how do you feel about rape?
How do you feel about rape?
Other urls found in this thread:
Rape represents inefficiencies in sharing a resource. When access to girls is unbalanced some men are left without, meaning they rape to satisfy their biological imperative. Rape as practiced today is ugly and unpleasant. Why should girls be hidden away and fucked in dirt and with force? That's stupid. The girls don't like it and the men don't like it. No one is happy. The present ratio of men to women is an accident of biology (which only cares which men and women reproduce), not beneficial to the ideal society. Men used to be lost in great numbers to war.
This form of rape should be avoided. We need to immediately triple the ratio of girls to men using existing technology to select xx chromosome sperm. Since there will be more women and girls they can be distributed to every man even while the wealthy still have the most. (nothing you do will prevent that, but we can prevent the unpleasant social consequences.)
When there are enough girls for every man to be satisfied rape will mostly happen in clean and pleasant circumstances. Under those conditions the reality is men and women don't call it rape. They call it performing domestic duties.
I'm pro rape
It turns me on quite alot.
too bad the only "legit" rape i can get without my ISP talking to me about it is hentai.
Don't worry the time you wish for will come soon
Is it safe to say all of Holla Forums is pro rape?
Post more webms. Makes my dickhard
want more real rape?
yeah? why do you think that?
The law could not care about rape in itself, there has to be ladedah age aspect to it to matter, of course stranger things have happened.
It's a fun way to pass the time.
Well she's not resisting, is she?
Girls cant be raped the one who are crying in all those videos are just scared because they think they will die after the deed is done. Just try to rape gril alone and tell her everything will be okay. She will gladly suck your dick without any consequences.
Many rape cases will go unreported. Not because girls are ashmed or scared to report it its because getting raped is like saying i like you in girl language.
was it rape?
muh dick is there more good man
Guess what bitch, Allahu ackbar!! :)
This is sad asf, really hope this is from a film or some shit it's just fucking awful.
I can't even begin to think how I would feel if that was my mother or some shit.
warning: loud
If I was elected President
Male on Female rape would not only be legal
It would be REQUIRED for all females before they turn 13
Seriously user, the screams are just awful.
every time I watch something like this I hope at the end someone blows these sand niggers heads off but it never happens.
Plus then you got all these other anons saying "oh my dick" or whatever when most of them are thirty year old virgins who's lives don't extend past their mothers basements
whatever I get it I'm a faggot those guys are psychos
This got my dick so fucking hard
Sometimes bitches like to tease and you just have to show them in their place
I wish I was there to get a few pumps in myself
Since sex with any female under 18 is considered statuatory rape
I support all forms of male on female rape
(Hint: I'm a pedo and would like legalization of all age sex)
One of the nice things about arabic culture is that a slut like that doesn't dare report the men for rape because she will end up being charged with being a whore.
Yeah that is why I also love Indian culture and I hate those fucking American cunts who are trying to destroy their perfect (well okay not perfect) system !!
Just the other day read about a 10 year old who had sex with her father. She was lashed 100 times and stoned a few times for being lustful & sexually teasing her father
I am glad the law was on the father's side on this one. In America he'd be dead or worse go to jail for life
But in the great country of India they know that sometimes even little girls can have power over us men. Even if we are the father. Nothing is more powerful and more of a weakness to a man than a new vagina
drunken sex /= rape
sex you regret = / rape
having sex with someone against their will or while they're incapacitated = rape. In which case, your balls should be torn off, or your clitoris removed, as appropriate to your plumbing.
Unfortunately user, this is a prime example of sand-niggers culture.
As an Eurofag, i fear for oou women, with all these scumbags entering our boarders.
Not as fun as I think it would be.
2 seconds before they turn 18 and fully consent sex is hot
also it counts as rape
That's my favorite brutal rape fantasy
the first time my dad did it,my asshole bled for 25 days
I hated it.
Now I'm sort of neutral
You could have run away user your shit was already packed!
Holly shit this is horrible, I'm just glad we have the face of the agressors and without haveing to see any of her private bits.
being drunk and consenting is not being raped, being unconscious is being raped.
