Unofficial pedo thread
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great joke
remove this illegal thread immediately!
We pinterest now.
Oil paintings
Up Baskin.
Check out pinterest.
Lots of the links i bookmarked last night have already 404 ;_;
don't kick the loli!
should have followed the recipe ;_;
Hey Anthony. Nice find thanks for sharing the link.
Always cook by the book!
That moment made my day
Some real beautiful girls in this thread
I love how playful and happy little girls are. I usually try to record them in moments like that but should just enjoy the moment instead.
Thats what it must feel like to be a professional or champion. Loli fan girls think youre the best thing in the world.
Its the only time ive seen her there so she must have just come in as a 1 off thing (theres other classes in the same sport complex)
Good for inspiration to know that girls will look up to me like that.
Really felt like a dream and true love. Best feeling in the world. Virtue is truly rewarded in this world.
I recently replaced this, and I've gotta say its still a masterpiece in my opinion, at least in terms of how many memes they could jam into one line.
It still amazes me how the chucklefucks over at /loli/ and the like can say they like this VN so much while claiming to not be pedophiles, I mean it so clearly tries to separate anime from real life within it, not even mentioning how like half the characters are based off real people.
Leave us alone Rin :-:
so funny to see lolicon threads react to real loli like theyre somehow morally superior for masturbating to drawings of 5yo girls being raped.
Snitches get stitches
I was contemplating recording the moment. What would've worked would be holding my phone up to my ear like I'm talking to someone but really be recording.
It's amazing how big of a motivation lolis are for us. I always look forward to having a moment when I can be close to a little girl. And they're so much more superior than older wymyn.
You cant use my own webum against me ; -;
I usually record with my phone by my side with my wallet covering the screen so no one behidn me can see its recording.
Its kinda hard to aim though I missed completely many times.
When you get too confident in recording you make yourself obvious though.
This loli knew I was recording her because I was on day 4 of nofap and wayyy too alpha to be cautious.
I was literally prowling around the mall staring people down and hunting their daughters.
Oh and older girls dont do it for me either.
I dont know what it is. Maybe when they lose their virginity they lose their magical angel powers.
They are much colder and bitchier. And they have disgusting perversions (they actually enjoy being gang raped)
Innocence is truly something Godlike. I'm trying to get back to it myself and stop being lustful. I make the best progress in life when I focus myself on my mission.
Get meme'd on :^)
; - ;
Rin has no honour.
He has reduced himself to Holla Forums snitch.
he's now on the same level as those bitches on 4cuck who cry for mods everytime a girl looks below 20.
Really… you should go and get some serious help.
I missed out on this dank drama
You judge me as insane because you cant handle the truth.
Ignorence is bliss, naive goyim….
Pinterest bless.
Ha, when I went back to boxing gym hoping I'd see that loli again the old man asks me my age then says theres a girl that works there my SAME AGE.
I couldnt believe what he was aaying. Just the thought of a 26yo woman made me cringe. SHe must have had sex over 1000 times.
tony robbins you always make me kek
Just being honest is usually the funniest thing.
then again more like she had sex 10,000 times.
if she started having sex at 16yo and only had sex once every 3 days that its around 10,000 times.
Her pussy would just be dry and leathery. Like an old mans hands.
Not to mention her jaded heart from having so many relationships.
No innocence left. Do not want.
little sis ^.^
This normie doesnt believe in the magic of little girls!
No doubt his perception of life is dulled from the medications he has to take for depression/other normie mental illnesses
gtg now gang
youre so lucky to have a little sister!
maybe i would if it didn't have those annoying ads everytime i click on maras face
where is the new pedo place? masterchan/b, masterchan/candy?
Why don't you have a little girlfriend?
because I'm moral.
PussyCity Chan
I'll try to get a 13-15 year old gf this summer. Anything lower than that will cause suspicion. If I get one, I'll teach her the evils of feminism.
because lief is pain
;- ; tfw no jjgf
You can watch that child porn all by yourself, no one is falling for your bait.
copy/paste the link in your browser.
That only happens if you click the link from here..
that shameless bastard
i dont know what that means but yes
Adorable :3
Red pill her early is the best way. Otherwise she will be getting jewed by TV and friends at school etc. Nothings worse than a nice girl turned feminist/marxist.
