The future looks like Facebook on steroids.
VR is coming for you
future gens will go from birth to death in vr
tfw born to early to experience that
they won't have fresh air, blue skies, clear water, bright sun, or memes
and they certainly won't get to choose their waifu
In the future people will get ocular implants at birth. The world will be a sea of grey nano bots but to our augmented eyes the world will look colorful and full of life. Home decoration will be like a video game. You will be able to fabricate your furniture into whatever shape and texture you like and the nanobots will take that shape and texture. To you it looks like a chair but without the ocular implants it will just be a grey chair shaped object protruding as an attention of the floor. As a person with ocular implants walks down a street they will be fed data according to why people have made around them so they see it as the one who created it does.
attention= extension
In the future people will get ocular implants at birth. The world will be a sea of grey nano bots but to our augmented eyes the world will look colorful and full of life. Home decoration will be like a video game. You will be able to fabricate your furniture into whatever shape and texture you like and the nanobots will take that shape and texture. To you it looks like a chair but without the ocular implants it will just be a grey chair shaped object protruding as an extension of the floor. As a person with ocular implants walks down a street they will be fed data according to what people have made around them so they see it as the one who created it sees it.
In the future we'll all be mixed niggers building the temples of greater Israel stone by stone.
I think all futures end in tragedy
fresh air will come in simulated form, factory made
water and other essential bodily needs will be streaming right into the body like drips at hospitals
sun will be emulated by vitamin D rays
memes will be highly illegal, black market deep web only. No adblock either.
Waifu may be a thing as all reproduction will be done in laboratories.
That is a dystopian outlook fam. The future will be great for first world countries. As long as WWIII doesn't happen.
fug forgot to quote
Humans will be policed by autonomous hominid robots and drones under the command of the elite who live on the moon and mars. Earth will be reduced into a giant manufacturing plant, building things destined for mars or the moon
Op are you making these pics yourself?
That seems more post-future to me. Maybe 2200s forward. For now humanity will suck all it can from the Earth.
I do believe robots will come into play in the 2030s, no later than that, but more for labor and not as a police force (that comes later).
that is fucking horrifying if you have ever seen the show "black mirror"
Nasa is already planning on sending hominid robots to space to set up shop for when humans get there
I think by 2040 well have robots that assist police.
They'll be in their learning stage. tech is moving way faster than people want to think.
I could even see things like nanobot mosquitoes soon. They would fly around collecting blood and once they were full they would fly back to a facility where they would land on an object that they would inject DNA into.
you know theirs a reason google glass failed right?
Its going to happen.
They'll be implants
I see but for what purpose? Just because? I believe it's so a fail-safe is ready if the world nukes itself back to the stone-age.
I don't see any other benefits from colonizing the Moon/Mars other than ego and for backup.
Either way that's probably a few centuries at least away.
Also that vid is sad af ;- ;
I agree. The robots I believe will be drone-like machines that are still controlled by a human -so it doesn't just kill everyone- and may have some form of tazer.
Nanotechnology will bring a new era fam, it will change everything.
Yes, but just like early computers, its not for everyones day to day use being more for work and will later on be essential for everyday business use.
VR will possible make smartphones and PC obsolete. Sure you may look silly to others flipping your hands around in the air, but to you, your work proficiency has been multiplied and you may be able to watch porn and other shit at teh same time as work.
its coming fam
So our grandkids will live through it. Reality is, medical advancements are making people live longer. That along with a more health conscious society will have people living to over 100. The average life expectancy for someone born today is around 100, the next generation could add another decade or 2. hell if uploading your conscious to a PC becomes possible in the next 50 years, we could live to see it.
nice satanic trips
I doubt we ourselves will have the luxury of full fledged conscious to computer vr. That seems to be at least a century away if I'm being generous.
Maybe our grandkids or great grandkids will be able to upload their brain, maybe. Farfetched but not implausible.
This might sound a little off topic, but this does bring up the fact that overpopulation may occur around the same time.
Depends. It may cost the same as an iphone. Also most companies have those free pay by month plan things.
Nearly everyone has a smartphone now, why is it so hard to believe that say 50 years from now everyone will have a VR?
50 years ago people didn't even have portable phones.
vr is always late
oh joy
we can all be the good goy
That video triggered me, OP. I'm going to read the Unabomber book again.