Well if women advocate the right to claim that breast aren't private, this is no worst then having a friend who tickle you against your will, once in a while.
Raping unmarried woman in middle east is not against their law.
The more you know.
I'm in favor of it
This thread reminds me of this cringeworthy video
toppest kek user
You should be ashamed of yourselves. Our Goddess Nicole would not approve of your actions.
Think about Our Goddess Nicole, Holla Forums!
if she orgasms, its not rape.
9 out 10 people love a good gang rape
Rape and male dominance is an outburst behavior - violent, extreme, damaging, and unnatural, usually only something that happens when a person's surroundings are fucked in a way that cause them to be desperate for something.
i reported this thread to nicole
This tbh.
Wtf is this? Some fap therapy or are they abusing the retard?
It used to bother me on a deep emotional level. It would keep me up for hours thinking how sick fucks could do that.
It still does when it happens to religious girls, but I'm relatively indifferent to rape when I realized most women were whores and would lose their virginity by their first year of college if they hadn't back in middle school.
If they never valued their bodies to begin with, how can you feel bad when a rapist goes in with the same attitude?
the excuses you autists use to justify rape is just pathetic. it's pretty obvious to everyone else that the only reason you see rape as justifiable is because the women in your lives think your creepy and disgusting.
stay 14
If they put out for 50+ dudes while in various states of intoxication, what's the difference of one more when they're sober?
You want me to show compassion. I can't do that when they've already shown they don't respect their body as a temple and have taken a dozen dicks.
Legitimate rape bothers me still. If a woman has fucked more than 2-4 guys (depending on age and other factors), I can't legitimately consider it rape- they've already turned their count into a landfill for semen.
it was their choice not yours faggot
Good, that must mean your mom can't be raped.
I want to rape all SJW's like
Ever seen Foxcatcher? Remember that scene where the old rich guy participates in wrestling practice, and he pins the other guy, but then it's shown that he had an assistant pay him to let him win?
You know how certain internet retards draw pictures of themselves killing people they don't like and pretend that makes it real?
You know how Baron Munchausen would walk around on crutches and give himself injuries and pretend to be a great war hero who was injured slaughtering hundreds of men?
So basically, same deal with rapists. If you can't convince a woman to have sex with you willingly, you're invalid. A failure as a man. They're coward genes that make a man a rapist. The same genes every beta SJW orbiter has, why do you think they all have rape fetishes? They hang around feminists because feminists tell them all men are rapists and women are weak creatures with no agency.
If you rape, you share ancestry of the same sort as the beta elephant seal who cowardly sneaks onto the beach to rape a female while the alphas are engaged in noble combat in the water.
Now, this is different from rough sex, or forcibly changing a woman's opinion. Some women enjoy being made to do naughty things to free themselves of responsibility for it, but in the end they still want to and if you've any experience with women, you can tell this.
women are designed to be raped by men.
whether it's rape by violence or rape by social status.
goddess? you are fucking dreaming. That thing is a butterface and from the looks of it, has a disgusting body.
its common to have orgasms during rape, even brutal rape
you are desperate
Girl on girl is ok or if rape is part of that country's culture
Meh, I feel bad when a conservative girl gets raped, but I don't really care when "modern" degenerate women are. When the number of dicks you've had inside you reaches the triple digits, what difference does one more make, and when you spread your legs for every man with a pulse, what right do you have to be choosy?
Because unlike women, who live in a delusional fantasy world where actions have no consequences, I recognize that actions do have consequences.
If I were to walk through Detroit late at night wearing a gold Rolex watch, a three piece business suit, designer glasses, rings, and with keys to a Ferrari hanging out of my pocket, I'd get fucking jumped. My decision would have a consequence, just as choosing to get wasted while partying in a club wearing not much of anything has consequences. The only difference would be that I wouldn't have a million thirsty white knights pouring sympathy all over me and viciously defending me from criticism, because men in society are expected to think rationally and no one feels pity for us when we make shitty decisions.
So in a way, I'm being a better male feminist than all those nu-males. I fight for real gender equality!
