Holla Forums takes down FREECH for keks

Holla Forums takes down FREECH for keks
fucking Hilarious

hello where are the board drama

Was this our pol?


oy vey

topi kekkonen, the cumskin meme made them so mad they had to DDoS freech

That's how I view it.

that means keep at it


you're right, it's just a coincidence that they decide to do it now.


This. I'm dying right now.



now we know it's truly effective


massive fail


Holla Forums butthurt incoming


right, Holla Forums has been spamming this site for ages and Holla Forums has never attempted to DDoS them before. Then the cumskin thing starts to gain momentum and they suddenly decide to…


Keep denying it though.

Freech is back online

butthurt cumskin detected

awwww didumms get mad oh no words bitch please everyone is laughing at you little spergs

I'm laughing at you stormweenies. You can't even properly DDoS a site that's owned by a nigger.


4chan doesn't care about Holla Forums drivel.

kek, was it even down for over an hour?

Holla Forums fails again

you really are a sad faggot Josh


lowkike: just another pawn in jims sordid game?

The attached proof makes it clear what jims goal with 8ch was from the very beginning. Here's a breakdown of pigmans masterplan:

step 1: prey on the weaknesses of a deluded cripple, beat him down and make him lose confidence in his own ability to run the site. Owning the servers, jim was able to use scripts to automatically insert messages like "He can talk the talk but he can't walk" into the post streams. This slowly grinded his pysche down before he stopped dealing with the site entirely.

< The carrot was giving dudley a chance to fight back against 'zoe quinn' after she destroyed his site. Providing him powerful servers to support his community. The stick was Josh - something we here know all too well the details of.

step 2: He encouraged (and perhaps even hire) a ragtag gang of anarchistic pedophiles (lowkike, lexee, the cutegirls and hebe owners) to generate a constant interest and market for child abuse images. A dangerous game but jim has experience with shady japanese porn site systems that evade normal japanese law, as intl recently uncovered.

< the temporary Holla Forums BO zuljin exposed the fascist/anti-fascist hypocrisy of this shadow site-admin - placed into the highest ranks of power by IRC cliques. the hebe BO was exposed as a known FBI informant - surely only a couple phonecalls around given his history would allow him to rent her services.

step 3: Once our brittle-bones-buddy reached a terminal point with his illness this was the critical point for Jim to seize the site, place a new much more stable and respectable figurehead in the limelight (c0demonkey). The french would call this en passant.

< Reminder: jim is an ex-military strategist. His devilish schemes exploit peoples weaknesses and plays them like chess pieces. Don't be another pawn in Jims sordid game!



I just copy/pasted it over but ask yourself this: If they're trying to shut this message down doesn't that tell you something…?




Holla Forums TRIGGERED

unofficial test