Who do you think is hotter?
Emma Watson vs Selena Gomez
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Selena for me. Emma is an annoying British feminist.
I don't know anything about Selene Gomez, but I find Emma Watson's "personality" (she's a celeb, so I assume it's her PR agent crafting a feminist image) to clash with my moral compass.
file name
Selena is miles better
She looks like a womean and not a little boy
She is so fucking sexy
White Feminist vs Slutina, oh what a dilemma
Their mannerisms prevent me from being able to get in a mindset that gauges their appearances, to be honest. Emma Watson was hot in that short period between her growing up and her getting that first butch haircut to show she'd grown up. Selena Gomez was never attractive to me, it's like she has the facial proportions of a child and the baby fat in her face too. Which is probably why you faggots like her.
No I like her because she's hot and her pussy is probably tighter than Hulk Hogan's fist.
They both look underage, you sick pathetic fuck! GTFO of my chan!
nailed it. my thoughts exactly
Selena is way hotter
Selena beats Emma in every single category. Emma used to be hot during the Sorcerer's Stone time period, but now she just looks like a smelly dyke, kind of like Miley.
On a side note, why is Miranda's mouth so large?
More people vote for Selena please. Don't let that feminist Emma win.
"Good For You" should be the anti-feminists anthem.
Selena is so fucking sexy..
Intelligent women are fucking hot. Selena Gomez is just fuckable on a fundamentally sexual level whereas Emma Watson has that little bit more
You're a white knight for feminists. Pathetic.
Nah, man. You sound like a butthurt manchild.
The question is: "Who is hotter?", user. I can't fuck intelligence. Not literally anyway.
Just because some flat bitch acts all smug doesn't mean she's intelligent.
Go back to reddit with your generic insults.
Also using the word "nah" then trying to call someone else a manchild is laughable.
I think intelligence makes women hotter tbh. Oh, and being British.
You're right it doesn't. So what's your point tough guy?
Says the guy who calls people feminists for not agreeing with him.
Also, I wouldn't mind watching Selena beat the shit out of that feminist bitch.
She literally has made her whole career about feminism now you fucking retard.
Do you even know anything about that bitch?
The thread is about who's hotter, so her being a feminist is completely irrelevant you triggered fuck
I'm not him, but knowing anything about a celebrity beyond their fuckability is kind of pathetic.
You're the one who brought up "intelligence" as a hotness factor.
Y0u know what is the saddest thing?
Justin Beiber came inside her chemichally-sterilized body.
Political views and intelligence are different things. An intelligent chick is way hotter for some reason I can't explain. Selena Gomez just seems to me yet another generic hot chick.
Doesn't matter.
Selena is way hotter. Emma is flat and has hairy arms.
I doubt it. She said he's more like a little brother than someone she'd fuck.
Cuter face though
Have you even seen some of those Bernie fags?
I heard Selena has some disease, but I think its a good kind of disease like sexual addiction
You need your eyes checked.
Chicken lips are not cute.
Intelligent people can be ignorant, and dumb people can be smart. You, obviously, are neither intelligent nor smart.
You just agreed with my statement you fucking retard.
Obviously you are neither.
It's a subjective thing. Not much point arguing each others sexual preferences. There are people who like BBWs for fucks sake
The yes was obviously to refute your no you asshat
Your opinions are objectively wrong though.Selena is factually hotter than Emma.
What you said doesn't make any sense faggot.
Thats like saying you are neither ugly nor unattractive. Kind of the same thing. You lost an argument. Now fuck off to reddit and talk about Harry Potter with the rest of the Emma fags.
Synonyms exist, but no two words have the same meaning. Also, you as well as and should kill yourselves.
Intelligence you are born with
But you can become smart, by studying a lot in school.
Know those dumb kids that always did well in school? Well they're smart yet unintelligent. There's a difference.
Fucking rekt.
Saying that doesn't make it so. You feeling cornered there, buddy? Getting mad?
Emma watson is cute but a total hypocrite. At least Selena Gomez is a legitimate money grubbing slutina so she has nothing to hide.
Google it faggots.
No, for it knowing the difference will get me nowhere.
Willful ignorance, eh? How fitting for a Selena Gomez fan.