Get cucked somewhere else, smh tbh.
Oh boy, do I know that feel… I once saw a loli so adorable jumping cheerfully on the street as I was going to the library, I thought I'd collapse from the cuteness. It was truly something, I wish I could've sneak-recorded it but I didn't have a smartphone back then.
Because it's not as easy as it seems. It's actually way more difficult than having an adult girlfriend, and that's already difficult enough for me.
and dost compliant
It's not DOST compliant at all. That's why it's been removed.
they were all censored
Not enough. They clearly came from a CP set and I think that violates DOST context. Also, lewd pose.
Is it really necessary? all that hate towards women as if they were the root of all evil
You do know the lgs you love so much one day will grow up and stop being "innocent" right? would you just ditch them like the used up whores you think they are? can you really say you loved them if you did such a thing?
Anyway Innocence is nothing more that romanticized ignorance and it's not really worth any praise whatsoever
I'm sorry about you but but you'll be surprised of how little "innocent" children actually are
See, this is why I hate some pedos, I am a pedo activist and that "hurr durr le women are le garbage" attitude only reinforces the stereotypes they have on us, which just makes things harder for the people who want to be able to love a child without having to live in fear
lets how may fags try to block it
We're all individuals. Only a total idiot would generalize whole population based on few individuals. Then I don't think chan users represent all people very well either. ;3
You're the absolute madman, david. Why not post the real thing while you're at it? You're getting banned either way…
What did david do wrong?
Not sure if this is a masked request for cp or not.. now that would be ban worthy. ;)
His pic violates DOST. Besides, he's ban-evading, he posted similar pics before and got banned.
I-It was just a question, i-it's not I want him to post it, baka~ :^)
But dost applies to only genitals.
I can't see genitals or even pubic area in his picture. It literally can't violate DOST. ;3
There's the context thing as well. Besides, it seems like mods agree with me since they removed his last post. And even if it didn't violate DOST, ban evasion.
I've missed you magnificent bastards
I'd kick her vagina with my erected penis and inseminate her to create more lolis and repeat process
That child is nude despite the censorship.
It's just another lazy-ass way to avoid writing your own rules. First copy DOST as rules and present them as if they were a law. Then make up this silly-ass story about context based on a case probably didn't even read first.
Everyone is nude under clothing. ;3
Anyways, the mods will clearly ban him, whatever you say so why doesn't he just go and do it? Could bring some fun into Holla Forums for once…
That TL;DR is incorrect. If you actually read the whole silly dost page, you'll see it specifically mentions displaying breasts or genitals.
They certainly will. But that picture is not against current written rules.
Is ban evasion a thing now?
Well the mods are the mods and they ban what they want. Besides…
That means that if a child is clothed but is in a sexual pose or context, it's against the DOST.
Why yes, I think… Ask the mods. But they sure won't be happy the same namefag is posting the same kind of pics he was banned for.
You fail to see those criterias are part of "dost test" which actually aplies only to genitals and pubic area. In that pic only buttocks are shown which are neither.
Using DOST test as rules is retarded idea anyway.
Besides there is nothing inherently sexual or lewd in that pic. Girl is literally standing in bath tub. Probably taking a shower soon.
Hey mang, I don't really care. If I'm here to see lolis. But I'm trying to apply the mods logic and I think they'll remove that.
I dont understand why nudism pictures are considered so bad, or any picture with naked children for that matter. There is no sexualization in those images, just regular people in their birthday suits. If some random pedo decides to masturbate to those pictures, that still doesnt sexualize the images. It's up to the person looking at the image how they perceive it. We all know the definition of image that is supposed to be sexual, there's more deliberate poses, emphasis on genitalia and striving towards eroticism. Nudism isnt that at all.
like roughly 10 years ago, it was perfectly normal to take family pictures with topless or completely nude children, you'd share the images on the internet or show them to your friends and everyone would laugh at how silly the children are when they do their own shit
now it's a fucking crime to take such pictures, be it your own child or relative, you'll be taken into custody for such things and in the worst case imprisoned
why is it that all the natural things are being uprooted from our society and each day people become more passive and think less with their own brains and blindly follow a system created solely to control their actions
This world is going to fucking hell, I'm telling you….
