Post some scams and ways to get free money or items.
Scams and easy money thread
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This is such a Jewish thread.
Also your plan doesn't make sense.
why not?
What about when the attendant sees you walking in wearing shit and coming out 5 minutes later with brand new shoes
Don't literally wear mud covered boots, just some old crappy shoes you don't mind throwing away. The attendants don't generally give a shit about what you're wearing, much less something as subtle as shoes. I bet you could do this with sunglasses earrings if you wanted to.
sunglasses or earrings*
print money trade it to rural abo/nigger/mudshit grocery stores.
Does it work?
Depends on your country's currency and your printer, i can't get into details because it's my friend who did it. I saw the freshly printed bills are quite fake, so you have to make it old, moist and wrinkly so it's hard to notice.
He didn't buy things with it though, he just sell the fake bills to the natives, i'm sure some of them will get caught and snitch him out, but the local cops are corrupt so he just bribe them (with real money of course).
In the end no money is real.
what kinda paper did he use?
guaranteed money because the chance of guessing correctly is 1/3, but the payout for a correct guess is only 2/1
then you just take your table and go set up someplace else
Shoplifting expensive wine, or clothes and selling it is a good way to make money.
I used to lift clothes by taking two pairs of pants for example, and holding them so that the attendant thinks you took only one. I cracked the alarm open in the changing room, put on the pants underneath my real ones and walked out with the other pair. You can do this with a lot of clothes.
As for supermarkets or that shit, just seek out the blind spot and don't rush.
You can also start selling weed, or xtc. Pills are riskier but don't smell and you can do them away at a decent price. Just buy a bag of 200 for 1 or two euros/bucks a pill and sell them for 5.
Which model, and how?
Money isn't printed, retard. All of the world's notes are either made out of cotton or polymer. Nothing else. You'd have to be the densest piece of shit alive to even think simply printing off money would fool anyone, regardless of what paper you used.
You'd need decent paper and a press, cutter etc to make something even remotely resemblant of a genuine note, not fucking toilet tissue, even then it'd only fool a fucking moron.
s/decent paper/decent card
Why is this board so afraid to cheat normalniggers?
I'd say a thread about scams is more indian or nigerian than it is jewish.
yea a retailer I worked at fired a lot of cashiers because they accepted black and white xerox copies of travelers checks etc…, some people are retarded. but they do get way with shit you would never think possible.
nice, i'll try that
what kind of stores even accept checks in this day and age?
they did that on Jackass in 2001, only with shit instead of larvae
Yeah but they didn't try to profit off of it, did they? Plus, putting shit in it is pretty obvious.
Heheh. Might wanna try this.
they kinda did, what with the whole "making a TV show out of it" thing
This is pretty fucking cool, I wanna learn this, thanks user.
There is only ONE way to make easy money, and that is
metal detecting
video game meme magic(minecraft, candy crush)
Have fun.
This could be the biggest scam in video game history, next to Minecraft of course.
Tell that to the retards who bought the fake bills lol, many of them actually bought liquor with it.
meme magic? as in make a shitty game autissimo's will love?
My mother does a variation of this every fucking time I go eat with her. No insects, you don't have to do that much. Keep in mind, whoever eats with you will hate you for it, and you're probably getting spit in your food, but:
On the plus side, growing up seeing this my whole life basically made me the exact opposite. I remember being like 8 going through the McDonald's drive-thru with her and saying "Mom! If you're mean to them they're gonna spit in our food!"