Salty milk

salty milk

Other urls found in this thread:

back to interpolchan pedo scum

i wonder do normals know where salty milk came from!
would they be horrified lel

Salty milk tastes like old pennies, does it not?

it came from this comic

Salty Milk

I was just thinking about how it triggers me how people mistake this with "salty coins and milk". It's in the other way, you dumb fuck, coins are usually salty, saying that makes no sense, get your memes right.
Even nyanners got it wrong in her popular song.

No, it doesn't. It come from an old thread from 4chan.

from the comments and the memes i got that that guy in the image, no idea who it is tbh, fucked his daughter who commented on the taste of her fathers cum

don't really care
and i have never heard anyone compare the taste of cum to salty milk outside of imageboards
i guess i'm the closest thing to normie who "knows" about it

iirc it's written the other way around in the manga the song is about



In the manga is not mentioned. It was in the song because nyanners was a meme fucker back in the day.

Hey, He's not just any guy that fucked his daughter!


Damn… salty milk

this man is my role model

this is my favourite ken video


pedo's get so triggered by this
but, it's her choice, right?
besides her getting fat, there isn't proof she was indoctrinated by crazy feminists, maybe she really didn't like what happened?

not feminists this time
she went christian

the one thing that really makes me laugh is the one time someone said cat goddess was perfectly fine now

in fact, she's so fine that she joined some sort of christian organization (which means instantly that you're broken goods) and pedophiles still stalk her

It seems a lot of them turn to feminism or Christianity if they end up really hating what happened

seriously though
south americans and old turds get real brazen and nasty with girls, they're faggots

when I was 11, I let guys paypal me money to get naked on webcam.

one guy recorded me and it's widely distributed.

I was identified by police and now i get money from the sick fucks when they are busted with my video.

I get notified about once a month when people are busted with my video.

it's funny because if you go to the youtube video most people defending him are either spics or slavs


maybe they just don't know about privacy or security

also, I don't know if they turn to feminism or christianity before or after being unhappy

im a boy

kill urself fag


these people should be arrested




salty milk

Salty milk for ken


Salty Milk

salty milk

Dont let this thread die. Keep bumping it.

The milk tastes salty

Holla Forums's been turning to shit lately.
I saw somebody yesterday use the word "Holla Forumstard" and they were being serous.
Its almost like in the past week we gotta few hundred new edgelords from 4chan and reddit and they started making almost every single post on this board.
For all you faggots out there Holla Forums is not just another 4chan. At least try lurking for a week before you start posting

Is it really fun to shitpost
I mean, this is kinda why we left half chan. It was all just circle jerking and sarcastic shitposting. Usually the kids would do it for the thrill or because they had nothing better to do. Kind of sucks that Holla Forums is flooded with this stuff now, so I just head off to the smaller boards that don't bump as frequently. I might have to wait a day or two or a few replies but at least the quality is good.
Guess I'll take quality over quantity any day.
And at the end of the day, you might tell yourself "ha, fag left, hahaha, this is so funny" but if you have the brain to sarcastically shit post like a retard you also have the brain to realize how empty everything is, as you attempt to fill the void with trivial things such as sarcastic shitposting.
If you're wondering, the only thing I can tell you is drugs are your best bet, and decent threads help. If you're poor, try science and technology. You don't need to be smart to come up with random ideas, just need a scrap of creativity.

are you trying to be funny? Or is your aspergers just acting up?
Look at you. You're trying to FIT IN by using copypasta in a commmunity full of neckbeards who play with computers all day, but never do anything useful on them. And you failed at even fitting in here.

Take your copypasta back to reddit, faggot.
This is Holla Forums, it ain't your personal mind stimulating medium; if you want that sort of shit, go to wikipedia or reddit.
Hell, you're kind of a special kind of stupid ain't you? You tell me to leave, while you're the one posting the same shit over and over on multiple boards like you're some kind of special case.
Anyways, you can tell me to post intellectually stimulating shit once you learn to make coherent sentences and paragraph properly.

stfu faggit, we're all Holla Forumsros here lel TOP KEK xD BASED

Yes, keep endlessly spamming your funny little image macros and viral catchphrases like an incessant little parrot. You'd embarrass yourself if you attempted to form any intellectually stimulating statement with your weak, simple mind.
Go back to 4chan. Please. Please take this request seriously. You need to leave. For Holla Forums's sake. Leave, and come back when you know how to shitpost properly. I'm serious. Take a look inside yourself and realize what you need to do. You need to purge yourself of 4chan before you post here. Okay? I'm fucking serious. Please don't just post more after reading this. Stop posting and listen to me.
Stop. Posting. Holla Forums does not want your fucking iFunny funnyjunk fakebook reposted text/facebook screencaps. We do not want it.

are you trying to be funny? Or is your aspergers just acting up?
Look at you. You're trying to FIT IN by using copypasta in a commmunity full of neckbeards who play with computers all day, but never do anything useful on them. And you failed at even fitting in here.

What is cancer, you ask?

You came to the right place, newfriend. I will tell you.

Cancer is any time someone comes onto this board and gives any effort to fit in. Cancer is newfags who are super afraid of being called a newfag themselves, people who go on lurkmoar or cheezburger or ed and post memes from 2007 and think that they're funny, or that posting old memes will make them "fit in" more. Cancer is people who repost the same unfunny image over and over and over and over because they somehow think this will get them into the pages of internet history. Cancer is tripfags who post only to try to get notoriety or attention for themselves. Cancer is people in real life who unironically talk about memes and browsing cuckchan and think that browsing an imageboard somehow makes them special or edgy. it doesnt. Cancer is anyone who comes on to this board posting pictures of themselves or in any other way trying to get attention or validation for who they are. We don't care who you are. Thats why this is an anonymous imageboard. We care about the content of what you have to say, not who you are. So, directly to the cancerfags who are reading this right now you know who you are

stop reposting garbage and actually bring interesting content to the table you fucking cockbags


I'm 19 and in all of my fucking years of being alive, nobody's ever walked in on me jerking off.
Tonight my stupid jackass older brother decided he'd try to scare me by bursting into my room at 9 o'clock at night, when usually everyone is just in their rooms doing whatever and leaving everyone to their peace, and he caught me jerking off. He didn't see my dick or anything, but he just saw my hand all in my pants wiggling around and shit.
The shame and anger I feel is without match.


Where are the tits Nicole?

"Salty Milk"

Tits? Here they are.

I think we all realize by now that you and everyone like you need to go back.

go back where?

To cuckchan, of course.
