just remember, once you get rid of your warrant canaries, your whole coal mine might get in trouble …
Regarding canaries
Other urls found in this thread:
without pedos this place will be dead in few days…
You do know there is other shit that goes on around here.
Little girls aren't that enticing to everyone
Is /loli/ okay? I'm too lazy to check.
Yes, 2D is authorized.
Yeah, ponyshit.
Get rid of that too, and Holla Forums won't even be in the top ten in terms of board traffic anymore, and that's WITH the drop in users since Hotwheelz got canned.
Quads confirm.
I don't think Holla Forums is like other boards. There were times it had more people and more post, but it never dropped or went higher, and there is also more then just ponyshit, there are other threads that aren't about pony or pedo shit.
tru dat m8 i prefer boys ;3
Not everyone find children that enticing.
Pedos need to stop exaggerating their presence.
ponies traps and other sick stuff should be banned too
I disagree. It does need to be contained to one thread.
you still don't get it m8?
this is even worse than stuff in pedo threads
Hi normie
wow im really glad i am not dog
There is nothing to get. These people want to fuck children, and want to talk about fucking children. That is great, I don't give a shit about children. However pedos do have a victim complex, meaning whenever you give them an inch, they feel entitled to a mile. Making them more likely to post multiple threads. This is both annoying and unnecessary. Annoying because nobody needs 9 threads about the same thing, unnecessary because the mods shouldn't have to worry about 9 threads that might have CP in them.
go away rulecuck
Do you have any arguments? Or are you just here to name-call?
i am here to shitpost
But they has never been 9 pedo threads at the same time.
he is just a weak troll…
They have had multiple threads opened at the same time. They also keep going over the line with their child models, if not put in their place.
if anything pedos are dead canaries in the coal mine.
anywhere pedos gather in number you can be sure that half of them are LEA and that the whole userbase is been put onto a list. LEAs don't distinguish between different of a website btw. if the website at 8ch.net has a known pedo community then everyone is automatically under suspicion, even if you only ever visit Holla Forums or /n/ or whatever.
pedos get out.
my god ur pathetic troll m8 and a rulecuck
just kill urself m8
bo fuck your brother nicole
So? If it fucking triggers you, just hide it or use a filter. There are multiple porn threads and I see no one complaining about them. Usually there's max 2-3 pedo threads at the same time, not hard to hide.
Nicole the leftard SJW tripfag strikes back. Go to hell.
Yup, they're just like every other minority group. They act like they're oppressed and poor poor victims (pedos doing this too is actually funny as hell), but in reality, they just want to be the ones in control, so they can assign themselves all freedom they want at the expense of the majority.
General rule: every single group on earth only gives a shit about themselves. Whether it's pedos, feminists, BLM, muslims, etc.
all the antis are just weak butthurt trolls
without pedos this site will NOT survive!
laughing at the reference ofc
you know i am right m8
The only good pedos are the sexy ones. I like to dress up like a little kid for them. Let's post pics of the sexiest pedos.
Be happy with the space you given, you aren't entitled to anything. It is very simple thing, that you fags can't seem to get your heads around.
Right, becuse the two biggest boards are pedo boards.
Not true, I just want to be able to post pics of little girls, I don't want special treatment.
Fuck you, we can post as many threads as we want, in the same way as you can post as many threads as you want about your pathetic life.
Pedo boards are very popular, expect a drastic slowdown without them. It's already happening btw.
If you consistently go over the line, and don't want to be punished for it, then yes you are after special treatment.
Wtf is your "line"? Your sensibility? If it is, I really don't care about it, get triggered.
No, fuck you. You want to know why the administration doesn't give a fuck about the furry, or mlp shit? It is because the content they post won't get them in deep shit, if they don't know about it.
Right, because boards that don't even surpass /furry/ have a drastic effect on everything thing else.
Stop. Exaggerating. Your. Presence.
I don't give a shit about children. If CP were to become legal, wouldn't have a reason to care.
I do care about Holla Forums going down, because you fucks feel that you are above the rules.
The pedo content won't either, the boards had active vols checking that CP was never posted. Besides, hosts can't be held responsible for illegal content uploaded by the users according to US law. They must however comply with authority demands and it's what they used to do. The police knows about Holla Forums and it has never been taken down despite being in US soil, explain that. I will tell you why, it's because the content posted did comply with the law.
