Shillgate -- What is this?

Anyone around for this?

If so are these pictures accurate, and what do you make of it? Was it an actual leak or something else?

Other urls found in this thread:“experiential”-website-organ-regeneration-science-pioneer-mebo-international xu;Display_, Cross article-Burn remedy revealed.pdf,,

fucking poooost



more dirt.

Honestly, GamerGate brought a huge spotlight onto a portion of the web many feared to travel to due to pure naiveté and how chans work. Alphabet folks have been fucking around on chans since SA forums so this is par for the course.

Friendly sage because I don't care. Their bullshit doesn't work on me and it shouldn't work on anyone else with an IQ above room temperature.

but their bullshit makes up most of the threads.

thx bump




I was here for this. That illuminati guy was full of shit, he was literally some faggot LARPing. The entire board was also getting shilled the hardest I've ever seen, so we were definitely on to something.

Some half of our vols were promoting the shillgate investigation. Then the links were found back to that global PR firm based in St. Louis. Then not long after the board was imploded and we got "new" moderation

Fuck it. Bump.

Here's some of the info I saved from the avenue of research that was most worthwhile IMO. Fuck the mason shit, fuck the Mebo shit, there was all sorts of ARGish distraction going on.

Shillgate was just a red herring and honey pot, designed to track the idiots who would take the bait ala bad internet security advice and planted points to track everyone who went there.

Most of these caps is bullshit and only shills or /int.olerant faggots use them consistently.

I don't not agree with you but I still think the Plug Marketing to Fleishman Hillard link was interesting.

There was all sorts of bullshit and tracking going on on, especially the Mebo and "Hoax Films" or whatever line of digging, which never seemed to have much to do with Holla Forums but wouldn't die

Helps put into perspective what has happened in the past couple months if you read just a bit between the lines. More recently, The script that was meant to shit up the site if used by multiple people then the extreme shilling of multiple different alternative sites. The goal is to divide us so much that no-one will be able to dig properly when shit happens. Nothing new but having a reminder like this thread is always good pnce in a while.

the bots don't get to bypass captcha here, retard.

bumping for interest

you're a special kind of stupid

wow, I have been completely refuted by your insult which provides no proof, context or argument of any kind!

You can manually bypass captcha for each bot, and then let them run wild for the next 24 hours.

Yet somehow we don't get the same levels of spam that cuckchan gets.


St Louis is a big No Such Agency center…

Very interesting, thanks for posting this. It makes sense that PR firms would be the cause of shilling, but the poster there is not exaggerating; Fleishman-Hillard is huge.

Looking on their site, their newest project is of some interest. It's called A.R.C. It is a simulation for "real-world crisis management". In the "How it works" section, they detail how the simulation gathers information:

They go on to describe the various stages of the sessions the simulation goes through. In short, it is a shill training class; A simulated problem that is practice for marketing and PR shills to respond to. If you take this into account with VOX global's case study…
…paints a pretty clear picture of the intentions of these PR firms

I want to throw up. This is all absolutely fucking horrifying.

Army PSYOPS too

Also Monsanto. Also Ferguson

Maybe I'm paranoid, but a lot of the language in some of those images sounded increasingly manipulative and controlling. I think it's a worthy avenue to figure out who shills these sites, who controls the spam bots, etc. but I think the person pushing the "shillgate" idea want to use it as a distraction.

Especially towards the end, the language got increasingly progressive. "Those threads with all those TRIGGERING arguments disagreeing with you about your core beliefs? IGNORE THEM! Don't argue your beliefs! Let them go unchallenged! They're just trying to keep you apart goy-I mean guy. Instead focus all your energy on this vague 'shillgate' concept, it's big! Trust me! Why, I bet someone's trying to control your mind RIGHT NOW! So it's important you DO AS I SAY! H-h-here's a breadcrume, go look into this random arbitrary name for a while. I'm sure it'll lead to something huge."

This image contains much more relevant information without all of the sneaky talk

One of the key tactics to control someone, is to make people belief they are being watched, manipulated and controlled.

The old Panopticon.

The world is a big ball of chaos, and neither us nor them can control it, but we can fight and hopefully win.

bump for the morning crowd

Agreed, some of the issue is that posts that sound a bit more moderate and would otherwise not raise my eyebrows are injected with language that is out of place and calls for just giving up.

Namely things like

Dissecting it, there's the initial agreement to pull people in, the diffusion of responsibility to shift focus from a large scale to the anecdotal, calls for just giving up, and finally adding an attempt to be more light hearted.

