He's finally done it. He's made a worse review than the Toxic Crusaders one...

For me the high point of the AVGN was either his Dick Tracey episode or the first part of his Batman episode. Both times his anger seemed genuine, which I think goes for most of his early episodes when it was obvious that he really did play most of these games as a kid and that they really did piss him off. That also goes for his review of TMNT 3. When he starts doing meme games like Honk Kong 97 or Big Rigs there's just no emotion behind them.

James seriously need to get rid of Mike, Bootsy, Ryan and all of those unfunny faggots

Recently James did a few Star Wars videos and they were good, James is good when he is doing his own stuff but unfortunately he is stuck with AVGN for life

are you aware that mike has been behind the scenes since episode one?

wouldn't surprise me if mike was fucking his wife, he has a giant penis and he's been the "brains" behind every AVGN episode since forever, he's like the jew producer of the show, but he's awkward on camera, thats why he keeps bringing his idiot college friends when he makes his own videos and shoehorns them into Cinemassacre channel. i can tolerate bootsy because hes actually good at videogames, but that fat fuck ryan, i can't even stand looking at his face or voice.


brown bricks miney crafta

That's embarrassing honestly. I'd rather stay a virgin NEET for life than become a cucked fool like he.

It was okay. The last dozens of RLM videos weren't as cringetastic as this. It's just a couple of old dudes acting silly.

I mostly agree. But then again that's James' interest in making videos and what made AVGN videos special. People wanted him to do both, an angry nerd review and destroy stuff. Since he's mostly done trying to do nerd reviews since he's run out of games he can talk about because of nostalgia, it leaves the latter. Most people still don't realize that all of his reviews except some from the late 2000s were done in character and weren't serious. Even he tried to give serious reviews but it was for games he had no experience with. Basically, doing serious "angry" reviews was a mistake so he stopped trying with that.

Got that backwards. Meant to say that the last dozens of RLM videos were more cringetastic as this.