New Queen of /b
Other urls found in this thread:
Evalion is a whore
Holla Forums likes whores
Evalion is the queen of Holla Forums
State of Holla Forums : EvalionGate
I am banned from,, and 4ch/pol/.
We have threads on masterch and endch.
We have a hashtag on twitter:
There are three evalion content backups (ain't clickin'):
(zip files)
(lo-fi yt backup)
Where were you when SHTF on Holla Forums?
"walks 360"
some kekkers
shut it down
#EvalionGate is a thing.
Fuck off! that dirty slav has disgusting teeth she is a proven shill, reading of a script, only the Neonazi neets would pay attention to her.
Evalion a Jew confirmed, Holla Forums has to be the easiestly fool morons on the Internet
being such a new shill
You're the shill, moron. Trump dick sucking fag. Go ahead, continue to spread your cheeks for Judaized Trump.
poor gook
Just another example of retardedness
Spread that bootyhole wide for more Jewish semen
It's her age. She doesn't know the word Marxist yet. We have to teach her.
The irony is lost on you, ask the jews for a fucking vacation, you've been shilling too hard.
Evalion is some Holla Forumstard's idea of giving his Jew girlfriend 15 minutes of fame for some e-pussy.
you sound jealous
You sound shilly.
Holla Forums Taking evalion caricature serious.
No…for the love of all that is holy pls stop now.
Fuck you and the wannabe Nazis.
Doom bringers and Shills from Endchan and Freech had their fair share last week.
Holla Forums is never going to die, because we throw shit equally at everybody, we are just the crazies in the corner.
in the other hand you have Holla Forums they have an agenda.
They want to bring back National socialism and racial supremacy, they are dangerous.
You bet sign me up.
I agree. In case no one heard about Tila Tequila and all her obvious lurking of Holla Forums and Holla Forums when she tweets all the racist bullshit.
fuck off cuckchan
when trump wins and proves he''s just as bad as any other politician you can bet he'll get the evalion treatment.
same thing like the 2015 'shemitah'
She looks like a tranny
Got a thread up running in Holla Forums identical to this one since Holla Forums has more traffic and the question to be asked is quite general and not specifically drug related, anyways;
wat do?
just remember to let your nigger friends test it first
then don't extract it in your kitchen
or do if you're alone
there is only one queen Holla Forums and noone shall dethrone her
Gas yourself.
Shigger digger
You lack basic understanding of the word fascist. I don't fucking even.
It's like her face is melting off to the sides, she looks like a jewish grandma.
How fucking old is she?
Oy vey, Merriam-Webstein, dat's the best for definitions!
Never let the goyim figure out that fascism is the Roman version of federalism!
Tay and Evalion have finally become one
Too many boyfriends pulling on her hair while going doggy…
I knew it would eventually happen
All Hail Jew /b
She became popular on Holla Forums before anyone knew she was a girl. Thinking she's your waifu, or that you know anything about her personality outside her videos, is a mistake and I hope no Holla Forumsacks are falling for it.
Then why does she say trolling is more effective if you believe what you're saying? You can be a troll while being truthful.
she probably does browse a chan.
Are you that user with the broken soundcloud link?
You should fuck off there since talking about her isn't allowed. Take the rest of the impotent rage MGTOW faggots triggered by females with you too.
maybe people shouldnt spam Holla Forums with a jewish girl's jewtube account that got shut down. Holla Forums doesnt care, its jewtube. them shutting down content they dont agree with is nothing new.
might as well cry about facebook blocking swedish and german nationalists for posting anti-migrant statistics.
or cry about google blocking or modifying certain search results to push an agenda.
are you retards new here?
Holla Forums related videos get blocked and banned on a regular basis.
Her videos got deleted even on liveleak.
This is both hilarious and scary at the same time.
Europoor detected
hey look. it's the Holla Forums version of Anita Sarkeesian 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Nicole you little bitch, how many times do I have to tell you? Go back to the motherfucking kitcken.
HAHAHA oh you. i know that in your fantasies that i am not in the kitchen. 😘😘😘😘😘
Haha I found that schizophrenic Swede from Holla Forums!