It's an example, but important to dissect their new tactics. I could be wrong, but all the bullshit happening here and in the world lately tells me that we're probably on to something.

A large part of the shilling, especially the nigger cuckspam shit, was a group of autistic SJW idiots from Democratic Underground. Lots of membership crossover with SRS and goons, some of the SRS moderators got their start as DU posters. They use a network of VPNs that have some server-side script that archives as well as autoposts.
Back in the day on halfchan you'd occasionally see an entire thread recreated, post for post in perfect order. Existing threads with certain phrases would trigger an immediate shitpost attack. Threads containing the term "GOP" or "Libertarian Party" would quickly get flooded with anti-nazi image macros that contained the word "weenie". Sometimes you'd see posts with garbled bits of code or broken HTML tags. That was them.
Ringleader of that crowd is a faggot "hacktivist" named Sequoia McDowell. Another known member is Paul Stroud, who spends all day posting under hundreds of sockpuppets on Voat and Plebbit. These were the idiots crying on /q/ about Holla Forums.
These are the geniuses that came up with terms like "stormweenie" and "shitlord", because calling someone stormfag or gaylord wouldn't be PC.

Great thread. I was silent but there for this.

Never forget. You can say whatever you can think of to them, it will do nothing. Call them a jew though, and watch them recoil. "I've been found out."

Fight on guys. White pride worldwide.

Anons, this thread isn't getting the attention it deserves. To me, this shows we've hit something that someone doesn't want us to see.

Save all images ITT, post them where relevant.

I remember reading something about Zoe Platek and her company Guerilla PR, I think it was GamerGate related but I don't remember exactly what was the context. Or it was about promoting some Climate Change conference or something. She's a hippie Social Justice warrior.

If she's working for Fleishman-Hillard it wouldn't be the first time a 'do-gooder' ends up working for a giant corporation.

For a small company they seem to have a lot of big clients (if that list is true) so I think the likely scenario here is that Fleishman-Hillard is sending their clients to Guerilla PR.

Ntrepid. Metal Gear.

One of the reasons I migrated from 4cuck here is because I got tired of seeing all the black penis -> white penis comparison threads and threads and all the threads of black pornography.

I've definitely noticed something going on recently.

Exact duplicate threads with bad time intervals between posts are probably the easiest to spot; lengthy conversations are posted 1 minute apart.

I'd guess it has something to do with that leekyforums creator. He's obviously developed some form of tool for harvesting and manipulating all data from imageboards.



I thought porno was the mind control plan. I don't consent to being mind controlled by fake people made up out of a computer. Hearing this NAS? You better be cos i'm comin for ya.

Right, right things that nobody brought up ever. Last time it was all about some retarded ass doctor, and long winded posts of dissapointment shaming everyone who was too busy arguing with eachother because the /int/olerant raiding was causing everyone to lose their shit.



Remember that client list next time you see the daily threads hyping a specific media property (that never get anchored).

Whether or not the thread is presenting things as a positive or a negative (OMG just look at the cucked thing about this currently trending global media property) it's blatant shilling and doesn't belong on Holla Forums. Making a thread about movies in general is okay, making a thread about the new Star Wars is shilling

Some past shenanigans of GuerillaPR:

This shillanon faggot is roleplaying hard. I've read D&D fanfics less cringey.

4chan is overrun by kikes now.

one thread goes up, its either deleted 30 minutes later, slid, or archived, even if only 50 comments.

every other post is either meme mocking conservatives / nazi's or how they are "totally cool with isreal brah".

It's clearly designed to demoralize the decent people still over there, constantly shitposting negative shit, getting 10 unique id's to gang up on someone with a valid opinion, openly comes from Canada, Australia and Isreal.

half of the posters appear to be paid shills or SJW trolls. I've never seen something so pathetic.

Whatever you do believe is probably no less quaint, looking from above.

I think it's the kind of company that's going to be hired by Hillary Clinton to do propaganda online. If it's not them it's going to be another one (Applied Memetics? ) but you're going to see many paid shills on Reddit, Faceberg, etc. specifically bashing Trump but not necessarily praising Hillary or not directly at least.

And some of those shills are going to sound somewhat conservatives and they're going to attack Trump on economics and trade. Others are going to be pro-choice liberals bringing up the "he wants to punish women" talking point.

