show me evidence that god exists.
Show me evidence that god exists
Step 1: This sentence is a lie.
Step 2: God exists (Ex falso quodlibet)
Well that was fucking easy wasn't it. Learn2logic, fag.
You sure are dumb, OP.
Fermi paradox
you said that your own post was a lie. well done.
Step 1:
Define God as something so broad, or unintelligible that the word ceases to have meaning e.g. $$God is the universe,God is consciousness, you and I are part of God$$
Step 2:
Since "God" is now something utterly irrelevant nobody can or will bother to argue that "God" doesn't exist.
unofficial step 3:
With your newfound bullshit new age logic go out and get your dick wet with a whole mess of filthy hippie chicks, pic somewhat related
The definition of God necessitates His existence.
fermi paradox proves our existence is not random
fermi paradox is dog shit and makes lots of incorrect assumptions
1. it assumes that intelligent life will become supremely proficient at space travel (which they either may not be inclined to do, or as most people who understand space travel agree isn't actually possible)
2. it confuses "lots" with infinite
3. at best it suggests that intelligent life is a statistical improbability
I want to go back to 4chan, but I don't know if I should. Should I?
BUT WHY DID THE YES SAY TO YOU ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
It is infinite,its the universe
If it is basically impossible (according to our standards) then one of the infinite numbers of possible life like us would have a chance to do said expansion
Let me shit up this thread and board, yet the newest of fags will never see how badly I ruined this board! Only newfags matter, smart people can go back to Reddit, the g33k website!!! XD
god create the penis, obviously
who else could have thought it up?
Do it faggot
step 1 isnt defined as true
and is also a paradox, so it doesnt count
god disproved again
enjoy your return to nobodyness, lexee
you sure wasted a lot of your life here, but regret nothing: it was worthless and will soon be completely forgotten.
do the exercises faggot and you too can now contact the divine.
How did the first single cell living organism form?
Charles Darwin proposed that the first proteins evolved from non-living matter. But how did this happen? Firstly, the earth was not the same today as it was 3 to 4 billion years ago when the first organic compounds where being formed. The early atmosphere was too hot for oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), and other elements to exist alone, as they do today. These elements combined to form methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), water vapor (H2O), hydrogen sulfide (formula), hydrogen molecules (H2), etc. These where all, and thus the early atmosphere was called a 'reducing atmosphere'. Further, as there was no free oxygen to form an ozone (O3) layer to protect the earth from the harsh ultra-violet radiation (UV Rays) from the sun. Also, there where incredibly violent electrical storms, which where more violent than any which occur today.
In 1924 Alexander Oparin hypothesized that organic compounds where formed in the early earth when the high energy provided by UV Rays, and storms, caused different molecules to react, and create new organic compounds, such as Amino Acids DNA, and RNA.
In the early 1950s, Professor Harold Urey and one of his students, Stanley Miller, began experimenting to prove Oparin's theory. Miller built an apparatus which circulated gasses likely to be present in the early atmosphere (Methane (CH4), Ammonia (NH3), Water (H2O), and hydrogen (H2) ) past an electrical discharge, simulating the UV Rays and violent electrical storms present in the early atmosphere.
After allowing the experiment to continue for a week, the results where startling. The previously colorless solution inside the apparatus had turned red. Upon analyzing the solution, Miller found many organic molecules present, some of which couldn't be readily identified. The most important of created compounds, however, where amino acids. This, in effect, proved Oparin's theory that organic compounds could have been created in the early atmosphere. Further studies showed that some amino acids would have combined with hydrogen cyanide (HCN), which is a byproduct of volcanic activity. This combination would form purines and pyrinidines, which are used to make nucleic acids, which in turn create DNA
After these compounds had been created on the early earth, the earth eventually began to cool. Water vapor the condensed, which formed vast oceans, seas and lakes, in which simple organic molecules began to accumulate for millions of years, producing an "organic soup" of sorts. The amino acids would have then polymerized (which means they formed chains, such as proteins. E.g⦠(aa=amino acid) aa-aa-aa-aa-aa = protein). The most likely theory as to how the amino acids combined is that they where washed up into clay/rock depressions on land, where the water evaporated, leaving behind concentrated organic compounds in high heat.
Sidney W. Fox set out to prove this. He took a mixture of approximately 20 different amino acids, and heated then to the melting point. When they cooled, Fox observed that they had polymerized into proteins.
