Leave me alone

i went shopping today. i dont usually want to do those chores. i usually pay someone else to bring home my groceries.

there was an older woman and an older man at my checkout line. the woman was as always very pleasant, but the guy made a remark. i'm still obsessing over it.

I usually have my hair tied back in a ponytail - it's a preference. I have long hair and am a male.

Anyway this time my cat wrecked all my hair ties so I had to go to the store with my hair hanging out long. So I had to go to the store with my hair untied. This guy asked me if I was going for a look - if I was trying to look like Duck Dynasty

First of all I don't even watch rednecks on patrol because that shit is on cable and only an idiot pays for cable. Secondly I am trying my hardest to get though this required chit chat.

Third - I'm fucking paying for the groceries. So you need to stop.

Please stop talking to me when i'm only trying my best to get home for another week of shitty existence.

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Kys you fucking fag


yeah if you can recommend a method that's painless and fast besides a bullet in the brain, i am already there

I want this to be fake.

sadly its real. but at least i got some hot dogs, onions and canned chili for what i love to eat but hate shitting out

Maybe if you took care of yourself instead of playing the banjo all day and fucking your cousin marie anne people would respect you, you fucking redneck.

i wish i could play banjo, i bought a cheap violin two years ago and i still cant tune it right because the bridge is a sepoerate piece

Let me introduce you to bulimia

that's what im looking for

i fucking hate real interactions

You need to learn to look important. It's not hard.


i am the customer here.

i am literally buying groceries.

I wish I have incest with my cousin and fuck her until she's pregnant.

Rednecks have it so good…

Go for it user - just imagine all of those birthday cards you will get each year


What if OP doesn't want to be respected or liked, and he just wants people to mind their own business and leave him alone?

yeah mostly that.

there was a kindle of rage inside me for the guy who criticised my appearance/

im fucking buying toilet paper and tomatoes cunt

i cant stop thinking about it. fucking douchebag asks me if im "going for a look" no nigger im not going for a look im just trying to get home without your judgement


Nah I get pretty stressed out when I go to a store and someone tries to interact with me and says something that's just way to personal like that. I've definitely made threads here about more benign things than that.

Honestly if normies said like 1% what they say now the world would be a better place.

i have no filter, so i was very surprised when i didnt flip out in the checkout aisle.

Honestly I wish we all just wore orange jumpsuits and had dictated haircuts and lived under domes. Without unique styles and weather small-talk would cease and I could finally get my neetsnacks without having to talk to people.

Complain some more, faggot.

if you dont understand the point you really dont need to respond.


it will never stop. someone somewhere will always be incapable of leaving you alone. at which point you will again have to pretend you care about the intricacies of small talk

brb suicide

back what did i miss

You sound like a complete shitstain and the old cobber sounds like an absolute gun.

A fucking ponytail. Long hair on a man is shameful, look it up!

I'm not really sure if OP is a faggot or hetero but young men with long hair look pretty cool.

Maybe you should stop trying to look like dynasty if you can't handle the complents..

Is easy dress like a sand nigger all the old whitefolk will leave you alone. You might get invited to a jihad though.