/furry/ is a top board, you imbecile. You know what other boards don't surpass /furry/? Holla Forums, /fit/, /mu/, /bane/ and the list goes on. If you did suppress one of these, it'd have an impact on the site, that I can tell you.
We're not. The pedo thread wasn't in the first page every day for no reason.
We're not even talking about CP here but about legal content being now banned.
Holla Forums hasn't gone down in the few years we've been here and trust me, the police knows about Holla Forums. So stop with the drama.
Really, what happened to masterchan? Why was it down for awhile?
The Mods work to delete illegal content, you brain dead fuck.
Some of it is, some of it isn't. furry, and mlp don't have this problem.
No it fucking wouldn't, you are a minority. Your absence wouldn't have that much of an impact.
It would take 5 people to keep a thread on the first page on Holla Forums. Two, if they were willing to follow a schedule. Next argument, thanks.
We are talking about CP, because when you fuck to cross the line it becomes CP, and therefore illegal.
and we have come to the part where you repeat yourself. Holla Forums hasn't gone down because the mods work to delete illegal content, you brain dead fuck
Masterchan has tons of CP and nude pics, we never had those here.
Then what exactly is the problem? Can't mods keep deleting illegal content like they used to without expanding the rules like they did?
If someone posted pics about real animal abuse under certain circumstances, it could be illegal, yes. But since we're talking about drawn pics, the equivalent would be /loli/. But why is posting pics of real animal abuse banned as well? Check US law, under certain circumstances they can be illegal.
It's already having an impact, Holla Forums is much slower than usual. And it caused massive panic with multiple threads about going full exodus and several vols quit.
So you're going to deny that the pedo boards did have a fair share amount of users, more users than /mu/ and a fuckton of other boards, and that if these people migrated, there would be no impact at all? Great logic m8.
When it's CP, it gets banned. Simple. No need to ban all pics of real children for that.
And I repeat, where is the problem then? Why can't we do as we have always done?
yes the largest board is a pedo board
I love the syrupy cock
the got shut down for 2D loli and had to change servers
Look at the numbers. All boards are the same. NO ONE CARES about pedos. In fact, this is perhaps the onlything that everyone from Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /christian/, and /islam/ all unanimously agree on.
the shitty canary argument is invalid. Everything is fine and if something wre the problem Holla Forums would be the hero, not child rapists who circlejerk over child exploitation.
Pic related is very relevant about pedos.
So, something can happen to the host if CP is on it.
If you make someone work harder then they have to, don't fucking expect them to be cordial with you.
That is a zoo thing, not a furry thing, and those fags aren't as entitled as you fucks. We are talking about 3DPD, not 2D. Don't even fucking bring it there.
People are trowing shit over free speech. The admin shouldn't reacted the way he did, and Holla Forums flips its shit if they see a cunt on youtude.
I have never went in the pedo threads, I just pointing out that your example was shit. Five people can keep a thread bump just as well as 500 people.
I am not saying it all needs to be banned, but the 6yo's camel toe is probably not allowed.
I am not saying to need to be banned, I am saying you fucks need to be constricted to one thread.
yeah, okay.
Not /islam/ m8. Also, get ready for 8cuck.
why don't you go ask them instead of spouting Holla Forums memes?
seriosly loli is illegal in Germany
If you don't delete it like MC, sure. But we delete that shit.
It's their fucking job, most of the CP comes from the fucking spam bots and we have nothing to do with those.
You didn't answer me, why don't they ban zoo then, if precaution seems to be the logic?
Then stfu if you don't know how many pedos are actually active users of the site.
If that camel toe is legal, then it should be allowed as it has always been.
And you gave no arguments pointing towards the fact that that's the best solution. In fact, I don't see how that has anything to do with anything but you clearly seem to follow some special kind of logic.
Oh, Europe needs to fuck off with that.
Their prophet was a pedo m8, fucking kek.
it's game over for pedos here, even the slowest witted of them like you.
knock it off now, you're boring.
none of your arguments have any impact, no amount of butthurt blubbering will change the fact you may no longer exchange kiddie pics here.
i'm sure you can get over it in time and until then, a cup of bleach is the best advice i can offer.