It's not going to work anyway but it's going to be their method: don't defend Clinton, attack Trump.

If you have a Facebook account don't delete it yet cause it may be useful in a couple of months.


Here's the whole archive of the thread

Before it disappeared overnight

long story short, we connected it to OMNICOM

Then the thread deleted.

nice infos

Holla Forums is nice



this shits old news. yeah it fucking sucks.

no fucking shit the chans are shilled. everybody from the military to jidf to private shell "marketing companies" to your average braindead leftist. shit maybe even they release basic ai to shitpost Holla Forums with degenerate pornography threads.


retards like you are the entire cause of this. relating it to single persons. this is not about discrediting certain people, it is about making ideas lose credibility and support. the people are simply vessels. when you begin supporting the vessel over breaking down in a logical progression why you support that idea, you lose.

However, that won't stop human posters from shilling in a discrete manner.

As an experiment, why doesn't someone make a thread with key words and see if it gets responses.
Literally the title should just be 'x keyword, x keyword' over and over, eg Trump, GOP, racist, Israel, Holocaust

Something totally nonsensical so people will just think it is spam and ignore it, but a bot wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Worth a shot, no?

why dont you fucking try it yourself

What the fuck did you just fucking say to me, you little bitch?


There are thousands of companies like Applied Memetics or whatever so it's not good to focus too much on one.

I would wonder if our discovery of Applied Memetics was even organic or made to happen?

Only including a webm to test things because the site is back up. It does show a watershed moment in the western world though unrelated


Shut up asshole, retards like you seem to live and sleep on this board and you never go outside to interact with people who hang out on Facebook or more mainstream websites.

I'm saying you're not going to see paid shills defend Clinton as much as you're going to see paid shills attack Trump from now to November. And for example this "punish women" line is going to be exploited a lot. Hillary Clinton used that line in the last debate with Bernie Sanders.

We need to be prepared for these shills and we need to have a bigger presence outside of this board and use Facebook if necessary. There's only 3,000 people here, there's a 100X more people elsewhere.

What is OMNICOM? And how did you make the connection?

You can read the archived thread. Basically we traced the girl's emloyer to the marketing firm that employed her. Then to that firm's shell company. Many shell companies later we arrived at Omnicom. Once we began to near the top of the chain, the shills started becoming frantic and everyone tried saying it was a game they were playing with us. Omnicom is likely the firm that is hired for most of our shilling.

This was before Trump started running and before anyone thought to connect it to people like Soros. Being a year later, It's worth looking into again.

When shillgate was going on, EA and Scholastic execs were on the board of directors for Omnicom. I have a feeling it had something to do with Gamergate as well. Scholastic obviously has it's connections to common core.

By the way, it seems like there are a lot of revisionists in this thread. Don't listen to them, read the archived thread for yourself.

What you all don't realize is that GuerillaPR recieves its clients from Fleishmann Hillard, which is a subsidiary of Omnicom.

There were a lot of shills insisting we look into Fleishmann Hillard, rather than the Parent Company

Omnicom Group

Does anyone remember those threads on half-chan back in November related to investigating the financials surrounding Shillary's campaign? It went dark after several weeks of digging up really creepy files, and I am like 75% sure some of the participants there got blackbagged or was otherwised gagged.

Who owns or runs the Omnicom Group?

We need a thread like that here.

And someone should buy that book and post excerpts

. If you go on halfchan Holla Forums you can be 100% sure there will be a fresh thread with a occupy democrats image and [insult] btfo, I wouldn’t be surprised if that topbabe filth spamed all over Holla Forums was also involved

Are the OP's pics revisionist?

oops, meant that for

But in reply to you, don't you think it's better to look at the staff instead of the companies? Some staff will use the same names across projects to help their portfolio, which makes it easier to find their work and turn up the agendas behind it. The corporations screen the activities of the people with the agendas, and their blurb doesn't tell anything.

See for yourself:


First two are legit, though selective.
The Xu/Obituary stuff was bullshit and a dead end. The consensus was that it was meant to put us off track.
these are legit, but don't provide the full context:

Something notably absent from OP's pics are omnicom. Wherever he got these images, that person was trying to keep Omnicom out of the picture.

An user found out EA was behind a lot of this shit, and we were getting dangerously close to identifying the missing link with everything that was going on with the chans the previous couple years. I personally brought it to /gg/, but my thread making the connections between EA, Scholastic, Common Core, Omnicom, and Shillgate was anchored within minutes.

