I made a thread exposing freech.net/intl as the ones behind the "cumskin" spam...

I made a thread exposing freech.net/intl as the ones behind the "cumskin" spam. As soon as I did the thread was bump locked.

Thread: archive.is/hgdrJ

The second thread i posted was deleted by /n/ mod

See pic related #1

Here is the link to the original thread on freech.net/intl about spamming cumskin: archive.is/pcQ7y

I decided to make a Holla Forums thread to get the word out faster, needless to say it was spammed by intl furiously. They even went so far as to call me an sjw for getting triggered by the word cumskin and pushing a narrative to hide it.

Funny enough I went back to intl and saw pic related #2
Here is the Holla Forums thread: archive.is/yLGqB

Pic related #3 shows intl goons admitting /n/ mod has been in cahoots with freech intl mod for awhile now, hence all the spam being allowed to stay while all news gets spammed into oblivion.
All over /n/ the intl goons have gone into overdrive frantically calling everyone a cumskin while making article after article about the same.
The reason I’m so adamant about outing /n/ mod is because I like the news board. It was my favorite board. I could always count on /n/ to have interesting news I wouldn’t have seen otherwise and its a shame to let that go without a fight.
Now we know beyond a reasonable doubt based on the evidence that /n/ mod is compromised and stands in the way of any type of real news. Furthermore he shuts down any attempt to prove that something is going on. His actions speak loud and clear.

Other urls found in this thread:


List of /n/ contention:

/n/ Taken Over By COINTELPRO?

/n/'s faggot mod (COINTELPRO involved with spam?)


This is where the cumskin spam is coming from.

/n/'s mod confirmed for an autist


Pic related #1

Pic related #2


So everytime Holla Forums gets REKT'd, they go to intl and make a thread so that they can cry victimbux?

Holy shit!! Holla Forums IS nothing but an SJW cesspool

Pic related number 3

Intl tells members what to say.

This is about /n/ mod letting people flood real news off /n/ board don't let the goons sidetrack you.

My 24 hour ban over posting this info and what jim had to say about it on /operate/

This is about much more than names. Jiim is in on it. People are flooding news that doesn't agree with the liberal agenda. The only reason cumskin, india, propane and crabs aren't all over the front page is because /n/ mod is laying low.


You were told to call people saws for trying to blot out names. Thats the misdirection. trying to get people to think this is about names and not a real attack on /n/ board


Grow the fuck up already

Bump for holy shit this exposes intl and they are in damage control mode on this very thread.
Intl is like the trump protesters holding pre made signs



More proof for my next thread

we told you freech was a shithole you get everything you deserve from here on in. nobody is left here you are yelling at tumble weeds

You niggers need a new board
Is this your next plan?
I already see threads on pol

You still posted

I don't care if I'm yelling at a wall, I'm still gonna post this shit daily

i stick my head in to see if any of the autism is still here but it just seems to be filling up with normies and the true Holla Forumstards are gone.
i am here less and less

Yeah oh well. They shouldn't have tried to spam news off the board. I wouldn't be posting this if they left /n/ alone. I didn't even fuck with pol before this and now i find myself posting all over it



face it you thread is dying just like fullchan there is nobody left that matters here. once i have had enough with shitposting with you im out


This thread was started by an infamous /n/ shitposter who goes by /killcen/, though we call him /shillcen/. He runs a number of boards nobody visits and spends his days spamming conspiracy theory blogs and anti-Holla Forums memes on /n/. He's able to do so because he's old and retired. He's also suffering from a serious mental illness, probably schizoid personality disorder. Here's some more information about him:

/killcen/ is a gullible conspiratard who obsessively reposts blog-quality ramblings and conspiracy theories from "alternative media" sources and gets into shit-flinging contests with his betters. He's been BTFO a number of times on this board for making ridiculous claims, and instead of just admitting when he's wrong, he spergs out, threatens to leave or post exclusively as user, then after a break of a few days comes back namefagging and posting the same debunked conspiracy theories all over again.

He has a distinctive writing style, as he tends to make the same grammatical errors over and over and tends to obsess over a few themes repeatedly. One, for example, was the idea that Obama was giving U.S. land and mineral resources to the Chinese government as "collateral" for U.S. debt they've already purchased. After being humiliated about that several times, he stopped harping on that, but he has a few themes he keeps returning to.