The other tough guys seem to have lost their tongues.
KEK go home faggots
Consider it wisdom my pessimistic dyke-lover. Focus on the larger picture instead of minute details like synonyms and syntax.
You sound like some middle aged faggot trying to fit in with a younger crowd.
Chicken lips are gross
I'm not considering it wisdom, as it obviously fucking isn't
I'd take it as a compliment that I come across as that mature if it didn't come from a complete fucking retard. You out of arguments?
Still single after all these years eh?
That's unfortunate, man.
Because you're still only seeing with your eyes.
Yeah, still jerking it to pictures of your mom covered in pig shit
Yeah? You've been enlightened?, walked the higher planes of conscience, been above and beyond?
both are annoying cunts so i'm assumming this is purely a looks question. In that case emma mainly because i don't racemix and she is indeed pretty
Implying someone like you could pick and choose. Selena wouldn't be racemixing anyways.
Only Emma can look so good being so natural
Hah, no, I just take the meta perspective. Remove the things that don't matter and the answers get clearer - removing the fog to see the lights, as it is. Selena is objectively superior.
Just look at her eating that fucking pizza. I'd eat that pizza after she shat it out and eat my own shit again after I shit her pizzashit out
Why limit yourself? No one's asking you to breed.
You're being horribly vague. And beauty is subjective, so I don't see how Selena would be objectively superior. And don't start with the 'scientifically beautiful'' autistic BS
Implying that faggot will ever breed.
i'd let her rest her legs on my shoulders while i licked her cunt for hours on end, then at some point she would say she needs to go to the bathroom and i would just open my mouth and press it against her cunt and drink her beautiful golden stream entirely
A lot of Emma fan samefagging in here.
If I ever see her IRL I'll fucking shoot her or stab her because I can't bear the fact of another man touching her. And then when she dies she shits her pants and I can eat her shit.
God id love to fuck selena
A lot of Selena fan samefagging in here
Scat is shit tier but seeing that is the purpose of the fetish carry on friend
Wisdom is vague, bruh. The point is to allow it to be applicable to many scenarios - not in a general sense, but a useful one.
Ain't nothing scientific about it. If something is better, it is. Opinions aren't even regarded since they cross into the realm of delusion when subscribers to an idea persistently attempt to convince themselves that their thoughts are truer than fact.
Same here
I just want to know why someone would consciously make the decision to not get laid because of muh skin pigmentation. It's weird.
Wouldn't breed with a nig woman. Would fuck one though. Would fuck and breed with all other races though.
Yes, you're very mysterious and spiritual. I get it. You talk like your brains been fried on LSD a couple times, am I right fruitcake?
Then that same principle applies to you, doesn't it? Who's to say what's fact and what not? Or is it your 'wisdom' that grants you that power
This is just a simple thread on who is hotter you fucking mong.
Emma fags are the fucking worst. Worse than Taylor fags at this point.
i don't think you know what fag means, look at your mirror to see the real meaning
No, man, I haven't drunk in a week. Had to sweat all the liquor from my system to pass my tests and screenings this week - liver's not forgiving me though.
I presented no opinions though, just stated facts. It's like comparing a KIA to a Honda: Honda will always be superior regardless of how much you like KIA.
Forgot to mirandapost.
I feel ya on this one. I've been on the bender for a week up until two days ago. Green tea every day now to detox.
You think Selena is hotter, I think Emma is hotter. That's a fact. It is also a fact that both are opinions. This aint cars were talking about, bubble butt
also emma
Sobriety is highly overrated.
I know Selena is hotter though, and that is the differential in our perspectives. The objective fact remains that Selena is better regardless of opinion, the example was used to illustrate this point. When compared to Selena, the winner is obviously Selena. When compared to someone like Hillary Duff however, opinions may sway some leverage on Emma's side.
That makes no sense. You're not wise, you're a wise ass.
Emma the Hypocrite
they both look like boys, but unlike Selena, Emma doesn't look like the type you'd get an std from.
Emma is better in a , more aesthetically pleasing, i would like to have a painting of her kind of way. But for fuckability, gomez wins.
Nigger you need glasses
she's french you moron
ur cucking yourself in ur own fantasy m8, how beta are you?