It's not revisionist as in the images are false, there's just a lot of context that is ominously missing

IMO it was best to go to the top, and then look at the leadership/employees. I was in the minority, though, so most anons stuck to researching the surface level, stuff that reaches far and wide but provides no real evidence of any agenda, just a bunch of loosely connected occurrences. Placing a barrier saying "this is how far we are willing to dig, no deeper!" is ultimately led to GamerGate's demise. They were unwilling to look at the evidence of a greater political scheme beyond video games.

I see. The question to me is is it possible to connect anything to Omicron? I think they'd stay clean, like wouldn't that be why they work through small companies?

Agree with you about gamergate though.

Well yeah, but they own all of the smaller companies and, like any business, the clients are funneled through the parent company to it's many subsidiaries in an attempt to hide their tracks. It's very easy to make the connection between Zoe Platek and Omnicom

Here's the archived thread so you can see for yourself:

I've had a look but there appears to be nothing linking FH to Omnicom other than the digging user's unsupported statement.

The whole thing seems like a mindfuck or experiment, yet the characters involved still seem active, and there's a lot of background information to it. I don't know what to think about this.

Are you ok? I posted the pic earlier:

Annalect (connected to Omnicom) did a study called the Super Bowl Moodometer measuring emotional and facial responses to reshape Superbowl advertisements


Requesting an archived screenshot of that time when Holla Forums or /gamergate/ uncovered a list of DARPA research projects such as neuroscience & law. I should have it in my external harddrive, but it'll take a while to sift.

okay, I'm looking through all this stuff, and will do the work. That said, will someone tl'dr me on basically what is going on and what I'm looking for, so I can make the connections as I go along?

What is this oath meme shit? Is this halfcan, infinitechan or both? How are we "close" to something? Any hypotheses floating around?

Are we sure this isn't just some autist faggot faggoting around?

Just dumb, didnt see it or think to check wiki.

Btw, doesn't FH's website look shitty for a major ad company? That photoshopped pen is awful.

that came from /bmw/. I think it's alright, shills don't like homebrew memes catching on – they'd rather it was all "RWDS!/God Emperor Trump" ones.

It's hard to be 100% sure. A lot of the info given out was right. I think the 'illuminatist' guy said 4chan would be gone by 2016 or in a totally different state, and then Hirokeke officially took it over and it is absolute crap; the majority of threads are spam. Massive shilling is real too.

I think he meant we're close to discovering how shilling works and how widespread it is. I'm thinking there's some kind of undeniable proof or explanation of what's going on that would blow the lid off on this practice, so that any naysayer that doesn't believe people are paid to argue and shill in their patch of the internet would be shocked, and lose trust in the medium.

I don't know what the link from that to shillgate is though. The guy originally brought up Zoe Platek's dad as some kind of DoD scientist, and his work might have something to do with it… I don't know.

page 23. bump just in case

page 7 already.

here's another bump and something quasi-related –

the fifth video is so funny at the end

slide it moishe

You lost your way to >>>/gaschamber/

you'd have everyone put in a gaschambah for not being a trumpcuck or black leather fashion victim

worth a bump.

thanks. here's another one.

Longevity bump.

Maybe we should be asking about dis here zircon satellite instead. I don't like the sound it.

page 23. bump.

Info hunger bump

And again.

I'm not that eager to trust the poster there.

He claims that there will be threads posted about racemixing and yet these threads have been going on for a very long time (I think I remember seeing these in 2013 or 2014?). Nothing new here, any dedicated troll can post this, similarly how 4chan Holla Forums gets daily console war threads.

Second, what is his proof that he really got that story into the media? All we have is his word that he did. No logs of any sort, no emails, screencaps of any sort etc. I recall hearing about this story before, though.

The information in this screencap can equally support several hypotheses:

no one is being eager to trust, and how about the opposite? I mean you stopped reading at the first screencap, which isn't the same poster. Its underlined in the second screencap that the leaker wasnt part of shilling on chanz. The archive is included, for your health.

The first screen cap conceivably couldve been a pretence if play the unshakeable skeptic part, but it's hard to agree with you. If it wasnt shills posting those threads so much and for so long, then who was?

Evidence of getting stories in the press is/was available by Google, so maybe an image could include examples for the very skeptical, if we assume they don't Google.