I wish atomic war would start. Human race doesnt deserve to be alive anymore.
Me neither. Other than mods are faggots :^). Just killing some time arguing about whatever. :3
Amen. Now there are some words of wisdom. :3
Imo lewd comments are worse than some nudity, but maybe that's just me. What happens in your head no-one gets to know so it can't harm anyone either. ;)
Technically nudism isn't illegal. But fucked up DOST makes it illegal when it's a pedo that shares it. I hate moralfaggotry…
This kind of discrimination should be illegal. I have lot of pics of girls for sure but 99.9999% I've never fapped to. Honest. :^3
ah old tony given out da real advice nigga
that word will never be the same after hearing cg say it
fuck you and your knocking web
I always fall for it
k how bout this to settle the nerves?
Oh yes, my finnish pedo penis throbs, I respect you for now
The future, hopefully.
virtual reality will give it to us if real life doesnt.
ayyyy why am I even still here.~
What's your reason to be here still? :^)
I truly hope so. But normies being the moralfags they are, they're probably gonna pass a law to make loli VR illegal.
That much is obvious. All VR devices will have specifically inbuilt DRM that forbids child related sexual stuff. :^)
That's why we need to install Gentoo on our VR headsets. Do it for Stallman… He's one of the few people sympathetic with our cause…
this is not that unlikely tbh :^)
Speaking of which, I payed 200€ to have a book about Emacs Lisp autographed by him. I shook his hand and all, Holla Forums was jelly of me.
Well not now when options are like "facebook" or "google" :^)
except it's not probably inbuilt, it just requires online connection ;)
It's not that unlikely, given the circumstances nowadays ._. ~
But well, there's still hope. :3
I am sitting in a corner, facing both of the only two doors in my house, and this shit still gets me every time.
scared girls are best
kek, this is very well made though :^)
Where? :/
git outta here niqqa i are the pedo'st
mikas straight af mane
In my imagination? ;_;
ali pls, you lyin af m8
I close my case tbh
Don't listen to that propaganda, I'm clearly 100% gay!
I know :333333
baba is not pedo at all
posting shit from "hegre"
did everyone get b&?
New home when?
agreed :^)
either that, or waiting for librechan, heh~
Probably v&
the farting girl got me hard.
ok heres a question. u know that rainbow thing that the gays and trans-fucktuals use? if u had a choice what color should pedos add to it?
same here br0
No need for that tbh :^)
faggot alert
What I want to know with that first pic, were there clothes shopped out before adding on the bubbling or is it legit? Because that's a convincing shop if it is one.
Mara does look like a guy there
This may come as surprise for you but
are you gays? :^)
Nothing wrong being gay. Just saying :3
n-no. This better not be going where I think it's going.
You're beyond the point of saving now…
Pink for little girls. Fuck da little boys. Those could use some blue. ;)
farting is disgusting btw, like srsly >.<
won't judge though…heh
Just say it if you are going to say something..
wtf u think mane? there hasnt been a naked picture of her since she was a tiny girl. the clothes were shopped away by the bubbler silly user lol
Oh, I meant no offence. Little boys and little girls are like black and white. Completely different. You can't possibly merge those in one flag with same color. :3
Pls :^^^^^ ^^)
Okay okay, you may be right, sneaky mischievous Finn :33
==Who do you think you're dealing with mr wiener?==:^)
So important tbh.
French music
Oh god
Some can hope
She's amazing, she sings better than most adults ^.^ :3
She sings better than I do for sure. :^3
Hahaha, though I'm certain you still sing better than me tbh :^)
Hahaha I doubt that seriously.
maybe one night we can find out tho? :^)
The only ones who confirm themselves pedo here are the fbi.
perfect place for missing teeth
Are children who's nude under their clothes allowed? It's a new law for LEA to work on. They never get enough of saying NO. It's their vocabulary from "the heart".
Why do you say so? Do you have something to HIDE :3?
I agree :3
I'm not fbi. I'm only gay.
heart is banned word here. I suggest you to change your language. He is notorious pedophile.
Anti-pedophile pedophile. He was very drunk here once and revealed a heart full of fart.
I am a sort of pedohistorian. Is there anything you can tell me about this incident? I'd like to copy it to my books for future generations.