And it's my choice to judge her for doing so.
Once again, we see the effects of a woman's fantasy world where they should never be judged for anything they do.
Sure, you do have a right to wear whatever you want. You do have the right to party in barely more than your underwear with a double-digit BAC. And I have the right to judge you for doing so.
There's no such stigma for judging men for their actions when said actions get them in trouble. To use my earlier example, no one would feel afraid to judge me if I walked through Detroit dressed like a millionaire. No one would talk about "wealth shaming" or any such drivel. They'd call me an idiot who got what he deserved for acting foolishy.
Equality, bitches!
Don't tell me to lock my front door! Tell burglers not to break in!
Don't tell me to not accept every contract that is offered to me! Tell con men not to con!
Don't tell me to not bury my nose in my phone while walking through the ghetto, tell muggers not to mug me!
Don't tell children not to take candy from strangers, tell pedos not to be pedos!
Don't tell me to look both ways when crossing the street! Tell drivers to stop at green lights to see if I've decided to run across the street!
Again, no one cares when men make stupid decisions that lead to them getting fucked over; I see no reason for women to be treated differently. It's not the rest of the world's job to cater to your needs and protect you, and you shouldn't feel entitled to the entire world's care or protection.
And based on violent crime stats in America, men are victimized far more than women. So you can stop with the whole "I'm a poor women who needs to be careful everywhere I go and hold my keys in my hand when I go to my car!" appeal to emotion for attention.
So let me get this straight.
If I get drunk and run someone over, my drunkenness doesn't render me innocent – I'd get a DUI.
If I get drunk and sign a contract to give away my life possessions, my drunkenness doesn't render the contract null and void – it's still a legally binding contract even after I sober up and realize how badly I fucked up.
But you expect to never get taken advantage of or have anything bad happen when you get drunk, and that anyone who takes advantage of you is an especially evil person who should be punshed more severely than if they had taken advantage of a man?
It's the same attitude behind all those attempts to remove the burden of proof from rape cases. You EXPOCT US X-DDD to change our entire legal code just to suit your desires.
>inb4 but I didn't want him to fuck me!
You think everyone's purpose in life is to do exactly what you want and never do anything you don't explicitly ask for?
Jesus, what a sense of entitlement.
Why? No one is expected to respect me. No one is expected to think well of me or want to protect me. But you think you're entitled to everyone's respect and protection, not because of anything you've done, but merely because you were born with a hole between your legs… like some sort of birthright?
And how can I be expected to respect someone who clearly doesn't respect herself? You treat your body like a landfill for semen and alcohol… and you demand respect?
I really don't get this one. How am I "entitled" by taking something that's hanging before me like fresh meat in front of a dog or a red cape in front of a bull? As far as I can tell, I'm no more entitled by taking a woman who has her ass and tits hanging out than I am entitled for picking up a piece of trash someone's left on the ground.
Yes, I understand that cognitive dissonance produces emotional responses, especially in women. Please try to control yourself and present an actual argument instead of just blurting whatever random buzzwords you think will embarrass me into shutting up.
Dubs and I post this to /r/TwoXChromosones
If you want to justify acting like animals, then go ahead and do it.
Humans are animals, yes. But what distinguishes us from other animals is that we're able to use reason and to have higher thoughts. "Think before you act" and so on.
What you're saying is:
- I don't care about what other persons feel or think about me. I don't care about how other people feel about what I do to them, even if I know that I'm harming them.
- If I see something that I want, I'll take it. I don't care about the consequences.
- I don't understand any concepts of rights of other human beings.
So, if you don't mind acting like an animal, then go ahead and do it. But don't go around then acting all high and mighty, because there's no justifying your thoughts as anything above that.
of course they're all mudskins lmao
they are the only ones stupid enough to record it and put it online
Still don't get why it's treated as taboo if someone points out that a woman was blackout drunk and half naked before getting raped. Is it a crime to judge women now? Are they angelic goddesses above all the rest of us mere mortals?
I understand the concept of others wanting to be treated with particular rights. I just don't care.