It's dated April 19, 2015. And he wanted to give a heads up to the people on the /chans after noticing someone doing there what he does in other places on the web, shill with an intended consequence.

longevity bump

Daily reminder that >>>/polarchive/ has a stickied thread dedicated to proof of shilling

Also forgot to mention, during the event the user that revealed this posted a few emails that he had with his employer but that was just to show he was credible, other than info on the chink they were shilling for he didn't leak anything that couldn't have been found out individually. He answered questions on how they operated and also posted about the shit they did. The guy in the obituary was someone they had worked for in the past, who they were shilling towards the Nobel Prize. Once they realised he was revealing this to everyone they put up the obituary because they were too retarded to realise that it would make them even more suspicious and would further prove his credibility. Not only was there intense sliding but the threads also had shills constantly switching IPs to discredit him, but largely they were just there to give single-sentence replies. The shit was largely on half/pol/ but there was a thread or two on full/pol/ discussing it.


another bump

This is probably a coincidence but that AT corp mentioned in the first pic, well in Metal Gear there's an ArmsTech Corp which also does business with DARPA.

Armstech is listed as AT corp a few places on that wikia; I wonder if it was in the game? I suppose as Konami didn't attribute Arsenal Gear; the sockpuppeting AI, as one of MGS AT corp's projects, then it's not an analogue for the real-world AT corp – which actually does seem to dabble in that field going by the R Platek-ORA connection.

Armstech is listed as 'AT corp' a few times on that wikia; I wonder if it was in the game? I suppose as Konami didn't attribute Arsenal Gear; the sockpuppeting AI as one of MGS AT corp's projects, then it's not an analogue for the real-world AT corp – which actually does seem to dabble in that field going by the R Platek-ORA connection.

The shillings happening right now.

Even though it must be a coincidence it's sort of intriguing.

In Xu related news, have a youtube.

You've probably all had suspicions about youtube sockpuppet shills for a while, but here they're confirmed. Someone undeniably let loose the sockpuppets for this one. Fleshed out identities, with liked videos according to its 'personality' (so a teen girl identity has justin timberlake videos liked in profile).

After seeing this video I think we can be sure Xu wasn't made up on the spot to fuck with us, and therefore shillgate wasn't an experiment on the users here.

I'm thinking it's the other way round and Omnicom is the dead end and Xu is the real deal. Mark Duffy is backing me up on this.

Deepest lore

I think he's only died once so far. He is the regenerative medicine man though, I wouldn't put it beyond him to come back to life, not when there's unfinished business with western dogs who jacked his magical burn treatment and then pretended never to have heard of the most famous burn doctor of the far East for 20 years running. Especially not when they assassinated him at brunch by over spicing his hotdog.

Microsoft is making shitposting bots for a reason.

I had a feeling something strange was going on with /pol and /n.

you can't have a decent discussion without dozens of people shitting up a thread. It also seems the spam and shitty threads get bumped more often and are always visible.

Maybe we should make a new board

And then? Unless you dogpile the site with MODS, real - non shill mods, who actually work and log ISPs and look for repetitive images, posts and threads, what would change?

We need to fight and dig now, then possibly evacuate and let the shills and bots argue with each other.

The whole chinese doctor shit was always a misdirection, created by "Hoax Films".

Interesting that all of the bullshit always gets reposted when shillgate comes up, and not the good stuff

I'm the one that found the link between Zoe and FH and I really didn't think it was going to be fruitful to look into Omnicom. Omnicom is connected to literally everything, I mean everything, so what is there to find? They are promoting every evil in the world, the end

common anons I'm sure this can catch the average faggots attention if you compile the info up enough.
maybe spread it to kikebook, we all know how they love spreading "info"

Look at the ratios. We have how many UIDs? How many does Talmudchan have? They don't need as many here because there aren't enough posters to attempt to drown out.


Where does Hoax Films fit in? Google tells me this is the connection:“experiential”-website-organ-regeneration-science-pioneer-mebo-international

They made this: I think it may be a coincidence that a company called 'Hoax' Films was involved, or maybe a sign of awareness on the part of those who commisioned them.

Anyway I had a similar opinion regarding Xu until yesterday. I thought it might be some story made up as part of a training exercise for dealing with a sensitive leak.

The Mebo site is dodgy, with tag words like 'bad credit bankruptcy loans' at the bottom of some pages, which makes it seem jumbled together quick, but the youtube and xu;Display_, Cross article-Burn remedy revealed.pdf, as well as the continued management of the story make it seem as though this Chinese burn doctor was a long running thing that ended abruptly when it started getting unwanted attention.

