Is there a bigger cuck in television history than Abe?

Is there a bigger cuck in television history than Abe?


Couldn't you at least wait a few posts?

Ratings are shit, so his suffering may come to an end soon

KC Green writes for adventure time?

How is he a bigger cuck? The show is like pg-14 at best. Worst thing is he gets lead on by the princess.

Abe pretty much watches Cleo get a train run on her while he waits on the sidelines for her to come to him for emotional attention.

He was LITERALLY cucked to death last episode
Not only that, everyone close to him treats him like garbage or doesn't care about him at all, I wish that I was making this up, but I'm not

Oh yeah, if you're talking about everyone else in his life. I was only thinking about the girls in his life.

Adventure time should be about Ice king/Gunter/marceline

When they finally wake up and realize how much they fucked up, it will be too damn late, there will be no survivors out of this

I like how the descriptions are like one line teases when PB/Marceline isn't involved and a TL,DR whole plot summary when one of em is.

I don't think you can get any worse than cucked to death

It was probably a Bubblinefag who wrote it…

the guy literally got cucked so hard he became god
abe and finn are chads compared to this guy

The yellow fella from Fosters

Finn got cucked by a cinnamon roll bread.

Not gonna look at the numbers, but I believe you.

They haven't below a million viewers the post few episodes.

Storyboards, last I checked. Why people made such a big damn deal about him being on the crew is beyond me since he's too much of a doormat to take over the writing staff and not a good enough writer to unfuck things under everyone's nose.

I believe you but numbers are for virgin nerds.
Don't quote me the numbers, bro. If you say it's getting shit views, that's language I can understand.

So why don't you want to see the actual numbers then?


Dude gets cucked throughout the entire story on every occasion by a redhead girl racer. In the end, the girl wins a great space tournament, only to learn that it was a test, and she is now forced to give up her life to perform the duty of a higher-dimensional guardian of the universe for the next thousand years or so.
Our guy decides to take her place and sacrifices himself instead, while the girl goes to have sex with a hot alien prince.

Is the sex thing only in the Japanese/ French Version? All I know is she gets to go home with her father.

I meant, the dude chases after this redhead racer (they also work together in one racing ship), and gets cuckedb by the aforementioned prince

throws herself right into his arms immediately after the whole deal.
He invites her to his planet at the end.

Yeah, I can see that. Although I do hate cuck being the new word of the five years.

I do feel bad for the guy.

Not just on television!



Cause I'm neither

Ok, sorry. I'm pretty sure I count as a nerd.
Sage cause doble-post.