Are the Beatles films any good? I just found out about them and Im mildly curious if they're worth a watch. are they at least as good as Pink Floyd's the Wall?
Beatles films
I've seen Yellow Submarine. Retarded plot. Good soundtrack if you like The Beatles. Animation is interesting but definitely shroom fodder.
Worth getting stoned to and watching
if theyre anytyhing like the who movies, then theyre autistic garbage
The movies are almost as bad as their songs.
Hard Days Night is like a mix between a Marx Brothers movie and an Elvis movie, Yellow Submarine is an animated acid trip, and Let It Be is a look at the band breaking apart at the seems. I liked Hard Days Night the best out of all of them. Haven't seen Help! or MMT.
Hey now, Quadrophenia was a decent teen angst movie.
Apparently, MMT scared them from never doing movies again…
Meh, it was just some acid trip film. The Beatles did a lot of drugs, huh?
Yellow Submarine is alright.
Very 60's, lots of trippy shit.
Also here's a JewTube link if you want it, it's got fucked up audio and a tiny video to avoid DMCA, though.
People give The Beatles respect because they were unique for their time. They aren't that good compared to the music available today.
what did they mean by this?
Dude, half the lines in the movie are basically
The other half being What was his fucking problem?.
HELP was pure kino.
Why are these guys popular? I never understood their bullshit socialist message. They seem like the prototypical #1 useful idiots of all time or the greatest shabbos goys ever. Every-time some allah snackbar blows himself up in Europe the libshits come together to sing Lennon's Imagine.
gee, I wonder who could be behind this band
He was a fag too
To be fair, they made this piece of pure musical kino.
Their music is pretty good and the way they presented pop music was game changing, especially to the United States and the UK. People dickride them to oblivion so it kinda makes it harder to appreciate what they actually did do, but they're important and their records are pretty good imo.
Would you still dislike them if they weren't the most overhyped band in history?
wft actually a good track and I love how triggered the cunts are in the comments
ok good
What does Michael J Fox have to do with the Beatles?
Elvis movies are way better.
Beatles confirmed White Supremacists!
Yellow Submarine is pretty fucking trippy. Help! is pretty good. Haven't seen the others.
Imagine isn't a Beatles song.
Their music gets old really fast, I only use them to lure hipster chick into my bed.
About as bad as the Beatles themselves.