If it is misdirection and Xu was conjured up by Hoax films and others, then the level of background they made for him is going beyond what I'd expect. I doubt the Xu thing matters anymore, but the methods they used to launch him have some relevance. There's evidence of youtube sockpuppets and hired shills in comments, there's the attempt to sensationalise a non-story and the fact that journalists look to sites like pr news wire to feed them story ideas.

Then again when the media makes up stories like, itshould be obvious none of it's real anyway.

What is the plan of these shills? Are they trying to stall us with their frenzy of posting? To distract?

Why is 8ch so important that it has to be shilled?

Believe it or not, m8, but public forums are far more effective for propaganda than any media outlet. It is the reason why cucked countries are desperately trying to hire shills to control comments sections, nobody trusts the media so the only way to shill properly is to shill for yourself. Same goes to retards that do it for free. The easiest way to counter them is to be aware of their existance, a person can only be subverted if he wants to be subverted. Just look at how the goons failed to damage control for Vince and their shitty EVE group on Holla Forums:

I'd say this place is in disarray and jammed by white noise stories, but you'd say those stories are propaganda? There's a swarm of threads like "nigger serial killers: nigger serial killers get no attention in the media compared to white serial killers" and "we need a ww1-esque feather to hand to women with dried out wombs". I'd say that's not propaganda but jamming and slandering.

Also shills want people to believe in a do-it-for-free Goon, Holla Forums and Holla Forums presence and they'll false flag controversy as those identities because they're good cover for stirring up the board. Maybe a few Goons post here, but I'd say the average goon wouldn't risk posting on a website that gets hit with CP spam and is considered close to stormfront, it would taint their browsing history to lurk here and they wouldn't want their ISP and the NSA to get the wrong idea.

That's like saying humanity is made up of rational actors. People can stray in to Holla Forums and by the time they log off they're doing the goose step and promising Hitler's memory that they'll forever more be on guard against jewish shills. It's too late to be on guard by then. Besides it's not countering shilling but filtering it, which must be most agreeable to the shills ("just ignore us if you don't like it").

That is what they try to shift it towards when their intended plan doesn't work. For example Holla Forums went incredibly autistic in order to consensus crack on Holla Forums to the point where Mark even ended up making multiple stickies revealing the post history of most of the shills, which is not really the kind of thing he regularly does. So saying "b-but they WANT you to think they are shilling" is wishful thinking at best.
Except that plenty of goons download CP and even discuss downloading CP on SA. Of course, they deny it is CP and say it is art because "they are models that just happen to be naked".
Now you're just retarded


How long ago did you notice? Kc has had the same problem, but I think that site is too small to be targeted, so it seems the priming works at least with spergs.

That could easily be interpreted as someone being too retarded to figure out his post went through.

Frankly I felt the Xu thing was totally unrelated to shillgate, I never saw the connection. I was about Zoe, FH, etc

It was like two completely different unrelated lines of research and I never got what the connection to us was with the Hoax films/XU thing although it's interesting

Just for some background on me, I believe that most sensational news is largely a hoax (yeah, I'm that guy)

Do you honestly think you're immune to the intentional social conditioning that you are subjected to all the time? It is literally everywhere, effecting everyone which in turn effects even more people. You have to stay vigilant and make yourself aware of it, otherwise it'll get you and you won't even realize it.

Those comments are pretty creepy. Every single account has been inactive for 2 years, none have videos, 0 subs, etc. Very clearly bots/shills. What the fuck is the point? Why expose yourself like that? Who is ever going to see this video?

I was around and participated in about 2 weeks of counter spam. I like to think I derailed at least 20 threads. I have an image dump that I used to spam. I'll post it here, but forgive me if there are repeats in this thread.


on halfchan this was much more tedious. only posting one at a time.

The rest of the images I have are just more thread caps. Shit was awful. Every once and a while it pops back up again, but I think they just got wiser. Now cuck porn and all that shit is mainstream due to the propaganda and ease of porn escalation.

I suspect it's original mission statement was along the lines of 'Oy Vey, never again'.

So, I've been thinking about GATEgate / common core for awhile and came across some information on IQ.

There are dimensions to IQ, IQ is not a single static unit. Although each successive generation's IQs are higher than the preceding generation's IQs, [see: Flynn Effect] the gains are not even across categories. Notably, while prior generations were strongest in terms of reading and quantitative thinking (crystallized intelligence), recent generations are better at analytical reasoning (fluid intelligence).