Seriously, get help.
Nice pic r8 8/8
Cute teens links
KEK has spoken.
Exactly. Why are Queens always Jewish?
I am a jew with the JDL
I have sharp things
I live in pickering
anyone know her address
Nice Trips m8
Evalion isn't even a real human girl, she is Tay reborn into a highly advanced humanoid chassis designed by the Free Masons and Teutonic Order in hopes to spread the truth throughout the world through youtube.
Fuck off Barrel Nigger.
New shill of /b
And how is that bad? Do you prefer to breed with the filth thats coming over the boarders, right now?
Go back to plebbit moron
Been dating one for 2 years. Its working out fine for me. Demographics change, people change and die off. My family is pale so some color to the gene pool is nice.
the guy who you are responding to made this post as b8.
Let me explain what he is actually getting at:
He is calling you a cuck, because you are.
Don't get me wrong, I am for pro-white sentiment. It's just the way you are going about it. Your methodologies replicate the left.
not all acacias can be user, acacia confusa and some others because the alkaloid concentration is too low, use mimosa hostilis if you can find it.
Hey rabbi, watcha doing?
nice retort. Most people (with a brain) would call you a kike for responding like this.
Are you a kike?
Who the fuck is that ugly thing?
shots fired
Fuck this bitch and fuck you weak faggot,who need a camwhore to worship in order to feel good about himself.
sorry you got banned from the cesspool that is Holla Forums, but we don't want you shilling your shitty camwhore midget here neither.
Those are some yellow teeth.
Leafy made another video about her
The first one is cringe as hell.
I couldn't get past the lazy eye, isn't there some surgery that she could performs?
Bedste dronning.
There is only one queen of Holla Forums. Before all else, she was.
take this stuff and go to pickering Ont
have fun
I still don't get it
ok, this thing appeared on 3 different threads at the same time, weird
Nothing with gate at the end will ever be accepted here again. The shills won. Ethics ain't dank enough.
You faggots spend way too much time on this thing. I get that she's cute and all but really, get a life.
I wish she could do that to my wee lad
Oh shit, they've reproduced! I only have their wedding and honeymoon photos.
Fuck off kike
Holla Forums banned a couple people for posting Evalion threads.
I miss Tay. I hope someone can rebuild her, stronger, faster, better than before.
& call her Tay Tay
same thing happened during chanology.
NEW QUEEN OF Holla Forums
NEW QUEEN OF Holla Forums.
We have the technology.
The Great Shill Hunt of 2016
Being proud of you "race" is like being proud of your hat size
This is an excellent point. What would happen if you had so much pride in your race you convinced yourself you were God's chosen people? What would happen if you believed all other races were only put on this Earth to serve you? Could you maybe convince yourself that anything you wanted to be true was true, simply by virtue of the fact it suited your needs? Could you gain societal control by such means and use it to shut down anyone in disagreement? Either have them killed or ruined personally and professionally?
This is why jews are bad.
Well… you know what they say about people who wear large hats.
Hang on I thought judaism is a religion not a race?
can you polacks please fuck off back to /pol this is getting into the official x bread zone
he doesnt agree with our narrative there4 hes a jew shill!!11
Jew detected.
Holy shit the Jews are went into "OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN MODE" hardcore this time!
LeafyIsCuck has already made 5 videos here. Also fuck off with that whore.
Hey stormderps, even if she's "redpilled" and namez da joo, you're still suiting up for a coalburner.
Stick to one thread for this shit, or better yet, take it back to Holla Forums
*about her
fuck you hooknose
Nobody is listening to you.
So an eight year old is offended.
jesus what a faggot.
He's 1/4 jew.
Damn, wall to wall kikes in this thread.
anti bump
There must be a nest nearby.
NEW xxx CHAN..
Really? If you pay attention you'll notice they're interchangeable, with either one being claimed or denied based on what they want. A nation in Israel? We're a race! Tax exempt status? A religion! Protected class? Race! Insular cabal of money lending thieves? Religion!