They are them. Sure, they have their wants and concerns. But they are not me, and so I honestly can't figure out why I should care. I am me, and so I do care about my wants and needs. But caring about the wants and needs of others sounds like too much work for too little benefit (more specifically no benefit, since you're working for someone else's needs and not your own). And you can never care about everyone's wants and needs, nor can you end all suffering in the world, so I don't see the point – you're only setting yourself up for sadness if you care about others.
Should a man be forbidden from eating steak because a baby can't chew it? Just because someone else doesn't have the balls to take what they want doesn't mean I have to be a little bitch.
Besides, there's something about dat as and those tits that makes me go full niggermode. And if I can gain pleasure by fucking a woman, why shouldn't I? How she reacts to it is her own concern, not mine.
Hey, the ones in the first vid were slavbros. Although how white they are is up for debate Please consider us white Holla Forums I want to join the white man club pls.
Problem is, you can't rape someone alone, there are many things you need to take care of, if you want it go unnoticed by others
Why is it always a fat woman? What is it with black people and fat women?
By all means, don't take off her Hijab.
You don't want to piss off Allah by showing her hair, that would be so indecent.
I entered this thread thinking "I'm going to leave scarred for life, but whatever."
And then I read this.
That's some thoughtful shitpost, user.
You should take this out of your 'rape' folder and put it in your 'third world country women regretting their choice to become a prostitute but do it anyways because they need the money' folder
Because in Africa being fat means that you have plenty to eat and will probably lead any potential mates to your food source, therefore niggers find fat bitches attractive on an instinctive level.
All joking aside, I don't see how you can be pro rape. Just like torture and all that shit it is a horrible thing.
And when I say rape, I mean rape, not the weird shit you americans consider rape.
Rape by German definition. It's only rape if you fight back (considering you are not tied up or threatened with a gun or some other weapon). Not having drunk sex and regretting it the next day.
torture should be legal
I know that some of you freaks think like that. Every where you go, there are always a few bad people. Good thing is the majority of humanity is good.
You're going to hurt their fee fees user!
Quality thread bump
I feel that the idea of doing it is arousing yet I wouldn't blink killing someone in the act of doing it
It's eehhh not as hot as you'd expect. I was expecting actiony Hollywood-tier rape, but apparently that's just a fantasy.
most "rape" videos i've seen have the girl moaning so i have no idea
Can you talk 4/b/ into giving you cash for rape videos or would that send you to the party van?
this nig raped a 8 year girl
do you think he deserved it?
I guarantee you, all of us are not only descended from rapists, but the product of rape.
Do you have any idea how many potential rapists our countless ancestors encountered?
We don't even have to look at our human ancestors. Nearly all primates are capable of rape.
For fuck's sake, my dog almost got raped by her brother when they were young.
I think the father who is very rich wanted to have grandchildren but seeing as his only son was retard that wasn't going to happen so he decided to pollute the gene pool even more.
Really? Fucking hell.
But wouldn't they be getting his sperm in a test tube or something? Why a rag? Nah, that doesn't sound like it.
I'm against it, but victims have to move on sooner or later, and speak for themselves (at least, when they are speaking violently.)
What? It feels like the opposite.
I would not talk to my father if he ever did something like that.
maybe in the usa, you guys are weird, but the rest of the world is fine. Except for all those weird third world countries.
I mean the OP is definitely not rape.
She's laying there doing nothing about it.
She is puking and totally red in the face. Maybe she was drugged or beaten before that. I would definitely say that it is rape.
It can be
A good society should be set up with a hierarchy that maximizes the long-term welfare of all members. When the superior are able to rape the inferior, better children result. The resulting orgasms are just nature's way of smiling on the happy event.
this is probably the most fucked up thing i've ever seen. worse than isis videos.
Nurses don't go to medical school.
its my right as a male to breed with any female I want when I and how I want. that's how it is in nature. watch wild animals do it. its not pretty but it carries on the species.
its fun if it's a snuff, but I can't by god imagine why people would do this to one another.