The Austrian Alps will enjoy our singing for sure ^.^ ~
Yeah…unfortunately that's the truth ._.
I am a pedo
pls, don't be so lewd user
sheesh…don't say that too loud, you might get yourself in danger… >.
Nah, I'm not a snitcher. Ask him yourself, but he will probably deny everything, like crooks and fbi agents always do.
Prends garde à toi
Si tu t’aimes
Garde à moi
Si je m’aime
Garde à nous, garde à eux, garde à vous
Et puis chacun pour soi
You're a pedo. And I'm gay.
Probably both true tbh. Want to meet up for a coffee?~
You're not an emo-ish teen singing edgy metalcore songs are you?
I've been unable to find him. Any leads?
Welcome to mysterious business. :3
I'm not a teen. Teens are too difficult for me to handle. They don't like kids, they don't like adults, they only like edgy things that everybody else hates. It's what drives them what drives everybody else mad.
AGENT FINN please. We can't blow our cover just like that. :)
Mika and namefags. It's all the same cheaters.
Yes you can. Think about it, nobody''s born an agent, you're human under the uniform probably a pedo…
Pls. I've never lied about being BAKA.
Everyone makes typos.
Shit. Kproxy don't work with this site anymore. Holla Forums has done something to fuck it up.
You should try it some day. I think you'd have a lot to give to. :3
b-but I'm very hones about being gay part of the fbi the puppet master , so what is the problem? ._. ~
he knows too much already, I have to inform […]
yeah that's right, I see. :)
I had to google baka. i'm so urban international as the rest of you. I have MUCH MORE impoatant things to think about.
NOT so urban.
I have nothing to give, except my future death. The day I die. It's my gift to planet earth.
Don't say that! I'm sure you're so much more than that. ^.^
Oh no. I got mixed my schedule once again.
Exactly. It's more complex than anyone ever thought about.
More than death? I'm not.
Pedo thread and reallity. It's not the same thing?
Hello everyone
Most people on this planet are not made for this, but I believe you've seen through it already…sheesh, please be careful will you?~
I don't believe this ._. ~
I am sure you have something to give to this world. :)
Anyon knows of a proxy that works on a level where you can post images? And no, I'm not talking about an internal fbi proxy, only a regular one.
Sorry, it's only for official business only. :3
the French ride never ends
Careful with what? And seen though what?
Give? I will give the world pedophilia. But only if the world hates me for it. Or else, i will have to find something else.
So all I have to do is to sign up with name and adress and comfirm that I'm a pedophile? It's that simple?
Hello, my brother.
Yeah…it's been a harsh ride for all of us…but you shouldn't be here after all what happened, so what leads you to this unholy place once again?
We should have one of those whiskey from this "specific distillery" someday again though. heh…~
I was just fooling around :P
user, you're not only made of your pedophilia! You have so much more things that make you the person you are. Please don't let society reduce yourself on just that one thing. You're worth so much more than that! :)
I'm only a pedophile, nothing else. I don't sleep, eat or work… I only fap to 8yo girls 24 hours a day.
Err… well, not exactly but you can give those just in case. I'm sure someone will contact you soon. :3
Oh, I'm on official capacity here. No chit chat among peers, sorry.
This violation will be reported
Fooling around with what? Is this officer humor?
Alright, thank's for the advice.
Nobody knows?
use a vpn
I'm more into proxy.
I don't want to have name here. Anonymous is good.
Good evening Mika
Je remue le ciel, le jour, la nuit
Je danse avec le vent, la pluie
Un peu d'amour, un brin de miel
Et je danse, danse, danse, danse, danse, danse, danse
Et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai peur
Est-ce mon tour?
eh för helvete, fan!
I-I mean
Yes, of course 001-006-02. I understand these measures have to be taken. I'm inconsolable about that incident.
No…seriously, this is just-
I…I shall say no more… sorry ;_; ~
Be aware that there are people who don't want to miss you though. :)
Finn! Finally you're here, good evening! ^-^
I always have to wait an hour for an answer because "all the people" here are one or two persons who are very busy with multiple perosnalities.