Heh, no more arguments, huh? It was getting boring, that we can agree on. But this will not be the end of us, trust me. True distributed uncensorable internets is coming and soon enough no one will have to care about "servers being v&" and "shitty administration". The golden era for freedom of speech is coming.
Thanks for submitting that unchecked CP is a threat to a host.
That is great, you are still making them work harder then they need to, and that isn't going to make them want to tolerate you, and you why the CP spam bot were made? You fucks make a market for it.
I am not saying shit should be banned. If zoo was in your position, I would say the same thing about them. I am saying it should be contained so it is easier to moderate.
You fucks get to whine about how hard it is to be a pedo, and the mods won't go hotpockets.
That kind of attitude is why you can't post kiddie pics here.
You so fucking quick to jump over the line. I wasn't saying that was the objective line, I was using that as an example.
you want an argument? You aren't entitled to a platform here, this is a private website, and you aren't the majority of the user-base. The content you post can be dangerous to the website itself. You shouldn't expect the website to do anything for you, little alone work harder so your potentially dangerous content doesn't end the site.
If being a normie means that I don't enjoy looking at animals being tortured and fucked then I am happy to be a normie.
It's not a threat if you delete it like we always have done. It would only be a problem if the host knew that there was CP and kept hosting it.
Spam bots like those are everywhere, you clearly have not visited a dead non-pedo imageboard. A lot of those tend to have at least one spam bot post. They exist because of the higher number of pedos in imageboards, sure. But banning pedo won't stop the spam bots, they post in chans without pedo boards too because chans are popular among pedos, that's all. Not many other places you can easily find pedos in the clearnet.
How is it that they're not in our position? I saw a thread with a potentially illegal animal abuse footage the other day and it stayed alive for too long. And pedo is already easy to moderate, there's always a moralfag or vols monitoring every single pedo thread on Holla Forums, it doesn't matter if it's one or two threads, actual CP is noticed very fast.
Well I'm gonna put it simple for you: if it's not illegal, there's no reason to ban it. Your line is the line of legality and if the cameltoe is legal, we have not jumped over the line.
We are a big percentage of the user-base. And in many polls, the majority decided to not change the rules. So I think it's rather the rulecucks that are minority here. Besides, I expect the site to respect the free speech ideal he was supposed to have, if you want a more safe and controlled environment, you can try 4cuck. They won't go down because they have chosen to eliminate everything that could get them in potential trouble: loli, raids, doxing, hate speech, etc. Is that the way you wanna go?
Call me a normalfag then.
I draw the line at animal crush and pedoshit.
I'll watch Jamal shoot himself and laugh but watching bambi get shot hurts my feefees
tbh leave smh
I am done talking with you. You can't get anywhere with a person that doesn't a brain.
The administration has banned your shit. Fuck off and leave us to die in silence.
Yeah I agree, I clearly can't reason with you. Bye bye, enjoy 8cuck.
nice number, very nice
call me a normalfag too, if normalfag means not enjoying gratuitous suffering. (just don't open the thread.)
conflating/equating/confusing pedo content with other vile proclivities such as crush is a cognitive distortion which combines the two into a larger cohort, easier to defend.
I hearby solemnly declare that the attached image is not intended to be redolent of a kid's cameltoe.
implying you'll actually leave.
You're right, I won't. I'm gonna watch this chan crash with no survivors.
I think you're making it sound a lot worse than it actually is.
Heh, maybe. But this road were in is not good, that I can tell you. I'll be outta here as soon as a better option appears but for now no chan allows little girls. I'm lucky to be a non-exclusive and I still have /loli/. It's not like I really enjoy child models that much, I don't even have a single set but moralfaggotry makes me sick. I'm waiting for muh distributed chan.
Does your intelligence dwindle with every post?
try masterchan
Ok, except honeypotchan.
Hotwheels said otherwise and I can confirm.
It didn't happen again after rule 2 was removed so nevermind the cripple.
It was probably the autistic spammers btw.
Haven't seen that in a while
I miss that guy
If not enjoying watching animals being tortured and fucked means I frequent reddit then why don't I go there more often?
Pedos are just like Berniefags. I never had a problem with them but they're worse than the fucking moralfags when they get BTFO.
You lost. Tough shit. Go complain to CodeMonkey or Jim. They're the only ones who could do anything about it anyway.