Wrong. In nature the only males that get to do that are the biggest, baddest ones that have beaten every weaker one for the right to do so. Even that shit stops as soon as the species forms anything resembling a community. Then they have rules about who you can and cannot mate with.
I've seen videos of chimps, the female goes into heat the first time. The young males all start chasing her wanting to mate. The dominant male and all the older retired dominants step in and stop them. "No, she's not ready." essentially.
With meerkats for another example, much like humans if a girl goes out and mates with a meerkat from another tribe when she gets home her mother attacks her, but eventually lets her back into the group.
I know a flawless way to prevent rape. Just say yes. Problem solved. One person doesn't have the shame of being rejected, the other doesn't have the shame of momentarily being overpowered. Both get the joy of sex.
Rape is only bad in the sense that it's taking away choice. But it's still doing something nice. It's like force feeding ice cream.
Ultimately, nobody is hurt. If someone is hurt, that's a separate act and a separate crime. Vaginas and penises are meant to go together. You frequently hear some saying "well how would you like to get buttraped?" But that's exactly the point, they have to specify in the butt, because the butt is not meant to fit together with a penis, but the vagina is.
They also conveniently ignore male victims of rape. The reason is because the real "harm" of rape is essentially shoplifting. Women pretend to not like sex so that they can get men to do shit for them, then still get sex whenever they want. Rape just removes the part where the male needs to be the female's servant before getting laid. But it ultimately still helps them, because they get to play up this rape hysteria and push males even further into a lower class of society. Because the funny part is, if women didn't pretend to not like sex in the first place, if they didn't use it as a tool to try to manipulate men, then rape wouldn't happen, at least not the way they say it does. If people could get laid without playing fucked up mindgames and having to become a virtual servant first, they wouldn't feel so frustrated that they act out in this way. Or at least it would remove a large demographic of those who do. There would still be some, the same way many women rape men despite not actually needing to, but I'm willing to bet a more equal society would remove some of their numbers, too, since less women would be constantly told of their victimhood and feel the need to act out in that way.
Bottom line, there are some negatives involved, but the idea of putting it on the level of murder is absolutely absurd. It's not even on the level of battery or theft. There are no lasting repercussions. There is no inherent injury. There is only a loss of pride due to not being in control. But since women are used to always being in control over society, that momentary loss of control triggers them hard, even when it leads to something that feels good and has no downsides.
This. If gay people can justify homosexuality by saying that animals do it, I can justify rape by saying that animals do it.
sick fucks
I'm glad you're just a troll because you sounded so petty
Why? Everything I said makes sense.
You wouldn't think that way if it was about your mom.
But it isn't
you are retarded, nobody would even read it.
Actually if you sign a contract while drunk and can prove it ,the contract does become void.
idk why you guys are so impressed by this comment. This shit is mostly common knowledge and always brought up when people talk about rape.
Let me first start by saying that american and english rape definitions are simply bad. Does any other place apart from the uk and the usa consider drunk sex as rape? Because Germany doesn't.
In some circumstances it can lower your penalty. Your punishment depends on a few things, your intentions, the damage you caused and a few other things I can't remember right now. If you were dead drunk you had no bad intention and therefore you will be punished differently from someone who drunk just a bit and then tried to run over other people.
Anyway, I am talking bullshit right now, let#s continue.
Not in Germany, if you can prove that you were fucked up when you signed it, the contract doesn't count. Also the law is above contracts, so even if you sing a slave contract or some shit like that, the court is going to protect you.
nah, some people are just naturally fucked up. Even in normally peaceful countries like Germany people end up being total faggots.
Someday maybe you will realize the truth. That their is neither good nor bad in this universe. A rapist is not evil he is a rapist, there is not god which dictates that what he has done is evil, the universe simply does not care otherwise he would be smitten. The same is true for all things people have defined themselves as "bad" when in reality all they are is what they are in the physical world. If you kill someone it does not matter if the person was kind, vile, a child, or any other quality. When they are dead by your doing you do not change into some other creature or being, you have just become someone who killed the person you killed.
TL;DR: The Universe does not care about rape
there are a few legit rapes on this place. e.g.
fucking hell guys, please post webms that you can watch fullscreen I hate seeing these lil windows
people in third world countries can't afford good cams.
