I fucking hate stormniggers

A nigga can't even go on a chan without some faggot ass who fucks his sister screaming about "muh heritage" or "dem JOOOOOOOWWWWS!" or "black men don't have big cocks! I know because I have studied black cocks excessively!" What the fuck? Why can't these cucks stay on stormchan where they can have their little hugbox and leave us decent anons alone?

Other urls found in this thread:


calm down NIGGER

please go back to your hair inspired image board


Lets be honest
Jews are the biggest enemy of blacks around the world.
The oldest synagogue in America was founded by jewish slavers
Since they have come to this country they have been pitting whites aginst blacks
They have been keeping blacks from advancing using unfair loans
Sending factory jobs overseas "putting millions of blacks out of work"
lobbying against public school funding 'its better to spend your taxes on Israel then advancing the goys"

Israel kicked the African jews out of Israel even though they are the only true jews left "besides the Palestinians who desended from the first jews"

So storm front may hate niggers as much as niggers hate storm front but they're not
actively working to ruin a niggers life.

I ain't no nigger and I'm not even black. Just saying "nigga" as in "nigga", just a regular fucking user who is tired of hearing "JOOOOOOWWWWS" this and "muh heritage" that.

Fuck, most blacks I meet are assholes, but it isn't worth being a cancer over.

Butthurt because some white girl turned him down even though "muh bbc ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ’ฏ"

Oh I see
You're a jew
I know its not your fault that members of your race make up the most wealthy and politically influential people in the world even though your population is so tiny but I hope you can understand the animosity it causes when its ok for you to be blatantly racisit, xenophobic & down right underhanded because you're a semite and muh 6 million.

fuck off shill, there is this JEWISH SHILL by the name of "sage" (he puts his name in the email field, LOL) that insults me and my aryan thinkingโ€ฆ

Don't tell me shilling isn't real, we need to dox "sage"

It's funny that jewish comedians have created the "white red-neck hilbilly incest meme". No other racial group is more inbred than the kikenvermin. In the early days due to their small numbers and religious restrictions there was a whole lot of cousins marrying cousins goin on.

TLDR; wat happens in jewry stays in jewry and niggers don't report incest because da police b racist n shit

The incest accusation comes from them denying their women to their accusers. It follows that they must be 'inbred'.

nazis = pedos
they're just shitposting while waiting for someone posting CP


I'm happy that right-wing regressives choose to out themselves with such easy-to-identify language, much like left-wing regressives choose words like 'toxic' and 'problematic' and rednecks display the confederate flag (which screams "associate with me at the peril of your brain cells").

Makes it so much easier to not have to deal with idiot opinions: the moment I see 'cuck' I can immediately and satisfactorily dismiss their entire post and insta-block with no remorse to keep from taking a permanent hit to my IQ; with large comments I simply CTRL+F 'cuck' and if spotted I laugh and block before risking encountering burning levels of stupidity!

Please, keep advertising the fact that you lack an opinion worth knowing, makes Internetting so much less frustrating.

Mother fucker I'm half English half Indian (scratch off gambling, not Casino gambling)

And I honestly don't give a fuck about this Holla Forumstard shit but it's turning into a cancer. First the ponyfags, then the furfags, and now the pure-master-race fags.

Oh, and I'm part Indian so I am a real "Aryan". Whatev

pajeet pls stop, Iranians are better aryans anyway

designated street shitter thinks he deserves an opinion, go fuck an ape.

You should poo in the loo mate

Holy shit as I live and breath.. real life storm niggers

waaaaa i want a safe space waaaaa
back to tumblr faggot

why do you make a thread about it
dont click whatcha dont like

I like causing controversy - Fag Jewish Niggers are FAB

These threads are always hilarious. I am keking through dimensions.

fucking hate Holla Forumsacks too

+10 shekels