What's the lowest form of humor?

What's the lowest form of humor?
Fart jokes, political "satire", memes or slapstick?

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Toilet Humor. Political Satire is usually lazy, but I wouldn't put it nearly as bad as toilet humor. Slapstick is actually incredibly funny when timed correctly and if it plays with audience expectations.

They have yet to master canadian comedy

I hate memes more, but probably Fart jokes

Reference is the lowest form of humor. It relies on previous knowledge in order to get the joke.

Tie between fart jokes and Meme humor.

While slapstick humor can be done right, fart humor is much harder to accomplish, thanks in part to the fact that a fart-fetish is weirder to the general public than shado-masochism.

Political satire, meanwhile, is almost never funny, but can have its moments, as with meme humor. However, between the two, I'd say political humor wins out. It can be used to periodize an era of history in such a way as to set it in a new light, or to back up a pre-existing notion. I've had to recently use political cartoons for a college essay, and I wasn't laughing, that's for sure. Besides, with well-done political satire, you can sort of enjoy just how warped things get (my personal favorite in this regard is Animal Farm, and I'd love to get a hard copy, just so I could sneak it into a birthday present for my younger cousins). Meme humor is the fast food of humor, and leaves behind little, if any, cultural significance. It's just good for a cheap laugh.

At this point, the question transforms. Which is better: Meme humor or fart humor? This can vary. Fart humor has a chance of being done good, if infitessimally small, while meme humor can be good for a quick, tune-your-brain-off laugh. All comes down to personal choice. Me personally, I think a good fart joke has a lot more impact in the mind than a meme. (Compare the farting elephant joke from Gary Larson's, "The Far Side" to some Nancy-come-fairly meme like, "planking," or, "The Harlem Shake.")

TL;DR: 1. Slapstick, 2. Satire, 3. Fart jokes-memes.

Pics related. How likely is it that this'll be remembered in ten years?

Shit, meant to not post sewer rat.

Slaptick can be good. Political humor and memes are only good for a time.After a while they become cancer.

Fart jokes are never funny.

I'd say, only when it's done in heavy moderation. Slapstick can be hilarious when done once or twice per movie, but it gets old very, very fast.

Reference humor

Well, memes work as jokes due to juxtaposition between what's expected and what happens. They operate at the basic level of a joke, like in the instance of the Harlem Shake, where we first see someone doing something out of place for their environment, which is funny, followed by their environment exceeding the actions of the first person into sheer absurdity. Thus, it's an effective, if worn at this point, joke.

Planking, however, was more of a fad than a joke.

Webm unrelated.

Sex humor, because everyone laughs uncomfortably and pretends to get the joke.

I could swear I spoilered that…

Meme humor can be better than all of those considering it's started to warp reality, but most of the time it's terrible.

I'd practically include fart jokes in slapstick.
As much as I commonly hate the use of memes outside of the appropriate place for them I believe the answer is political satire.
I've at least laughed at some memes before, but no matter what wing of politics the artist defines themselves as I just don't laugh.

Good question, user.

Fart jokes (and toilet humor) can be funny to hear when your young, but get worse to hear the older the audience gets, and makes the show/work more juvenile sounding.

Political humor, can date the work but can result in jokes that can be understood by an older audience.

Memes, don't last forever and can date the work to a certain time period. Relies on "getting" the reference. Also can even reference it wrong like the PPG "no me gusta" example, which makes it even worse. Someone references something from the internet, yet obviously didn't use said internet to look it up to see if they were using it correctly in the first place which is one heck of a fail on their part.

Slapstick, depending on what's done can be very good. Done poorly however and can just result in predictible bad cliches. Like a character getting an anvil dropped on them today wouldn't be as funny as it was 50 years ago.

Basically, Slapstick's best and politics gets a 2nd (but far off from first) and then memes just getting 3rd while fart jokes get a close 4th.


A good fart joke is so hard to do.

Pop culture references.

Breaking the fourth wall.

Or at the very least it's easily the most overrated.

Memes, definitely memes.

Fart jokes can be funny if they are used carefully and in moderation.
Political "satire" is not funny at all and therefore doesn't counts as humor.
Slapstick is actually one of the highest forms of comedy. Three Stooges, Tom & Jerry, Looney Tunes, Soviet comedies by Gaidai - they all are examples of timeless classics that rely heavily on slapstick.

did i just watch a great parody of how shit fart jokes are?

Political satire.

Every cartoon is literally THIS PERSON DUMB BECAUSE HE DISAGREE WITH MY POLITICS. The best example would be Horsey who is unironically also a warhawk because muh democracy.

Political cartoons were better back in the day

Definitely better


Horsey is one of the better political cartoonists when it comes to the pure artistic side, it's too bad he's a literal retard.

Surveys are quite literally always wrong. In the case of the U.S. they take like 1000-5000 people in a country of 320,000,000 and claim that they represent the whole. So much is dependent on region and stuff too. I use surveys to get a point across once in a while too but I'm well aware that in doing so I'm mostly pulling shit out of my ass and often have other more solid numbers as a fallback.


on 3rd pic

should also show % of blacks of population

My vote is memes. Referencial humor can be done correctly, but it's so rarely done that you might as well not bother. I think the reason I hate it so much is that it's so unoriginal. You're just taking someone else's joke and associating your work with theirs, in some hope that the humor will somehow rub off.

Fart Jokes are a low-hanging fruit, it's well established they're intended for children and Adam Sandlers audience

Political Satire can be clever and thought provoking

And Slapstick is one of the classical forms of comedy from Greco-Roman plays to the silent-film era.etc

I'll go with memes, because memes ARE political satire, just without the cleverness of actual political satire and aimed at children and channers

Because they agreed with you?

Memes, mainly because they're a sign of when someone's too lazy to actually set up a joke.

Political satire is a mixed bag, because it's all too easy to be mean-spirited and let CURRENT YEAR attitudes dictate who and what should be the butt of the jokes.

Subtly is a lost art in general

Slapstick is god tier comedy if done right.

Visual comedy is probably the single easiest form of comedy but the hardest to master.

I'll say memes. Political humor can be funny if well balanced, fart jokes are jeuvenile but I wouldn't go so far to say "the lowest" but memes are just referential comedy. It's literally "HAHA, I get that reference!" It's simple as shit.

Are you Holla Forums or reddit? I'm not sure I care. Either way you belong in the gas chamber.

When I say channers I mean people like Holla Forums and reddit, I just couldn't find the words or whatever I'm tired stop getting triggered over pronouns

Personally I'm far more likely to remember a funny meme than a fart joke.
Fart jokes are as fleeting as, well, a fart, but memes when done well will last for a long fucking time.

You belong in the ground.

Confirmed for stupid.

I'm calling bullshit on that one.
I've lived in this state my whole life, and nearly everywhere I go there are at least two or three people within shouting distance that have at least one gun.
Even fucking Williamsburg (which is practically our version of San Francisco) has its fair share of gun owners.
sage for off topic.

Nah, I know plenty of modern political cartoons that agree with me, but they are still trash.

But my anime and cartoons

As much as I agree with Ben Garrison his cartoons aren't that great.