Grandpa user…
why is there never anything like this, but real?
I know, right? Some serial rapists really need to step their game up. I came to the vid however
all it'd take is one non-selfish billionaire and the net could be flooded with some of the new content they all create in their underground dungeons. i think they're fucking sick for not sharing with us all.
there is a lot, but it's all cp
I don't see what the big deal is about rape. It's just a dick in your hole for a few minutes. It's nowhere near as bad as murder, cancer, or getting flirty eyes from a fat chick. And really, women can't be raped since the vagina is designed to accommodate cock. Only men can be raped. If a woman is penetrated anally against her will, she's just experiencing male rape, which is an excellent learning experience for her, to discover the struggles that men go through.
For women, rape isn't a big deal. It's just typical female exaggeration to get attention. They all fantasize about rape so they actually enjoy it. They just want to trade in their "victim" status for clothing and jewelry and don't want to give sex away for free. Really, the only punishment for rape should be to pay the equivalent of the going rate for whatever sex act was performed with a local prostitute of equivalent attractiveness. Since it's the same punishment, why would anyone rape a Feminist instead of a beautiful woman?
Those fat ugly feminists that scream the loudest that "no means NO," are actually hoping to limit the amount of sex the attractive women get. And, in so doing, hoping that some hapless male starving for sex will find himself scraping the very, very bottom of the barrel where the fat and ugly feminist will finally have the chance to scream, "YES, FUCK ME HARD."
Hey fat ugly feminists, it isn't going to work. You only really have one option. Lose the weight, learn how to use make up, and get an overhaul of your personality. In some cases you may need extensive plastic surgery to have any hope of getting my cock rammed into your ass. In some extreme cases, it is entirely hopeless and you should just give up. If you are this last case, try having sex with animals if you find you can approach them without scaring them away.
sorry cbf to webm and this is only from a movie, but it's pretty decent.
Even CP doesn't look like that. Unless you're talking about hurtcore.
never seen any, and i imagine it'd be some pig ugly brown girl even if i had.
there are shitloads of pics of dead, raped bitches, everything gets fucking filmed nowadays, where's the truly violent rape of attractive, innocent white girls?
hope i'm not sounding too blunt here, but fucking nowhere does it exist.
Nah, hurtcore tends to be white. Brownies either seem to be enjoying themselves (dem latina genes), either is controlled by the pimp or something in the case of exotic prostitutes. Anyways, the few hurtcore videos are white kids but they're kids so… Not really what you're looking for, I suppose.
You can come visit my dungeon anytime, baby.
But I guess you could still try your luck on teh 1337 d33p w3b XDDDD, I remember seeing an adult rape video once there but it seemed staged as fuck.
I am. I want to see hurtcore of white kids. Where could I find it?
Lol, nice try FBI. I guess you'll have to find it yourself… :^)
Besides, even if I wanted to tell you, I looked that shit up when I was an edgy kid on teh dip wub, I'm pretty sure all the sites I knew are dead now. And I don't know fucking onion links by heart.
Not fbi, but okay. I get it.
I looked on the deep web and all but the hidden wiki links are almost all dead. Whatever.
Nahh bullshit that stuff doesn't exist. If it doesn't exist with adults, it's hardly likely to exist with the massively more illegal CP variety. I've only used derp weeb for weed but even if I had found shit there, it would have surely been 256kb in size and take 14 hours to download.
stop trying to bait people into posting child rape
CP doesn't exist. I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes
Why would I do that? It doesn't exist. Even adult stuff is a like 120x80 pixels, a vertical cam shot by an alcoholic with tourettes, who spends half the video looking at the guy's asshole, the other half zoomed in on some weeping, 300lb brown girl's unkempt cunt jungle.
Yeah, that happens with pedo sites.
Nigger, that happens less often with adults because:
1) 95% of people making porn aren't rapists, while a higher percentage is found in CP production.
2) There's a gigantic amount of regular porn and even fantasy rape porn that drowns the real rape porn, while there's a much lower amount of CP.