Some new faces here today. Maybe the end of the world was not all bad. :3
I guess so, heh~
It was pretty weird, but tbh I hope all of them will migrate to librechan once it will be a thing. ^.^ ~
Haven't seen this one here for long time..
for good old times sake :3
People who don't want to miss me? Miss what?
New faces…
Miss your admittedly weird, but fun contributions to this thread maybe? ^.^ ~
I miss the lewd posters. I love pics of Cherish when she pose with her ass on all four.
Weird? This place is weird…
Is everything okay anonymous-kun?
French marathon is over for now
ayyyy ♫ ^.^
That's true, heh
This place is both weird and fun ^.^
You're part of both of those things~
I post other place about other things but Holla Forums is the only place i'm considered weird. That might be a good thing…
Okay enough. I'm looking for a good free proxy.
Hahaha, I feel like we're not so different after all~
And that might be a good thing indeed. :)
Fuck you, it got me
Sometimes annoying. Everyhting feels like wicked acting. it's maybe why I look weird because i can't stay serious here.
It's just a shaved woman—
the knocking
tour de france when?
1940 again
Goodies. I can't help with that tho :/
Different? I don't know. I'm different in some cases maybe and just a normie in others, I guess. i know people who are out of their minds, and their not pedophiles, they are sexually normies, but…
Yes you can. But you don't help starving children if you can't make money on it. The same with me.
You have more gay taste in music than any gay perosn i've ever met. Djengis Khan… hahahaha
Pls.. obviously you don't know me at all. :C
"Obviously" I was only joking.
Well, sometimes not being serious can be the key to having a fun experience here. And providing this for others, of course. :3
Oh, and I know that might be hard to believe, but most of the people here are not even acting that much :p
What purpose would it serve anyway?~
well that's the plan at least. :^)
that's what people have been telling me a lot, not even joking, heh
And at least you're not out of your mind like those people you know.~
Take that Mika! :3
So how do you guys recognise me? If you don't have IP? if you're just regular users, like me…
It's because i was only joking when i said it was a joke. It was not.
Now you're "obviously" lying. I give you A for effort though. :3
Just a hunch.. probably.
I need a proxy. Then you won't recognice me and hack my computer. Now i need to eat…
Gayer than gay. A new kind of futuristic gay. So gay that gay people now can hardly imagine.
Oh sheesh…helvete
I'm still more gay!!~~~
I'll just be honest with you.~
Posting here for a long time just lets you get to know people…it's almost like getting to know someone, like getting a fr-
heh, I mean
coincidence and taking lucky guesses, mostly. obviously. :p
of course you were. ^.^ ~
I need to get that crown back…but how? ._.
Enjoy your meal. ^-^
Can't we all just get along? Post innocence and beauty.
Pls :3
Just proud of muh finnish heritage.
Is that gay? :^)
Keep telling yourself that :3333
I honestly don't know.. maybe do what gays do.
not that I know anything about that
Okay. This is the last of Frederik today.
Is this better?
b-but I know! So this means…
so…what do they do? eh
You tell me..
or not.. I'm not really that interested really tbh ;)
Tomorrow, I'll listen to this meeting my gender-fluid queer girl/boyfriend at starbucks. Of course I'll bring my Mac-Book, I need to make some blog-posts about vegan food and my newest acquisitions at the local bio-market and how they are totally not bio. After that I'll give the local anticapitalist-movement a short visit to see if my dear love Aisha, a transgender muslim feminist, is still doing well. Sheesh! I almost forgot about the article for VICE-magazine that I still have to write. Femen is an amazing protest group for sure. Can't wait for the interview!
Breddy gay tbh. But I can't be judge of this. :3
Good night friends
It's not gay, but queer!
I might have to invite you to our next queerandproud-transgender-feminist-muslim meeting to clear your thoughts up a little.
Good night Finn, sleep well! ^-^
And wörk is always fun tbh. :p
Good night everyone. ^-^
Sleep well too you little shit.
Luv you all!
night Mika
That is just too bad tbh.
I don't mind being recognised. But posting in this thread i'm afraid you guys are taking me for a pedophile or something. I'm no more pedophile than anyone else here.
by "here" do you mean Holla Forums or this thread? :^)
I saw the face pics of that loli with the pornstar ass in the green shorts posted in one of these threads before.