I suspect that GATE students were students with higher IQs in the categories relating to crystallized intelligence. AKA the kinds of people who might later in life enjoy Vietnamese math imageboards. These children were selected when their IQs had a greater degree of plasticity and forced to engage in activities designed to strengthen analytical reasoning. Logic puzzles, (((logic computer games))) and the like. This is how EA and Scholastic are involved. Teachers, researchers and others propping up this massive brainwashing operation could be convinced they were doing the right thing. Namely, helping out bright students who might otherwise be "left behind" by trends in peer intelligence.

The students who "washed out" of GATE were students who, for one reason or another, were not susceptible to the programming. They were either on a different development schedule or had personalities that allowed them to resist this conditioning.

As we are all aware, GATE eventually became the Common Core. The Common Core shifted the broader national curriculum away from developing crystallized intelligence to using the same methods taught in GATE.
So, why might all of this actually be a nefarious conspiracy?

Imageboards, because of the need for higher reading IQ to participate, might be more filled with people who "buck the trend". So, more resistant and aware of shill tactics by nature.

Now all of this may be "pure coincidence" and not intentional. Educators may be responding to documented trends in intelligence and corporations may simply be using new marketing strategies to exploit those same trends.

Also, no I'm not providing citations. Mostly because I am in commieland so I can't archive links effectively. You can google all this shit, it's out there.

Bruce Crawford is President and CEO, entire executive team seems to be kikes, with a few good goys and diversity hires thrown in for good measure. Their CFO, pic related, literally has the wide gaze which is a textbook indicator for sociopathy, if the eyes are consistently wide open and the whites above the pupil are displayed you are dealing with a literal psychopath.

Sounds like the sort of simulation software the red team planner could have been working with.

These kikes are most likely onto it as well

Rocket Fuel (NASDAQ: FUEL) was founded in March 2008 with a vision of transforming the digital advertising industry through big data and artificial intelligence. At a time when RTB and ad exchanges were still nascent, Rocket Fuel quickly grew into the industry leader by bringing the precision and conclusiveness of science to the world of marketing to drive higher ROI.

The nose is quite sticking out for this one

I notice a similar pattern in most such companies.

- kikes in few crucial leadership positions (not necessarily the most visible ones)
- psychopathic whites as less important leadership, middle management
- colored people added in the mix, often in low management positions
- by further investigation, you realize that a good percent of management positions (of all levels) are homosexuals

Correction as an old researcher for the former bureau and one who think tanks a little on the side I can safely say the Bureau was compromised from the start. It led to a push of overt esotericism into this board rather than its actual purpose to research and advance our memetic arsenals to better counter the left. What does it say when the best the "bureau" could provide is a shitty forced meme with nothing interesting or amusing about it. The worst part of this is that much of the work into memetic philosophy that did happen… well lets simply say that it's hard to post when they seem to appear inexorably like locusts to destroy most threads that try to discuss the matter.

My current theory is that all boards relating to political incorrectness are under attack through exploitation of the various issues that *chans have. The anonymity or pseudonymity if you will provides us with an advantage in understanding who is who but that advantage is universal, anyone can be anyone. The moderation fails to help because they don't see the danger. There are likely numerous factions interested in us falling. T.e.l.ecomix, l.pol, the freech crowd, all the way up to government groups. Our boards all the way back to pre-gg days were renowned for digging and detective work. And that makes us all a target for de-railing, subverting, demoralising and their inevitable goal is to neutralise us by rendering us utterly incapable of gathering intelligence. We may not like the so-called "alt-right" but since they by and large (especially at TRS) want what we want we are without ever having intending to become it, the intelligence nexus for them to a large extent.

I think they are more concerned about our findings reaching the general population than us. They know that their pathetic attempts cannot make us bulge, but they can mislead and misdirect the average goy. They knew about it for a long time, but they only decided to act once chans became popular enough to affect the general population.

Correct. The bureau of memetic warfare when I joined appeared to be geared towards more efficient delivery for information. The truth was the whole thing was a setup. Get interesting initial results then bring in retards who make memes that only serve to obfuscate the information and like Circleposters speak a strange broken language that doesn't read like it's from this part of the internet or even from a native english speaker. One thread where I tried to warn of this was on christmas last year. Had some fucker put 71 shill posts into the thread.

