Anyone read this yet? I've been listening to the radio series (sponsored by Blue Coal Anthrocite) and have had some fun, but I rarely read comics.
The Shadow: Year one
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Closest thing I've seen was the movie with Alec Baldwin and Ian McKellen. Never read the comic.
I just watched a video about this today and it picked my interest in the character, hows the radio show? got any downloads with decent sound?
So you watch Razorfist too?
The radio show was vastly inferior to the original magazine stories which is what the bulk of the comics base themselves off of. Year One is good because Matt Wagner is basically the only person at the shitshow that is Dynamite who actually knows even one iota about this character and where he comes from.
The magazine stories didn't have Orson Welles
Welles as the Shadow was probably the bottom of the barrel of his entire career beyond the famous opening segment
Nigga is you serious?
He gave The Shadow a lot of class, he's the reason people even remember that radio show. As for Welles, his work in radio is what put him on the path to becoming a star and eventually led him to do Kane.
The bottom of the barrel of his career was when he sold copiers and played a planet in Transformers.
It's interesting that both Marvel and DC briefly licensed him back in the day.
How fucking new are you?
what's champagne made in, user?
Every major comic book company with the exception of Image has had a crack at him.
It's fermented in the bottle. Nigga said it right there in the commercial
yeah, the ddue got me into battletech and daredevil
Yeah because the show itself was garbage with nothing of merit that gutted about 90% of what the Shadow actually does and forced the pulp to introduce his bitch sidekick girlfriend despite the writer and original creator fighting tooth and nail to keep her out.
Of course they did, it was radio
Walter Gibson didn't actually create The Shadow, the radio people did. Which means, as far as I'm concerned, they could do whatever the fuck they wanted
it's actually kind of complicated, the 'original' Shadow on the radio was just a narrator that got really popular that eventually was turned into a full-fledged literary character. All that stuff with the slouch hat and cape and guns weren't there at first, Gibson fleshed the whole thing out far beyond than just the narrator
I've been wondering what Razorfist did to make so many anons so upset.
besides being an edgy metaler, he's a contrarian on purpose because it's so non-mainstream.
Isn't that, like, most of Holla Forums?
Do you guys want me to post this?
Dynamite is an abyss where quality goes to die and completely misuse the characters they've been given but Shadow Year One was definitely one of their better works thanks to Wagner.
If you post it, I'll read it
Is that art by Wagner?
He's done better
No. Wagner wrote it. The art is by some South American.
stop liking what I dont like
Why? Wagner's a damn good artist. The book would've been so much better if he drew it himself
Have Dynamite always been this cheap?
Razorfist is a massive faggot, but you've got to call a spade a spade and in this case he's not only 100% on the money but his general inflammatory nature means he's bringing the pain to the ignorant Batcucks.
You know, quite a few early Batman stories were complete rip-offs of Shadow stories (and The Joker might've been both inspired by a Ted Tinsley's, and The Shadow Radio Story "The Laughing Corpse"), but outside of that, The Shadow's influence is neither here nor there. Chester Gould's Dick Tracy, Gardner Fox, and Bill Finger's love of trivia had a far greater impact on Batman than The Shadow did. Razor is a fucking casual who doesn't give a fuck about The Shadow outside of pissing batfags off.
Also, while the Shadow was undeniably popular, it's ludicrous to claim that The Shadow made more than Superman and saying that The Shadow was more popular in the fifties is ridiculous. The Shadow Magazine ceased publication in 1948, and the radio show finally kicked the bucket in 1954. Superman not only had a radio show that ran from 1940 to 1951, but a newspaper strip, two serials, and a fucking television show that started in 1952. The Shadow, meanwhile, didn't appear in media again until 1963 when Belmont Books started publishing Shadow paper-back novels.
Fucking Casuals, thinking they know shit.
Yeah outside of the concept, creation and debut story that was copied 1:1
I left Holla Forumsmblr to get away from Batcucks but looks like the disease has spread too far
Reminder that The Shadow, one of the greatest characters in the history of 20th century fiction, is currently owned by the company that also owns Reddit, and the license to publish comics under his name is owned by the same publishers as this.
They're headquartered in the World Trade Centre. So rest assured, if Johnny Jihad ever decides to do a repeat of 9/11, everyone working at Conde Nast will probably die
Aside from a few details, they aren't much similar. You'd know that if you read either.
Go back to the grave Bob.
Why don't you try actually backing up your argument instead?
It's been backed up for fucking decades by guys like Steranko, only the most delusional batfag denies it at this point. I don't know what it is about this character that gets batfags so supremely booty-blasted but it's clearly the gift that keeps on giving.
Nobody denies that The Shadow was an influence. Even Bill Finger fucking admitted it.
But anyone who says they're the same or that Batman is just a Shadow rip-off clearly hasn't read either.
obviously today he's not a ripoff, but he clearly was in 1939
Don't pretend you've read any Shadow shit either because Batcucks get triggered too easily to even go near anything bearing the name, Zorro too for that matter, which is why your kind has spent several decades trying your hardest to discredit those characters like your lives depended on it.