But how did these proteins and other organic compounds form the first cell? It is not very clear, but most likely, a group of organic molecules including proteins, and primitive fatty acids formed into a droplet, or bubble-like structure, which had the ability to combine with external elements, such as proteins not a part of it. Eventually, these droplets would grow, and divide. These droplets would eventually evolve into the first true cell. These early cells would have been autotrophs, which are organism which produce their own energy, usually from sunlight. Some of these cells would then evolve into heterotrophs (organisms which ingest organic material as a nutrient source)
So no one knows.
but we can hypothezise,and back up our hypothesis with fact.
fact: it's statistically impossible for evolution to have created complex systems such as the brain from a string of random beneficial mutations in such a short amount of time. Actually, it wouldn't have happened in a billion universes.
if you have a hard time understanding
was meant for
Evolution takes a long time. The percentage of mutations that are beneficial is very low, and the percentage of those that are passed on is even lower. The diversity of the living world is huge, and mutations have somehow created things as complex as the human brain. Meanwhile scientists can't observe beneficial mutations in a lab no matter how long they watch bugs and fish. In 4.6 billion years the earth went from a cloud of gas to hosting the most complex life. It would have taken a lot longer than that to have gone from nothing, to forming a cell, to forming all of the animals that have ever existed, to forming us.
[citation needed]
dont you realize that scientists cant sit in a lab for hundreds,or thousands,of years watiing for a mutation to happpen?
Yet every mystery ever solved throughout the growth of mankind's knowledge has turned out to beβ¦.not magic.
was it signed by god or something?
I'm happy with admitting that no one will ever know the truth. It's atheists that seem to want to prove something. They will never have anything other than theories though.
again,as i said,we have theories that we can prove with facts. even though we havent proven the theories themselves,we have hard evidence supporting them.
evidence such as?
what do you want evidence for?
Here's your evidenceβ¦
If God doesn't exist, who created you? Who created the earth, the heavens, the plants, the trees, the birds? Even if you believe in evolution (which is incompatible with the Bible BTW) who created the shapeshifting monkeys?
Nobody is really stupid enough to deny the existence of a creator. The only reason atheism exists is because people want to live life without moral guidance. They want to have sex at the age of 14, murder their unborn children, divorce and remarry 100 times, have fag sex; they want life to be one big party without consequences. The consequences for atheism is of course, eternal damnation in hell. When I'm in the eternal paradise of the Kingdom of Heaven, I will be laughing at all the non-believers being tormented in the fires of hell.
nobody created the earth. it occured.
we exist by default not design.
it's a big one
it's all wrong anyway, as per the earlier post it assumes that intelligent life will 1. have the inclination to and 2. have the ability to colonize other regions of space.
Fact is that space travel on the sort of scale this is talking about isn't actually possible for many reasons.
awesome sequence
John 10:30
It is possible for you to see evidence that evolution and the big bang is false.
There is a chart showing the contradictory dating methods alongside a 12 hour video lecture quoting every evolution founding father and where they came up with everything they came up with that references who said what, when they said it, the book they said it in, and the page numbers and exact quotes along with laws of physics etc
There is also a reference chart.
But you won't have the patience or the money to research this, watch 12 hours worth of lectures, and then search for and archive the original quotes.
But it is there if you want it OP.
who is that old man in the pic, op?
an artists illustration of god
sorry for not keeping up with the thread,i have been asleep for the past 9 hours
again,you are implying that a 2000 year old book is more correct than modern science.
go back to sex-ed class
no-one. "the heavens" is just space. nothing more.
if you are curious about how earth formed.
the same way most other plants are created
approximately 500 million people worldwide deny the existence of a creator,including me.
the idea of a "higher deity" is just retarded.
the age of consent is 18 here,so nope.
abortions happen because of unwanted babies,not because someone is a psychopath and enjoys the thought of killing babies (that may be the case sometimes but its not often)
people probably wouldnt remarry if they got with a partner they like.
i kek'd
There's plenty of evidence for both sides of the argument, but proof for neither.
Oh the evidence meme strikes back!
Don't quote me, but I'm pretty certain that's not encouraged in any religion of note. Enjoy hell, buddy.
A book of jewish fairy tales.
show me evidence that god doesn't exist.
OTOH, I think there's remarkably clear evidence a Mind is behind a number of different aspects of the universe's and particularly life's characteristics.
show me evidence that god does not exists.
such sentiments should not try to be comprehended by humans we can barely see into the universe in the relativity of things
god doesnt exist because it would be physically impossible.
Bacon is proof that God exists as it is proof in the resurrection.
Each Saturday morning the smell of a bacon sandwich hunts for drunk lifeforms wherever they may be and restores them to some element of humanity.
Ok sure here it is.
God exists because he doesn't. Why would a god need to be bound by the law of existence, when he is not bound by the law of existence itself?
*Mind Blown*
so what you are implying is that god isnt bound to the law of existence because he isnt bound to the law of existence
10/10 would read again
quads DanielBarth2032d
In other words. If God created what we perceive as existing, and what is nothing, that means it doesn't have to be bound by that.
God is like love, a contradiction. This is why Atheists can never understand god, because they can't comprehend being two things at once.
Even though with the law of physics, two molecules can in fact be at two places at once.
(You would think they would figure this out by now.)
Does the definition of a unicorn too?
they have figured it out.
its called quantum superpositioning.
God's existence is undeniable, but his position, power and significance to man is to be determined.