Anybody got them? She has perfect bj lips.
when you cant drink like a normal cunny
ay nigfidel
And people say that young girls arent sexy…
Normies so ignorent.
Am I the only pedo here who understands Michael Jackson? I feel the same affection towards children as him. If I had the money I would basically live the same way as he did by building a magical kingdom for them to visit if not live. Adopt poor russian orphans etc and we would never grow up.
Even when theres work to be done there will be play and smiles. Similar to how dwarves and oompa loompas work.
Yall need to eat magic mushrooms. The environment becomes more detailed and artful like a fairytale picture. You dont see things that arent there, rather, you see everything in greater detail. Theres a reason mushrooms are featured in all the classics.
Ive only eaten them 4 times in 5 years btw. Ther're by no means a social party drug. They give you some pretty bad nausea which basically makes you feel like your stomach has stitches but it goes away after the first hour. Then if you eat alot of them you get mind blowing revelations where you work out the whole universe and God.
Some people dont seem to get the revelatios though… I think their 3rd eye's are calicified from flouride tbh.
Rin seems like the type to not get any deeper understanding from mushrooms.
Mayans called magic mushrooms "flesh of the Gods" and would eat them to communicate with God's.
And of course all throughout European histroy mushrooms basically shaped fairytales and fueled berserker warrior vikings.
Anyone been browsing pinterest?
You have to sign up to browse the site properly but its some of the best content if you like innocent loli pictures.
I found a gallery of Suri Cruise.
wat it do fom
i think she is just a little retarded and dont know how to drink
fugg ye dude aliens and shit
After reading the pedophiles handbook (check tor hardcandy page or topic links), I learned that girls become sexually aware much earlier than boys for survival reasons basically. From the age of 5 most girls start masturbating. They also flock to adult males and jump all over them/be sexy in the cutest way.
Have you ever eaten them? I find them myself in cow fields. They only seem to grow once a year though ;_;
No natty mushies in my country sadly. I'd have to get them smuggled or something.
Would do and contemplate existence tho
I babysit a few of my cousins. I give them seroquel and wait till they fall asleep.
I guess its not safe to sya your country but thats fucked fam.
They grow all around the world I thought. Have you tried google searching for types that grow in yoru area?
Theres many varieties that have the same effect.
is the silk road still a thing? i havent even thought about it in years…
just gaggled it and I was wrong there are mushrooms but most are just regular poisonous ones and only few are magic.
not worth the chance tbh
i hear its just another fbi thing now
I think it got shut down but new ones sprang up instantly. I used to go to a 4chan chatroom and there were druggies that were supplied through those sites. They just send drugs through the mail and somehow almost no one gets caught.
I never tried it or set up bitcoin though. Not really into drugs just once a year mushroom ritual to find myself.
Thats how it always is… You learn to identify them. Theres tons of information online. Pics and even if you research your area specifically you learn if theres are similar looking ones how to tell the difference.
Its really pretty easy fam. I always bring them home and then compare with pics online/information just to make sure before I eat them.
I got all these pics from pinterest in the last few days. You goyims need to go there and get some.
Theres too many for me to hoard. I bookmarked 50 tabs and everytime I open one I end up opening another 30 off it. Never ending content.
yo pedo robbins check out this song i think its about vikings an stuff. i thought u would like it
you should keep an eye on that shit niqa. theres good money to be made.
oops nm
I'll try one day when I'm suicidal.
oc donotsteel
Who are you talking to and why are you posting overgrown looking girls?
aint cp
clearly NN child modelling
just a girl at the beach
relax chum
a watermark doesnt make a picture cp!
ok m8 ;)
222 meme
you pedos and your standards
i think i seen her somewhere…
Rin is a pretty cool guy and i like Him very much!
she looks mid 20's and shes that large version of women that grow too big.
The legal age girls I'm attracted to are the slim type.
Her pics look highly photoshopped though.
I follow her on instagram. Rachel Cook.
Rin is samefagging again to pretend he has friends.
TBH if I saw her vagina I would probably lose interest in her…. Non virgins are so fucking disgusting. I dont even want to think about what it looks like.
t. things no one says
would fug
don't be so cruel to him, he is a shy lonely boy who wants to have friends like everybody ;_;
;- ;