3) The genre doesn't exist for no reason.
But you're free to not believe in me, it's not like I could prove my point. But I can tell you that I've seen CP that resembled that video, only it was a little girl and the video quality was very bad.
CP doesn't exist. It's a myth made up by the jews to control and censor the internet.
Daisy is like 1 or something, isn't she? "Her body will be ravaged, her dignity stolen"? She's not old enough to know the meaning of the words, she can't properly suffer.
I wonder how many videos start something like this…
End like this…
And include rape as well as violence inbetween.
Fucking none, that's how many.
Jews are a myth made up by pedos to internet and censor the control.
fucking autist
Rape, as a sexual act, is not innately anywhere near as bad as people now believe it to be.
The reason so many victims are so traumatized; why is is viewed as "worse than murder" is because it's instilled as something much more important than what it really is
Just another biological function.
Relatively the same here
though it was my uncle
any police rape? even brown fatties? anything real?
this post is gonna make me so popular with 'lists'. fuck.
it's only a bit of fun though, right? but at least 50% of people enjoy rape. and i only gang rape. statistics show that the vast majority of people involved in gang rape love it. it's like, democracy n' stuff.
Right. The real trauma comes from being abandoned by her rapist afterwards. If he could simply take her home with him and be open about it, they'd have a little rape-honeymoon and then she'd start cooking and doing his laundry and get excited about her baby.
Most stuff is about as realistic as this (or indeed this
who's gonna take one for the team and deliver what we all need?
have you ever seen a chick who hasn't spent an entire two days prepping her cunt and every atom of her body for it's first exposure to someone new? i think they're humiliated by the rotting tampons up their cunts and the non-bleached, hair-covered assholes. to rub salt in the gash, it turns me on that sometimes they're so embarrassed by the hideous truth about women. degrading and exposing their lies causes long term psychological damage. that and maybe a cig burn on her forehead is where the real fun is at.
The real trauma comes from being denied the ability to make him do a bunch of shit for her first, and the ego boost that comes with that and the subsequent rejection that she is likely to give him anyway. Rape is an act that momentarily puts a female on a slightly lower class than she usually has, a class that is closer to a male's already lower class. To not follow the exact whims and desires of this true ruling class is the ultimate crime.
real rape isnt even good
ill stick with my weeb shit
this freak
No more?
we just holding the whores to our standards and giving them the same empathy we get.
rape is so fucking 3rd world. Only a degenerate subhuman would get pleasure from a sexual act that is not consensual.
I've seen this vid before and I was just thinking about it yesterday and how retarded and pathetic that form of pleasure is. It's like laughing at someone after throwing your poop at them tier shit.
Here's a young woman who doesn't have the ability to lubricate. This frustrates her boyfriend to no end. I'm assuming that they broke up afterwards.
I really WANT to be into rape, since lots of women get off on rape fantasies, and I've tried fapping to it, but it just isn't me.
According to statistics, 1 in 2 people actually enjoy rape.
The more you know.
Please god will someone get rid of the fucking fly? Twice now I've cum staring at a bluebottle.
That's funny I was just going to ask you that, friend.
You first; How do you feel about rape since you are posting a thread like this here on Holla Forums?
>what would you are friends outside of work think ehh?
Idk, post more vids so that I can tell you.
I think women are addicted to rape. Men love it because it means they can have precisely the kind of girl they want and women love it because while they hate it, the fact that men are dominant and more powerful than them turns them the fuck on.
Everyone loves a good rape.
Oh fuck off, page 4? Come on cuntchan, you say you're the shit, so fucking deliver.
I'm old enough to remember when rape was a real crime. Second only to murder.
Nowadays, sadly, those real rapes committed by very rare serial killers and/or paedophiles have gone by the wayside. They are no longer prosecuted or investigated.
When 50000+ child rapes happened in Rotherham, Oxford, Bradford, etc. All with the police, courts and social workers blessing, there is no longer the old crime of rape.