If I look out my window and say "God made that mess", then God existed to make it. If I say "God doesn't exist", God invented himself with the sole intent of removing himself from existence. And Satan is not the antagonist to God, but merely the absence of God. His presence is entirely contradictory to the role you assign God in your life.
Yea? Hows that user?
How about this OP?:
No, fuck you, I won't show you evidence of God, make me.
I'm not him but a dude who lives in clouds is untenable.
Depends on what America achieves in their plans for world dominance. You keep it clean and tidy but after a while you get lazy and make a mess everywhere. Backups are good. Some people remember it only when HDD crashes. A man of European ancestry puts a paper on a car - it's floaty and I see myself as 16 in a hallway in love with a girl like Allison Reynolds. Teenage rebellion is a myth pushed on parents starting in the 50's, and it's a self-fulfilling prophecy because it preaches that they should never have a strong hand in raising their children. A lot of kids are just doing this kind of thing because they simply don't know any better, not because they're rebelling against their parents. Raise your children with a proper set of morals for them to understand the world with and they won't have to flounder without guidance in their teenage years making a fool of themselves. I might go scouring for free furniture, fix it up and try and flip it on ebay. Dive in and bring back what you find. Reading in bed right before you are about to sleep is also good for remembering (10-20 minutes of reading). You must take out the funny bone without touching the sides. The male body is more than willing to sacrifice itself for the slightest chance of impregnating some female. It's like these faggots who simply won't understand the legal implications of 19th Amendment prohibition, and want to undermine it's disenfranchised constitionality! The fact the transgendered people that get sex changes exist should imply that bodies do imply gender. Yes, if you get up off your ass, eat more fibre and don't spend 30 minutes on the toilet to take a 30 second dump. I can improve anything about myself that it's changeable, but I cannot change those around me for those that I can't. To impregnate her with my seed, so that my genes will live on after I die - sort of like nature's way of reincarnation. Just don't get too emotional about it, neither don't get too excited or too furious. The logical thing to do would be to give back the medal. So, if you want to be to be truly fulfilled during the short time you exist in this universe, I would recommend you seek to know yourself and whom you are, and resolve to undertake a personal journey to that end. And may you find enlightenment along the way.
*tibs bedora*
This proves a God exists, but not which interpretation of God.
I like this post, however it fails to consider things that just kind of happen on their own.
For example, there is nothing that "acts" upon gravity, gravity just happens as long as there is matter in the universe. The same is true for all of the major forces in the universe (Strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, and gravity which we already mentioned.) These things just happen without anything else really taking place, and I suppose if the line of reasoning presented in the infographic you just posted, you could call the four fundamental forces "god"
Philosophy vs Science
And if you don't want to hear the score look away now science wins everytime, energy is never "created" it is only "made" in a reaction when bonds are made etc.
nice sage
post related. ππππππ
fuck off nicole
tips fedora
forgot to change my name back
Sage goes in all fields after all.
show me evidence that you exist.
tits or gtfo tbh fam
the big bang is very theistic
Hello God here i just saw this thread and thought i'd check in.
Did you know?
All the "reasoning" in the world is trash compared to observed evidence, or lack thereof.
Even if you somehow had the only "explanation" ever made for the world around you, it would be nothing until your falsifiable claims were tested and retested.
Show me evidence that you arent a faggot OP
Aquinas' argument of the unmoving mover.
The Universe's lottery.
Historical and archelogical documentation that Jesus existed and made miracles.
The universe isn't infinite. The laws of conservation of mass and conservation of energy proves this.
Please take a few physics courses before you post. Strong and weak nuclear forces are usually due to the interactions of quarks (Quantum Superposition and Quantum Chromodynamics) and the force of gravity doesn't just "happen". The force is directly proportional to the mass of the object and the distances between two objects. There is such a thing called Gravitational Potential Energy where an object is not in motion, but has the potential energy correlates to the energy of its motion if it were to move.
1. The only valid knowledge is knowledge acquired through the scientific method.
2. The knowledge in 1 was not acquired through the scientific method.
3. 1 is not valid knowledge.
I'm the second coming of Jesus Christ. Ask me anything.
Space is a void and has no mass.
God chooses people at certain times ('cause he can do what the fuck he wants because he's god) to experience him (sounds sexual, I know) but you haven't been chosen (probably 'cause you're gay af) so you haven't experienced god. Sucks to be you. Shut up and try asking God to choose you, or shut up and just be patient until (and if) he chooses you, or shut up and just give up.
The scientific method has been used to show that prayer works and water has emotions, though.
You are thinking of a perfect vacuum.
Space has slight mass due to quantum effects and fluctuations.
No evidence on either side, everyone should either be agnostic theist or agnostic atheist because otherwise they end up being extremists or just downright retarded.
Fellate a gun
theres no "either side". The default position is to not believe theres something, so that there cant be 2 contradicting events required to be held. Every1 should be in fact an atheist, so go be indecisive little retarded cunt, whos scared of being called "atheist", cuz his church made it a bad word.