If that were all, he'd just be another run-of-the-mill dumbass, but what makes him special are his delusions and his almost total lack of understanding of how chans work.

He "archives" terabytes of irrelevant garbage on free filehosters and posts links over on his board /killcen/, which he administers, and /realnews/, which he also administers but pretends is administered by someone else. He believes that this information is going to be censored (killcen = kill censorship), or is being censored, and that he is some kind of hero, engaging in what he likes to call Operation KILLCEN.

He also refuses to use a tripcode, but got anally devastated when people started using his name and he whined quite a bit about people destroying his "reputation" here. He believed at one point that he was being harassed by a troll named "sage", because this "troll" was putting "sage" in the email field :) He believes now that he has been targeted by government disinfo agents who are trying to discredit him.

He's still posting on /n/, but not as much as he used to, when the front page was awash with his paranoid screaming. I think he's spending more time over on /realnews/ because over there, when he gets challenged on the facts or asked to provide a real source for his claims, he just removes the "offending" posts. Ironic for someone who claims to be killing censorship, but I think a sense of irony is a little too subtle for him. Anyway, go check out his boards if you want a chuckle and a glimpse of madness.


So when pic related starts getting spammed its a theory right?

Keep posting. As long as this stays up I really don't care what you think. Yeah I'm killcen so what?

Take your meds.

aaahhhhaaahhhhaaaahhaaa careful sage will ruin you life

lol sure you are :^)

You forgot to sage faggot

thank you mod 4 the info

if we want to liberalize this site,we will start at /n/ and work our way to Holla Forums




top kek

Someone needs to tell Kènnedi to keep her bird under control


checked out /killcen/ and there is a mentaly ill creepy vibe there

THis guy lives alone and has no feedback to his illness.

very sad

Not at all. It's practically a civic duty around here to introduce new people to lolcows. I want people to see this.

Another fun /shillcen/ fact: back when he was getting butt blasted about other people using his name, he wrote several emails to Hotwheels asking him to do something about it. He sperged out on /n/ about the fact that wheels wouldn't do anything.

People like him scare me.Getting someone to share the rent is ok,but you don't wanna wake up with a knife in your eye socket

so ya i'll pass

ypu sound mentally ill /killcen/

you need to get help and socialize with people your own age,away from the internet

I was mental once but now i see that people weren't out to get me

below is a list of free mental health help if you can't afford it

I am not out to get you /killcen/

I really want to help

Yeah. A couple /shillcen/ watchers on /n/ had him pegged as an old guy who lives alone. Later, he admitted that he's retired. So he either is old or "retired" due to mental illness. He gets really upset about being told to take his meds, so it may be the latter.

Living totally alone would fit with schizoid personality disorder. As would everything he posts on /killcen/. If he ever conned some dumb girl into marrying him back in the Stone Age when he was growing up, she either died or might as well be a widow herself because of the amount of time he spends glued to the computer "archiving" conspiracy theory blogs and InfoWars.

Another fun /shillcen/ fact: he thinks he's being targeted by FBI COINTELPRO, or as he has sometimes called them, "government shill trolls" or "government disinfo agents". If you can get him to click on a page or a gif that makes it look like his computer is doing something weird, he thinks he's being hacked, freaks out, and unplugs his internet for 12-24 hours. It's the only time he ever goes offline.

get help /killcen/ and make a life change.

If you don't,we all know what's at the end…a knocked over chair and dangling feet.

O god I had to save that image. lol

Also, you're still mental, bro: you forgot to post the list.

These are legit goverment agencies that can help you /killcen/.

And though it say goverment,they will not plant a chip in your head



Damn I just got everyone from intl in here


fuck off shillcen

Decide wether I'm crazy or if intl really does pull this shit for yourself.


All anyone has to do it look at your boards like /killcen/ and /realnews/ to know that you're out of touch with reality. And that's putting it very kindly.

Like I said to anyone who's listening:
Decide for yourself: freech.net/intl

Pic related


Goons are always like that, the second you expose them to the sunlight they run away hiding like cockroaches

what a sad little man

For you