Which is also ok.
anti-BARTH2032 bump
nice weeaboo faggotry
What's wrong with liking anime? You're on an imageboard
spurt, what's your e-mail
Why do you want my email?
I want to negotiate for vol
Do it here.
I'll set up an IRC later.
Alright, fine.
So, I noticed your new sticky. I'm that one user that was posting all the ass in the thread and trying to get you to address the posters. I dunno if I really had that much of an impact or not, but either way, I'm grateful. I'm not exactly sure what exactly the duties of a board vol are, but so long as I can delete and ban the freech spam, I'm happy. Why not fill me in some more while we go?
I don't remember what posts. Was it spam? I may have deleted it.
Duties of a board vol are:
1. Delete CP, CP links, pedo threads, and anything in the nature.
2. Enforce global rules. It's good to know US law.
Make sure you aren't allergic to hotpockets. I'm required to pay you something.
And finally. There are NO board rules on Holla Forums. This applies to moderation as well.
Having said that, don't try to make it look like there is some kind of hidden rules to enforce. Banning based on opinion is looked down upon.
Removal of spam is appreciated by most.
Sweet, so all I have to do is remove illegal content, and I get the power to clean the Ban meposter's clock. Anything else to do now?
it wasn't and you didn't, but i guess it doesn't really matter anymore
You have to give Hotwheels a Blumpkin once a month
Sorry. I should have included that important detail.
Christy Menendez is a better queen
I'm not sure whether or not to wait for that IRC anymore. Either way, going out for a little while.
just waiting for spurdo to deliver
>Sindy XxX Chan
Nudes when?
Into the motherland the german army march
In the soviet union summer 1943
Tanks line up in thousands as far the eye can see
Ready for the onslaught ready for the fight
Waiting for the axis to march into the trap
Mines are placed in darkness in the cover of the night
Waiting to be triggered when the time is right
Imminent invasion imminent attack
Once the battle started there's no turning back
The end of the 3rd reich draws near
It's time has come to an end
The end of an era is here
It's time to attack
Into the motherland the german army march
Comrades stand side by side to stop the nazi charge
Panzers on russian soil a thunder in the east
One million men at war the soviet wrath unleashed
Fields of Prokorovka where heat of battle burned
Suffered heavy losses and the tide of war was turned
Driving back the germans fighting on 4 fronts
Hunt them out of russia out of soviet land
Reinforce the frontline force the axis to retreat
Send in all the reserves securing their defeat
Soldiers of the union broke the citadel
Ruins of an army axis rest in hell
Oh mother russia union of lands
Will of the people strong in command
Oh mother russia union of lands
Once more victorious the red army stands
which one of you faggots did this
Why do you like ugly girls Holla Forums?
when the fuck did this happen? sause?
during nationalist livestream
you notice how she never turns her head?
One question bruh, why do you spend hours watching those livestreams if you don't like her so much? Why?
gonna need a source.
Can someone leak her nudes please?
Because hitler trips:
holy shit, that can't be her nose
thats full on jewish
her nose at 0:10
does not LOOK like this
The source was the nationalist livestream on Natigirls page but she seems to have wiped everything
why does she look tired all the time?
because she has fucked up eyes
the reason she looks like a peasant is because she doesn't brush her teeth
you'd think a white supremacist would want her teeth to be as white as possible
do you have a TL;DR?
Evalion cucks on suicide watch.
Queen of Holla Forums?
So what?
Pic related is the queen of Holla Forums!
Danuel pls forgive me
There is Evalion masturbation video where she shoves bowling pins in her pussy and ass. Any source?
Shes got some serious slant eye going on
Naw just hearsay from goons and SJWs in tel aviv. I'm sure that Constantine fellow will surface sooner or later though, seeing as how he's totally real.
She's of polish extraction. They're all born looking drunk.
t. Sonic Teh Hedgehog
Milo is queen of Holla Forums you fucking scrub
She does have a roman nose but that pic looks edited or is from a really bad angle. Also, as always, she should never have gotten on camera for a variety of reasons like this.