When SJW feminists collude with the muslim paki scum and make out this child white rape is mere cultural differences, but a guy who suggests a coffee in a lift is an actual rapist, or a guy they didn't fancy the next day after consensual sex is now a rapist…
Yeah, there is no such thing as rape anymore. It's been watered down by the SJWs we now have #Rapefugees all over Europe playing the "rape games", haha. What good fun!
Embrace diversity! Embrace superior islamist cultures! Play the tarrarush game on your family and friends!
Dude I'm white, brit for generations, and I'd rape the fuck out of many qt's given a morsel of a chance.
It's less fun if they're not screaming and being scarred for life. The fuck is wrong with you?
Yes, we all know rape is exclusive to those sand niggers. No one else does it but them.
It's not rape, she is il and junk but still consent
Whats the best way to rape someone and still be able to get away with it. Assuming you rape a fem stranger
user: 1
Femishits: -9000
How's her butt?
Any tips on making rape as traumatic as possible? I've been toying with some new ideas. Perhaps stopping halfway through and saying it's not worth it. Or buying a cheap tattoo gun on ebay so she'll never forget. Thoughts?
Her butt is perfect, just like the rest of her.
Her butt is perfect, just like the rest of her!
rape is bad. period.
yours sincerely,
rape is hot as fuck to fantasize about. you can have anyone you want in any way you choose, they'll be begging and crying in submission. any guy who says this doesn't sound remotely appealing and never conceivably could do, is lying, so too is any girl who says she isn't turned on as fuck fantasizing about someone having that much power over her, and finding her so attractive he simply needed to fuck her regardless of anything.
ducks have multiple vaginas to make it easier for them to get raped. lots of nature rape going on. females are designed by evolution to be raped. rape is natural and should be enjoyed, even encouraged, to a balanced extent. i'm not talking about the country having some kind of wacky rape for all whereby everyone is raping everyone constantly, just a healthy, nourishing amount of rape.
i do feel guilty about liking the real video footage. but the guilt just makes the orgasms even nicer. i know i'm not alone. girls and guys all secretly love rape. i'd imagine the more effeminate a man is, or the more feminazi a girl is, the more they deep down, secretly enjoy fantasizing about a good, healthy, refreshing rape.
femanons itt, describe the best rape you ever had?
some crappy tv thing called "happy valley"
Well, one of the arguments for rape is that it occurs in nature. But do you know what else occurs in nature? Homosexuality and cannibalism, and worse: homosexual cannibalism. Seriously though, just because it occurs in nature, doesn't mean it's right. Every bit of human progress has been to get away from nature or to control it. It's stupid to try to mimic nature solely for the sake of it. Leave that to the hippies and liberals.
Watched half a minute of the series. Some strong independant woman BS my mom would watch.
Now I have to watch the vid of the copper dying to feel somewhat normal again
this would have been alright too if they hadn't used such an ugly whore to play the part.
a dead cop is a dead cop
With that speech you have just won the internet sir!
That mental image was amazing
Correction, there is no absolute evil or good in the world. There is good and bad in relative terms to a desired outcome and within value systems.
You know when girls go out in bikinis with whore make-up on and do fake lesbian shit for drinks and grind on dudes all night and then some guy gets handsy and later she gets furious and says she was totally not asking for it.
That's their version right there.
Unwanted young, abortions aren't pleasant and actually birthing a rape babby is madness.
Haaah, truth.
This is exactly why I avoid that 'foundation mask' look.
Reproduction is a cunt's trick, I'd blow a million loads into her if that was what she really looked like, the fakest prettiest thing will get dicks hard 100% of the time and draw you away from people who're actually worth a shit or two.
It wouldn't be so bad if they were just covering small flaws or blemishes, shit *I* do that sometimes but the painting, the mega lashes and dark accentuating around the eyes especially is an indication of someone who thinks they're hot shit. Despite their true ugly they want all eyes on them.
Decent looking girl in my shop the other night, hot as fuck tight bod but her face was painted several shades paler than her neck and it just made her look like she was an unintentional geisha, she was going for sexy but it was just comical.
go on, imply.
is there something I'm missing? I'm not seeing any of the graphics on this thread
so, this just happened…