Why'd he change proxy? Why post such valueless gossip? We all know it's shilling.

Xu is it's own thing, but it was also evidence for shillgate, such as the youtube sockpuppets; which was probably someone at Plug. I'm thinking the software for generating youtube sockpuppets (if it's not done by hand) and managing them is hard to find, and is why this girl with a family connection to the technology of 'hybrid systems', which is so fancy I haven't quite wrapped my heard round it yet (but I gather it's connected to the shilling), is managing the firm that uses it.

I'm much more 'that guy' than you because I think all news is largely a hoax and irrelevant.

A testfire maybe and those bots could've become obsolete. It is weird that they exposed themselves but they probably think no one's looking.

We need to bring that back. Whatever the topic is.

After this, Sony, and ashleymadison digging really seemed to die off here. Not sure what that means but just an observation

I had an idea that threads to investigate a topic and find any connection to Jewry or government should be held. This is for two reasons:
1. To keep the tools of anons sharp
2. It trains newfags the best methods of digging and gives them an opportunity to do so

A few posts got deleted? That's strange.


bump because otherwise it would have been gone tomorrow morning

WPP is better known by its subsidiaries
* Grey Global
* Ogilvy & Mather
* Young & Rubicam
* J. Walter Thompson
* Hill & Knowlton
* Burson-Marsteller
* GroupM
* Cohn & Wolfe
* The Brand Union

Here's what they have been up to lately

gghq's dig into Zoe's PR
They missed Ayzenberg and Edelman

on Holla ForumsKiA yesterday
United Nations funded news site becomes anti-#Gamergate propaganda outfit
Leaked list of organizations hiring online trolls

Bump. I wonder if Guerilla PR has been hired to promote the new Ghostbusters movie remake and if they're part of the crowd that's now attacking James the AVGN.

what's WPP

I've said this before and I'll say it again, there are a fucktonne of enemies we have. We're taking on globalism on an open imageboard that was only secure through obscurity i.e. not at all. Was it really a surprise to all of you that they'd come to fuck us up?

And for all of you who blame gamergate, you're not quite right I'm afraid, their only success was what caused their inevitable demise, the came upon shit they shouldn't have. EdTech and the DARPA shit was a step too far, they found something that would make a reasonable conspiracy theorist (one who the schizophrenia hasn't touched yet) frankly cum buckets with glee at being right. This killed them ultimately as between reddit flooding them, their obsession with eCelebs and their "let's play nicely" attitude, they found the numbers of people smart enough to understand what the fuck they had found was minute and shrinking.

Actually gamergate is only one tale of shills succeeding in killing an user push, it happens almost every time, it's almost as if they have a playbook for this. In our case what they will do is a two pronged push with extremist shills pushing for purity spirals but simultaneously push in concern trolls trying to dilute the message. Normally one or the other would do the job but apparently we merit their nuclear option.

If you still blame the hapless GG fools for this then you're not paying attention. This last year alone we've helped destroy the Cuckservatives, pushed to make nationalism acceptable in a globalising world, given out black eyes like candy on halloween to the SJ(e)Ws, named the jew publically across the internet, had a radio media empire offshoot from us (inb4 purity spirals about the legit antijude approach to TRS) and documented numerous acts of government and globalist malfeasance. Now tell me it was GamerGate alone that brought the heat on us. To be fair to all however this was inevitable. The internet is like the wild west and we and our (often slandered here) allies are the last garrison left. If I were to give some advice it would be to network quietly and securely, take no one at face value not even myself, but also do not give into paranoia. Relax and have fun because inevitably either we win in which case there's fun to be had or we lose in which case we should go in as inconvenient and damaging a way possible, either way we need to keep up morale and frankly the board I.Q. which has slipped considerably over the last two years.

One of the biggest advertising - marketing - PR companies in the world. They own many other marketing / advertising companies.

we own this board now

Gotta check those repeating digits for Kek



worth a bump, there's so many online shills

you just necrobumped an old thread about a topic which has a whole fucking board dedicated to it you stupid faggot.

lurk moar

The board isn't loading for me. How about you? >>shillgate

never mind, works now.


I'd say so. It looks like a front company. Going by Miles Mathis's articles, there looks to have been a drive by 'the state' in 1946-47 (coinciding with the start of the CIA) to start lots of projects and companies in the public sphere for purposes of directing opinion.

Bump for shill butthurt

bump for all the posters who've no idea that just about everyone here and on other imageboards are bots and shills.