Is Western animation (TV at least) due for a crash? Even lefties are getting tired of this...

is Western animation (TV at least) due for a crash? Even lefties are getting tired of this. I feel that the whole industry is deteriorating and people are just going to stop watching them when tumblr titans like SU finish or get canceled. Perhaps something good could rise out of the theoretical ashes

Could Samurai jack save us?

I doubt it but we need hope

what are you talking about? it crashed already

remember that period of time where Disney, Nick, and Cartoon Network all had those shitty live action shows

remember how there was NO 2d animated movies (granted we still don't have those outside straight-to-dvd)

we're recovering from the crash. now we just gotta dig outta the shit and get to what's good

If there is demand there is a product. You are just trying to get all political with this and it is just bullshit.

Pick one.

Yup. See people think of burning buildings when they think crash. But the reality is that most media is in the middle of a crash right now.

Lets talk about cartoons considering this is Holla Forums.


You'll get them to see what a gaggle of 3D animators make for theaters, but not so much shows, not on TV anyway.
Cartoon after cartoon like GLTAS canned after a single season.
Disney gave Gravity Falls terrible time slots.
Nick didn't even let Korra finish airing on television.

Because cartoons are for kids.
Despite his best efforts Ralph Bakshi and others like him failed to kill that idea in the general public and so it persists.
Even Disney himself knew.
Nobody cared.
Cultivation theory persists.
A medium is pigeonholed.
Censorship prevails.
Puritans smile.

So you're a kid.
You want to be entertained.
Do you want to sit though a bunch of mind rotting commercials?
Do you need to know that its another scorcher outside and you'd better call SEARS?
Do you want to be told to subscribe to Nickelodeon magazine please?
Would you kindly?
No, you don't have to be subjected to that brainwashing filth.
There is gaming, there is streaming video, there are youtube videos.
Other entertainment avenues exist and are readily available.
Most play when you want to and you can pause them.
I think the only hope for cartoons to continue is kickstarters or government funding.
You still would have a borderline barren industry.

I'll keep watching anime though.
Sooner or later I think even that will stop being dubbed and VA's will just be for radio ads and and videogame character.

Can we be more like /a/ and ban anyone that doesnt praise cartoons and america?

Or there might be an utter smashdown on shared content on the internet. I mean one of internet bending proportions.

Maybe older stuff, but the current generation of cartoons is fucking awful, all my hopes is on France right now, assuming they don't get obliterated by the rapefugees…



What is anime?

Is dragonball super not anime since it's not drawn in japan?
Is Disney anime since that's what japs were copying?
Is simplifying beyond a certain threshold automatically anime? If so where's the line drawn?

anime is when a cartoon is good and when it's bad it's just regular cartoon


anime is when it appeals to 13 year olds who haven't read a book in their lives

It's just Dexter's Lab with a sword. Nothing more than strong Western D&D fantasies.

Anime is a French loanword, it just means animation.

a>Smriua acJk
s>nreeWt Atamonini
ne.o iPck

Lol no

Nice generalization you got there buddy, I can already tell you've only seen maybe 2-3 entry level shows.

Nah, it's the rule that 90% of everything is shit, anime included. Generalizing all western literature as intellectual masterworks is the real absurdity.

My /a/lly, you're trying to argue with Holla Forumsfags. The most greenhorn and gayest creatures on Holla Forums. There's no winning to be done here.

I believe in Toonami and Mike Lazzo