/sp/ is up and running again.
Please spread the word.
/sp/ is up and running again.
Please spread the word.
Other urls found in this thread:
josh has been fed to the pigs.
HW is rotting in a hole now.
If people want to stay on 76chan that's ok.
They arrive just in time for the new exodus
Is anyone actually leaving? I checked out endchan and nothing was going on.
its a p2p chan like bit torrent you need to have a client, that's the only way it can become invincible.
Literally nobody has left it seems, supposedly the pedos left but I hardly even notice them gone and most of them were regulars on MC anyways so they can all go fuck themselves
teach me this sorcery
well you know how torrents work?
this uses the same technology+tor, basically means the chan is distributed, the users host it and have full control, you can choose to set it up the way you want,because you own it, there is no central server processing requests.
gives you immunity to
mods-admins : they cant ban you because they dont control the data.
partyvan : no central server the party van can confiscate to learn your ip.
you have control : you can choose what threads to see and what not to, it's up to you
it uses powerful encryption that is used with bitcoin
it's open source:
you can review the code,change it…etc
That sounds fucking awful in the event of shitters, user.
who the fuck are /sp/ and why do you fags care so much that the most normie board returns?
Are you guys so beta that you have to get their approval to feel wanted?
Yeah check out /sp/ when Holla Forums stole the board
i know this you you seattle faggot
we are going to keep making fun of you everytime you post
your a faggot and you will never be one of us
fuck off 39mil
I don't think anybody from /sp/ wants to come back here
>>>/sp/ has gotten no new threads since 39mil's spam
Who is this 39mil user?
the mayor of memetown
he takes his rules very seriously
he does it for free
Big Sean. He's a rulecuck who hates rules and thinks 39000000 is a real GET.
nice meme
You're right, we did forget someone
Delete this 76chan exclusive meme
classic 4/sp/
/sp/ can't handle the banter.
Why'd you stop 39?