet I'll look into it.


That's not all that's gone walk about! sounds like you're off your rocker

Sup Blewblies, how're you?

Right now?!?

It's not rude if it's true :^)
Also, guess my email, it's super sekrit

i have some games i can give you, if you need to activae account :)

Is that you Skye?

what a sadness

[email protected]

the one and only

also, activating gifts doesnt work anymore, or id just do that.
steam a bitch

im sorry im high i cant brain

okay okay

Do i look british to you? Also, that picture is lewd.

ah, didnt know that

im good. about to fix me some shrimp n grits!

heh, whats new eh~?
Having a nice day?

Shrimp and grits sounds awful

you have my email add don't you? the openmailbox one?

Ruby's will always be better but sometimes it's cool to know what everybody's peen looks like

totes a scotish person
[email protected]
and yeah, im in my lewd folder atm, ive been bouncing between random folders all day today

i dont retain memory of people email adresses and use like 3 different ones myself.
you could email [email protected] and thatd remind me…

I thought some random user out of the blue was asking for my email. Why the multiple usernames?

There must be one fairly close to you, amirite?

Oh you know, here abouts

Nice, enjoy~


This is actually my proper one.

Here, Australia doesnt exist. i checked! You tricked me!

Sending dikpiks now

… thanks wez.
yknow i have a…uh, 'partner' now right?

Maybe my kangaroos really are loose
in the top paddock

I included my email in the box ;3

You mentioned it, but you also gave out your email. And don't worry, they won't be my dickpics!


yay for not pictures of your dick!

k sent you an email

i got it.
now i have to take a picture.
gimme a few minutes.

Time to send out dick pics.





youre a damned liar!




NUH UH! prove it







I also had trips, don't forget those.

check mail

you shut your whore mouth

already did it~

I'm 7.8 inches… just saying

No fucking way.

How is this relevant? And i'm impressed regardless.

In unrelated news, i'm off to bed. It's 1 in the morning here. Night goyim!

well good for you~!

nini buddy!


gnight wez

Got a special image for just such the occasion

it's veddy true, my FWB has seen it in full

Remember me bby!

err, saved that one. Try not to suck too many dicks while i'm gone :^)

did it work?


get out of here already

I just noticed i don't have your dumb ass on my friends list anymore for whatever reason. Readd me will ya? I don't know your steam name :3

Yes, thank you so much Skye!




Thanks Discord

My pleasure.


I'll take Pinkie or Rainbow Dash.

There's probably a ton more that I haven't noticed though, so that's going to be a pain to root through

Good night!
See yall tomorrow maybe


Good night!

See ya later

night night peen-budddy



Did blewby have fun with his girly?~

nothing untoward has occurred sir!

I think blewby's in lu~uuuuuuuuuve, and I think he made some more luve with his luver :3~~~~

Hey, hey hey, it's my pal Blewberry! Tormented a certain faggot lately?



I'll make luve lube on you, Rap!

Naw he hasnt been in bread, tragically. Soon he will be mine though.

Aww, that sucks man.


It'll be good though Canon!
You're nearly finished!


Ohoho motherbuckers, so it's THAT kind of relationship hu? Just make sure to invite me to the wedding!
-Blewberrychan, you will be mine~-

New thread: